Air pollution is an important determinant of health. A wide range of
adverse effects of ambient air pollution on health has been well documented by
studies conducted in various parts of the world. There is significant
inequality in exposure to air pollution and related health risks: air pollution
combines with other aspects of the social and physical environment to create a
disproportionate disease burden in less affluent parts of society. WHO
periodically reviews the accumulated scientific evidence to update its air
quality guidelines. The most recent update was completed in 2005. The
guidelines address all regions of the world and provide uniform targets for air
quality that would protect the large majority of individuals from the adverse
effects on health of air pollution.
The adverse effects on health of particulate matter
(PM) are especially well documented. There is no evidence of a safe level of
exposure or a threshold below which no adverse health effects occur. More than
80% of the population in the WHO European Region (including the European Union,
EU) lives in cities with levels of PM exceeding WHO Air Quality Guidelines.
Only a slightly decreasing trend in average concentrations has been observed in
countries in the EU over the last decade. Pollution from PM creates a
substantial burden of disease, reducing life expectancy by almost 9 months on
average in Europe. Since even at relatively low concentrations the burden of
air pollution on health is significant, effective management of air quality
that aims to achieve WHO Air Quality Guidelines levels is necessary to reduce
health risks to a minimum.
Exposure to air pollutants is largely beyond the
control of individuals and requires action by public authorities at the
national, regional and international levels. A multisectoral approach, engaging
such relevant sectors as transport, housing, energy production and industry, is
needed to develop and effectively implement long-term policies that reduce the
risks of air pollution to health.
The EU Directive of 2008 on ambient air quality and
cleaner air for Europe explicitly states that the “emissions of harmful air
pollutants should be avoided, prevented or reduced and appropriate objectives
set for ambient air quality taking into account relevant World Health
Organization standards, guidelines and programmes”.
In that context, and in the framework of the EU’s
Year of Air in 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for
Europe is implementing two projects: (a) evidence on health aspects of air
pollution, to review EU policies – REVIHAAP; and (b) health risks of air
pollution in Europe – HRAPIE”, with financial support from the European
Commission (EC). These projects will provide scientific evidence-based advice
on the health aspects of air pollution, to support the comprehensive review of
the EU’s air quality policies scheduled for 2013. The review focuses on
pollutants regulated by EU directives 2008/50/EC and 2004/107/EC.
1. Scope of
the project
The advice provided by the REVIHAAP and HRAPIE
projects is formulated as responses to 26 key policy-relevant questions asked
by the EC. This advice is grounded in a review of the latest scientific
evidence for PM, ground level ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and emissions to the air of
individual metals (arsenic, cadmium, nickel, lead and
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mercury) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as regulated by EU
directives 2008/50/EC and 2004/107/EC. The questions cover general aspects of
importance to air quality management, as well as specific topics on health
aspects of individual air pollutants. The review was conducted by invited
experts from top institutions across the world. This WHO technical report from
the REVIHAAP project includes answers to 24 of the questions.
Further work documents emerging issues on health
risks from air pollution related to specific source categories (for example,
transport, biomass combustion, the metals industry, refineries and power
production), specific gaseous pollutants or specific components of PM (such as
size range, like nanoparticles and ultrafine particles, and rare-earth metals,
black carbon (elemental carbon and/or organic carbon)) (Question D3). Moreover,
concentration–response functions to be included in cost–benefit analysis will
be identified in response to Question D5. This work, under the HRAPIE project,
will be concluded by September 2013, although preliminary findings will be made
available to the EC earlier, to ensure their suitable use in reviewing EU air
quality policies.
2. Process
A scientific advisory committee of eight
scientists, experienced in previous reviews conducted by WHO and representing
key areas relevant to the projects (epidemiology, toxicology and atmospheric
sciences), was put together to guide and oversee the projects. Two meetings
with the scientific advisory committee members were held, in December 2011 and
June 2012, to provide advice and coordinate the workplan.
The review was conducted by a group of 29 invited experts from top
institutions around the world, representing various relevant scientific
disciplines. These experts, working in small groups, reviewed the scientific
literature accumulated, drafted succinct answers to the questions and drafted
longer rationales to the answer emerging from the research results. Answers to
questions in section D were prepared using conclusions from answers to
questions A–C.
invited external reviewers, as well as members of the scientific advisory
committee, provided detailed comments on the completeness of the literature
reviewed, the validity of conclusions reached and the clarity of the answers.
The authors used the comments to revise the text, subject to further review. A
full list of scientific advisory committee members, expert authors, and
external reviewers is provided at the end of this document. All submitted a WHO
Declaration of Interests form to ensure the review process was unbiased.
Besides discussions conducted electronically,
direct discussions of the answers and evidence in their support was held at two
WHO expert meetings, which took place at the WHO European Centre for
Environment and Health office in Bonn, Germany, on 21–23 August 2012 and 15–17
January 2013. During the second meeting, the final text of the answers covered
under the REVIHAAP project was adopted. The discussions covered solely
scientific arguments, addressing the methodological quality of the influential
studies, as well as the completeness and consistency of the evidence generated
by studies conducted in various areas of the world, in various populations and
with various scientific methods. The conclusions reflect the collective expert
judgment of specialists in the field, and the final text of the answers was
adopted by a consensus of experts present at the meeting.
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Although some of the questions asked directly for
the assessment of individual policies or policy instruments, the REVIHAP
discussion and answers covered only the scientific evidence underlying the
policy and did not address political arguments.
3. Sources
of information and methodology
Carrying out a review of the effects on health of
ambient air pollution is a challenging task, since a remarkably large body of
evidence has to be assessed. Thousands of new scientific papers have been
published on this topic in the last few years, covering various aspects and
research disciplines, such as population exposure, observational epidemiology,
controlled human exposure, animal toxicology and in vitro mechanistic studies.
With that in mind, the review of the literature in
support of the answers therefore focused on studies that were published after
the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines. However, when
appropriate and necessary, the review also included earlier publications. Also,
the group made use of recent major reviews, with a particular focus on those
prepared by relevant international or national organizations. Only publications
with a clearly stated methodology, for literature searches and evidence
selection, were used.
A more systematic approach was used to review and
assess recent individual publications. By necessity, the authors focused on the
most significant and relevant studies and on meta-analyses, when available.
The evidence presented in this review is based on
all available types of information, including conclusions from epidemiological
and toxicological research. The main sources of evidence are quoted and the
strength of this evidence is explained. Careful wording has been used
throughout the document to properly present the strength of the evidence and to
determine potential causality related to associations observed between air
pollutants and outcomes. This wording is indicative of the state of the
evidence on a particular issue.
4. Reconsideration
and revision of guidelines
Several questions specifically ask whether the
scientific conclusions of the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines require revision, based on the new evidence that has emerged on
adverse health effects.
The group of experts thoroughly evaluated the
scientific literature published since the 2005 global update of the WHO air
quality guidelines and explored whether the new evidence justified
reconsideration of the current guidelines. A positive answer indicates a gain
in knowledge. While there are formal frameworks to assess gains in knowledge,
the group relied on its collective expert judgment to determine if there was
sufficient new evidence. Issues taken into consideration when interpreting the
strength of the new evidence included: the identification of new adverse health
outcomes; the consistency of findings of associations at exposure levels lower
than previously identified; and the enhanced mechanistic understanding of the
observed associations, which could lead to a reduction of uncertainty.
It is important to note that a revision of a
guideline does not necessarily mean that a change in the existing WHO air
quality guideline value is warranted. It rather implies that the whole body of
the scientific evidence should be systematically analysed when reconsidering
values that protect health. It is important to emphasize that the REVIHAAP
project has not
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discussed new guidelines. Based on the project’s
recommendations, WHO will consider initiating a separate process to update the
guidelines, according to WHO rules.
5. From
guidelines to limit values
Several questions ask explicitly about the impact
on EU air quality legislation of the new evidence on the health effects of air
It is important to note that there is a fundamental
difference between the roles and mandates of WHO and the EC. WHO holds a
normative role and evaluates the scientific evidence in order to develop
guidelines and recommendations, whereas the EC holds a policy role, proposing
and implementing legally binding decisions within its jurisdiction.
Therefore, according to the normative role of WHO,
the recommendations that stem from the REVIHAAP project are based solely on
scientific conclusions on health aspects of air pollution and do not consider
issues relevant to policy formulation, such as technical feasibility, economic
considerations and other political and social factors.
For the protection of public health, WHO recommends
maintaining levels of air pollutants below those at which adverse effects on
public health have been documented. The WHO air quality guidelines are
typically set at such levels. However, WHO recognizes the heterogeneity in
underlying factors influencing air quality management decisions in various
countries and has therefore (in the past) developed interim target values for
some pollutants. These target values should promote a steady process towards
meeting WHO guideline values, which are the main recommendations.
6. General
issues of relevance to all pollutants
This section sets out the views of the authors on
core issues embedded within some of the questions.
6.1 Pollution mixtures
The request to review the health effects of individual air pollutants
separately implicitly suggests that each has adverse effects on health per se.
The pollutants currently regulated in the EC directives, and covered in this
document, share many common sources and are linked by complex chemical
processes in the atmosphere. The group of experts recognizes that air pollution
exists as a complex mixture and that the effects attributed to individual air
pollutants may be influenced by the underlying toxicity of the full mixture of
all air pollutants. This is also specifically addressed as part of the Answer
to Question C8.
6.2 Health impact assessment
Questions A6, B3, and C4 ask what metrics, health
outcomes and concentration–response functions can be used to assess the health
impact of PM, ozone, and NO2. The calculation of health impacts requires several components: (a) an
estimate of current concentrations of the pollutant(s) under review; (b) a
determination of the target concentration or standard, or the expected
concentration change from a policy under consideration; (c) the concentration–
response functions that typically relate a change in pollution to a per cent
change in a health outcome; (d) a baseline level of the health outcome; and (e)
a characterization of uncertainty.
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Based on currently available evidence, the authors
of the present review have provided recommendations in the answers to questions
A6, B3 and C4, on specific pairings of pollutant exposures and specific health
effects that can be used. However, further work is currently being conducted,
as part of the HRAPIE project, to recommend which set of concentration–
response functions could be included in the cost–benefit analysis that supports
the revision of the EU air quality policy, in answer to Question D5. This work
includes checking that suitable baseline rates and exposure metrics are
available and discussing which health impact assessment methodologies are most
appropriate in different contexts.
6.3 Critical data gaps
Questions A7 and C9 both ask about identifying critical data gaps that
need to be filled, to help answer the other questions more fully in the future.
These questions are restricted to section A (PM), as well as to section C
(other air pollutants and their mixtures). The group of experts felt that these
questions should cover all air pollutants currently regulated in EC directives.
Therefore, the group decided to merge the two questions and to provide an
answer that integrates all relevant critical data gaps.
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Health effects of PM
Question A1
What new
evidence on health effects has emerged since the review work done for the WHO
air quality guidelines published in 2006, particularly with regard to the
strength of the evidence on the health impacts associated with exposure to PM2.5? Based on this new information,
do the scientific conclusions given in 2005 require revision?
Since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006) were issued, many new studies
from Europe and elsewhere on both short- and long-term exposure to PM with an
aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) have been published. These studies provide considerable support for
the scientific conclusions in the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines and suggest additional health outcomes to be associated with PM2.5. Among the major findings to
date are the following:
additional support for the
effects of short-term exposure to PM2.5 on both mortality and morbidity, based on several multicity
epidemiological studies;
additional support for the
effects of long-term exposures to PM2.5 on mortality and morbidity, based on several studies of long-term
exposure conducted on large cohorts in Europe and North America;
an authoritative review of the
evidence for cardiovascular effects, conducted by cardiologists,
epidemiologists, toxicologists and other public health experts, concluded that
long-term exposure to PM2.5 is a cause of both cardiovascular mortality and morbidity;
significantly more insight has
been gained into physiological effects and plausible biological mechanisms that
link short- and long-term PM2.5 exposure with mortality and morbidity, as observed in epidemiological,
clinical and toxicological studies;
additional studies linking
long-term exposure to PM2.5 to several new health outcomes, including atherosclerosis, adverse
birth outcomes and childhood respiratory disease; and
emerging evidence that also
suggests possible links between long-term PM2.5 exposure and neurodevelopment and cognitive function, as well as other
chronic disease conditions, such as diabetes.
The scientific conclusions of the 2005 global
update of the WHO air quality guidelines about the evidence for a causal link
between PM2.5 and adverse health outcomes in human beings have been confirmed and
strengthened and, thus, clearly remain valid. As the evidence base for the
association between PM and short-term, as well as long-term, health effects has
become much larger and broader, it is important to update the current WHO
guidelines for PM. This is particularly important as recent long-term studies
show associations between PM and mortality at levels well below the current
annual WHO air quality guideline level for PM2.5, which is 10 µg/m3. Further discussion is also
provided in section D.
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The 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guideline for PM2.5 was based primarily on the findings of prospective cohort studies of
Pope et al. (2002) on the effects of long-term exposures on mortality, with
support provided by the studies of Dockery et al. (1993) and Jerrett et al.
(2005). Additional scientific support for these studies was provided at the
time by an independent reanalysis conducted by Krewski et al. (2000, 2004) and
by a study conducted in Europe (Hoek et al., 2002b). In prospective cohort
studies, a sample of individuals are selected and followed over time. For
example, Dockery et al. (1993) published results for a 15-year prospective
study (the Harvard Six Cities Study) based on approximately 8000 individuals in
six cities in the eastern United States. Pope et al. (2002) published results
of a prospective study of the mortality experience of approximately 550 000
individuals in 151 cities in the United States, using a cohort participating in
a long-term investigation sponsored by the American Cancer Society. These
studies used individual-level data, so that other factors that affect mortality
could be characterized and adjusted in the analysis. Several different
cause-specific categories of mortality were examined, including from
cardiopulmonary (that is, cardiovascular plus pulmonary) and lung cancer.
Since 2005, the Harvard Six Cities Study and the
study of the American Cancer Society cohort have been updated several times,
with systematic increases in the number of years of analysis and deaths that
were followed and in the sophistication of the statistical methodology (Laden
et al., 2006; Lepeule et al., 2012; Krewski et al., 2009). These reanalyses
continue to find a consistent, statistically significant association between
long-term exposure to PM2.5 and the risk of mortality. In addition, the magnitude of the effect
estimate (that is, the mortality effect per unit of exposure) remains
consistent with that of the original study. Using the 51 cities from the
American Cancer Society study for which long-term PM2.5 data are available, Pope, Ezzati
& Dockery (2009) reported that metropolitan area-wide reductions in PM2.5 concentration between 1980 and
2000 were strongly associated with increases in life expectancy, after
adjustment for changes in other risk factors. The importance of this study is
that it documents that improvements in air quality are reflected in
improvements in public health. The authors found results remarkably similar to
the earlier American Cancer Society studies, though the methodology was quite
A significant number of new prospective cohort studies from Asia,
Canada, Europe and the United States have been reported since 2005. These have
provided additional evidence of the effects of long-term exposure to PM2.5 on mortality. Effects have now
been observed at lower concentrations levels than in earlier studies, see
answer to Question A5. As an example, the Pope, Ezzati & Dockery (2009)
study still found significant associations between the lower PM2.5 concentrations in 2000 and life
expectancy, despite significant gains in life expectancy associated with
decreases in PM2.5 concentrations between 1980 and 2000. In a large Canadian study,
associations persisted at very low concentrations (Crouse et al., 2012).
Specifically, the effects of long-term exposure on mortality have been reported
for several new cohorts (Filleul et al., 2005; Miller et al., 2007; Beelen et
al., 2008a; Puett et al., 2009; Ostro et al., 2010; Lipsett et al., 2011;
Crouse et al., 2012). Some cohort studies have found no associations between PM2.5 or particulate matter with an
aerodynamic diameter smaller than 10 µm (PM10) and mortality (Puett et al., 2011; Ueda et al., 2012), but these do
not materially affect the overall assessment and conclusions. Regarding the
European studies, the mortality risk estimated in the Dutch mortality cohort
study for PM2.5 was 6% per 10 µg/m3 for natural-cause mortality (Beelen et al., 2008a), identical to the
estimate from the American Cancer Society study (Pope et al., 2002).
Furthermore, a large ecological study from Norway
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reported significant associations between PM2.5 and cardiorespiratory mortality
(Naess et al., 2007).
These Asian, Canadian, European and United States studies cover a
variety of environmental settings, PM mixtures, baseline health conditions,
personal characteristics and health practices. As a result, several groups of
experts have determined that it is appropriate to extrapolate these findings to
populations in other regions, including Europe (Cooke et al., 2007; COMEAP,
2006, 2010; Smith KR et al., 2009). The risk of ischaemic heart disease, which
includes heart attacks, has particularly strong and consistent associations
with PM2.5. A review of most of these and related studies can be found in the
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) integrated science
assessment for PM (EPA, 2009).
Since 2005, the evidence for a biological
mechanism, derived from both epidemiological and toxicological studies, has
also increased and indicates that exposure to PM2.5 is associated with systemic
inflammation, oxidative stress and alteration of the electrical processes of
the heart (Brook et al., 2010). For example, epidemiological studies now show
variations in cardiovascular biomarkers of inflammation such as C-reactive
protein and fibrinogen. These biomarkers have been consistently linked to
subsequent cardiovascular disease and death. Long-term exposure has also been
associated with preclinical markers of atherosclerosis (Künzli et al., 2005)
and with progression (Künzli et al., 2010) of this pathology of high relevance
to cardiovascular diseases. A series of studies from the German Heinz Nixdorf
Recall Study has confirmed associations between various markers of
atherosclerosis, including intima media thickness and coronary artery
calcification, and the long-term average PM2.5 concentration and proximity to traffic in Europe (Bauer et al., 2010;
Hoffmann et al., 2006, 2007). In a Belgian study, pulse pressure was associated
with ambient PM2.5 levels among the elderly (Jacobs et al., 2012).
These and many other outcomes studied in human
populations provide evidence for a pathophysiological response to current
ambient concentrations of PM2.5. A more complete review of the likely biological mechanisms, strongly
supportive of a causal association between PM2.5 and cardiovascular disease and
mortality, is provided by Brook et al. (2010). This review also provides a
discussion of the supportive toxicological studies. The studies reporting
associations with intima media thickness in human beings are supported by
animal studies that show that a 6-month exposure of mice to particles results
in substantial increases in atherosclerosis, compared with mice breathing
filtered air (Floyd et al., 2009; Soares et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2005, 2008).
The Brook et al. (2010) review contained a consensus that there was strong
mechanistic evidence from animal studies of systemic pro-inflammatory responses
and vascular dysfunction or vasoconstriction, supported by controlled exposure
studies in human beings. The overall mechanistic evidence from animal studies was
judged to be moderate for enhanced thrombosis or coagulation potential,
elevated arterial blood pressure, and enhanced atherosclerosis. The overall
assessment was that experimental evidence was increasingly strong, lending
biological plausibility to the epidemiological findings (Brook et al., 2010).
Since 2005, further evidence has emerged of the
effects of long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution on diseases
other than cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Evidence suggests effects
on diabetes, neurological development in children and neurological disorders in
adults (Rückerl et al., 2011). The evidence for an association with diabetes,
since the first publication (Brook et al., 2008), has been strengthened
significantly. This includes epidemiological studies in Germany (Krämer et al.,
2010) and Denmark (Andersen et al.,
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2012a; Raaschou-Nielsen et al., 2013), supported by
mechanistic studies (Basile & Bloch, 2012; Brook et al., 2012; Liu et al.,
2013; Peters, 2012). A recent review of the neurological effects found in
experimental and observational studies (Guxens & Sunyer, 2102) concluded
that these effects were not conclusive, given the limited number of studies,
their small size and their methodological constraints. Associations with PM2.5 include impairment of cognitive
functions in adults (Ranft et al., 2009) and children (Freire et al., 2010). If
these findings are corroborated by further studies, this would significantly
increase the burden related to air pollution, given the increase of these
diseases in ageing populations. More work is needed to disentangle which
component(s) of the air pollution mixture drive the associations.
Birth cohort studies in Europe and elsewhere published since 2005 have
reported significant associations between exposure to PM2.5 and respiratory infections and
asthma in young children (Brauer et al., 2007; Gehring et al., 2010; MacIntyre
et al., 2011; Morgenstern et al., 2007). Several studies have found an association
between PM2.5 and infant bronchiolitis, an important risk for hospitalization (Karr
et al., 2007, 2009a,b). Exposure to PM2.5 has also been linked to low lung function in 4-year-old children in a
birth cohort study in the Netherlands (Eenhuizen et al., 2012), supporting
previously published studies that reported effects of PM2.5 on lung function development,
reviewed in Götschi et al. (2008). Evidence is increasing for an association of
ambient air pollution, including fine particles, with birth outcomes (Parker et
al., 2011; Proietti et al., 2013; Ritz & Wilhelm, 2008). A systematic
review reported significant associations between exposure to PM2.5 and birth outcomes, including
low birth weight, preterm birth and small for gestational age births (Shah
& Balkhair, 2011).
The evidence for short-term effects of PM2.5 and PM10 on mortality, morbidity and
physiological end-points has also significantly increased since 2005 (Brook et
al., 2010; Rückerl et al., 2011). Several new multicity studies have confirmed
the previously reported small increases (0.4–1% per 10 µg/m3) in daily mortality associated
with PM2.5 (and PM10) (Katsouyanni et al., 2009; Zanobetti et al., 2009; Ostro et al.,
2006). Estimates of effects for daily mortality were similar in the United
States and Europe, but somewhat larger in Canada (Katsouyanni et al., 2009).
Most of the European studies are based on PM10, such as the Italian EPIAIR study (Colais et al., 2012). A recent study
from Stockholm reported associations of daily mortality with both PM2.5 and the coarse fraction of PM10 (Meister, Johansson &
Forsberg, 2012). A study in Barcelona also found a significant association
between daily mortality and PM2.5, which was further shown to differ for particles from different sources
(Ostro et al., 2011). New evidence of effects on hospital admissions was based
on PM10 in Europe (Brook et al., 2010). A large study in the United States
reported significant associations with hospital admissions for a variety of
cardiovascular diseases, including ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular
disease and heart failure (Dominici et al., 2006). For a comprehensive review,
we refer to previous reviews (Brook et al., 2010; EPA, 2009; Rückerl et al.,
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Question A2
What new
health evidence is available on the role of other fractions or metrics of PM,
such as smaller fractions (ultrafines), black carbon, chemical constituents
(metals, organics, inorganics, crustal material and PM of natural origin, primary
or secondary) or source types (road traffic including non-tailpipe emissions,
industry, waste processing …) or exposure times (for example, individual or
repeated short episodes of very high exposure, 1 hour, 24 hours, yearly)?
Since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006), a considerable number of new
studies have been published, providing evidence on the health effects of size
fractions, components and sources of PM. Health effects are observed with
short-term (such as hours or days) and long-term (such as years) exposures to
airborne particles.
A. Fractions or metrics of PM other than PM2.5 or PM10
The 2005 global update of the WHO
air quality guidelines noted that, while there was little indication that any
one property of PM was responsible for the adverse health effects,
toxicological studies suggested that fossil fuel and biomass combustion
processes may be a significant contributor to adverse health outcomes. Since
then, further information has become available to amplify the earlier
conclusions. Epidemiological and toxicological studies have shown PM mass (PM2.5 and PM10) comprises fractions with
varying types and degrees of health effects, suggesting a role for both the
chemical composition (such as transition metals and combustion-derived primary
and secondary organic particles) and physical properties (size, particle number
and surface area);
Three important components or
metrics – black carbon, secondary organic aerosols, and secondary inorganic
aerosols – have substantial exposure and health research finding associations
and effects. They each may provide valuable metrics for the effects of mixtures
of pollutants from a variety of sources.
New evidence links black carbon
particles with cardiovascular health effects and premature mortality, for both
short-term (24 hours) and long-term (annual) exposures. In studies taking black
carbon and PM2.5 into account simultaneously, associations remained robust for black
carbon. Even when black carbon may not be the causal agent, black carbon
particles are a valuable additional air quality metric for evaluating the
health risks of primary combustion particles from traffic, including organic
particles, not fully taken into account with PM2.5 mass.
No new toxicological evidence has
been presented to support a causal role for such inorganic secondary aerosols
as ammonium, sulfates and nitrates. However, epidemiological studies continue
to report associations between sulfates or nitrates and human health. Neither
the role of the cations (for example, ammonium), nor the interactions with
metals or absorbed components (for example, organic particles) have been well
documented in epidemiological studies (see Answer C8). Even when secondary inorganic
particles (especially sulphate particles) may not be the causal agents, they
are a valuable additional air quality metric for evaluating health risks.
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There is growing information on
the associations of organic carbon with health effects, and carbonaceous
primary emissions are one of the important contributors to the formation of
secondary organic aerosols (a significant component of the PM2.5 mass). The evidence is
insufficient to distinguish between the toxicity of primary and secondary
organic aerosols.
The new evidence suggests that
short-term exposures to coarse particles (including crustal material) are
associated with adverse respiratory and cardiovascular effects on health,
including premature mortality. Data from clinical studies are scarce;
toxicological studies report that coarse particles can be as toxic as PM2.5 on a mass basis. The difference
in risk between coarse and fine PM can, at least partially, be explained by
differences in intake and different biological mechanisms.
There is increasing, though as
yet limited, epidemiological evidence on the association between short-term
exposures to ultrafine (smaller than 0.1 µm) particles and cardiorespiratory
health, as well as the health of the central nervous system. Clinical and
toxicological studies have shown that ultrafine particles (in part) act through
mechanisms not shared with larger particles that dominate mass-based metrics,
such as PM2.5 or PM10.
B. Source
A variety of air pollution sources have been
associated with different types of health effects. Most of the evidence
accumulated so far is for an adverse effect on health of carbonaceous material
from traffic (see also Question C1). A more limited number of studies suggest
that traffic-generated dust, including road, brake and tyre wear, also
contribute to the adverse effects on health.
Coal combustion results in
sulfate-contaminated particles, for which epidemiological studies show strong
evidence of adverse effects on health.
Sources of PM emission relevant
to health also include shipping (oil combustion) power generation (oil and coal
combustion) and the metal industry (such as nickel).
Exposure to particles from
biomass combustion – most notably residential wood combustion – may be
associated not only with respiratory, but also with cardiovascular health.
Desert dust episodes have been
linked with cardiovascular hospital admissions and mortality in a number of
recent epidemiological studies.
Exposure times – for example, individual or repeated short episodes of
very high exposure, 1 hour, 24 hours, yearly
Epidemiological studies show
further evidence that long-term (years) exposure to PM2.5 is associated with both
mortality and morbidity. The evidence base is weaker for PM10, and hardly any long-term
studies are available for coarse particles.
There is also strong evidence
from epidemiological studies that daily (24-hour average) exposures to PM are
associated with both mortality and morbidity immediately and in subsequent
days. Repeated (multiple day) exposures may result in larger health effects
than the effects of single days.
While acute and long-term effects
are partly interrelated, the long-term effects are not the sum of all
short-term effects. The effects of long-term exposure are much greater than
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those observed for short-term exposure, suggesting that effects are not
just due to exacerbations, but may be also due to progression of underlying
There is significant evidence
from toxicological and clinical studies on effects of combustion-derived
particles that peak exposures of short duration (ranging from less than an hour
to a few hours) lead to immediate physiological changes; this is supported by
epidemiological observations.
(a) The role of other fractions or metrics of PM
In the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines, evidence on
the effects on health of different chemical constituents in PM was based on
toxicological studies. An integrated science assessment for PM was published by
the EPA in 2009 to support the review of the national ambient air quality
standards. The integrated science assessment used evidence from both
epidemiological and experimental studies to conclude that “there are many
components contributing to the health effects of PM2.5, but not sufficient evidence to
differentiate those constituents (or sources) that are more closely related to
specific health outcomes” (EPA, 2009).
Despite the increased number of studies (especially epidemiological) after
2009, the general conclusion remains the same.
Black, elemental, and primary and secondary organic carbon
Black carbon concentration is usually estimated by
light absorption methods that measure the light absorption of particles
retained in a filter – in absorption units. On the other hand, elemental or
organic carbon is determined using thermo-optical methods, also on filter
samples – in mass concentration units. Black carbon absorption units can be
converted to mass concentration units.
The main sources of carbon(aceous) particles are diesel powered engines,
the residential burning of wood and coal, power stations using heavy oil or
coal, the field burning of agricultural wastes, as well as forest and
vegetation (fires). Consequently, black carbon is a universal indicator of a
variable mixture of particulate material from a large variety of combustion
sources and, when measured in the atmosphere, it is always associated with
other substances from combustion of carbon-containing fuels, such as organic
compounds (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2012). Organic carbon not only
originates from combustion, but also originates from atmospheric processes and
emissions from vegetation. An example of such an organic compound is isoprene.
Due to a lack of data, health studies have not been able to separate primary
and secondary organic particles.
Epidemiological studies
Since the 2009 EPA integrated science assessment, a number of
epidemiological studies have evaluated associations between individual
constituents of PM and health. The particle constituents most often included in
the studies have been sulfate and black carbon. The WHO Regional Office for
Europe has recently published a report that evaluates systematically the health
significance of black carbon (Janssen et al., 2012). Estimated effects on
health of a 1-μg/m3 increase in exposure were greater for black carbon particles than for
PM10 or PM2.5, but estimated effects of an interquartile range increase were similar.
Two-pollutant models in time-series studies suggested that the effect of black
carbon particles was more robust than the effect of PM mass. Sufficient
evidence was found for an association between daily
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outdoor concentrations of black carbon and
all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, and cardiopulmonary hospital
admissions. Evidence was also judged sufficient for an association between
long-term black carbon concentration and all-cause and cardiopulmonary mortality.
There are, typically, considerable
intercorrelations between particle constituents in ambient air, especially
between constituents from the same source. This is only one reason why the
detection of associations in epidemiological studies is not enough to judge
causality. The WHO Regional Office for Europe report on black carbon concluded
that black carbon per se may not be responsible for the observed health
effects, but that black carbon could be interpreted as an indicator for a wide
variety of combustion-derived chemical constituents (WHO Regional Office for
Europe, 2012). The more robust associations observed for black carbon than for
PM2.5 in two-pollutant models in short-term epidemiological studies were
interpreted to suggest that black carbon is a better indicator of harmful
particle substances from combustion than is total particle mass.
Organic carbon has been included in epidemiological
studies less often than black carbon. In most studies published after the 2009
EPA integrated science assessment, (total) organic carbon has been found to be
associated with short-term changes in cardiovascular (Delfino et al., 2010a;
Ito et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2012; Son et al., 2012; Zanobetti et al., 2009)
and respiratory health (Kim et al., 2008), or with changes in the levels of
inflammatory markers (Hildebrandt et al., 2009).
In epidemiological studies, the effects of
combustion-derived organic carbon are difficult to separate from those of black
carbon and/or elemental carbon because of a high correlation due to the common
source: combustion processes (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2012). Elemental
carbon is most strongly associated with primary combustion particles and
primary organic carbon, whereas secondary organic aerosol formation is delayed
with respect the primary emissions, because secondary organic carbon is formed
during longer range transport in the atmosphere. Secondary organic carbon also
has a significant biological component, but this part of PM has hardly been
studied in relation to health effects. A series of panel studies have reported
that while total organic carbon has not been associated with the outcomes,
associations have been observed for primary organic carbon (and not secondary
organic carbon compounds) (Delfino et al., 2009b; 2010a; 2011). In one study,
primary organic carbon was associated with markers for systemic inflammation,
whereas secondary organic carbon was associated with a marker for pulmonary
inflammation (Delfino et al., 2010b).
Only one study, since the 2005 global update of the
WHO air quality guidelines, has evaluated associations between long-term
exposure to organic carbon and health (Ostro et al., 2010). For organic carbon,
associations were observed for both ischaemic heart disease and pulmonary mortality,
whereas elemental carbon was only associated with ischaemic heart disease
mortality. It should be noted that organic carbon is a very complex mixture of
primary and secondary organic aerosols that may contain specific components
with important health outcomes, such as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs); thus,
the health impact of organic carbon may greatly vary from site to site and time
to time
Clinical studies
Healthy human subjects exposed for 2 hours to
ultrafine clean – that is without any components adsorbed on the surface –
carbon particles at concentrations of 10 µg/m3 and 25 µg/m3 showed a high overall deposition
fraction in the respiratory system (0.66 ± 0.12 at rest; mean ± SD) which
increased with exercise (0.83 ± 0.04; mean ± SD) (Frampton, 2001).
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Asthmatic subjects showed an even higher deposition
(0.76 ± 0.05) than did healthy subjects while breathing at rest (Frampton et
al., 2004). The effects of ultrafine carbon particles were observed in both
heart rate variability and cardiac repolarization, but there were no changes in
soluble markers of either systemic inflammation or coagulation. In a more
recent study, no vascular impairment or effect on blood clotting were observed
in volunteers exposed for 2 hours to 70 µg/m3 of ultrafine carbon particles (Mills et al., 2011). In this same study,
and in Lucking et al. (2011), it was shown that removing the particles from
diluted diesel engine exhaust also prevented adverse effects on the
cardiovascular system. The difference is explained by the differences in
composition, with black carbon particles (soot) being rich in (semi)volatile
organic particles and metals. There are no studies reported that used exposure
periods longer than 2 hours.
Toxicological studies
Inhalation of ultrafine carbon particles (38 nm,
180 µg/m3 for 24 hours) caused increased heart rate and decreased heart-rate
variability in rats, but there was no inflammatory response and no change in
the expression of genes having thrombogenic relevance (Harder et al., 2005). In
spontaneously hypertensive rats exposed to similar ultrafine carbon particles
(172 µg/m3 for 24 hours), blood pressure and heart rate increased with a lag of 1–3
days. Inflammatory markers in lavage fluid, lung tissue, and blood were
unaffected, but mRNA expression of hemeoxygenase-1, endothelin-1, endothelin
receptors, tissue factor, and plasminogen activator inhibitor in the lung
showed a significant induction (Upadhyay et al., 2008), which is an indication
of a cardiovascular (or even systemic) effect without adverse effects at the
port of entry – that is, the lung. Given differences in the deposited dose in
the respiratory systems of rats and human beings, the concentration used in
this study is high, but not unrealistic when extrapolated to human exposures.
Yet, clean carbon particles alone are unlikely to result in detrimental effects
at current outdoor levels. Although not a true toxicological study, Biswas et
al. (2009) were able to demonstrate that a substantial portion of soot-induced
reactive oxygen production (associated with oxidative stress and inflammation)
could be attributed to the (semi)volatile organic fraction on the carbon
particle core, suggesting that organic particles otherwise not recognized as PM
can be responsible for a substantial part of the toxicity of the carbonaceous
fraction of PM.
Likewise, but not yet studied, other particles
(such as sulfates) may also act as carriers. Verma et al. (2009b) have shown,
for Los Angeles in summer, that both primary and secondary organic particles
possess high redox activity; however, photochemical transformations of primary
emissions with atmospheric ageing potentially enhance the toxicological potency
of primary particles, in terms of generating oxidative stress and leading to
subsequent damage in cells.
The WHO Regional Office for Europe review (2012)
concluded that black carbon particles may not be a major direct toxic component
of fine PM, but it may operate as a universal carrier of a wide variety of chemicals
of varying toxicity to the lungs, the body’s major defence cells and (possibly)
the systemic blood circulation.
Coarse particles
The number of studies on the health effects of PM10 is vast, and the number of
studies on PM2.5 is increasing rapidly. In the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines, it was noted that, for coarse particles (PM10-2.5), there was only limitedly
epidemiological data. The availability of epidemiological data has
significantly increased since 2005. In 2009, the
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EPA integrated science assessment concluded – based
on data from epidemiological, controlled human exposure, and toxicological
studies – that there was “suggestive evidence of a causal relationship between
short-term exposure to coarse PM and cardiovascular and respiratory health
effects and mortality”. The integrated science assessment further stated that
there was “not sufficiently evidence to draw conclusions on the health effects
of long-term exposure to coarse PM”.
Since 2009, evidence of the short-term effects of coarse particles on
cardiorespiratory health and mortality has increased significantly.
Epidemiological studies
The latest systematic review by Brunekreef & Forsberg (2005) made
the scientific community aware again of the potential health risks associated
with coarse particles. The review concluded that coarse PM has at least as
strong short-term effects on respiratory health as PM2.5; also, for cardiovascular
effects, some supportive evidence was found. For mortality, evidence was
concluded to be stronger for PM2.5. The few long-term studies did not provide any evidence of an
association with potential health risks.
Taking into account the newest evidence on the
effects of coarse PM on cardiorespiratory health (Chen et al., 2005; Halonen et
al., 2008, 2009; Peng et al., 2008; Perez et al., 2009a; Zanobetti et al.,
2009), the EPA integrated science assessment for PM concluded that, in general,
short-term epidemiological studies reported positive associations between
mortality and cardiovascular and respiratory hospital admissions (EPA, 2009).
For cardiovascular outcomes (admissions and physiological effects), effect
estimates of coarse PM were found to be comparable to those of PM2.5. On the other hand, it was noted
that studies on respiratory admissions were conducted in a limited number of
areas, and no associations of coarse PM on lower respiratory symptoms, wheeze,
or medication use were reported (in panel studies). Published after the
integrated science assessment, one study reported associations between daily
coarse PM concentrations and wheeze in children with asthma (Mann et al.,
After the 2009 EPA integrated science assessment,
several new studies reported associations between coarse particles and
cardiovascular (Atkinson et al., 2010; Chen R et al., 2011; Malig & Ostro,
2009; Mallone et al., 2011), respiratory (Chen R et al., 2011) or total
mortality (Meister, Johansson & Forsberg, 2012; Tobías et al., 2011).
Expanding the geographical spread of studies on respiratory admissions, a study
in Hong Kong (Qiu et al., 2012) reported positive associations between coarse
PM and (total) respiratory, asthma, and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease admissions.
Effect estimates for coarse PM were somewhat lower than those for PM2.5, and in
two-pollutant models they decreased more than the estimates for PM2.5; yet the
associations remained for respiratory and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
It should be noted that in the Hong Kong study, as in most of the
studies, coarse PM was calculated by subtracting measured PM2.5 from measured PM10. This means that there is more
measurement error for coarse PM than for PM2.5, which would make associations between coarse PM and health more difficult
to find – an issue brought up also by the integrated science assessment.
Compared with fine particles, coarse particles also vary more spatially and
infiltrate less efficiently into indoor air, which makes further assessment of
exposure to coarse PM in epidemiological studies more challenging.
After the EPA integrated science assessment, only two studies were
published on the long-term effects of coarse PM; both of them were conducted in
the United States and used the same models to estimate concentrations of coarse
PM. In the first study (Puett et al., 2009),
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coarse PM was not associated with mortality or
coronary heart disease incidence among women in two-pollutant models. In the
second one (Puett et al., 2011), there was limited evidence of coarse PM having
an effect on cardiovascular health among men, mainly on the incidence of
ischaemic stroke.
The EPA noted in the 2009 integrated science
assessment that the composition of coarse PM can vary considerable between
cities, but that there is limited evidence on the effects of the various
biological and chemical components of coarse PM. However, there is one source
of coarse PM for which evidence has started to accumulate – desert dust, which
consists mainly of crustal material (see the dedicated paragraph under the
heading “(b) The role of source types”).
Practically no studies compare the effects on
health of coarse PM from different sources. One study included source-specific
PM10: exhausts, fuel oil combustion, secondary nitrate and/or organic
particles, minerals, secondary sulfate and/or organics and road dust had
statistically significant associations with all-cause and cardiovascular
mortality (Ostro et al., 2011). At high latitudes, the levels of road dust are
at their highest during wintertime, when studded tires are in use and the roads
are sanded to increase friction. In a recent mortality study conducted in
Stockholm, Sweden, effect estimates for coarse PM were slightly higher during
wintertime than during other times of the year (Meister, Johansson &
Forsberg, 2012).
Clinical studies
Although not a direct comparison, Graff et al. (2009) arrived at the
conclusion that, in their studies of human beings (2 hours, 90 µg/m3), exposure to coarse PM produces
a measurable mild physiological response in healthy young volunteers that is
similar in scope and magnitude to that of volunteers exposed to fine PM,
suggesting that both size fractions are comparable in inducing cardiopulmonary
changes in acute exposure settings. No other new evidence since 2005 has been
Toxicological studies
Very few studies have compared the toxicity of
coarse PM (10–2.5 µm) and fine PM (smaller than 2.5 µm). The few studies
available usually collected PM on filters and used in vitro assays or
intratracheal exposures to assess the relative hazard, often in relation to the
sources of emission. Since the inhalability and, therefore, the deposition
efficiency in the respiratory tract of coarse particles is substantially lower,
the interpretation of the risk of coarse versus fine PM has to be considered in
that context. This also explains the lack of experimental inhalation studies of
coarse particles. Wegesser, Pinkerton & Last (2009) compared these two
fractions, collected during wildfires in California, and concluded that the
hazard expressed per unit mass is roughly the same – with some evidence that
fine PM is more toxic in terms of inflammatory potential and cytotoxic
responses. In a different study, these effects were attributed to the insoluble
components of the mixture and are not caused by an endotoxin (Wegesser &
Last, 2008). The intratracheal exposures in rats and mice, as well as in vitro
studies, suggest that similar effects can be observed for coarse and fine PM in
the bioassays of lung cells (Gerlofs-Nijland et al., 2007; Halatek et al.,
2011; Gilmour et al., 2007; Jalava et al., 2008; Happo et al., 2010) and that
coarse PM can be even more hazardous than fine PM. Again, given that the
deposition efficiency and pattern of coarse and fine PM differ largely, the
health outcomes in a population can differ at equal mass exposures.
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Ultrafine particles
There is a general consensus that ultrafine particles are defined as
particles smaller than 100 nm in mobility diameter and mostly stem from
combustion processes in urban settings (Peters, Rückerl & Cyrys, 2011).
Emitted primary ultrafine particles are transformed rapidly due to coagulation,
adsorption and secondary particle formation. Also, new particle formation takes
place in the atmosphere and may give rise to a high number concentration of
particles in the nucleation and Aitken modes (0–20 nm and 20–100 nm). This is
of special relevance in areas (urban, industrial and rural) with high
photochemistry (Reche et al., 2011). Therefore, ultrafine particles have
greater spatial and temporal variability than the fine particle mass
concentrations. Typically, they are characterized by particle number
concentration, which is the metric most measurement devices employ. Research on
nano-size material is applicable to assessing the potential toxicity of
ultrafine particles and has shown that not only their size, but also their
composition, surface chemistry and surface charge are important (Bakand, Hayes
& Dechsakulthorn, 2012). Although ultrafine particles are defined by size
and number, this fraction may contain such components as metals and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons. The following discussion is based on their physical properties
Epidemiological studies
Based on epidemiological studies, there is still
limited evidence on the effects on health of ultrafine particles (Rückerl et
al., 2011), although the potential for such effects was considered to be large
in a recent synthesis of opinions of experts (Knol et al., 2009).
Compared with the assessment in the 2005 global
update of the WHO air quality guidelines, links were observed between daily
changes in ultrafine particles and cardiovascular disease hospital admissions,
as well as cardiovascular disease mortality (Hoek et al., 2010). A link between
ultrafine particles or total number concentrations and cardiovascular disease
hospital admission was observed in European multicentre studies (von Klot et
al., 2005; Lanki et al., 2006) as well as in some single-city analyses (Andersen et al. 2008a, 2010; Franck et al.,
2011). The evidence for respiratory hospital admissions was mixed
(Andersen et al., 2008a; Leitte et al., 2011; Iskandar et al., 2012; Leitte et
al., 2012). The link between ultrafine particles or total number concentrations
and natural cause mortality appeared to be more robust in time-series analyses
(Berglind et al., 2009; Breitner et al., 2009; Atkinson et al., 2010).
Links between daily changes in ultrafine particles and markers of
altered cardiac function, inflammation and coagulation were suggested by
several, but not all, studies (see reviewed studies within Rückerl et al.
(2011) and Weichenthal (2012)) and were further supported by recently published
studies (Rich et al., 2012b).
Clinical studies
A few recently published clinical studies support pre-2005 studies that
suggested increasing evidence for ultrafine particles in eliciting health
effects during and after 2-hour exposure periods (Mills et al., 2007; Langrish
et al., 2009; Mills et al., 2011). However, most studies were performed with a
mixture of particles and gases, which do not allow statements to be made about
the contributions of ultrafine particles. In the clinical setting, the removal
of very high particle numbers by filters prevented the otherwise occurring
arterial stiffness and increases of blood clotting (Bräuner et al., 2008).
Similar observations were made in health
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subjects and patients with coronary heart disease
that were wearing a very simple, yet highly efficient face mask while walking
in highly polluted areas in Beijing, China (Langrish et al., 2009).
Observations in healthy young volunteers exposed to pure elemental carbon
particles implied that heart function was not affected by these controlled
exposures. This was confirmed by a very similar exposure in a study (Mills et
al., 2011) that looked at measurements of arterial stiffness and blood clothing
in healthy subjects. The presence of a susceptible population has not been
shown, and no studies could be identified that have applied exposure periods
longer than 2 hours.
Toxicological studies
Substantial advances have been made in understanding the action of
ultrafine particles. Ultrafine particles have the ability to translocate from
the alveolar space into tissues and to spread systemically, reaching many
organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys and brain (Kreyling, Hirn &
Schleh, 2010). Ultrafine particles exhibit systemically a multitude of
biological responses due to their reactive surfaces within human beings
(Bakand, Hayes & Dechsakulthorn, 2012). The study of ultrafine particle
toxicology has made substantial advances, as properties of particles smaller
than 100 nm are intensively studied for engineered nanoparticles. Specific
toxicological actions include impairment of phagocytosis and breakdown of
defence mechanisms, crossing tissues and cell membranes, injury to cells,
generation of reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress, inflammation,
production of cytokines, depletion of glutathione, mitochondrial exhaustion,
and damage to protein and DNA, most of which also occurs with larger size PM
(Bakand, Hayes & Dechsakulthorn, 2012). Biodistribution studies also
suggest that the effects of ultrafine particles may very well be observed in
organs other than those that correspond to the port of entry – for example, the
central nervous system (Kleinman et al., 2008; Kreyling et al., 2013). In light
of different biodistributions on inhalation and the likelihood that ultrafine
particles can escape natural defence mechanisms, such as phagocytosis, it is
likely that ultrafine particles will also be linked to biological pathways and
responses that differ from larger size particles (fine and coarse PM).
Secondary inorganic aerosols
Sulfate is a major component, together with
nitrate, of secondary inorganic particles that are formed from gaseous primary
pollutants. Because of their high solubility (and low hazard) and their
abundance in the human body, these secondary inorganic particles have been
suggested to be less harmful than, for example, primary combustion-derived
particles (Schlesinger & Cassee, 2003).
Epidemiological studies
It was noted in the 2009 EPA integrated science
assessment that secondary sulfate had been associated with both cardiovascular
and respiratory health effects in short-term epidemiological studies. At that
time, there were more studies available that looked at the cardiovascular effects
of PM constituents and sources than at the respiratory effects. Since the
integrated science assessment, epidemiological evidence has continued to
accumulate on the short-term effects of sulfate on both cardiovascular (Ito et
al., 2011) and respiratory (Atkinson et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2012; Ostro et
al., 2009) hospital admissions; two studies have linked sulfate also with
cardiovascular mortality (Ito et al., 2011; Son et al., 2012). There is also
some new evidence on the associations between daily increases in ambient
sulfate and physiological changes related to cardiovascular diseases, such as
ventricular arrhythmias and endothelial dysfunction (Anderson et al., 2010;
Bind et al., 2012).
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It should be noted that, similar to black carbon, sulfate is associated
with a number of other constituents from the combustion of fossil fuels, such
as transition metals and organic compounds. In many areas, sulfates and
nitrates are associated with hydrogen and ammonium. Sulfate could be considered
to be an indicator of harmful constituents from oil and coal combustion. On the
other hand, the situation may be more complex: sulfate has been reported to
increase the solubility of iron (Oakes et al., 2012), which may increase the
harmfulness of particles. The follow-up study of the Harvard Six Cities Study
reported that there was no evident increase in the estimate of the effect of PM2.5 mass over time, despite the
relatively higher drop in sulfate concentrations, when compared with PM2.5 mass during the study period
(Lepeule et al., 2012). This suggests that sulfate does contribute to the
toxicity of ambient PM. In any case, it is still unclear whether removal of SO2 (a precursor for sulfate) from
the emissions of oil and coal combustion would lead to a significant reduction
in the health effects associated with these sources. Also, it is accepted that
if new particle formation of sulfuric acid or ammonium sulfate occurs in the
atmosphere, these new particles may act as a condensation sink for primary and
secondary organic components.
Nitrate is one more indicator of emissions from
combustion processes, including traffic exhausts that are rich in oxides of
nitrogen. In a mortality study conducted in Seoul, Republic of Korea, there was
some evidence of cardiovascular, but not respiratory, effects for nitrate, and
even more so for ammonium (Son et al., 2012). In contrast, two studies on
hospital admissions found evidence of respiratory, but not cardiovascular,
effects for nitrate (Atkinson et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2012). It is
noteworthy, in these studies, that sulfate was not associated with
cardiovascular admissions, showing that the recent evidence for sulfate is not
fully consistent.
Only one recent study has evaluated associations between long-term
exposure to nitrate and health. In a study conducted in California (Ostro et
al., 2010), both nitrate and sulfate were associated with cardiopulmonary
mortality. Sulfate and organic carbon also showed consistent associations in
multipollutant models. Multiple analyses of prospective cohort studies in the
United States have also associated long-term exposure to sulfate with mortality
(Smith KR et al., 2009).
Clinical and toxicological studies
No new relevant evidence or relevant information on the role of
secondary inorganic aerosols has been reported since the review by Schlesinger
& Cassee (2003), in which it was concluded that these particles have little
biological potency in normal human beings or animals or in the limited compromised
animal models studied at environmentally relevant levels. As mentioned in Reiss
et al. (2007), toxicological evidence provides little or no support for a
causal association between particulate sulfate compounds and a risk to health
at ambient concentrations. Limited toxicological evidence does not support a
causal association between particulate nitrate compounds and excess health
risks either. However, it cannot be excluded that the cations associated with
sulfates and nitrates (such as transition metals, acidity marked by hydrogen
cations), nor absorbed components (such as organic particles) may be the
underlying cause of the strong associations between sulfate and health effects,
because ammonium sulfate or ammonium bisulfate can be regarded as a relative
low toxic material, in comparison with transition metals or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. No toxicological
studies have been published that investigated the role of sulfates (or
nitrates) in the complex mixture of PM; at present, it cannot be excluded that
these secondary inorganic components have an influence on the bioavailability
of other components, such as metals.
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Transition metals and metal compounds
Epidemiological studies
A few panel and population studies published during or after 2009 have
included transition metals (Bell et al., 2009a; de Hartog et al., 2009; Ito et
al., 2011; Mostofsky et al., 2012; Ostro et al., 2009, 2010; Suh et al., 2011;
Zanobetti et al., 2009; Zhou et al., 2011). A comparison of the relative
harmfulness of different metals is not possible at this point, because most of
the studies have included only a few transition metals, most often zinc or
nickel, and there is substantial variability in the outcomes available.
Furthermore, no patterns emerge for transition metals as a general category:
depending on the study and outcome, associations may have been found for all, a
few, or no metals. Most evidence has been found for an association between
nickel and cardiovascular hospital admissions (Bell et al., 2009a; Ito et al.,
2011; Mostofsky et al., 2012; Zanobetti et al., 2009).
Clinical studies and toxicological studies
Metal oxides are substances traditionally considered to be relatively
inert chemically. However, in very small (ultrafine) size ranges, these
particles have been linked with significant oxidative stress mediated toxicity
(Duffin, Mills & Donaldson, 2007). Some metals, such as zinc oxide, will
dissolve in the body (Gilmour et al., 2006; Charrier & Anastasio, 2011).
Zinc ions have many physiological functions, but they can also interfere with
the body’s homeostasis, leading to such adverse effects as oxidative stress and
inflammation. Toxicological examinations of the constituents of ambient air
have not identified an individual metal as being a likely cause of human health
problems associated with PM (Lippmann et al., 2006; Lippmann & Chen, 2009).
A study by Lippmann et al. (2006) did involve 6 months of weekday concentrated
ambient particle exposures, in which an association between cardiac function
changes and nickel was also observed for short-term responses to pronounced
daily peaks in nickel. In this and subsequent subchronic concentrated ambient
particle exposure studies, there was no evidence of an association of nickel
with chronic effects. Moreover, controlled exposure of young, healthy adults to
PM2.5 caused an elevation in blood fibrinogen at 18 hours post-exposure. This
response was correlated with a copper–zinc–vanadium factor in the PM. In healthy
elderly adults, PM2.5 exposures decreased heart rate variability, a response not seen in
young adults (Devlin et al., 2003).
In Toronto, there was a PM2.5-related mean decrease in brachial artery diameter, but no changes in
blood pressure in one study; in a follow-up study, involving most of the same
subjects, PM2.5 exposure produced a significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure.
In both studies, the effects were significantly associated with organic carbon.
There were suggestive, but not significant, associations with elemental carbon
and some metals (cadmium, potassium, zinc, calcium and nickel) in the first
study (Urch et al. 2005). In their review, Lippmann & Chen (2009) concluded
that if there are health-related effects of specific metals, other than the
effects of nickel in ambient fine PM on cardiac function, they are not yet
known. Overall, it appears that the cardiovascular effects of ambient air PM2.5 are greatly influenced, if not
dominated, by their metal contents, especially the transition metals, and that
nickel is likely to be a key component (Lippmann & Chen, 2009). An
important role for metals is also evident in a study in which a single dose of
dusts from two types of tyre were instilled intratracheally in the lungs of
rats, and effects were assessed within 24 hours and after 4 weeks. One dust was
made from ground tyres of recycled styrene butadiene rubber, while a second
dust was made from scrap tyres. Tests were done with administered saline, the
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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two tyre dusts, and soluble zinc, copper, or both.
At very high dose levels (5 mg/kg rat), the exposures induced cardiac oxidative
stress (Gottipolu et al., 2008), which was associated with the water soluble
zinc and copper.
Despite the toxicological evidence that controlled
exposure studies using transition metals can result in detrimental health
effects, it is unlikely that these components can explain all of the health
effects observed in epidemiological studies at present ambient levels. However,
transition metals remain a group of components for which reduction measures
will most likely lead to improving the health status of the population.
(b) The role of source types
Extreme caution is required when attributing health
effects to sources based on health impact assessment studies that use specific
components of PM. For example, when taking black carbon as an indicator in a
health impact assessment, to obtain concentration–response functions in Europe,
caution is required when attributing health outcomes to sources. Thus, in many
cases most black carbon would be attributed to diesel exhaust emissions, but
attributing the whole health impact to diesel would be erroneous. This is
because several sources, such as gasoline engines and other sources co-emitting
with diesel exhaust or varying collinearly with black carbon due to
meteorology, would be included – simply because they correlate with black
carbon. This is an important limitation when dealing with source-related health
The 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines considered the effects on health of particles from biomass
combustion in a separate chapter, because of the significance of biomass
combustion as an emission source. Therefore, special emphasis has been given to
the issue in this review. A WHO workshop in Bonn concluded in 2007 that current
knowledge does not allow specific quantification of the health effects of
emissions from different sources (or of individual components). In 2009, the
EPA integrated science assessment concluded that “there are many components
contributing to the health effects of PM2.5, but not sufficient evidence to differentiate those sources (or
constituents) that are more closely related to specific health outcomes”. The integrated science assessment
further noted that a number of source types – including motor vehicle
emissions, coal combustion, oil burning, and vegetative burning– are associated
with health effects and went on to include crustal material as another
potentially toxic component. The limited new evidence accumulated after 2009
does not lead to changes in the conclusions.
New epidemiological evidence on the health relevance of various particle
sources has come from two types of studies: some studies have simply included chemical
constituents known to be indicators of specific sources; others have used
statistical source-apportionment techniques to partition the mass of particles
between sources. Most studies have been able to identify emission sources for
traffic, crustal material, and secondary inorganic aerosols (as indicated by
sulfate or nitrate). Depending on location, and monitoring tools also, sources
for biomass combustion, industry, oil combustion, coal combustion, cooking,
hydrogenated organic aerosols, oxygenated organic aerosols and sea spray may
have been identifiable.
Traffic is not only a source of combustion
particles, but is also a source of road dust that originates from the wear of
road surfaces, brakes, clutches and tyres. Simultaneous emissions of gaseous
pollutants and noise make estimation of traffic-related PM effects a challenge.
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relative importance of all types of pollutants
originating from traffic will be considered in the Answer for Question C1.
Epidemiological studies
Vehicular traffic does not have a unique indicator,
but road traffic (especially vehicles powered by diesel fuel) is a major source
of black carbon in most urban environments. Consequently, evidence accumulated
after 2005 on the health effects of black carbon indicates that both short-term
and long-term exposures to particles in vehicle exhausts are harmful. In the
more limited number of short-term studies that have been based on source
apportionment, PM2.5 from traffic has typically been found associated with cardiovascular
(de Hartog et al., 2009; Cakmak et al., 2009; Lall, Ito & Thurston, 2011;
Lanki et al., 2006; Mar et al., 2006; Ostro et al., 2011; Sarnat et al., 2008;
Yue et al., 2007) and respiratory heath (Cakmak et al., 2009; Gent et al.,
2009; Penttinen et al., 2006; Sarnat et al., 2008), but not always (Jacquemin
et al., 2009; Lall, Ito & Thurston, 2011; Schreuder et al., 2006).
The source category of “crustal material” can be
assumed to consist of substantial amounts of road dust, although in some
locations natural sources may be important too. Some research groups have even
named the source category for crustal material “road dust”. The results for
crustal material and/or road dust have been slightly less consistent than those
for vehicular exhausts. In some studies, the source has been associated with
cardiovascular (Andersen et al., 2007; Cakmak et al., 2009; Ito et al., 2006;
Ostro et al., 2011; Yue et al., 2007) or respiratory health (Cakmak et al.,
2009; Gent et al., 2009). However, there are also studies without evidence of
cardiovascular (Lanki et al., 2006; Mar et al., 2006) or respiratory effects
(Jacquemin et al., 2009; Lall, Ito & Thurston, 2011; Schreuder et al.,
Only a few of these studies were published after
2009 – that is they have not affected the formulation of the integrated science
assessment. In New York City, traffic was associated with cardiovascular
hospital admissions, but no effect was observed for soil particles (Lall, Ito
& Thurston, 2011). A study conducted in Barcelona, Spain, associated
separately PM2.5 from road dust and mineral dust, and vehicle exhausts with daily
all-cause mortality (Ostro et al., 2011). The health outcomes of the
contributions of these components were higher than the ones obtained for the PM2.5 bulk mass concentrations.
Some recent studies have linked PM2.5 from traffic with birth
outcomes. Wilhelm et al. (2012) found both diesel and gasoline PM2.5 and geological PM2.5 to be associated with low birth
weight. The same study group found preterm birth to be associated with diesel
PM2.5 (but not other categories of traffic PM). Bell et al. (2010) reported
motor vehicles and road dust to be associated with lower birth weight.
In conclusion, the evidence on the harmfulness of
particles from traffic has increased substantially since the 2005 global update
of the WHO air quality guidelines. However, because of limited data and large
variability in outcomes and available source indicators and/or categories,
traffic cannot be ranked yet relative to other particle sources with respect to
harmfulness. The review by Stanek et al. (2011b) concluded that PM2.5 from crustal or combustion
sources, including traffic, may be associated with cardiovascular effects; for
respiratory effects, the evidence for association was judged limited.
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Clinical and toxicological studies
Diesel engine exhaust is rich in PM, mostly below 2.5 µm. A large
database describes all sorts of adverse health effects due to exposure to
diesel engine exhaust. Exposure to diesel engine exhaust in healthy volunteers
causes inflammation of the airways (Behndig et al., 2006) and reduces vascular
function (Mills et al., 2005). In patients with heart problems (stable
myocardial infarction), diesel engine exhaust causes myocardial ischaemia and
reduces the clot resolving function (endogenous fibrinolytic capacity) (Mills
et al., 2007). Although in certain urban areas diesel engine exhaust particles
can be a substantial part of the total PM to which people are exposed, it is
not clear if diesel engine exhaust is always more potent than PM on a mass
basis. For example, diesel engine exhaust (105 µg/m3) appeared to be less toxic in
inducing plaque development than corresponding exposures to PM2.5 (105 µg/m3, 4 days/week, 5 months),
indicating that some components in ambient PM2.5, which are not present in diesel
engine exhaust, are responsible for exacerbating plaque progression (Quan et
al., 2010). In their recent review, McClellan, Hesterberg & Wall (2012)
pointed out that, although there are good reasons for concern for health
effects due to diesel engine exhaust exposure, significant efforts have been
made to abate the composition of diesel engine exhaust in the past few decades,
resulting in a more fuel efficient and complete combustion process and the
installation of filter traps with substantial lower mass emissions. It seems
very likely that this will have a profound effect on the toxicity of diesel
engine exhaust, but there is no systematic review available that allows clear
conclusions on an increase or decrease of the toxic potency and associated
health risks.
Apart from the changing technologies, the
composition of the fuel is also changing, by using biodiesel blends. There is a
large knowledge gap with respect to the health effects related to replacing
petroleum-based diesel with biodiesel fuel. There is conflicting evidence about
the extent to which biodiesel fuel exhaust emissions present a lower risk to
human health relative to petroleum-based diesel emissions (Swanson, Madden
& Ghio, 2007). German studies have shown significantly increased mutagenic
effects, by a factor of 10, of the particle extracts from rapeseed oil in
comparison to fossil diesel fuel; and the gaseous phase caused even stronger
mutagenicity (Bünger et al., 2007). Biodiesel (rapeseed oil methyl ester) has
been shown to have four times higher cytotoxicity than conventional diesel
under idling conditions, while no differences were observed for the transient
state (Bünger et al., 2000). So far, the opposite was found by others: no
differences for cytotoxicity with vehicle emissions under idling conditions
(Jalava et al., 2010).
different studies to determine the possible adverse effects on health of
biofuels is difficult, since all studies have been performed under different
conditions. It has been seen that the emissions, as well as the health effects
related to changes in emission substances or concentrations, are influenced by:
the type of vehicle and/or motor used for the study; which test cycle is run;
if the subsequent exhaust is diluted from the tailpipe or not and differences
in fuel type; and fuel quality. Within the North American Electric Reliability
Corporation programme, various sources of particle emissions were tested for
their toxicological profile. For example, ApoE⁻/⁻ mice were exposed by inhalation
6 hours a day for 50 consecutive days to multiple dilutions of diesel or
gasoline exhaust, woodsmoke, or simulated downwind
coal emissions. From Lund et al. (2007), as well as a meta-analysis by Seilkop
et al. (2012), it can be concluded that filtration of particles has little
effect on responses − that is, particulate components ranked third to seventh
in predictive importance for the eight response variables. This suggests that
not only the particles, but certainly also the gaseous fraction of engine
exhaust is related to adverse health effects. Although it is beyond the scope
of the question,
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these observation, as well as those reported from clinical studies by
Mills et al. (2005, 2007) mentioned above, point out that exhaust control
strategies need to be evaluated for the likely hazard of the remaining mixture
of components: a reduction of PM mass may not be accompanied by a similar trend
in the reduction of toxicity.
Recent toxicological studies suggest that both
tailpipe and non-tailpipe emissions (brake wear and tyre dust) express toxic
properties that are similar or sometimes stronger on a per milligram basis than
those found for diesel engine soot, for example. This will be discussed in
section C1.
Coal and oil combustion
Epidemiological studies
After 2005, only one published epidemiological
study based on source apportionment has included a category for coal
combustion. Research teams found some evidence of an effect on total and
cardiovascular mortality in Washington, DC (Ito et al., 2006). In another
study, selenium, an indicator element for emissions from coal combustion, was
found to be associated with cardiovascular mortality and hospital admissions in
New York City (Ito et al., 2011).
The few epidemiological studies that included an
oil combustion source provided conflicting results on the effects of the
emissions on respiratory and cardiovascular health: some studies reported an
effect (Andersen et al., 2007; Gent et al., 2009; Ostro et al. 2011) whereas
others did not (Ito et al., 2006; Lall, Ito & Thurston, 2011; Lanki et al.,
2006). Sometimes no effect was observed for oil combustion, as obtained from
source apportionment, but an effect existed for vanadium, an indicator element
for emissions from oil combustion (Bell et al., 2010; de Hartog et al., 2009).
It should be noted that the source category “secondary inorganic
particulate air pollution” (typical indicator is sulfate) has been associated
with cardiorespiratory health in most studies published since 2005. The
category includes particles from coal and oil combustion, since vanadium and
nickel (tracers of heavy oil combustion) are often found in this association
with secondary sulfate (Viana et al., 2008, a paper on source apportionment in
Europe), but also includes particles from vehicle exhausts.
Toxicological studies
Several studies based in the United States have
reported toxicological evaluations of short-term exposure to coal-fired power
plant emissions (Godleski et al., 2011). In general, these emissions – weather
aged and/or oxidized, and diluted or not – showed very little (if any) adverse
effects in rat’s responses to the inhaled aerosols studied. Godleski et al.
(2011) also reported that no specific toxic constituent could be identified
that explained the subtle effects. Barrett et al. (2011) reported that downwind
coal combustion emissions are able to exacerbate various features of allergic
airway responses, depending on the timing of exposure in relation to allergen
challenge, and that these symptoms were related to both the particulate and
gaseous phase of the emissions. A large number of studies have been published
on residual oil fly ash PM. This type of dust is rich is transition metals (see
section on “Transition metals and metal compounds” above), such as vanadium and
nickel, all of which possess strong redox activity associated with the ability
to cause oxidative stress.
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Epidemiological studies
Obviously, a heterogeneous group of emission sources can be referred to
as industry; and, consequently, the
source category “industry” differs between epidemiological studies. Depending
on location, the category might consist of one dominant source, or be a mixture
of industrial sources or even other combustion sources. Eight short-term
epidemiological papers published since 2005 have included a source category (or
several) for industry.
In papers based on the ULTRA Study conducted in three European cities,
industry was not associated with harmful physiological changes (Jacquemin et
al., 2009; Lanki et al., 2006; de Hartog et al., 2009). Lall, Ito &
Thurston (2011) reported a source category called “steel metal works” to be
associated with respiratory, but not cardiovascular, hospital admissions in New
York City. In contrast, in Atlanta, Georgia, a source category “metal
processing” was associated with cardiovascular, but not respiratory, admissions
(Sarnat et al., 2008). Concerning mortality, emissions from incinerators in
Washington, DC, or from the industry sector in Barcelona (Spain) were not
associated with total or cardiovascular mortality (Ito et al., 2006; Ostro et
al., 2011), whereas emissions from copper smelters were associated with both
(Mar et al., 2006).
A few recent studies have looked at the long-term effects of emissions
from industry, by linking distance from one or several point sources with
health. The problem in most of these studies has been the lack of individual
level adjustment for confounders. In some studies, even area level adjustment
was not conducted (excluded from this review). Furthermore, it is seldom
possible to separate between the effects of particles and gaseous pollutants.
No general conclusions can be made based on the limited new data.
In a study by Monge-Corella et al. (2008),
proximity to the paper, pulp or board industries was not associated with lung
cancer mortality in Spain. Living near a nickel and/or copper smelter was
reported to be associated with increased cardiovascular mortality in
Harjavalta, Finland (Pasanen et al., 2012). An estimate of long-term exposure
in the study was based on levels of nickel in soil humus. The result should be
interpreted cautiously because the highest emissions occurred in the past
(follow-up 1982–2005). In another study of a copper smelter (Pope, Rodermund
& Gee, 2007), a strike at the facility was associated with decreased
mortality. However, the strike occurred in 1967/1968, after which emission
standards were tightened. Emissions before tightening regulation from municipal
waste incinerators were associated with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in France (Viel
et al., 2008).
In a Canadian study with individual level
confounder adjustment, living in the proximity of point sources was associated
in small children with the development of asthma (Clark et al., 2010), but not
with inflammation of the middle ear (MacIntyre et al., 2011). The category of “point
sources” included all kinds of industrial facilities, from power plants and
waste treatment facilities to shipyards, which limits the use of results to
some extent. A study conducted in Texas reported a slightly increased risk for
neural tube defects (Suarez et al., 2007), but not congenital heart defects
(Langlois et al., 2009), around industrial point sources (petroleum refineries,
primary metal or smelter facilities and the chemical industry).
Toxicological and clinical studies
No useful information could be identified to
support the importance of industrial sources other than power plants and/or
coal emissions. This is due largely to toxicological and
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clinical studies having not been performed near sources of industrial
emissions. In other words, the evidence is mainly derived from PM samples of
which PM composition has been determined and used for source apportionment. For
example, Steerenberg et al. (2006) identified, in a small data set, that
industrial combustion and/or incinerators were associated with respiratory
allergy. Specific data on the toxicity of industry emitted PM other than
combustion-derived PM has not been published since 2005.
Biomass combustion
Epidemiological studies
The source category “biomass combustion” includes
particles from residential wood combustion (also other types of solid fuels in
developing countries), wildfires, and the burning of agricultural residues. In
low-income countries, biomass is extensively used for heating and cooking, but
it is most important as an indoor source, and the concentrations are
substantially higher than outdoor concentrations in middle- and high-income
countries. Long-term exposure to biomass PM from indoor use has been associated
in low-income countries, for example, with lower respiratory infections
(including pneumonia) in children, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in
women, and lung cancer. The 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines concluded that there was little evidence that the toxicity of
particles from biomass combustion would differ from the toxicity of more widely
studied urban PM. However, there were at that time hardly any studies available
on the cardiovascular or mortality effects of ambient biomass PM. In several
European countries, high biomass burning contributions to ambient PM may be
correlated with high levels of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons. Levoglucosan and potassium are
very good tracers of biomass burning emissions; thus, these components can and
will be used for epidemiological studies.
A systematic review of the health effects of
particles from biomass combustion was published in 2007 (Naeher et al., 2007).
The review concluded that there was no reason to consider PM from biomass
combustion less harmful than particles from other urban sources, but that there
were limitedly studies on the cardiovascular effects. However, most of the
evidence on the effects of residential wood combustion was still indirect:
studies were conducted in areas affected by wood combustion, but no specific
indicators of wood combustion were available.
The few studies based on source apportionment (and
published since 2005) provide an opportunity to compare the short-term health
effects of particles from biomass combustion with particles from traffic – the
source with the most evidence on health effects. In a study conducted in
Copenhagen (Andersen et al., 2007), particles from biomass combustion were
associated with cardiovascular and respiratory hospital admissions, whereas
particles from traffic were not. In Atlanta, Georgia (Sarnat et al., 2008),
woodsmoke was associated with cardiovascular emergency department visits as
strongly as was traffic; neither of the sources was associated with respiratory
health. In Phoenix, Arizona (Mar et al., 2006), wood combustion was associated
with cardiovascular mortality, with effect estimates slightly lower than those
for traffic particles. Finally, in Spokane, Washington (Schreuder et al.,
2006), associations with cardiovascular mortality were of similar strength for
biomass combustion and traffic. Only in a study conducted in Washington, DC
(Ito et al., 2006), was no clear effect of particles from biomass combustion
(or traffic) on cardiovascular health (mortality) observed. Altogether, these
new studies suggest that cardiovascular effects of particles from biomass
combustion may be comparable to those of traffic-related particles.
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A recent study conducted in a woodsmoke impacted
community provided evidence on the processes through which woodsmoke affects
cardiovascular health (Allen et al., 2011). The introduction of portable air
filters was associated with improved endothelial function and decreased
inflammatory biomarkers; markers of oxidative stress were not affected. In
another recent study, exposure to woodsmoke was associated with increased risk
of physician visits for ear inflammation among children aged 1–24 months
(MacIntyre et al., 2011). There are hardly any studies on the health effects of
longer-term exposure to outdoor woodsmoke. In British Columbia, Canada,
exposure to woodsmoke was associated with an increased risk of infant
bronchiolitis, but not with the development of childhood asthma (Clark et al.,
2010; Karr et al., 2009b). In California, PM2.5 from biomass combustion was associated with preterm birth, but not with
low birth weight (Wu et al., 2011; Wilhelm et al., 2012).
Considering the effects of particles specifically
from open biomass burning (wildfires and crop residue burning), there has been
a lack of studies on cardiovascular health and mortality. In some studies
published after a 2007 review (Naeher et al., 2007), no evidence of short-term
cardiovascular effects was reported (Henderson et al., 2011; Morgan et al.,
2010). However, one study reported associations between smoke from peat bog
wildfires and congestive heart failure (Rappold et al., 2011), and another one
reported associations between smoke from burning of sugar cane and hospital admissions
for hypertension (Arbex et al., 2010).
Little evidence was found for an effect of wildfire
smoke on mortality in the few published studies, since studies often lack
statistical power. Significant cardiovascular effects during major forest fires
have been reported, although it is not entirely clear what proportion of this
could be attributed to exposure to PM (Analitis, Georgiadis & Katsouyanni,
2012). In contrast, evidence has continued to accumulate on the effects of
wildfire smoke on respiratory health; in recent studies, not only total
respiratory admissions and/or emergency department visits, but also visits due
to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
acute bronchitis, and pneumonia have been considered. Increased use of
medication for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and decreased lung function in schoolchildren have also
been reported
in association with exposure to PM from open biomass burning (Caamano-Isorna et
al., 2011; Jacobson et al., 2012). A study conducted on forest fire-fighters associated
exposure to high levels of woodsmoke with pulmonary and systemic inflammation,
providing a potential link between exposure and both respiratory and
cardiovascular diseases (Swiston et al., 2008). Interestingly, one recent study
reported that exposure during pregnancy is associated with a slight decrease in
birth weight (Holstius et al., 2012). It is not known, however, whether
systemic inflammation mediates the effect.
Clinical and toxicological studies
Wegesser, Pinkerton & Last (2009) demonstrated
that fine and coarse PM collected during wildfires are considerable more toxic
in the mouse lung per unit mass than PM collected in the same area without
fires. This was confirmed by Verma et al. (2009a), who tested PM collected
during Los Angeles wildfires (see WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2012 – in
which the effects have been summarized, with a focus on wood combustion). A
more recent controlled human exposure study from Denmark reported that 3-hour
exposure to woodsmoke with up to 354 μg/m3 of PM from a well-burning modern wood stove had no effect on markers of
oxidative stress, DNA damage, cell adhesion, cytokines or microvascular
function in atopic subjects, supporting the suggestion that burning conditions
are dominant factors that determine the hazard of the combustion-derived
particles. Another
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Scandinavian study (Bølling et al., 2012) reported
that the hazard of woodsmoke particles seems, to a large extent, to depend on
the type of stove and combustion conditions (oxygen supply and water content).
These outcomes suggest that a simple risk assessment for woodsmoke is not
possible and the toxicity of the emitted PM can vary significantly. Notably,
the toxicity seems to be clearly contingent on the organic fraction.
Desert dust
Epidemiological studies
After the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines, several new studies reported positive associations between
short-term exposure to PM10 or coarse particles and mortality during desert dust episodes (Chan
& Ng, 2011; Jiménez et al., 2010; López-Villarrubia et al., 2012; Mallone
et al., 2011; Perez et al., 2009a; Zauli Sajani et al., 2011; Tobías et al.,
2011). However, PM10 during desert dust episodes was not associated with either cardiovascular
or respiratory mortality in Athens (Samoli et al., 2011b).
The results for cause-specific mortality have not
been fully consistent for coarse particles: in Taipei, Taiwan, Province of
China, coarse PM was associated with cardiovascular (and natural) mortality,
but not with respiratory deaths (Chan & Ng, 2011), whereas in Rome both
cardiovascular and respiratory mortality were affected. In most studies, PM10 or coarse PM were more strongly
associated with mortality during desert dust episodes than at other times
(Jiménez et al., 2010; Mallone et al., 2011; Perez et al., 2009a; Tobías et
al., 2011), but not in all studies (Zauli Sajani et al., 2011; Samoli et al.,
2011b). For PM2.5, no clear difference in effects between dust days and non-dust days has
been observed (Mallone et al., 2011; Perez et al., 2009a; Tobías et al., 2011).
Only two recent studies have looked at the
associations between desert dust days and hospital admissions. A study
conducted in Hong Kong (Tam et al., 2012), reported an increased rate of
hospitalization for chronic pulmonary disease, but not for pneumonia or
influenza, during desert dust days. In contrast, in a study in Nicosia, Cyprus
(Middleton et al., 2008), desert dust days were associated with an increased
rate of hospitalization for cardiovascular, but not respiratory, causes.
Saharan dust days in Barcelona, Spain, were found not to be associated with
pregnancy complications (Dadvand et al., 2011).
Evidence for an effect of desert dust on human health is increasing, but
at the moment it is not clear whether crustal, anthropogenic, or biological
components of dust are most strongly associated with the effects. New results
by Perez et al. (2012) found that during African dust outbreaks the PM fraction
that shows better correlations with health outcomes is the non-African dust.
Thus, it is possible that the health outcome of African dust outbreaks over
Europe is related to specific components of anthropogenic PM that are enhanced
during the outbreaks. A recent review stressed the importance of chemical
characterization of desert dust (Karanasiou et al., 2012). The fraction of
biological origin, however, remains largely unknown.
Toxicological studies
Only one study was identified that specifically
investigated the adverse effects of an acute exposure to desert dust (Wilfong
et al., 2011). Rats received a single dose in the lungs (1, 5, or 10 mg) of PM10 collected in Kuwait. At 24
hours, 3 days, 7 days and 6 months, the effects on inflammation, cytotoxicity
and pathology were very minimal compared with those of silica dust. Although
the evidence is limited and obtained in healthy animals, the hazard per
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gram associated with desert dust will most likely
be smaller than that of, for example, combustion-derived PM or soluble
transition metals. Of particular interest, Godleski et al. (2011) reported that
viable pathogens in breathable dusts were identified in desert dust collected
in Iraq and Kuwait, suggesting that the source is more complex in nature than
sand. Polymenakou et al. (2008) found a large load of airborne microorganisms
and pathogens during an intense African dust event in the eastern
Mediterranean, and they concluded that the presence of aerosolized bacteria in
small size particles may have significant implications for human health via
intercontinental transportation of pathogens.
Ocean and sea
Epidemiological studies
Several short-term studies published since 2005 have included a source
category for sea salt. With one exception, sea salt has not been associated
with health outcomes (Andersen et al., 2007; de Hartog et al., 2009; Gent et
al., 2009; Ito et al., 2006; Jacquemin et al., 2009; Lanki et al., 2006; Ostro
et al., 2011; Penttinen et al., 2006). In a study by Mar et al. (2006), sea
salt was associated with total and cardiovascular mortality. However, the
effect was evident only 5 days after exposure, which suggests that chance may
have a role in the finding. Recent studies that looked at the associations
between individual components of PM and health did not find evidence of an
effect for sodium, an indicator for sea salt. The exception is a study by Ito
et al. (2011), which reported associations for cardiovascular mortality;
however, no effect was observed for hospital admissions. On the other hand,
Zanobetti et al. (2009) reported stronger effects of PM2.5 on cardiovascular hospital
admission in areas with a high sodium content of particles. The authors
suggested that the effect may be attributable to emissions from shipping. All
in all, there is little epidemiological evidence of the harmfulness of sea
Clinical studies
In Edinburgh, healthy and age-matched volunteers
with stable coronary heart disease were exposed for 2 hours to PM2.5 (190 ± 37 µg/m3) and to clean filtered air using
a randomized, double-blind crossover study design. After exposure to PM, there
were increases in exhaled breath 8-isoprostane, in blood flow and in plasma
tissue plasminogen activator (P <
0.005); but there were no significant changes in markers of systemic
inflammation, and there was no effect on vascular function in either group of
subjects (Mills et al., 2008). It was noted that most of the particulate mass
consisted of sea salt, and far less PM was derived from combustion sources than
was identified in the studies described above. The study provided clear
evidence that PM dominated by sea salt and/or sea spray is far less toxic than
equal amounts of combustion-derived PM.
Toxicological studies
In no study published since 2005 has the role of
sea spray and/or sea salt been investigated, although sea salt is not
classified as a hazardous compound and it is plausible that at current exposure
levels no harmful effects will occur.
Hazardous waste sites
New studies have found little evidence of an effect
of PM originating from hazardous waste sites on conotruncal heart defects or
neural tube defects in offspring (Langlois et al., 2009; Suarez et al., 2007).
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(c) The role of exposure times
Given that risk estimates of long-term exposure
studies are usually much higher than those of short-term exposure studies,
guidelines for yearly average concentrations will be of higher relevance than
those based on 24-hour averages. It should also be noted that the EC’s Second
Position Paper on PM (2004) showed that, on a European scale, annual PM10 averages and 90.4 percentile
values of daily concentrations (equivalent to the daily limit value) of the
corresponding year are highly correlated.
Both epidemiological and clinical studies have
demonstrated that sub-daily exposures to elevated levels of PM can lead to
adverse physiological changes in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
This suggests that an averaging time of less than 24-hours – for example, 1
hour, similar to ozone – could be considered for air quality guidelines.
However, the correlation between the 1-hour maximum and 24-hour average
particle concentration is typically high. Furthermore, no studies have
evaluated whether, for example, a high 1-hour exposure would lead to a
different response than a similar dose given for 24 hours. The same is true for
repeated very short-term exposures.
Epidemiological studies
Epidemiological studies published since the 2005 global update of the WHO
air quality guidelines provide additional evidence on the effects of long-term
(years) exposure to PM2.5 on morbidity and especially mortality (see Question A1). There is more
limited evidence on the long-term health effects of PM10, and mainly on respiratory
outcomes (Question A4). Hardly any studies have evaluated the effects of
long-term exposure to coarse particles, and none have evaluated them for
ultrafine particles (see “(a) The role of other fractions or
metrics of PM” in Question A2 above). For PM2.5, there is also new evidence on
the effects of (sub-yearly) exposure during pregnancy on adverse birth outcomes
(Question A1).
Evidence has continued to accumulate on the
associations of daily PM2.5 levels with both morbidity and mortality (Question A1), In addition,
new epidemiological evidence links daily concentrations of coarse particles
with increased respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity, and mortality (see “(a)
The role of other fractions or metrics of PM” in Question A2 above). The
evidence on the effects of 24-hour exposures to ultrafine particles on
cardiorespiratory health is increasing, but is still limited.
Few epidemiological studies evaluate the health
relevance of shorter than 24-hour exposures, and they focus mostly on
cardiovascular health. Some recent population-based time-series studies have
reported associations between hourly ambient PM concentrations and
cardiovascular hospital admissions or mortality (Burgan et al., 2010).
Unfortunately, in these studies the apparent effects of very short-term
exposures are difficult to separate from the effects of 24-hour concentrations
due to high correlation. There are also new panel studies that link very
short-term changes in ambient PM (or in PM exposure measured with personal
monitors) to adverse physiological effects. These studies suggest that
physiological changes occur within hours of changes in PM exposure (Burgan et
al., 2010; Delfino et al., 2010a; Ljungman et al., 2008; Schneider et al.,
Interesting evidence comes from experimental
studies that look at the health effects of traffic-generated air pollution:
volunteers may have been asked to cycle, walk, or sit at a bus stop in the
midst of busy traffic (Langrish et al., 2012; McCreanor et al., 2007;
Weichenthal et al., 2011). The studies suggest that 1–2 hours of exposure may
be enough to lead to harmful
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physiological changes. In the most susceptible
people, these changes might further lead to more serious exacerbations of
chronic disease. The problem in these studies is that the effect of
traffic-related PM is almost impossible to separate from the effects of gaseous
pollutants and noise.
Susceptible population groups and effect mechanism
differ for short-term and long-term exposures (Question A3). Even apparently
healthy people are susceptible to the effects of long-term exposure to PM,
because exposure can potentially accelerate progression of a disease, or
perhaps even initiate it, until it is clinically diagnosed. Most susceptible to
the effects of short-term exposures are those with an unstable disease.
Progression of a disease due to particle exposure may be associated, for
example, with acceleration of inflammatory processes, whereas other mechanisms
may also play a role in triggering acute exacerbation of diseases, such as
changes in autonomic nervous control of the heart in the case of cardiovascular
diseases (Question A1; Brook et al., 2010). The fact that effect estimates in
epidemiological studies are higher for long-term exposures than for short-term
exposures demonstrates that long-term effects are not merely the sum of
short-term effects.
Clinical and toxicological studies
Very little data has been published on health effects due to exposures
to PM shorter than the usual 1–2-hour duration of clinical studies, whereas the
pre-clinical studies have durations between a few hours and several months. In
the study by Mills et al. (2007), patients with stable coronary heart disease
have more ST-segment depression in their electrocardiogram tracings when
exercising during exposure to diluted diesel exhaust (300 µg/m3) than they do when exercising
during exposure to clean filtered air. The effect of exposure on exercise
induced ST-segment depression was highly consistent across patients and
repeatable during sequential exercise periods. These findings were from a
double blind randomized controlled trial, which would be considered strong
evidence (Level 1). ST-segment depression is an important predictor of adverse
cardiovascular events, but the magnitude of ST-segment depression in the trial
was less than would be conventionally considered clinically significant. It is
likely, however, that the magnitude of ST-segment depression would have been
greater at higher workloads – trial patients were only asked to undertake
gentle exercise in the exposure chamber. It should be mentioned that although
exposure levels were high, they may occur in traffic hot spots of tunnels.
Unfortunately, several variables – such as animal strain or species, and the
type of test atmosphere – prevent statements to be made on the role of exposure
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Question A3
EU legislation currently has a
single limit value for exposure to PM2.5, which is based on an annual averaging period. Based on the currently
available health evidence, is there a need for additional limit values (or
target values) for the protection of health from exposures over shorter periods
of time?
Since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines (WHO
Regional Office for Europe, 2006), when a 24-hour guideline for PM2.5 of 25 µg/m3 was set, the evidence for
associations between 24-hour average exposures to PM2.5 and adverse effects on health
has increased significantly. Thus, the 2005 global update of the WHO air
quality guidelines support in establishing 24-hour limit values, in addition to
an annual limit value, has been strengthened. Single- and multicity studies
from the United States report associations between 24-hour average exposures to
PM2.5 and both mortality and hospital admissions due to cardiorespiratory
health problems. Because of the absence of monitoring PM2.5 in Europe until recently, the
evidence from Europe is more limited; but where there are studies, the results
are less consistent.
The following points need to be
considered in legislative decisions.
Although short-term effects may
contribute to chronic health problems, those affected by short-term exposures
are not necessarily the same as those suffering from the consequences of
long-term exposures.
Not all biological mechanisms
relevant to acute effects are necessarily relevant to the long-term effects and
vice versa.
In periods with high PM2.5 concentrations, health relevant
action may be taken by citizens, public authorities and other constituencies.
Areas that have relatively
moderate long-term average concentrations of PM2.5 may still have episodes of
fairly high concentrations.
In light of the above considerations, the
scientific evidence supports the health impacts and the need to regulate
concentrations for both short-term averages (such as 24-hour averages) and
annual means.
Systematic monitoring of PM2.5 began in the United States in
1999 and more intermittently in Europe around 2009 – so prior to 2005, studies
of its short-term impacts were limited. Since that time, several studies have
documented associations between daily measurements of PM2.5 and both mortality and
hospitalization. While the most comprehensive global assessment, which included
European cities, was based on PM10 (Katsouyanni et al., 2009) (highly correlated with PM2.5 in many cities), numerous
studies are based on PM2.5 directly. For example, Ostro et al. (2006) analysed nine large counties
in California and reported a 0.6% increase in mortality (95% CI: 0.2–1.0%) per
10 µg/m3 PM2.5. Fine particles were also associated with cardiovascular and
respiratory mortality, as well as with all-cause deaths for those above the age
of 65 years. In a study of 25 cities in the United States., Franklin, Zeka
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Schwartz (2007) found an effect of 1.2% (95% CI: 0.3–2.1%) for a similar
change in PM2.5. Finally, in a study of 112 (for PM2.5) and 47 (for PM10) cities in the United States, Zanobetti et al. (2009) reported an
effect of 1% (95% CI: 0.8–1.2%) for a 10 µg/m3 change in fine particles. A more
complete review of both mortality and morbidity studies is provided by the EPA
(2009). In Europe, there are only a few studies of PM2.5 and mortality, and the results
are less consistent. Among the positive studies, Ostro et al. (2011) and Perez
et al. (2009a) reported the mortality effects of PM2.5 in Barcelona (the latter study
using PM1.0). In addition, associations between fine particles and both all-cause
mortality (during the warm season) and respiratory mortality and respiratory
hospitalization were reported for various cities in the United Kingdom
(Atkinson et al., 2010; Anderson et al., 2001). Finally, a study in Finland
reported associations between daily exposures to PM2.5 and increased cough in a panel
of symptomatic children (Tiittanen et al., 1999). Other studies from Europe
suggest fairly consistent associations between black smoke and both mortality
and morbidity. A full review of these earlier studies of acute exposure can be
found in Anderson et al. (2007).
While the United States studies have more
consistent findings for cardiovascular outcomes, many studies also report
associations of exposures to PM2.5 with respiratory outcomes, including asthma, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and respiratory infections. These studies encompass a wide
range of underlying demographics, climates, co-pollutants and socioeconomic
characteristics and are therefore believed to support causal associations
between PM and adverse health. In addition, effects of 24-hour exposures are
observed even in regions with relatively low annual averages of pollution, such
as Canada (Burnett et al., 2004) and cleaner cities in the United States (Dominici
et al., 2007b). For the most part, the effects are observed from 0 to 5 days
after exposures and are greatly increased when cumulative (for example, 3- or
5-day moving averages) exposures are used as the exposure metric. While the
risk per unit is much less than that observed for long-term (one year or more)
exposure, the health costs resulting from short-term exposure to PM2.5 are significant. For example,
short-term changes in PM2.5 levels lead to the early mortality of tens of thousands of individuals
per year in the United States alone (Brook et al., 2010).
Although the effects of continued short-term exposure may contribute to
the initiation or exacerbation of chronic disease, those affected by the acute
exposures may reflect a distinct, susceptible subgroup with underlying or
existing disease or unrecognized vulnerability. As such, this subgroup could be
affected by single or repeated daily exposures to ambient PM concentrations
that can exacerbate disease within hours or days. In contrast, long-term
exposure is likely to contribute to the initiation and progression of
underlying disease over months or years (Brook et al., 2010). Thus, short-term
and long-term exposures can be considered to contribute to different stages of
disease development within an individual or population subgroups at certain
points in time.
Finally, even cities that have relatively low
annual PM2.5 averages can experience substantial variability in PM2.5 throughout the year, with single
or multiple day exposures that represent important public health burdens. This
can occur seasonally or in multi-day episodes. The ratio of daily to annual
average PM2.5 can vary significantly by location and, in most cities, concentrations
above those where daily impacts of PM2.5 have been observed are likely to occur. These daily exposures will be
particularly elevated in hot spot areas, such as near or in traffic or near
stationary sources of PM2.5. For example, high PM2.5 exposures from transport were identified in studies in many cities in
Europe and elsewhere (Zuurbier et al., 2010; Kaur, Nieuwenhuijsen &
Colvile, 2007). Although these exposures typically have relatively short
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durations, in-transport exposures have been shown
to affect 24-hour personal exposure for PM2.5 (van Roosbroeck et al., 2008; Brunekreef et al., 2005).
Therefore, to provide protection for all vulnerable
subgroups, a limit value using a 24-hour average (in addition to an annual
average) is warranted. Many countries and cities around the world issue
pollution warnings when daily levels are considered at a hazardous level. This
can motivate episode-specific control strategies, as well as inform the public,
so that mitigation or coping decisions (such reducing driving, staying inside,
reducing exercise, taking appropriate medications and seeing their doctors) can
be taken. Thus, European citizens should have the right to know the daily PM2.5 conditions and levels that are
deemed to be hazardous. The establishment of a 24-hour limit guarantees the
adoption of monitoring strategies that provide daily information. As an
alternative, valid annual means can be established with monitoring strategies
that do not provide daily air quality information.
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Question A4
What health evidence is available
to support an independent limit value for PM10 (in parallel to (i) an annual
average limit for PM2.5 and (ii) multiple limits to protect from short-term and long-term
exposures to PM2.5)?
A sizable amount of scientific literature exists on
the short-term and long-term health effects of PM10 at concentrations below the
current European limit values. The following arguments make it clear that PM10 is not just a proxy measure of
As reviewed above (Question A2),
there is increasing evidence for the adverse effects on health of coarse
particles (PM10-2.5). Short-term effects on health of coarse particles have been observed
independently of those related to fine particles (PM2.5).
New European studies further
strengthen the evidence for an association between long-term exposure to PM10 and health – especially for
respiratory outcomes – and for health benefits from the reduction in long-term
mean concentrations of PM10 to levels far below the current EU limit value for PM10.
Coarse and fine particles deposit
at different locations in the respiratory tract, have different sources and
composition, act through partly different biological mechanisms, and result in
different health outcomes.
Therefore, maintaining independent short-term and
long-term limit values for ambient PM10 in addition to PM2.5, to protect against the health effects of both fine and coarse
particles, is well supported.
The 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006) set long-term and short-term
guideline values for PM10 along with guideline values for PM2.5. In 2007, a systematic review summarized the short-term health effects
of PM (Anderson et al., 2007). The database on short-term health effects of PM10 was the largest at the time and
suggested associations between all cause-mortality, as well as hospital
admissions from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Notable is the
consistent evidence for the link between short-term changes in PM10 concentrations and respiratory
disease exacerbation that became apparent in the 2007 review.
Different deposition patterns of fine and coarse
particle were documented (ICRP, 1994), with coarse particles having a higher
deposition probability in the upper airways and the bronchial tree. Regional
patterns of deposition are modified in children, and such respiratory diseases
as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchitis produce uneven
deposition patterns in the respiratory tract (Phalen, Mendez & Oldham,
2010). Particles deposited in the upper airways are cleared rather rapidly from
the respiratory tract, as long as such clearance mechanisms as mucociliary
clearance and macrophage transport are not hampered by underlying diseases
(Geiser & Kreyling, 2010). Therefore, coarse particles may induce health
effects by different mechanisms than fine and ultrafine particles and
potentially relate to different health outcomes.
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As reviewed for Question A2, there is scientific
evidence for independent short-term effects of coarse particles, based on the
EPA (2009) integrated science assessment for PM. In light of the evidence on
deposition patterns in the respiratory tract and the potential for rapid
clearance of the micron-size particles, the short-term health effects of PM10 and coarse PM seem plausible.
The review of the evidence on the short-term health effects of coarse particles
and tyre and brake wear particles (in Question A2) also identified a potential
link to cardiovascular disease exacerbation. One of the plausible links could
be provided by the activation of the autonomous nervous system via irritant
receptors in the upper airways (Brook et al., 2010; Peters et al., 2006).
As reviewed in Question A2, there is very limited evidence of long-term
health effects of coarse particles available to date. No systematic assessment
of studies on long-term health effects of PM10 in Europe is available. However, a query at the annotated database on
health effects of air pollution maintained at the Swiss Tropical Public Health
Institute identified 75 studies that reported on long-term health effects of PM10 from Europe since 2005. Overall,
the ability to separate long-term health effects of PM10 from other pollutants, such as
NO2 or PM2.5, was limited and the evidence mixed. Nevertheless, an association
between long-term exposure to PM10 and mortality in women cannot be ruled out. Gehring et al. (2006) found
an increased risk of cardiopulmonary disease mortality in elderly women
associated with PM10 (relative risk (RR): 1.34 (95% CI: 1.06–1.71) per 7 µg/m3). This association with PM10 was independent of an
association with traffic indicators in two exposure models. For the Nurses’
Health Study, Puett et al. (2009) showed independent associations of PM2.5 and coarse particles (though
weaker) with total mortality. However, no association was observed using
similar approaches in men for either PM2.5 or coarse particles (Puett et al., 2011).
The SAPALDIA study (Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung and
Heart Diseases in Adults) found stronger declines in lung function associated
with high levels of modelled PM10 concentrations at the homes of 4742 adults, compared with low levels of
PM 10 (Downs et al., 2007). No other measures of air pollution were
available. The Children’s Health Study made similar observations in children,
but assessed PM2.5 and elemental carbon (Gauderman et al., 2004). Consistent with the
decline in lung function, more frequent respiratory symptoms were reported in
Swiss adults in association with PM10 (Schindler et al., 2009). Cross-sectional data from 12 European
countries on children, (based on nearly 50 000 children) showed an association
between respiratory symptoms and PM10, but not lung function (Hoek et al., 2012). While a meta-analysis of
long-term exposure to PM10 and asthma prevalence showed no association, a potential link to asthma
incidence cannot be ruled out (Anderson, Favarato & Atkinson, 2013a,b). Furthermore,
a recently published study on 481 adults with asthma suggested asthma severity
is associated with PM10 (Jacquemin et al., 2012).
A number of studies have indicated that PM10 exposure during pregnancy, in
addition to NO2 exposure, is able to impact pregnant women and neonates. Heterogeneous
results were observed when comparing 14 studies that assessed exposure to
pollution during pregnancy and birth weight (Parker et al., 2011). The
Generation R Study showed increases in blood pressures for more than 7000
pregnant women, in association with both PM10 and NO2 (van den Hooven et al., 2011), and further indicated an impact on
adverse birth outcomes during a subsequent study (van den Hooven et al.,
2012a). A small study of 241 children suggested an association between PM10 during pregnancy and lung
function in 5-week-old children (Latzin et al., 2009), as was shown earlier for
active and passive smoking. Unfortunately, these studies do not allow a
distinction to be made between PM10 and PM10-2.5.
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There is a moderate to strong correlation between PM10 and PM2.5 on a spatial scale in Europe, as
documented by the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE)
study, with correlations ranging between 0.62 (Oslo, Stockholm, Vorarlberg) to
0.86 (Greater London, Rome) (Eeftens et al., 2012b). Furthermore, the ESCAPE
study showed that, for long-term exposure, PM2.5 and coarse PM may not be highly
correlated across the different regions of Europe, as correlations ranged
between 0.02 (Vorarlberg) and 0.81 (Paris). The ESCAPE study showed that, for
all seasons, the highest concentrations were observed in dry climates. Coarse
particles in European urban areas often consist of re-suspended road particles that
contain a mixture of soil, tyre wear and brake wear, as well as particles that
can be transported regionally from desert areas (Eeftens et al., 2012b). Thereby, the ESCAPE study
substantiated earlier reports that indicated that PM10 and PM2.5 are independent when considering
a wide range of European measurement sites (Putaud et al., 2010).
Based on the evidence reviewed above, a clear picture emerges that
coarse particles are an independent entity distinct from fine and ultrafine
particles. Sufficient evidence exists for proposing a short-term standard for
PM10, to protect against the short-term health effects of coarse particles,
in addition to fine particles. Alternatively, a short-term exposure limit value
for coarse particles (PM10-PM2.5) may be considered and could be regarded as adequate for protecting
against coarse particles, provided that an effective PM2.5 short-term exposure limit is
enacted. A limit to protect against long-term exposure should be maintained as
new evidence is published on health effects of long-term exposure to PM10 from Europe and as long as there
remains uncertainty about if these health effects would be eliminated by
reducing long-term exposure to PM2.5 alone. This concern exists especially for respiratory and pregnancy
outcomes, while cardiovascular disease and other diseases related to systemic
inflammatory responses are more likely to be linked to long-term exposures to
fine particles.
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Question A5
legislation has a concentration limit value and an exposure reduction target
for PM2.5. To decide whether it would be more effective to protect human health
through exposure reduction targets rather than limit or target values it is
important to understand (among other things, such as exposure, cost–effectiveness,
technical feasibility) the shape of the concentration–response functions. What
is the latest evidence on thresholds and linearity for PM2.5?
The existence of a threshold and the linearity of
the relationship between exposure to PM2.5 and health response have been the subject of several studies published
since 2005. The power to assess these issues is particularly strong for studies
of short-term effects. Studies of long-term exposure face greater methodological
challenges to fully assess thresholds and linearity.
Thresholds. For studies of short-term exposure, there is substantial evidence on associations observed down to very low
levels of PM2.5. The data clearly suggest the absence of a threshold below which no one
would be affected. Likewise long-term studies give no evidence of a threshold.
Some recent studies have reported effects on mortality at concentrations below
an annual average of 10 µg/m3.
Linearity. The European studies of short-term exposure that have rigorously
examined concentration–response
functions have not detected significant deviations from linearity for ambient
levels of PM2.5 observed in Europe. Few long-term studies have examined the shape of
the concentration–response functions. There are, however, suggestions of a
steeper exposure–response relationship at lower levels (supra-linear) from
analyses of studies from different areas around the globe and with different
ranges and sources of exposure.
In the absence of a threshold and in light of
linear or supra-linear risk functions, public health benefits will result from
any reduction in PM2.5 concentrations, whether or not the current levels are above or below
the limit values.
Researchers have evaluated the shape of the concentration–response
function using a variety of approaches, including such non-parametric functions
as (penalized) splines (Schwartz et al., 2008). These functions do not assume a
fixed shape, as in linear regression. Key issues were the evaluation of the
presence of a threshold below which no effect can be detected and the levelling
off of the concentration–response curve at high concentrations. The assessment
of the shape of the response function often addresses both, the deviation of
linearity and the potential existence of a threshold of no effect. In
epidemiological studies, the presence of a threshold is evaluated at the
population level and is affected by the wide range of individual responses. The
absence of thresholds at the population level does not imply the nonexistence
of thresholds at the individual level. Actually, the latter are heavily
determined by susceptibility factors that may vary between individuals, as well
as within a subject over time. Studies have evaluated whether the concentration–response
functions deviate significantly
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from linear functions and have typically found no
evidence for this. Studies have generally not evaluated whether other functions
provide an even better fit.
For short-term exposure,
studies that have assessed the shape of the concentration–response function
have found no evidence of a threshold for the effects of PM2.5 (United States) and PM10 (Europe and the United States)
on mortality, despite many observations being below current standards. Many of
these (often multicity) studies were published before the 2005 global update of
the WHO air quality guidelines, but there is now supporting information from
new multicity studies (Dominici et al., 2007a; Katsouyanni et al., 2009; Samoli
et al., 2005). Within the multicity European APHEA (Air
Pollution and Health: a European Approach) study (Samoli et al., 2005), a linear function
represented the concentration– response function well across the range (up to a daily average
concentration of 200 µg/m3). Fewer studies have
assessed the shape of the association for morbidity effects. A recent study in
Madrid found no evidence of a threshold and a linear association between PM2.5 and hospital
admissions for respiratory and cardiovascular disease (Linares & Díaz,
For long-term
exposure, evidence has increased substantially in the past years that
associations are present with little evidence of a threshold. Prior to 2005,
analyses within the American Cancer Society study found no evidence of a
threshold (Pope et al., 2002). Novel insights were provided through the
extended follow-up of the Harvard Six Cities Study, which indicated that, with
decreasing air pollution concentrations over the past decades, the air quality had
improved substantially over the Eastern United States, but the estimated PM2.5 effects on mortality had
remained consistent and displayed exposure–response relationships below the
United States standard of 15 µg/m3 (Schwartz et al., 2008; Lepeule et al., 2012). Associations were found
down to 8 µg/m3 in the last follow-up (Lepeule et al., 2012). In addition, a recent
large Canadian study (published in 2012) of very low PM2.5 concentrations showed strong
evidence for an exposure–response relationship between PM2.5 at or below current standards
and all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality (Crouse et
al., 2012). Because of the sizable fraction
of long-term average exposures below 10 µg/m3, a more robust assessment of the shape of the association with
cardiovascular and natural cause mortality at these low levels was possible.
Further support for the absence of a threshold was
found in an analysis of life expectancy and PM2.5 across the United States (Pope,
Ezzati & Dockery, 2009). The study reported a larger increase in life
expectancy in areas with a larger decrease in PM2.5 between 1980 and 2000. However,
the PM2.5 concentrations in 2000 were still associated cross-sectionally with
lower life expectancy, indicating that additional public health gains can be
obtained with further reductions of PM2.5.
A study comparing effects of outdoor particles,
particles from second-hand smoke and active smoking found no evidence of a
threshold for lung cancer and cardiovascular mortality (Pope et al., 2011). A
linear dose–response function was found for lung cancer, but the dose– response
function was much steeper at low doses (outdoor particles and second-hand
smoke) than at high doses for cardiovascular mortality (Pope et al., 2011). It
is uncertain whether this assessment, based on comparing outdoor air pollution
and particles from smoking, will apply to high outdoor concentrations as well,
given differences in particle composition.
In the extended analysis of the American Cancer
Society study, the logarithm of PM2.5 represented mortality risks for all outcomes slightly better than the
linear function (Krewski et al., 2009). The logarithmic function predicted
higher risks at low concentrations than the
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linear model. The RR for all-cause mortality per 10
µg/m3 was 1.08 (95% CI: 1.04–1.12) for the linear model and 1.13 (95% CI:
1.08–1.18) for a change from 5 µg/m3 to 15 µg/m3 and 1.08 (1.05–1.11) for a change from 10 µg/m3 to 20 µg/m3 for the logarithmic model
(Krewski et al., 2009).
The implication of the Pope, Ezzati & Dockery
(2009) study and other studies on outdoor particles is that, within Europe, it
is reasonable to use linear concentration–response functions to assess risks.
Linear functions may overestimate risk gradients in areas with high air
pollution concentrations – for example major cities and rapidly developing
mega-cities with very high air pollution concentrations.
More powerful analyses in the framework of the project on the global
burden of disease are now challenging the issue of linearity further with more
sophisticated methods (Lim et al., 2012). These findings point as well to
no-threshold response functions possibly being supra-linear, in the sense of
observing somewhat larger effects in the lowest range of ambient concentrations
– such as those relevant for the EU countries – and smaller effects for a given
change in exposure in areas with high levels of pollution (such as Asian
mega-cities). For EU Member States, this would mean that the benefit of cleaner
air would be underestimated if linearity was assumed.
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Question A6
Based on
currently available health evidence, what PM metrics, health outcomes and
concentration–response functions can be used for health impact assessment?
The evidence base supports quantification of the
effects of several PM metrics and both short-term and long-term exposures (see
Questions A1, A3 and A4). Specifically, a large body of evidence from cohort
studies exists to support quantification of the effects of long-term exposure
to PM2.5 on both mortality (all-cause and cardiovascular) and morbidity. In
addition, studies of short-term exposure support quantification of the acute
effects of PM2.5 on several morbidity outcomes.
There are other PM metrics for which response functions have been
published for at least some health outcomes, including PM10, the coarse fraction of PM 10, black carbon, sulfate and
others. Its use depends on the purpose of the health impact assessment. Health
impact assessors could employ black carbon, as an indicator primarily for
traffic-related PM, using published short-term or long-term response functions.
However, compared with PM2.5, there are fewer studies and/or fewer health outcomes available for
black carbon and other alternative metrics. Risk assessments based on PM2.5 studies will be the most
inclusive. Alternative metrics, such as black carbon, may be used in
sensitivity analyses. One needs to keep in mind that the impact derived for
different PM metrics should not be summed up, given that the effects and
sources are not fully independent.
Details of the health impact assessment methods are
discussed further in the HRAPIE project (Question D5). We highlight only the
following general issues.
There are many recently conducted and published health impact
assessments for different PM metrics and averaging times that can serve as a
basis for the quantification, including the recent update of the project on the
global burden of disease. These health impact assessments draw from
epidemiological studies conducted in both Europe and North America.
In selecting pollutant-outcome pairs for a health impact assessment, the
availability of related health data needs to be taken into account in framing
the health impact assessment, as the lack of data may be a limiting factor.
Mortality data for all natural causes tend to be more reliable than
cause-specific mortalities. On the other hand, air pollution is not related to
all causes of death; thus, cause-specific assessments are more defensible. In
light of such methodological conflicts, both analyses may be done to elucidate
the sensitivity of results in their application to the EU population.
For morbidity, baseline data are not necessarily available for every
Member State and, therefore, may need to be estimated or derived from local
studies or from other countries.
Given the breadth of the existing evidence and the uncertainty inherent
in health impact assessments, the sensitivity of results (due to making
different assumptions) needs to be communicated.
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Since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines, many new studies have provided useful information to support the
use of functions applied to previous health impact assessments and have also
provided additional health outcomes and concentration–response functions (see
Questions A1 and A3 for reviews of new studies). For health impact assessments,
one needs information about several factors, including: (a) the risk function
(concentration–response function), which relates concentrations to risks of
death or disease;
the pollution concentrations for
the exposed population that is the target of the health impact assessment; and
(c) the baseline frequency of the health outcome used in the health impact
With regard to concentration–response functions,
the richest set of studies provides quantitative information for PM2.5, but many studies would also
provide concentration– response functions for PM10 (or coarse particles,
specifically), and a recent review provides concentration–response functions
for black carbon. For ultrafine particle numbers, no general risk functions
have been published yet, and there are far fewer studies available. Therefore,
at this time, a health impact assessment for ultrafine particles is not
recommended. Some risk assessments are based on newly developed methods that
use proximity to major roads as a
possible marker of those near-road pollutants, but it is not clear how to
generalize proximity in European-wide
health impact assessments and to what degree it captures ultrafine particles.
With regard to ambient concentrations, the availability and quality of
information about the various fractions differ with the measurements or models
available for PM2.5 or PM10. Much fewer data are available to estimate the population exposure
distribution for black carbon. Also, exposure assessment for ultrafine
particles is very difficult, given its spatial heterogeneity.
Baseline frequency of health outcomes is available
for mortality and a subset of the possible morbidity end-points. However, it is
possible that reasonable assumptions can be made for other morbidity end-points.
The primary focus of the health impact assessment will be PM2.5. Alternatively, one could
consider PM10, but one cannot simply sum up the impact associated with each, due to
substantial overlap. However, it may be possible to at least add the effects of
short-term exposures to coarse particles to the PM2.5 estimates, especially in areas
where the correlations between the two are modest (r < 0.3). Similarly, adding black carbon health impact
assessments to the PM2.5 health impact assessments may not be appropriate, as one cannot claim
complete independence of the two. However, comparing the impact of PM2.5 with the one based on black
carbon may be considered in a sensitivity analysis. For black carbon, a
concentration–response function has been published for the mortality effects of
long-term exposure (Smith KR et al., 2009). When possible, the estimates for PM2.5 should use studies that control
for the impact of other pollutants, such as ozone and NO2, when there is a possibility of
double counting.
A single-pollutant model is preferred if it has
been shown that the PM2.5 effect is robust to adjustment for other pollutants. As an alternative,
estimates for the multipollutant model can be used or considered for a
sensitivity analysis. If a single pollutant model is used, it should be
indicated that the effects may be due to covarying pollutants, either measured
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 43
unmeasured. If the original epidemiological study
suggests that an effect is possibly shared
by more than one pollutant, but the health impact assessment attributes the
effect to a single pollutant, it should be carefully documented as such. In
addition, if the correlations among the pollutants are high (r > 0.6), it may be preferable to use
the estimate from a single pollutant model.
With regard to the health outcomes to be included,
we recommend considering at least those used in published health impact
assessments. In case a cost–benefit analysis or an economic valuation of
current pollution effects is envisioned, the assessment of the impact related
to mortality should be given priority and should include years of life lost, as
those strongly dominate the health estimates. The following mortality and
morbidity outcomes are the primary candidates for inclusion in the health
impact assessment, given that they have been used in previous health impact
Mortality outcome:
premature attributable death (all
causes) due to acute (for example, one or more days) exposures, all ages,
giving preference to the distributed lag concentration–response functions, when
attributable death (all causes or
cardiovascular or cardiopulmonary and lung cancer) associated with long-term
exposure (concentration–response functions from long-term studies) for adults
older than 30 years, with the possibility of subclasses of cardiovascular
disease, such as ischaemic heart disease, being estimated separately;
3. years of
life lost in association with long-term exposure of adults older than 30 years;
4. attributable
cases of infant mortality (0–1 year of age).
The distributed lag concentration–response
function, mentioned in item 1, captures the impact of multiple days of exposure
and therefore provides more accurate estimates of the effects relative to
concentration–response functions based on a single day of exposure.
In case of adult deaths, it is useful to present
both the acute and the long-term cases although the former is, at least, partly
contained in the latter.
Morbidity outcome:
1. bronchitis
symptoms in children under the age of 18 years;
2. chronic
bronchitis in adults older than 30 years;
3. asthma
attacks, all ages;
4. cardiovascular,
cerebrovascular (possibly) and respiratory hospital admissions, all ages;
urgent care visits due to asthma
(and possible other respiratory outcomes) and cardiovascular disease, all ages;
6. restricted
activity days, adults.
While some of these morbidity outcomes will be
difficult to estimate, given the lack of baseline incidence rates, reasonable
assumptions can be formulated. While the total economic impact of the morbidity
outcomes will be small relative to those of mortality, quantitative estimates
will provide important information about the impact of air pollution to both
policy-makers and the public at large. Such information is an important aspect
of any health impact
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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assessment. Therefore, while estimates for
restricted activity days are based on fairly old studies, they should be
considered for inclusion, to reflect their economic impact on the work force.
The final selection of metrics, outcomes and functions will require an
interdisciplinary team and experts in the field of health impact assessment. As
a starting point, adopting previously published methods may be appropriate,
given the new evidence does not contradict, but rather complements, the
evidence that was used to guide previous health impact assessments. We
recommend, in particular, that the team review the methods used in Clean Air
for Europe (CAFE) and other projects, such as that on the global burden of
disease. For the 2002 report on the global burden of disease, quantitative
estimates of the effects of outdoor air pollution were based on four
concentration–response functions: (1) adult cardiopulmonary mortality from
long-term exposure to PM2.5; (2) adult lung cancer mortality from long-term exposure to PM2.5; (3) acute respiratory infection
mortality for children under age 5, due to short-term exposure to PM10; and (4) all-age all-cause
mortality associated with short-term exposure to PM10 (Cohen et al., 2005). A European
expert panel determined that the study generating the most important impact –
mortality from long-term exposure to PM2.5, which is based on data from the United States – could be extrapolated
to populations in other geographic regions (Cooke et al., 2007). Since this
effort, dozens of additional health impact assessments have been published that
include several additional end-points. The recent Global Burden of Disease
Study 2010 provides an update and indicates that several new concentration–
response functions are available and that additional scientific support is
provided for the outcomes estimated previously. This effort has undergone and
successfully passed significant peer review, and new worldwide impacts are
currently being calculated. The analysis draws on the expertise of more than
two dozen international experts and therefore serves as an appropriate basis
for addressing this issue. The updated analysis, which focuses on PM2.5, provides additional support for
quantitative concentration-response functions for cardiopulmonary mortality and
lung cancer in adults, and acute respiratory infections for infants. The
methods and many of the findings were published in The Lancet and other peer-reviewed journals (Lim et al., 2012;
Burnett et al., under review).
Since the report on the global burden of disease provides worldwide
estimates and since there are significant differences in baseline rates of
specific diseases in some countries relative to the countries from which the
concentration–response functions were derived (primarily the United States,
Canada and Europe), the current analysis of the global burden of disease uses
more specific disease end-points, such as ischaemic heart disease, stroke and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. However, for the impact
assessment of Europe, broader categories (such as cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary or even
all-cause mortality) can be used, since baseline health conditions in Europe
are fairly similar to those in the United States These mortality estimates can
be supplemented by estimates of nonfatal incidences of several diseases. In
addition, recent efforts generated by the EPA’s Environmental Benefits Mapping
and Analysis (BENMAP) program provide support for additional outcomes. These
and the associated concentration–response functions were chosen based on
several criteria, including use of appropriate exposure metrics, study design
and location, characteristics of the study population, and generalizability of
the study to other locations. Ultimately, the studies used were similar to
those used in recent EPA regulatory analyses, which underwent significant peer
review before being issued. For example, Fann et al. (2012) generated estimates
for premature mortality in adults from: long-term exposure, infant mortality,
chronic bronchitis, nonfatal heart attacks, hospital admissions for both
cardiovascular and respiratory disease, emergency room visits for asthma, acute
bronchitis, lower and upper respiratory symptoms,
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 45
asthma exacerbations, lost work days, and
restricted activity days. Population life years lost from long-term exposure
can also be estimated. Forthcoming results from the ESCAPE studies may provide
supportive evidence of effects of long-term exposure to PM2.5 and can be integrated with the
existing studies.
The health impact assessment can also draw from several recent
assessments of PM2.5 in Europe. The health impact assessment and cost–benefit analysis for
the Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) Programme is a good starting point, summarized
in the WHO Regional Office for Europe & Convention on Long-range
Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) Task Force on the Health Aspects of Air
Pollution report on the health risks of PM from transboundary air pollution
(2006: Chapter 7), and with more detail in Hurley et al. (2005). The CAFE
Programme included concentration–response functions for most of the health
outcomes described above, using metrics for PM2.5 (where available), or else for
PM10, with a focus on studies in Europe (where available). For some health
outcomes, the background rates were estimated from very sparse data and should,
if possible, be improved or discontinued. The Air Pollution and Health – a
European Information System (APHEIS) project used a limited set of
concentration–response functions – that is, mortality from long-term exposure
and hospital admissions from short-term exposure, but with detailed work on
background rates in the cities selected (Medina, Le Tertre & Saklad, 2009).
Concentration–response functions for mortality from long-term exposure were
later reviewed by the United Kingdom’s Committee on the Medical Effects of Air
Pollutants (COMEAP, 2009a) and, subsequently, also by the Health and
Environment Integrated Methodology and Toolbox for Scenario Assessment
(HEIMTSA) project and discussed by the Task Force for Health of CLRTAP. These
all-cause estimates may be superseded by the cause-specific recommendations on
the global burden of disease noted above. Other work in Europe has focused on
how impacts from long-term exposure can be expressed in terms of population
survival (life years), deaths and life expectancy at birth – see COMEAP (2010).
The latter COMEAP report also recommends that estimates in changes of life
expectancy are preferred to annual deaths. Among morbidity outcomes in CAFE
(2005), the greatest impact was given by attributable new cases of chronic
bronchitis, using concentration–response functions from the United States
Seventh-day Adventist Study. More recently the HEIMTSA project proposed using
Schindler et al. (2009) as a European basis for quantifying the same outcome.
Although a more careful review will be necessary to
determine precisely which end-points and concentration–response functions
should be used in any updated health impact assessment for Europe, the studies
and methods cited above provide ample evidence for developing estimates for a
wide range of health outcomes. The precise methodology for the health impact
assessment will depend on the data available for Europe. However, a focus of
the health impact assessment should be to estimate the health benefits of
moving from current ambient levels to both the WHO guidelines and the levels in
EU Directive 2008/50/EC. Relevant sensitivity analyses should be included as
well. In light of the lack of a no-effect threshold, one may include rural
background levels as a reference point, as well give the full range of possible
benefits of clean air policies.
Finally, the interdisciplinary team may attempt to
expand upon previous health impact assessments, with an attempt to develop
methods and tools to integrate new evidence of effects of PM2.5, such as its impact on birth
outcomes. The inclusion of long-term effects on the incidence of childhood
asthma could be part of such extensions, given the evidence of near-road air
pollution’s contribution to the development of asthma in childhood and its
substantial economic burden on entire families. Other chronic morbidities may
be considered
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 46
as well and methods developed to integrate the indirect burden of
morbidity related to the effects of pollutants on preclinical functional
measures, such as lung function or artery wall thickness, and neurodevelopment
and other emerging outcomes associated with PM2.5. If a new case of a chronic
disease occurs due to long-term exposure to PM2.5, the entire future disease career – that is, the sum of all exacerbations, complications and
limitations in quality of life –
could to be taken into account.
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Health effects of ozone
Question B1
What new
evidence on health effects has emerged since the review work done for the 2005
global update of the WHO air quality guidelines, particularly with regard to
the strength of the evidence on the health impacts associated with short-term
and long-term exposure to ozone?
The 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines found support only for short-term effects of ozone on mortality and
respiratory morbidity.
Since 2005, several cohort analyses have been
published on long-term ozone exposure and mortality. There is evidence from the
most powerful study, by the American Cancer Society, for an effect of long-term
exposure to ozone on respiratory and cardiorespiratory mortality, which for the
latter is less conclusive. Also, there is some evidence from other cohorts for
an effect on mortality among people with potentially predisposing conditions
(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure and
myocardial infarction).
Additionally, several new follow-up long-term exposure studies have
reported adverse effects on asthma incidence, asthma severity, hospital care
for asthma and lung function growth.
New evidence published since 2005 on adverse effects from short-term
exposure to ozone comes from large, multicentre time-series studies in Europe,
the United States and Asia. In Europe, adverse effects of short-term exposure
to daily concentrations of ozone (maximum 1-hour or 8-hour mean) on all-cause,
cardiovascular and respiratory mortality have been reported. Adverse effects of
exposure to daily ozone concentrations on both respiratory and cardiovascular
hospital admissions, after adjustment for the effects of particles (PM10), have also been reported.
In the 2005 review, toxicological data from animal and human exposure
studies already provided ample support for the short-term effects of ozone on a
range of pulmonary and vascular health-relevant end-points. The evidence has
strengthened in the intervening period. In addition, new findings from a range
of experimental animal models, including primates, provides evidence of chronic
injury and long-term structural changes of the airway in animals exposed for
prolonged periods to ozone and to ozone and allergens combined.
New epidemiological and experimental data, for both human beings and
animal models, suggest an effect of ozone exposure on cognitive development and
reproductive health, including preterm birth.
The correlations between ozone and other harmful air pollutants differ
by season and place, making confounding control complicated. During summer,
there is often a positive
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 48
correlation with secondary particles, since similar
conditions increase the formation of both. On the other hand, especially when
ozone formation is limited (winter), there are often strong inverse
correlations between ozone and primary pollutants from traffic and heating,
because nitric oxide emissions scavenge ozone (Lee et al., 2003; Lipfert et
al., 2006). Thus, the apparent absence of adverse effects of ozone in winter
may become similar to summer results after adjustment for the concentration of
primary pollutants that may act as confounders (Gryparis et al., 2004). These
factors suggest that, for health impact assessments, consideration be given to
the use of concentration–response functions adjusted
for such co-pollutants as PM.
A further complexity in the study of the health
effects of ground level ozone, particularly the health effects associated with
short-term exposures, arises from the close correlation between ozone
production and depletion with meteorological conditions (Royal Society, 2008).
Since high temperatures (Baccini et al., 2008) and heat waves in particular
(Kovats & Hajat, 2008) are associated with increased mortality, the
separation of the health effects of ozone from those of temperature is problematic.
Studies of short-term exposure to ozone, such as time-series studies, include
temperature terms in their statistical models, to estimate an independent
effect of ozone. A small number of studies have specifically set out to explore
how temperature modifies the short-term effects of ozone on mortality (Ren et
al., 2008b).
Here we focus our attention on outcomes for which
appropriate denominator data – data on populations that is independent of any
disease or condition – are available for health impact assessment calculations.
Epidemiological studies of long-term exposure
ozone exposure and mortality
The 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006) found support only for a
short-term effect of ozone on mortality. No statistically significant
association between long-term exposure and mortality was observed in a study
from California, the Loma Linda University Adventist Health and Smog (AHSMOG)
study (Abbey et al., 1999), while a subset analysis of the United States
Veterans study found an effect of peak ozone (95th percentile of daily mean)
(Lipfert et al., 2006). In the large American Cancer Society cohort study,
there was no indication of an association between ozone and all-cause or cause-specific
mortality when ozone was represented by the mean of the daily 1-hour maximum,
1980–1981, but when more exposure data were used (covering more years), a
positive association was indicated (Pope et al., 2002). With ozone data from
the summers 1982–1998, the association with cardiopulmonary mortality ozone was
borderline significant.
Since 2005, several cohort analyses (Table 1) have
been published; together they suggest an effect of long-term exposure to ozone
on mortality, at least for respiratory or cardiorespiratory mortality,
especially in people with potential predisposing conditions (Lipfert et al.,
2006; Krewski et al., 2009; Jerrett et al., 2009a; Smith KR et al., 2009;
Zanobetti & Schwartz, 2011). Generally, these studies do not include ozone
exposure from cohort entry to death, and some use limited monitoring data.
In the large American Cancer Society cohort study
extended follow-up, summer ozone levels had a significant association with
total and, especially, cardiopulmonary mortality (Krewski et al., 2009).
However, in this between-city analysis,
the high correlation between PM2.5 and
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 49
ozone makes it difficult to separate the effects of the two pollutants.
In a further study, the correlation between ozone and PM2.5 resulted in unstable risk
estimates for both pollutants and cardiopulmonary, cardiovascular and all-cause
mortality, with only respiratory mortality being significantly associated with
ozone after adjustment for PM2.5 (Jerrett et al., 2009a).
In the cohort study of United States male veterans, only ozone (peak
ozone) was significant in combination with traffic density, and it was only
weakly correlated with PM2.5 (Lipfert et al., 2006).
Most studies have controlled for important potential confounders and
co-pollutants. Smith KR et al. (2009) used the American Cancer Society cohort
study and controlled for both sulfate and elemental carbon; they found a
significant association with cardiopulmonary mortality in the three-pollutant model.
A test for interaction suggested that ozone effects were stronger where sulfate
levels were low. Less than 10% of the deaths were due to respiratory causes,
and less than 20% were cardiopulmonary deaths. Thus, it seems unlikely that
only respiratory deaths are driving the association.
Jerret et al. (2009a) and Smith KR et al. (2009) both used data from the
American Cancer Society cohort study and daily 1-hour maximum ozone, with both
papers presenting air pollution effects adjusted for a large number of
covariates. The paper by Jerrett et al. reports ozone results adjusted for PM2.5, whereas the study by Smith KR
et al. reports ozone results with simultaneous adjustment for two different
constituents of PM2.5: elemental carbon and sulfate. In the study by Jerret et al., the
two-pollutant models for all-cause mortality, cardiopulmonary mortality and
cardiovascular mortality show statistically significant, negative associations
between ozone and mortality. Given the many known adverse effects of ozone, such
protective effects are very unlikely and may reflect problems with the model
specification in this study.
To eliminate potential confounding by factors that vary across cities,
Zanobetti & Schwartz (2011) studied year-to-year variations in 8-hour mean
daily ozone concentrations around the long-term trend in relation to variations
in mortality around the mortality trend. Their study focused on cohorts of
potentially vulnerable individuals and was limited to the months of May through
September. More recently, analysis of the same Medicare cohort as in their
earlier study, Zanobetti et al. (2012) assessed ozone and temperature effects
during the same years (1985–2006) in 135 cities. Again, significant effects of
ozone were found in the four cohorts of people with chronic disease.
Table 1.
Cohort studies of long-term ozone exposure and mortality a
Cohort |
Outcome/exposure |
Main results |
Comments |
Reference |
United States veterans |
Total mortality |
RR for peak ozone: |
RR for peak ozone |
Lipfert et al. |
About 7 500– |
RR from Cox model |
1.13 for 40 ppb in |
(similar to earlier |
(2006) |
using peak ozone: 95th |
multiple pollution |
study) (Lipfert et al. |
11 500 deaths |
percentile of daily 1- |
models |
(2000)) |
1989–1996 and/or |
hour maximum, county |
Weaker effect in a |
2001 |
level from monitoring |
sub-analysis of |
stations |
counties with NO2 |
data 1997–2001 |
WHI study |
No analysis of ozone |
Ozone not |
-- |
Miller et al. |
65 893 women without |
and mortality, only to |
significant |
(2007) |
first CVD event |
previous CVD |
36 United States |
metropolitan areas |
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 50
Cohort |
Outcome/exposure |
Main results |
Comments |
Reference |
American Cancer |
Total and cause- |
In two-pollutant |
A high correlation |
Jerrett et al. |
Society CPS-II cohort |
specific mortality |
models with PM2.5, |
between ozone and |
(2009a) |
extended follow-up |
(cardiopulmonary, |
only the association |
PM2.5 resulted in |
118 777 deaths |
cardiovascular, |
with respiratory |
unstable risk |
respiratory). |
mortality remained |
estimates for both |
9891 from respiratory |
RR from Cox model |
significant; |
pollutants. |
causes |
Average of 2nd-3rd |
RR: 1.040 per |
Ozone gave |
96 metropolitan areas |
quarters daily |
10 ppb (95% CI: |
significant reduction |
maximum 1-hour ozone |
1.013–1.067). |
of total mortality in |
from all EPA AIRS |
model with PM2.5. |
monitors (1–57) in each |
study area, 1977–2000 |
American Cancer |
Total and |
Cardiopulmonary |
Weaker association |
Smith KR et |
Society CPS II cohort |
cardiopulmonary |
mortality increased |
with total mortality |
al. (2009) |
extended follow-up |
mortality. |
0.09% per 1 µg/m3 |
352 242 participants |
RR from Cox model, |
(95% CI: 0.01– |
0.17%) in a three- |
66 metropolitan study |
ozone measurements |
pollutant model. |
from April to |
areas |
September, refers to |
Krewski et al. (2009) for |
details. |
However, IQR 22 µg/m3 |
shows that daily 1-hour |
maximum was used as |
in Jerret et al. (2009). |
Medicare data used to |
All-cause mortality. |
HR: 1.06 (95% CI: |
No adjustment for |
Zanobetti & |
construct cohorts of |
Cox model included |
1.03–1.08) per |
year-to-year |
Schwartz |
people hospitalized |
5-ppb increase in |
variations in particle |
(2011) |
year-to-year variations |
with chronic conditions |
summer average |
levels. |
in May to September |
ozone for people |
mean daily 8-hour |
with congestive |
around the city-specific |
heart failure |
long-term trend |
HR: 1.09 (95% CI: |
1.06–1.12) for |
myocardial |
infarction. |
HR: 1.07 (95% CI: |
1.04–1.09) for |
HR: 1.07 (95% CI: |
1.05–1.10) for |
diabetics. |
American Cancer |
Total and cause- |
HR (in the |
1980 annual ozone |
Krewski et al. |
Society CPS-II cohort |
specific mortality. |
nationwide study): |
levels gave no |
(2009) |
extended follow-up |
RR from Cox model. |
1.02 (95% CI: 1.01– |
significant |
1.03) per 10 ppb |
associations. |
118 metropolitan study |
1980 annual and |
summertime ozone |
areas (ozone study) |
summer (April to |
for all-cause |
September) mean |
mortality |
ozone from AIRS |
HR: 1.03 (95% CI: |
averaged for each |
1.02–1.04) for |
metropolitan study |
cardiopulmonary |
area. |
mortality in single |
(A sub-analysis for |
pollution models. |
metropolitan Los |
Angeles used the |
4 highest 8-hour means |
from 2000). |
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 51
Cohort |
Outcome/exposure |
Main results |
Comments |
Reference |
California Teachers |
Total and cause- |
Only HR for IHD |
Positive associations |
Lipsett et al. |
Study (a prospective |
specific mortality |
mortality and |
with IHD mortality |
(2011) |
cohort of female public |
RR from Cox model |
summer ozone was |
disappeared in two- |
school professionals) |
significant; |
pollutant models with |
Annual and 3rd quarter |
100 000 participants |
concentrations from |
HR: 1.09 for 23 ppb |
PM. |
(95% CI: 1.01– |
neighbourhood |
1.19). |
monitors. |
AIRS: Aerometric
Information Retrieval System; COPD: chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; CPS: Cancer Prevention Study; CVD:
cardiovascular disease; HR: hazard ratio; IHD: ischaemic heart disease; WHI:
Women’s Health Initiative.
1 ppb = 2 µg/m3
a Published after 2005.
ozone exposure and respiratory morbidity
Before 2005, there was limited support for chronic effects of ozone on
respiratory health. A recent systematic review of outdoor air pollution and
asthma in children concluded that chronic exposure to ambient ozone may increase
the risk of asthma hospital admission among children (Tzivian, 2011). The paper
by Tzivian reviewed studies published 2006–2009, and with its inclusion
criteria (a full version available in PubMed) found 12 prospective studies.
One systematic review of lung-function effects included studies of
long-term ozone exposure, but did not present a meta-analysis (Götschi et al.,
2008), and the results presented for lung-function were rather inconsistent.
A conference report on the evidence of health effects of ozone by
McClellan et al. (2009) did not discuss new evidence from long-term studies of
ozone and respiratory morbidity.
The EPA Second External Review Draft of Integrated science assessment of ozone and related photochemical oxidants, Chapter 7 (entitled “Integrated health effects of long-term exposure”), focuses on the evaluation
of evidence from studies presented after the review in the 2006 ozone air
quality criteria document. It concluded that the strongest epidemiological
evidence for a relationship between long-term ozone exposure and respiratory
morbidity is provided by new studies that demonstrate associations between
long-term measures of ozone exposure and new-onset asthma in children and
increased respiratory symptom effects in asthmatics (EPA, 2012). The California
multi-community prospective cohort studies reviewed in the EPA report are seen
as methodologically rigorous epidemiological studies in this regard (Islam et
al., 2008, 2009; Salam, Islam & Gilliland, 2008).
Recent systematic meta-analyses of multi-community asthma prevalence
studies (Anderson, Favarato & Atkinson, 2013a) found no effect of ozone on
asthma prevalence. A review of cohort studies to examine asthma incidence
(Anderson, Favarato & Atkinson, 2013b) found too few studies of ozone and
incidence for a quantitative meta-analysis to be performed. The recent
California studies were not included in the Anderson meta-analysis because they
focused on associations among genetic subgroups and used categorical exposure
indicators (high/low).
However, since 2005, several studies have been published on ozone and
new-onset asthma, asthma severity and control, and hospital care for asthma.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 52
Some of the new studies of respiratory morbidity
are more important, due to their good design and/or large size; and some are
more important because, in the context of the current review exercise, they are
from Europe:
A large, prospective cohort study of non-asthmatic
children 8 years old (at inclusion) in Mexico City (n = 3170) analysed the association between long-term exposure to
ozone and lung function growth, assessed every 6 months from April 1996 through
May 1999 (Rojas-Martinez et al., 2007). Also, in multipollutant models that
incorporate a number of pollutants, the 6-month mean of the daily maximum
8-hour ozone concentration was associated with deficits in lung function
Lin et al. (2008) followed a birth cohort born in
New York State during the period 1995– 1999 from first asthma admission or
until 31 December 2000. Asthma admissions were associated significantly with
all three indicators of chronic ozone exposure (mean concentration, summer mean
and % days with ozone levels greater than 35 ppb.1
The relationship between measures of lung function
(forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and FEV1 as a percentage of forced
vital capacity (FVC)) and long-term exposure was examined in four
representative cross-sectional surveys of the English population aged 16 years
in 1995, 1996, 1997 and 2001 (Forbes et al., 2009). Year-specific estimates
were pooled, using fixed effect meta-analysis. For ozone, there was no
indication of an adverse effect.
In a cross-sectional analysis of immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels among 369 asthmatic
adults from the French Epidemiological study on Genetics and Environment of
Asthma (EGEA), geo-statistical models were performed on 4 x 4 km grids to
assess individual outdoor air pollution exposure (Rage et al., 2009). The
annual mean and summer mean concentrations of ozone were associated with IgE,
indicating that exposure to ozone may increase total IgE in adult asthmatics.
In a later paper from the EGEA study, asthma
control was assessed in 481 subjects with current asthma (Jacquemin et al.,
2012). After controlling for sex, age, body mass index, education, smoking and
use of inhaled corticosteroids, three domains of asthma control (symptoms,
exacerbations and lung function) were assessed. The results suggest that
long-term exposure to ozone is associated with uncontrolled asthma in adults,
defined by symptoms, exacerbations and lung function.
exposure and other outcomes
The amount of evidence for effects on birth outcome has also increased;
in particular, ozone has been associated with an increase in preterm birth in
several new studies (Jiang et al., 2007; Jalaludin et al., 2007; Olsson,
Ekström & Forsberg, 2012; Lee P et al., 2013, Olsson, Mogren &
Forsberg, 2013) and with an increase in cognitive decline (Chen & Schwartz,
2009). Preterm birth is not a health effect itself, but an important predictor
of health. These findings will probably motivate further studies in coming
Epidemiological studies of short-term exposure
1 1 ppb = 2 µg/m3
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 53
Using the St George’s, University of London systematic review programme Air
Pollution Epidemiology Database (APED), we identified 95 time-series studies
that provided effect estimates for ozone indexed in Medline, Embase or Web of
Knowledge between 2006 and April 2011 (Table 2). Thirty-six studies reported
results for mortality from a range of causes and 46 reported results for
hospital admissions. The majority of the remaining studies considered emergency
room and/or department visits. Since 2005, the majority of the evidence has
come from studies in the Americas and Europe. However, there has been a
substantial increase in the number of studies of ozone and mortality conducted
in Asia (corresponding to WHO Western Pacific Regions A and B). Prior to 2006,
the Asian literature represented 19% (19 of 102) of worldwide mortality
studies. This proportion increased to 39% (14 of 36 studies) after 2005. A
similar increase was found for studies of hospital admissions in Asia, up from
20% (17 of 85 studies) before 2005 to 48% (22 of 46 studies) after 2005. Only a
single study (of admissions) published results from South-East Asia (WHO
South-East Asia Region). Details of the WHO regions are available from the WHO
website (WHO, 2013).
Table 2. Number of studies recording effect estimates
from time-series studies
Category and |
WHO Region |
Total |
published |
Multi |
Mortality |
Total |
-- |
47 |
-- |
35 |
-- |
19 |
1 |
102 |
≤ 2005 |
Total |
-- |
7 |
-- |
13 |
-- |
14 |
2 |
36 |
2005 |
SC |
-- |
2 |
-- |
6 |
-- |
13 |
-- |
21 |
MC |
-- |
5 |
-- |
7 |
-- |
1 |
2 |
15 |
Admissions |
Total |
-- |
40 |
-- |
26 |
-- |
17 |
2 |
85 |
≤ 2005 |
Total |
-- |
9 |
-- |
14 |
1 |
22 |
-- |
46 |
2005 |
SC |
-- |
6 |
-- |
9 |
1 |
22 |
-- |
38 |
MC |
-- |
3 |
-- |
5 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
8 |
WHO regions: AFR: Africa;
AMR: Americas; EMR: Eastern Mediterranean; EUR: Europe; SEAR: South-East
Asia; WPR: Western Pacific; Multi:-more than one
WHO region.
SC: single city; MC: multiple cities.
The most informative evidence published since 2005 on the health effects
of short-term exposure to ozone on mortality and morbidity comes from two
recent, large, multicentre studies: the APHENA (Air pollution and health: a
European and North American approach) study (Katsouyanni, 2009) and the PAPA
(Public Health and Air Pollution in Asia) study (HEI, 2010, 2011). The APHENA study
combined data from 12 cities in Canada, 90 in the United States and 32 in
Europe. A standard analytical protocol was applied in all locations prior to
pooling their respective findings. The APHENA study reported associations for
the 1-hour ozone metric. The PAPA study also applied a standard analytical
protocol, as well as standardized data collection, in its study of six large
Asian cities (Bangkok, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Shanghai,
Wuhan, Chennai and Delhi). The PAPA study reported associations for the 8-hour
mean (10:00–18:00) ozone metric. Together, these two multicentre studies also
reflect the geographical distribution of new evidence published since 2005.
Other recent European multicity studies include studies in England & Wales
(Pattenden et al., 2010), France (Lefranc et al., 2009), Italy (Stafoggia et
al., 2010) and Spain (Ballester et al., 2006).
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 54
The second draft of the EPA’s integrated science
assessment (EPA, 2012) reviewed the published time-series evidence for
cardiovascular and respiratory mortality from 2006 to 2011 and also focused on
results from the APHENA study. Other reviews include the quantitative
systematic review of the literature conducted by St George’s, University of
London for the United Kingdom Department of Health, using data in the
peer-reviewed literature indexed up to January 2006 (Anderson et al., 2007). A
more recent meta-analysis of ozone associations was provided by Smith, Xu &
Switzer (2009). A review of the Asian time-series literature also includes
associations between ozone and mortality published up to May 2009 (Atkinson et
al., 2010).
Associations between ozone and hospital admissions
were analysed in the APHENA project. In the United States, hospital admissions
were obtained from the Medicare system; in Europe, data were available from 8
cities; and in Canada from 12 cities. Hospital admissions were stratified by
cause (respiratory and cardiovascular) for subjects more than 65 years of age.
Hospital admissions were not analysed in the PAPA study. Other sources of
information on short-term associations between ozone and hospital admissions
were: a systematic review and meta-analysis of respiratory hospital admissions
(Ji, Cohan & Bell, 2011); a review of associations between ozone and
cardiovascular disease (COMEAP, 2006) (although the evidence reviewed was
published prior to 2003); the systematic review and meta-analysis for the
United Kingdom Department of Health (Anderson et al., 2007) (including evidence
from studies indexed in the peer-reviewed literature up until 2006); and a
review of the Asian literature (Atkinson et al., 2010).
Table 3 summarizes the findings for European cities
from the APHENA study for all-cause and cause-specific mortality and
cardiovascular and respiratory admissions.
In Europe, positive associations were observed in the all-year analyses for
1-hour ozone and all-cause mortality, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality –
associations that persist after adjustment for PM (PM10). Estimates of all effects had
lower CI above zero, with the exception of respiratory mortality. Seasonally
stratified (summer or winter) results for both 1-hour and maximum 8-hour ozone
and mortality, using the same data set, were published by Gryparis et al.
(2004) – results for 8- and 1-hour metrics were similar. For hospital
admissions, positive associations were observed between 1-hour ozone and
respiratory and cardiovascular disease after adjustment for PM10 only. The positive associations
with cardiovascular admissions were not observed in cities in the United States
in the APHENA study or in earlier reviews (COMEAP, 2006; Anderson et al.,
Table 3. Associations
between short-term exposure to ozone and mortality and hospital admissions in
European cities in the APHENA study
Outcome |
Per cent increase in deaths/admissions (95% |
CI) per 10 µg/m3 increment in daily maximum |
1-hour ozone concentrations |
Single pollutant |
Adjusted for PM10 |
All-cause mortality a |
0.18 |
(0.07–0.30) |
0.21 (0.10–0.31) |
Cardiovascular mortality: 75 years and |
0.22 |
(0.00–0.45) |
0.21 (-0.01–0.43) |
older a |
Cardiovascular mortality: younger |
0.35 |
(0.12–0.58) |
0.36 (0.10–0.62) |
than 75 years a |
Respiratory mortality b |
0.19 (-0.06–0.45) |
0.21 (-0.08–0.50) |
Cardiac admissions: older than |
-0.10 |
(-0.46–0.27) |
0.64 (0.36–0.91) |
Technical Report |
Page 55 |
65 years a |
Respiratory admissions: older than |
0.19 (-0.28–0.67) |
0.32 (0.05–0.60) |
65 years b |
alag 0-1 results; b lag 1 results.
Note. Results
for models using penalized splines with 8 degrees of freedom per year are
Table 4 presents results for respiratory admissions
from two recent meta-analyses of the literature. It provides coefficients for
health impact assessments for specific age groups and respiratory diseases.
Summary estimates from Ji, Cohan & Bell (2011) provide coefficients for
health impact assessments, for hospital admissions and for respiratory diseases
in all age groups and in adults – results not available from the APHENA study –
and for chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (all ages) and asthma
admissions (children, adults and all ages combined). All associations were positive, though not all
had lower CI above zero.
Table 4. Associations between ozone and
respiratory hospital admissions
Study |
Location |
range |
Disease |
Estimated % increase in |
(years) |
admissions (95% CI) a |
of estimates) |
Atkinson et al. |
Asian cities |
All |
Respiratory |
0.26 (−0.06,
0.59) (4) |
(2012a) b |
Ji, Cohan & Bell |
Worldwide |
All |
Respiratory |
0.62 (0.24, 1.00) (10) |
(2011) c |
Elderly |
Respiratory |
1.45 (0.80, 2.11) (11) |
Adults |
Respiratory |
0.35 (−0.43, 1.13) (6) |
(15−64) |
All |
1.65 (0.41, 2.91) (6) |
All |
Asthma |
2.15 (0.85, 3.48) (8) |
Children |
Asthma |
0.95 (−1.13, 3.06) (6) |
: |
Adults |
Asthma |
1.23 (−0.71, 3.24) (6) |
(15−64) |
COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
a Per 10 µg/m3 increment in maximum
8-hour daily ozone concentrations.
b Review period 1980−2007; 8-hour ozone per 10 µg/m3.
c Review period 1990−2008; English language only; 8-hour ozone
estimates scaled to per 10 µg/m3 from per 10 ppb.
Experimental and panel studies
One of the key advantages of human exposure challenges is that the
exposure is defined and relevant end-points can be examined in detail. They
avoid the complication of extrapolating findings from animal and in vitro model
exposures where concentrations far outside the ambient range are often employed
to examine underlying biological mechanisms. Their results, however, need to be
interpreted with caution, when aligned with short- and long-term health effects
reported from epidemiological studies. By definition, they address only a sole
pollutant in the majority of circumstances, but this can be helpful when it’s
unclear whether the health effects reported in the real world are related to
the actual pollutant or to a mixture of pollutants for which it acts as a
tracer. For ozone, clear and extensive literature demonstrates its toxic
potency, which has been well reviewed since 2005 (Stanek et al., 2011a; second draft
of the EPA’s integrated science assessment: EPA, 2012), though there remains
the question of whether considering ozone alone underestimates the toxicity
associated with the complete photochemical mixture. This point is addressed in
the Answer to Question B4.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 56
Human clinical studies generally examine healthy
subjects or relevant patient groups with stable symptoms who have been exposed
to a single ozone concentration for durations between 1 and 6 hours. The
results are generally compared with a control air exposure, with a range of
end-points examined, including lung function, exhaled gases, airway
inflammation (either by bronchoscopy, but more recently, especially within the
United States, by induced sputum) and airway hyperresponsiveness. Studies have
also examined vascular and cardiovascular responses under controlled chamber
conditions. The results observed from these acute exposures are usually transient
and though often statistically significant are seldom clinically so. Much of
the early ozone literature focused on lung function decrements immediately
after exposure, but there is now an acknowledgement, voiced by the American
Thoracic Society (ATS, 2000), that for these results to be viewed as “adverse”,
they need to be associated with other adverse responses, such as the presence
of inflammation, cell death or tissue remodelling. The question of what can be
considered an adverse response is central to interpreting the results from
human exposure studies. Generally, small but statistically significant
transient responses in healthy controls are viewed as important baselines
against which to consider the likely responses in sensitive subpopulations, which
might be expected to be larger. This view is not wholly supported by the
An extensive volume of literature examines the
induction of transient decrements in lung function in healthy young human
subjects, usually non-smokers, exposed to ozone for a broad range of
concentrations (40–600 ppb), with exercise for periods up to 8 hours under
controlled conditions. This literature has been reviewed previously (McDonnell,
Stewart & Smith, 2007; EPA, 2012). Since the 2005 global update of the WHO air
quality guidelines, a considerable effort has been invested in attempting to
produce predictive models that describe the relationship between lung function
decrements (FEV1) and inhaled ozone dose, to assess risk and identify response
thresholds (McDonnell, Stewart & Smith, 2007, 2010; McDonnell et al., 2012;
Schelegle et al., 2009). Schelegle et al. (2009) exposed healthy young adults
to varying concentrations of ozone (60, 70, 80 and 87 ppb) for 6.6 hours, with
continuous exercise (VE = 40 litres per minute), and reported significant decrements at 70 ppb,
but not 60 ppb. Recent studies have tended to support evidence of small, but
measureable, decrements at 60 ppb (Brown, Bateson & McDonnell, 2008; Kim et
al., 2011). More detailed modelling studies have provided evidence of
thresholds for these transient lung function responses. McDonnell et al. (2012)
employed data from 23 controlled human exposures, consisting of lung function
measurements from 741 subjects, and found that the best fit non-linear model
included a threshold assumption. Using this expanded data set, compared with
their previous analysis (McDonnell, Stewart & Smith, 2010), thresholds were
identified to be equivalent to “moderate, near continuous exercise for 1 h to
0.06 and 0.08 ppm ozone and for 2 h to 0.04 ppm, and those at rest for 1 h to
0.18 and 0.24 ppm ozone and for 2 h to 0.12 ppm”. A separate analysis by
Schelegle et al. (2012) using a smaller but overlapping data set also supported
a threshold model, based on the assumption that responses only occur once
inhaled ozone has overcome endogenous antioxidant defences, inducing oxidative
stress in the lung.
It should be noted that acute lung function
decrements have also been reported in populations with high outdoor exposures
to ozone (children attending summer camps, exercising adults and outdoor
workers in moderate to high ozone communities) at concentrations lower than
those observed in chamber studies (Kinney, Thurston & Raizenne, 1996;
Brunekreef et al., 1994; Thaller et al., 2008; Chan & Wu, 2005). In the
reanalysis of the children’s summer camp study by Kinney, Thurston &
Raizenne (1996), which included data from 616 children, a 40 ppb increase in
hourly ozone concentrations was associated with a 20 ml decrease in afternoon
FEV1. This relationship was not confirmed in a later Belgian study of children
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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attending summer camps, despite ambient hourly
maximum ozone concentrations being in an equivalent range to the Kinney,
Thurston & Raizenne (1996) study, 24–110 ppb (1-hour maximal
concentrations) (Nickmilder et al., 2007).
A further cardinal feature of the acute response of
the human airway to ozone is the induction of inflammation – particularly,
neutrophil recruitment into the lung. A meta-analysis of human
bronchoscopy-based studies (Mudway & Kelly, 2004) demonstrated a linear
relationship between airway neutrophilia and inhaled dose (defined as a
function of ozone concentration, exposure duration and subject ventilation
rate), implying a threshold above that observed at the time for the transient
decrements in lung function. Subsequent to this analysis, studies employing
induced sputum to sample the upper and central airways have demonstrated
inflammation following prolonged exposures to 80 ppb (Alexis et al., 2010) and
60 ppb ozone (Kim et al., 2011). Airway inflammation has also been examined in
a number of panel studies, using exhaled nitric oxide as a non-invasive measure
of allergic inflammation. While there appears to be a clear relationship
between ozone and health effects in children (Liu et al., 2009; Berhane et al.,
2011; Nickmilder et al., 2007; Barraza-Villarreal et al., 2008; Sienra-Monge et
al., 2004), the data for adults is mixed (Delfino et al., 2010b; Eiswerth,
Douglass Shaw & Yen, 2005). There is little evidence from panel studies to
demonstrate this association is stronger in asthmatic children (Berhane et al.,
2011; Barraza-Villarreal et al., 2008). The issue of the basis for the reported
heightened sensitivity of asthmatics remains unresolved (Hernandez et al.,
2010; Stenfors et al., 2010), as does the benefit of vitamin supplementation,
despite evidence that ozone elicits oxidative stress in the lung (Tashakkor,
Chow & Carlsten, 2011; Gomes et al., 2011).
Since 2005, there have been a number of key experimental animal studies
carried out in mice that demonstrated acute inflammation and airway injury
following acute (Damera et al., 2010) or sub-chronic exposure (Inoue et al.,
2008; Yoon, Cho & Kleeberger, 2007) to environmentally pertinent ozone
concentrations in the range 100–300 ppb. Additional sub-chronic and chronic
ozone exposure studies (500 ppb) in rhesus monkeys have demonstrated structural
changes in the distal and proximal airways (Fanucchi et al., 2006; Carey et
al., 2011) and allergy-like patterns of response (increased globlet cells and
eosinophils) to allergen and ozone co-challenges (Kajekar et al., 2007; Miller
et al., 2009; van Winkle et al., 2010; Plopper et al., 2007). These studies
would therefore seem to support the epidemiological observations that reported
impaired lung growth (peak flow: Gauderman et al., 2002; FVC and FEV1:
Rojas-Martinez et al., 2007) and a worsening of asthma symptoms in children
with high ozone exposures (asthma incidence: McConnell et al., 2002; Islam et
al., 2009; asthma medication usage: Millstein et al., 2004).
Despite experimental support for cardiovascular
effects of ozone (such as vascular oxidative stress and/or inflammation,
increased heart rate, increased diastolic pressure, decreased heart rate
variability and decreased nitric oxide bioavailability, for 2-hour to multi-day
exposures to 500–800 ppb ozone) from animal models (Chuang et al., 2009; Perepu
et al., 2010; Tankersley et al., 2010), results from controlled human studies
remain ambiguous (Kusha et al., 2012; Fakhri et al., 2009). Similarly,
investigation of blood biomarkers (reflecting haemostasis and inflammation) of
cardiovascular risk in panel studies have provided inconsistent associations
with ozone, complicated by the different averaging times and lag structures
examined (Rudez et al., 2009; Thompson et al., 2010; Chuang et al., 2007; Liao
et al., 2005; Steinvil et al. 2008).
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 58
Also an increasing amount of data supports impaired cognitive function
in populations exposed to ozone, which is consistent with the animal
toxicological literature. Using the Third National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES
III) cohort, an association between annual ozone exposure and decreased
cognitive function and short-term memory was observed in the adult population
(Chen & Schwartz, 2009). Memory impairment was also observed in rats
exposed to ozone acutely – exposure for 4 hours to 400–1000 ppb
(Dorado-Martínez et al., 2001; Rivas-Arancibia et al., 2000; Avila-Costa et
al., 1999) – and sub-chronically, 250 ppb for 15–90 days, 4 hours a day
(Rivas-Arancibia et al., 2010). Exposure to ozone has also been associated with
oxidative injury to various brain regions in the rat, including the striatum,
substantia nigra, cerebellum, olfactory bulb, frontal and prefrontal cortex,
either through acute high dose exposures (1 ppm for 4 hours: Rivas-Arancibia et
al., 2000), or longer duration low dose challenges (7–60 day exposure to 250
ppb ozone for 4 hours a day: Rivas-Arancibia et al., 2010; Martínez-Canabal et
al., 2008; Mokoena et al., 2010; Guevara-Guzmán et al., 2009).
Prior to 2005, there was some limited, if somewhat contradictory,
evidence supporting an adverse effect of ozone on prenatal development
(Kavlock, Daston & Grabowski, 1979; Kavlock, Meyer & Grabowski, 1980;
Bignami et al., 1994). Kavlock, Daston & Grabowski (1979) demonstrated that
fetal reabsorption increased following exposure to high ozone concentrations,
ppm ozone during mid-gestation, with a later study
(Kavlock, Meyer & Grabowski, 1980) demonstrating reduced weight gain in the
offspring. More recent studies have reported a diverse range of prenatal
effects following maternal ozone exposure of rats and mice, including adverse
fetal lung development (1 ppm, 12 hours for 18, 20 or 21 days of gestation:
López et al., 2008), neurotransmitter deficiencies (1 ppm for the entire
pregnancy: Gonzalez-Pina et al., 2008), and increased lung injury and impaired
immune function in offspring following 10 days of exposure to 1.2 ppm for 4
hours a day (Sharkhuu et al., 2011). Evidence has also emerged that suggests
that exposure to elevated ambient ozone concentrations has an effect on sperm
count and quality in human beings (Rubes et al., 2005; Sokol et al., 2006;
Hansen et al., 2010), an observation partially collaborated in a chronic ozone
exposure study (500 ppb ozone, 5 hours a day for 50 days) in rats (Jedlińska-Krakowska
et al., 2006).
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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Question B2
What new
health evidence has been published in relation to the evidence or likeliness of
a threshold below which impacts are not expected?
Epidemiological studies reporting an effect of
long-term exposure to ozone on mortality do not, in general, provide
data that permit the firm identification of a threshold for the effects of
long-term exposure to ozone.
Recent experimental exposures of healthy human
volunteers to ozone at concentrations of 120 µg/m3 (60 ppb) have shown impaired
lung function and inflammation, relative to clean air controls, but thus far
only in healthy young adults exposed for prolonged periods (6.6 hours), with
exercise. These conditions are unlikely to reflect fully the range of exposures
experienced in the general population and the real world combinations of
susceptibility and exposure. The effects of ozone on lung function and
inflammation have been reported for real world situations, most notably in
summer camp studies at lower concentrations, less than 110 µg/m3 (55 ppb), as an 8-hour average.
It has been argued that the responses at these lower levels may be due to
subpopulations with greater susceptibilities or to additional effects of other
stressors, such as other pollutants. The evidence from epidemiological studies
for a threshold for short-term exposure is inconsistent with some large,
multicity studies that reported little evidence of a threshold down to near
background ozone concentrations, whereas other short-term studies suggest a threshold
between 20 µg/m3 and 90 µg/m3 (10 ppb and 45 ppb) (daily maximum 1-hour). In summary, the evidence
for a threshold for short-term exposure is not consistent, but where a
threshold is observed, it is likely to lie below 90 µg/m3 (45 ppb) (maximum 1 hour).
Epidemiological studies of
long-term exposure
The studies that suggest that long-term exposure
has an effect on mortality do not in general provide data to examine the
support for a threshold. For respiratory mortality, there was limited evidence
that a threshold model improved model fit (Jerrett et al., 2009a). In several
studies of long-term exposure, mean concentrations for summer months or peak
ozone seem to give stronger associations (Lipfert et al., 2006; Krewski et al.,
2009), possibly indicating that the highest exposure levels are important.
Epidemiological studies of
short-term exposure
A small number of time-series studies have
specifically considered the threshold issue (Hoek et al., 1997; Kim et al.,
2004; Gryparis et al., 2004; Ito, De Leon & Lippmann, 2005; Bell, Peng
& Dominici, 2006). A variety of methodological approaches have been used.
The most comprehensive analysis was carried out by Bell & Dominici (2008)
using data from 98 urban communities in the United States for the period 1987–2000.
They investigated the concentration–response function for ozone and mortality
using a variety of methods, including: (a) a linear approach; (b) a subset
approach (limiting the analyses to days with ozone concentrations below a predetermined
value only; (c) a so-called hockey stick threshold model (assuming the
regression coefficient is 0 below the hypothesized threshold
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 60
value and non-zero above the threshold value); and (d) a spline approach,
in which the relationship between ozone and mortality is described using a
non-linear function of ozone. The authors found robust evidence of a linear
relationship between ozone exposure and mortality, even when they used data
that included only 24-hour ozone levels nearing background concentrations
(typically from 10 ppb to 25 ppb). They concluded that “... any anthropogenic
contribution to ambient ozone, however slight, still presents an increased risk
for premature mortality” and “Interventions to further reduce ozone pollution
would benefit public health, even in regions that meet current regulatory
standards and guidelines”. Both Kim S et al. (2004) and Hoek et al. (1997) used
subsets of these methods to arrive at similar conclusions.
Additional evidence was sought by searching the
citation list for the Bell, Peng & Dominici 2006 paper. Of the 142 papers
citing this article (checked 30 May 2012), 3 reported findings on evidence for
a threshold in the concentration–response relationship. Stylianou &
Nicolich (2009) analysed data from nine cities in the United States National
Morbidity, Mortality and Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS) and reached a different
conclusion from that of Bell, Peng & Dominici (2006): “Many models
exhibited thresholds (10–45 ppb)” and that the assumption of linearity “was not
appropriate”. Similarly, Pattenden et al. (2010) also reported evidence for a
threshold (at 33 ppb, using daily maximum 8-hour ozone) in their study of
mortality in 15 British conurbations. A recent study by Powell, Lee &
Bowman (2012) analysed daily mean ozone and respiratory mortality data for
London and concluded that there was clear evidence for a threshold near 50 µg/m3. This was also the conclusion
from a recent analysis of London data (daily 8-hour ozone), although the
evidence from other urban and rural areas in England and Wales was less
conclusive (Atkinson et al., 2012b).
The APHEA-2 project studied the relationship
between maximum 8-hour mean ozone and mortality stratified by season (Gryparis
et al., 2004). Without adjustment for PM10, there was little evidence for an association in the winter months.
Upon adjustment for PM10, the linear associations were comparable. The concentration–response
relationship for all-cause mortality was studied in the summer months only and
was consistent with a linear relationship (the lowest median concentrations of
8-hour ozone were in London, at 41 µg/m3). The APHENA study investigated the evidence for a threshold in the
ozone– (1-hour) mortality concentration–response function in Europe, using the
same data set as in the APHEA-2 project. It utilized threshold models, testing
a range of threshold values, and concluded that “the pollutant-mortality
association is essentially linear”; however, it was cautious about this
conclusion stating that “with small effects typical of these studies, limited
power existed to detect thresholds”.
Experimental studies
Exposure–response relationships are available for
the impact of ozone inhalation on indices of lung function. These were
available and reviewed in the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines. These studies highlight the importance of considering inhaled total
dose, as opposed to focusing on the headline ozone concentration employed
(McDonnell, Stewart & Smith, 2007). They also demonstrate the relatively
greater influence of subject ventilation rate, over the duration of exposure.
Recent studies have tended to support evidence of small, but measureable,
decrements in lung function at and below 60 ppb (Brown, Bateson &
McDonnell, 2008), as well as potential thresholds near the current European air
quality standard (McDonnell et al., 2012; Schelegle et al., 2012). A detailed
review of these studies is provided in the Rationale for Question B1. The
literature examining the basis for these acute changes in lung capacity has
expanded during the last five years,
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 61
particularly with regard to the capacity of ozone
and ozone oxidation products in the lung to stimulate transient receptor
potential (TRP) subfamily A member 1 channels on vagal bronchopulmonary
C-fibres (Taylor-Clark & Undem 2010).
For relationships for ozone-induced airway injury
and the induction of acute inflammation, the literature is thinner, largely
related to the greater technical challenges involved in obtaining this
information for human subjects. An attempt to examine these relationships was
published at the tail end of 2004 (Mudway & Kelly, 2004), which appeared to
show near linear relationships between ozone-induced neutrophilia and inhaled
dose and indicated a threshold by considering regression through the normal
population range for airway neutrophils. These data tended to suggest that the
threshold of ozone-induced inflammation was somewhat higher than that for lung
function changes. With respect to this question, Kim et al. (2011) exposed 59
healthy, exercising young adults to 0.06 ppm ozone for 6.6 hours under
controlled chamber conditions and reported a significant and acute decrease in
FEV1 and increased neutrophilic inflammation of the airways, sampled using
induced sputum. Of note, this paper found no influence of possession of the
GSTM1 null genotype on the responses observed. Alexis et al. (2010) also
demonstrated changes in inflammatory cell phenotype at this low ozone
concentration. The cardiovascular effects of ozone in experimental studies
remain ambiguous (Kusha et al., 2012). Generally speaking, the findings related
to ozone are not as marked as those associated with exposures to concentrated
ambient particles or diesel-engine exhausts.
Importantly, and consistent with earlier studies, the evidence presented
since 2005 does not support a simple concordance between ozone-induced
inflammation, lung function changes, pulmonary injury and cardiovascular
effects (Que et al., 2011; Tank et al., 2011). It is therefore necessary that
any discussion that implies thresholds for acute response end-points from human
chamber studies is not interpreted in an overly simplistic manner. The absence
of a small lung function decrement at a low ozone concentration does not imply
the absence of adverse responses in other end-points. For this reason, plus the
difficulty in relating acute changes in small groups of healthy young adults to
chronic effects in sensitive subgroups at the population level, we have not
emphasized the results of the chamber studies, in the discussion of thresholds
for short- and long-term health effects. That there is data that suggests
adverse acute responses in healthy subjects at, or near, the current WHO and EU
guideline concentrations clearly suggests that the current standards warrant
careful review, as the threshold in vulnerable groups is likely to be below
these concentrations.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 62
Question B3
Based on
currently available health evidence, what ozone metrics, health outcomes and
concentration–response functions can be used for health impact assessment?
It is mainly adverse health outcomes with known
baseline rates that are suited for health impact assessments, typically
mortality and hospital admissions. Evidence from time-series studies of
short-term exposure to ozone suggests health impact assessment calculations can
be undertaken for a range of end-points, including all-age, all-cause,
cardiovascular and respiratory mortality and, for the age group 65 years and
older, respiratory and cardiovascular hospital admissions. The epidemiological
evidence supports calculations that use all-year coefficients for daily maximum
8-hour ozone (scaled from the 1-hour measures reported in the literature),
including adjustment for PM10.
For the reasons stated in the Answer to Question
B2, we recommend that health impact calculations for short-term exposures
assume linear concentration–response relationships for the outcomes
recommended. Since the epidemiological evidence on linearity does not extend
down to zero, appropriate cut-off points for health impact assessments are
therefore recommended: one at 20 µg/m3 (10 ppb) for daily maximum 8-hour ozone and one at 70 µg/m3 (35 ppb), for consistency with
previous work using SOMO35 data.
Because of the uncertainties about the effects of
long-term exposure to ozone reported in the Answer to Question B1, we suggest
that health impact assessments for respiratory and cardiopulmonary mortality
are undertaken as a sensitivity scenario. We recommend using coefficients from
single-pollutant models taken from the American Cancer Society cohort study,
assuming an association exists within the range of ozone concentrations
Epidemiological studies of
long-term exposure
In several studies of long-term exposure, mean
concentrations for summer months or the mean of daily peak hourly ozone are
used as exposure variables.
There are few studies of the long-term effect of ozone on mortality, so
results from the American Cancer Society cohort study on respiratory and
cardiopulmonary mortality are the most appropriate to use for health impact
assessment(s). Because of instability in the ozone concentration–response
function in the two-pollutant models in the American Cancer Society cohort
study, we recommend, as a sensitivity analysis for health impact assessments,
the use of the single-pollutant model results for respiratory and
cardiopulmonary mortality from Krewski et al. (2009) and Smith KR et al.
(2009), respectively.
Epidemiological studies of
short-term exposure
Concentration–response functions for ozone measured as 1-hour averages
are available for all-age, all-cause, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality.
Results are expressed as the percentage change in mortality associated with a
10-µg/m3 increase in maximum 1-hour average daily ozone concentrations. Using
data provided in Gryparis et al. (2004), these can be rescaled for daily maximum
8-hour average ozone concentrations. To account for potential
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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confounding by particles in ambient air, it is recommended that results
adjusted for PM10 are used for health impact assessment. Results for other outcomes
and/or age groups are available (Table 4).
Concentration–response functions for ozone measured
as 1-hour averages are available for age-specific (older than 65 years)
cardiovascular and respiratory hospital admissions. These can be converted to
8-hour average ozone concentrations, as indicated above. The systematic review
by Ji, Cohan & Bell (2011) provides evidence for age-specific respiratory
subgroups for quantification in susceptible subgroups (Table 4) for daily
maximum 8-hour ozone concentration.
Experimental studies
It is possible, and considerable effort has been
invested since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines, to
derive exposure–response functions for ozone-induced transient decrements in
lung function (McDonnell et al., 2012; Schelegle et al., 2012). While the
studies by McDonnell et al. (2012) and Schelegle et al. (2012) support the
presence of response thresholds in the healthy adult population, they also
highlight the considerable heterogeneity of individual responses around the
mean response at any given dose. Also, while these responses may be informative
in interpreting short-term effects, it still remains uncertain how the
responses reported in healthy subjects relate to those likely to occur in more vulnerable
populations. These data are not easily related to long-term health effects.
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Question B4
Is there
evidence that other photochemical oxidants (individually or in mixtures) are of
public health concern – for example, does the impact of outdoor ozone on
reaction products indoors explain the outdoor ozone associations, and links to
the secondary organic aerosol?
To date, the number of studies that address the toxicity of the products
of the reaction of ozone with volatile organic compounds, particles and indoor
surfaces is limited. It is clear, however, that ozone is involved in the
formation of secondary inorganic and organic PM in the outdoor environment and
that the reaction of ozone with common indoor volatile organic compounds
generates a plethora of compounds, many of which have been proposed to be
respiratory irritants. The field is currently positioning itself to perform
whole animal and human exposure studies, to address whether the formation of
these species, at relevant concentrations, constitutes a public health concern
over and above that of ozone alone. At this time, however, there is
insufficient information to make a definitive statement about Question B4.
The photochemical processes that occur in ambient
air, resulting in the formation of tropospheric ozone, also generate a range of
other compounds, including formaldehyde, hydroperoxides, peroxides,
peroxyacetyl nitrate, nitric acid and sulfuric acid. The available data on the
toxicity of these compounds is limited and has not evolved significantly since
2005. Inhalation challenges (2 hours) of Sprague-Dawley rats with high
concentrations of hydrogen peroxide vapour (10, 20 and 100 ppb) in the presence
or absence of ammonium sulfate fine PM were found to elicit only minimal
evidence of airway inflammation immediately and 24 hours after exposure (Morio
et al., 2001). Similarly, experimental studies in mice and rats using high
concentrations of peroxyacetyl nitrate have demonstrated pulmonary injury and
increased susceptibility to infection, but only at concentrations well outside
the ambient range (reviewed in Vyskocil, Viau & Lamy, 1998). At this time,
therefore, there is no strong scientific justification for considering these
photochemical oxidants as a public health concern.
Epidemiological studies rely largely on exposures
attributed to ozone, based on outdoor concentrations measured at background
locations. It is well established, however, that the populations studied spend
only a small fraction of their daily lives in the outdoor environment and, as
such, that there is a significant risk of exposure misclassification. Numerous
studies have reported poor correlations between indoor and outdoor ozone
concentrations, as well as between outdoor and personal exposures (Geyh et al.,
2000). Clearly, the strength of the correlation between personal and fixed-site
ozone measurements reflects the individual’s time activity patterns, as well as
the housing characteristics that govern the levels of air exchange, such as
open windows and the prevalence of air-conditioning (Brauer & Brook, 1995;
Liu et al., 1995, 1997; Romieu et al., 1998).
Unsurprisingly, given the reactive nature of ozone, indoor concentration
are typically lower in the absence of a defined indoor source. This reflects
the rapid removal of ozone penetrating into the indoor environment, through its
reaction with gaseous species and
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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particulates within indoor air (reviewed in
Weschler, 2011), as well as reactive surfaces (Nicolas, Ramalho & Maupetit,
2007).These reactions occur with airborne- and surface-associated compounds as
diverse as terpenoids, such as limonene (Weschler, 2011), human skin lipids
(Wisthaler & Weschler, 2010), environmental tobacco smoke (Sleiman et al.,
2010) and third-hand smoke (Petrick, Svidovsky & Dubowski, 2011), resulting
in the formation of new gaseous or particulate species, many of which are
established respiratory irritants. Taking limonene as an example, its oxidation
by ozone can generate formaldehyde and acrolein, formic and acetic acids,
alcohols, terpene derivatives (Clausen et al., 2001; Chen, Hopke & Carter,
2011), carbonyl compounds (Forester & Wells, 2009), radicals of varying
stability (Chen & Hopke, 2010), and secondary organic aerosols, in the fine
to ultrafine size range (Weschler, 2006; Wolkoff et al., 2008).
As many of these compounds have known irritant
properties in the airways, it has been proposed that their formation might
account for some of the health effects reported in the epidemiological
literature (Weschler, 2011). For example formaldehyde is a documented sensory
irritant that has been implicated in a worsening of allergic and respiratory
symptoms in children (McGwin, Lienert & Kennedy, 2010). This argument is
not limited to the consideration of indoor air; it applies also to ambient air,
where ozone could be viewed as a chemical surrogate for all of its subsequent
ozonation products.
This view has gained credence since 2005, largely
as a result of attempts to explain the intercity variation in short-term ozone
mortality coefficients reported in NMMAPS. Initially, Bell & Dominici
(2008) examined whether this heterogeneity could be explained by differences in
community-specific characteristics, identifying a higher prevalence of central
air conditioning as one of several factors associated with reduced
ozone-related mortality. A subsequent study by Chen, Zhao & Weschler (2012)
found that a considerable degree of this variation could be accounted for by
consideration of building ventilation, as a proxy for indoor ozone penetration,
and one may speculate about its associated indoor chemistry. Consistent with
the view that ozone penetrating into the indoor environment can drive the
formation of irritant species, associations have been observed between ambient
concentrations and upper airway, eye and neurological subjective symptoms in
office workers, parallel to increased indoor aldehyde concentrations,
consistent with ongoing ozone chemistry (Apte, Buchanan & Mendell, 2008).
There is also evidence that ozone penetrating indoors can potentiate the
irritant potential of household dust. Subjects exposed in climate-controlled
chambers to resuspended office dust with ozone (300 ppb) for 3 hours displayed
reduced peak expiratory flow and an increase in subjective symptoms compared
with dust or ozone only exposures (Mølhave et al., 2005). Similar results have
been observed following limonene oxidation at more environmentally pertinent
ozone levels (Tamás et al., 2006).
To date, the experimental evidence that addresses the toxicity of ozone
oxidation products is limited, with rather simplistic in vitro experiments
having been performed (McWhinney et al., 2011; Jang, Ghio & Cao, 2006). For
example, McWhinney et al. (2011) demonstrated increased redox activity of
particles generated from a two-stroke gasoline engine following ozonation,
primarily related to the deposition of a redox-active secondary organic
aerosol. This finding was interpreted as supporting the contention that the
redox properties of ambient PM are enhanced with ageing in the presence of
ozone. The earlier study by Jang, Ghio & Cao (2006) demonstrated that an
absorbed secondary organic aerosol, formed between the reaction of ozone and α-pinene,
increased the inflammatory properties of magnetic nanoparticles on a bronchial
epithelial cell line. These and other recent papers do, however, demonstrate
that the field is positioning itself to perform both whole animal and human
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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exposures in experimental smog chambers (Papapostolou et al., 2011).
Some studies have examined impacts of ozone and the aged aerosol on heart
function (ST-segment depression); but while these have found associations with
primary combustion aerosols, there appeared to be no effect with ozone or the
ozone-aged particles (Delfino et al., 2011). A study in rats exposed to
limonene ozone reaction products did demonstrate induction of inflammation and
stress responses, associated with pulmonary pathology, but the exposure was not
easily related to the real-world situation (Sunil et al., 2007). Evidence that
oxidation of the primary organic aerosol alters (and might potentiate) its
toxicity was recently reported by Rager et al. (2011), who exposed an
immortalized lung epithelial cell line to real world aerosols, either during
the morning or the afternoon, the latter reflecting a more oxidized aerosol.
The responses of the cells to these differing aerosols were profiled by
transcriptomics, revealing a more robust transcriptional response as the
primary aerosol aged.
With regard to the question asked, the current
evidence on ozone oxidation products within the indoor, but also within the
outdoor, environment suggests that they may affect human health. The data
available at this time is, however, rather scant and insufficient to support
any recommendation, beyond the need for further research in this area.
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C. Proximity to roads, NO2, other air pollutants and their mixtures
Question C1
There is
evidence of increased health effects linked to proximity to roads. What
evidence is available that specific air pollutants or mixtures are responsible
for such increases, taking into account co-exposures such as noise?
Motor vehicles are a significant source of urban
air pollution. Adverse effects on health due to proximity to roads were
observed after adjusting for socioeconomic status and after adjusting for
noise. Elevated health risks associated with living in close proximity to roads
is unlikely to be explained by PM2.5 mass since this is only slightly elevated near roads. In contrast,
levels of such pollutants as ultrafine particles, carbon monoxide, NO2, black carbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and some metals are more elevated near roads. Individually or in
combination, these are likely to be responsible for the observed adverse
effects on health. Current available evidence does not allow discernment of the
pollutants or pollutant combinations that are related to different health
outcomes, although association with tailpipe primary PM is identified
Exhaust emissions are an important source of traffic-related pollution,
and several epidemiological and toxicological studies have linked such
emissions to adverse effects on health. Road abrasion, tyre wear and brake wear
are non-exhaust traffic emissions that become relatively more important with
progressive reductions in exhaust emissions. Toxicological research
increasingly indicates that such non-exhaust pollutants could be responsible
for some of the observed adverse effects on health.
In 2010, the Health Effects Institute published their authoritative
report Traffic-related air pollution: a critical review of the
literature on emissions, exposure, and health effects, which formed the basis of the current
assessment. Motor vehicles emit large quantities of carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, PM, and substances known as mobile
source air toxics, such as benzene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene
and lead (where leaded gasoline is still in use). Furthermore, secondary
by-products, such as ozone and secondary aerosols (for example, nitrates and
inorganic and organic acids), are formed farther away from roads, but these are
not considered here.
Pollutant emissions from vehicles are related to vehicle type (such as
light- or heavy-duty vehicles) and age, operating and maintenance conditions,
exhaust treatment, type and quality of fuel, wear of parts (such as tyres and
brakes), and engine lubricants used. Important non-combustion PM emissions
associated with motor vehicles include wear particles from road surfaces, tyres
and brakes, as well as resuspended road dust.
Non-combustion emissions contain such chemical
compounds as trace metals and organics. Traffic emissions are the principal
source of intra-urban variation in the concentrations of air pollutants in many
cities, but this can vary both by time and location.
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The Health Effects Institute report summarized that
measurements of outdoor air quality on roadways indicate that concentrations of
ultrafine particles, black carbon, particle-bound polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, nitric oxide, NO2, carbon monoxide,
benzene, and formaldehyde are high and variable compared with ambient
concentrations measured at background locations. Furthermore, concentrations
around roadways may represent direct influences from road traffic and from
background concentrations. The concentration gradient also seems to be a
function of the reactivity of specific pollutants, such as NO2, nitrogen oxides and
ozone. Hitchins et al. (2000) reported a 50% decrease in PM2.5 and ultrafine particles
within 100–150 m of a road. A decay to background concentrations within as
little as 50 m has been described for PM2.5 mass concentration
(Tiitta et al., 2002), although PM2.5 tends to be more
spatially homogeneous than ultrafine particles. Roorda-Knape et al. (1998)
found that concentrations of black smoke, PM2.5, NO2, and benzene
decreased to background concentrations within 100–150 m of a roadway
(Roorda-Knape et al., 1998).
In an environment with greater volumes of traffic, Zhu et al. (2002) found
that ultrafine particles, black carbon, and total PM counts decreased rapidly
in the first 150 m and then levelled off. PM2.5 was found to be elevated only modestly (that is, in the range of 20%)
near roadways. Zhu et al. (2006) suggested that distance-decay gradients extend
to at least 500 m on the downwind side during night-time hours. Some studies
concurrently measured such pollutants as NO2 and volatile organic compounds (Roorda-Knape et al., 1998; Weisel et
al., 2005) and carbon monoxide (Zhu et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2005), to
assess pollutant mix. Zhu et al. (2002) found that the decay of concentrations
with distance on the downwind side of a highway was similar for ultrafine
particles, black carbon and carbon monoxide – that is, a 60% to 80% decrease
from roadside concentrations within 100 m. Gilbert et al. (2003) also found
that NO2 concentrations decayed with distance around a busy highway in Montreal,
the greatest decrease occurring within the first 200 m.
In general, distance-decay gradients have different
characteristics on upwind and downwind sides of an expressway (Roorda-Knape et
al., 1998; Zhu et al., 2002; Gilbert et al., 2003; McConnell et al., 2006b). On
the upwind side, concentrations drop off to near background levels within 200 m
and, in the case of particles, probably within 100 m or less. On the downwind
side, concentrations do not generally reach background levels until 300–500 m.
In some studies, this was extended to up to 1500 m for NO2 (Gilbert et al., 2003; Jerrett
et al., 2007) and 800 m for ultrafine particle number counts (Reponen et al.,
Zhou & Levy (2007) pooled estimates from more than 30 studies and
characterized the decay with distance from the road source for various
combinations of reactive and nonreactive pollutants in areas of either high or
low background pollution. Further simulations, using dispersion models, were
employed to augment the empirical results. Overall, the distance-decay
gradients demonstrated a heterogeneity that could be explained by background
concentrations, pollutant characteristics, and local meteorological conditions
(such as wind speed). Based on dispersion simulations for elemental carbon, the
distance-decay gradient was in the range of 100–400 m from the source. For
ultrafine particle counts, the gradient was 100–300 m; NO2 had gradients of 200–500 m.
Also, metals (Peachey et al., 2009) and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (Schnelle-Kreis et al.,
1999) have shown a distance-decay gradient for roads. While this chapter was being prepared,
Karner, Eisinger & Niemeier (2010) published a systematic compilation of
the proximity measurements of multiple pollutants classified by category, which
is a useful addition to this discussion.
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In conclusion, there are a number studies showing
higher levels of pollutants in proximity to roads. In general PM2.5 does not exhibit the sharp
distance-decay gradient evident for carbon monoxide, NO2 or ultrafine particles. The
Health Effects Institute Panel identified an exposure zone within a range of up
to 300–500 m from a highway or a major road as the area most highly affected by
traffic emissions – the range reflecting the variable influence of background
pollution concentrations, meteorological conditions, and season. Metals usually
attributed to brake and tyre wear, with such metals as copper, iron, antimony,
tin, barium and zinc being higher close to roadways, compared with urban
background (Querol et al., 2007). These metals were previously only seen in industrialized
areas (Lee, Garland & Fox, 1994). Importantly, Ostro et al. (2011) found
association between PM2.5 road dust and mortality.
Many studies have shown excess health risks in proximity to roads –
after adjustment for a range of possible confounders, including socioeconomic
status – for such outcomes as: cardiovascular mortality (Gehring et al., 2006),
respiratory mortality and traffic intensity in a 100-m buffer (Beelen et al.,
2008a), myocardial infarction (Tonne et al., 2007), cardiovascular disease
(Hoffmann et al., 2006), coronary artery calcification (Hoffmann et al., 2007),
cardiac function-left ventricular mass index (van Hee et al., 2009), asthma
(Morgenstern et al., 2007, 2008; Gauderman et al., 2005; McConnell et al.,
2006a; Gordian, Haneuse & Wakefield, 2006; Kim et al., 2008), wheeze
(McConnell et al., 2006a; Ryan et al., 2005; Venn et al., 2005; Gauderman et
al., 2005; van Vliet et al., 1997), asthma hospitalization (Edwards, Walters
& Griffiths, 1994; English et al., 1999; Lin et al., 2002; Wilhelm et al.,
2008), lung function reduction (Sekine et al., 2004; Kan et al., 2007;
Gauderman et al., 2007; Schikowski et al., 2007), birth weight (Brauer et al.,
2008), childhood cancer (Savitz & Feingold, 1989; Pearson, Wachtel &
Ebi, 2000), and lung cancer (Beelen et al., 2008b). Therefore, the observed
excess risk in proximity to roads cannot solely be explained by socioeconomic
status; although associations between traffic proximity and health impacts have
been observed in locations where both high and low socioeconomic status occur
in close proximity to roads (Généreux et al., 2008), its influence cannot be
ruled out.
Some studies have examined the effects of air
pollution and noise at the same time. Those who have done so found that excess
risks of air pollution in the proximity of roads generally remained after
adjustment for noise for cardiovascular mortality (Beelen et al., 2008a; Gan et
al., 2012), hypertension and diabetes mellitus (Coogan et al., 2012),
hypertension (Fuks et al., 2011; Sørensen et al., 2012), and cognitive
performance of primary schoolchildren (van Kempen et al., 2012). Therefore,
these studies show effects of air pollution that cannot be explained by noise.
Generally, few epidemiological studies have examined the health effects
of multiple air pollutants in proximity to roads. For those studies that have
examined multiple air pollutants, it is not clear whether or not these
pollutants are coming solely from roads and/or traffic or not. Some studies
have examined the effect of multiple pollutants in the proximity of roads, but
their small number, the generally high correlation among different pollutants,
and the inconsistent results do not provide a good basis to draw firm
The only epidemiological study identified that
evaluates the short-term effects of multiple air pollutants in proximity to
roads and farther away is by Roemer & van Wijnen (2001). These
investigators obtained data from a sample of Amsterdam residents (n = 4352) who lived “along roads with
more than 10,000 motorized vehicles per day” (actual distance from the roads
not specified) from 1987 to 1998, and these were compared with the general
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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population. Ambient-pollutant data from “traffic-influenced”
sites and “non-influenced” sites (criteria not specified) were obtained for
black smoke, PM10, and gaseous pollutants (carbon monoxide, NO2, SO2 and ozone). They found higher
levels of NO2, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide and black smoke at the traffic-influenced
measurement sites compared with the background sites, confirming combustion
engines as the source of these air pollutants. Black smoke and NO2 were associated with mortality
(RR: 1.38 and 1.10, respectively, for an increase of 100 µg/m3 on the previous day). Effect
estimates were larger in the summer and in the population living along busy
roads. Only 10% of the total Amsterdam population resides along busy roads.
Nevertheless, they were still able to show associations between black smoke, NO2, and daily mortality for this
subpopulation. These associations were stronger than they were in the total
Other studies have examined the effects of multiple
pollutants in the proximity of roads for respiratory health and allergic
disease outcomes (Brunekreef et al., 1997; van Vliet et al., 1997; Nicolai et
al., 2003; Kim J et al., 2004; Gauderman et al., 2005; Morgenstern et al.,
2008; Rosenlund et al., 2009a; McConnell et al., 2010; Gehring et al., 2010;
Clark et al., 2010; Gruzieva et al., 2012, 2013; Schultz et al., 2012; Willers
et al., 2013), birth weight (Brauer et al., 2008), pre-eclampsia and preterm
birth (Wu et al., 2011), fatal myocardial infarction (Rosenlund et al., 2006,
2009b), lung cancer (Nyberg et al., 2000) and mortality (Beelen et al., 2008a).
However in their analyses these investigators used either a proximity to road measure or a specific pollutant(s), but never the effects of
(multiple) pollutants within proximity
to roads. Even so, and assuming that often the population may have been near
roads, no consistent picture emerged that specific pollutants and/or a mixture
may be responsible for the observed health effects.
COMEAP recently concluded that the epidemiological evidence for
associations between ambient levels of air pollutants and asthma prevalence at
a whole community level was unconvincing; a meta-analysis confirmed a lack of
association (Gowers et al., 2012). In contrast, a meta-analysis of cohort
studies found an association between asthma incidence and within-community
variations in air pollution (largely traffic dominated). Similarly, a
systematic review suggested an association between asthma prevalence and
exposure to traffic, although only in those living very close to heavily
trafficked roads carrying many trucks, suggesting a possible role for diesel
A critical review of the literature on the health effects of
traffic-related air pollution (HEI, 2010b) included toxicological evidence of
the impact of traffic-mixture exposures. Such evidence stems from controlled
exposures of animals in areas of high traffic density, real-world exposure
design in which subjects spend time in a polluted location (compared with
equivalent activities in a location with relatively clean air), and individuals
occupationally exposed to traffic and populations (animals or human beings)
naturally exposed to polluted urban environments.2 Of the small number of studies
reported (compared with the much larger literature on specific components of
traffic emissions), the main cardiorespiratory findings in humans were that
short-term exposures can bring about decrements in lung function and enhanced
responses to allergens in adult subjects with asthma (Svartengren et al., 2000;
McCreanor et al., 2007), as well as positive and negative effects on vascular
function in healthy subjects (Rundell et al., 2007; Bräuner et al., 2008).
On-road animal
Note. It is not possible, in such experimental
settings, to separate traffic-related pollutants from those derived from other
sources, and this may be the case, in particular, in the field studies of
Mexico City, where ozone is the most important pollutant in terms of frequency
of occurrence of high levels, persistence and spatial distribution.
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Page 71
studies, utilizing compromised or allergic rodents,
observed mild pulmonary inflammation (Elder et al., 2004), significant
alterations in lung structure and elastic properties (Mauad et al., 2008), and
systemic inflammation and effects on vascular function and autonomic control of
the heart (Elder et al., 2004, 2007). Effects on reproductive and neurological
health – specifically, compromised sperm quality in toll booth employees (de
Rosa et al., 2003) and neuropathological lesions in dogs exposed to high
concentrations of ambient pollution in Mexico City (Calderón-Garcidueñas et
al., 2002) – were interpreted with caution as a result of data limitations.
Finally, observations of genotoxic effects were limited to one study that
reported higher mutagenicity from total suspended particulates in an area with
intense moving traffic than in an area with limited traffic (Bronzetti et al.,
In a recent review of the adverse effects on health
of black carbon, the WHO Regional Office for Europe (2012) evaluated the toxicological
evidence of effects of diesel exhaust in controlled human exposure experiments.
It concluded that there are not enough clinical or toxicological studies to
allow an evaluation: of the qualitative differences between the health effects
of exposure to black carbon or those of exposure to PM mass (for example,
different health outcomes); of a quantitative comparison of the strength of the
associations; or of (identifying) any distinctive mechanism of black carbon
effects. The review of the results of all available toxicological studies
suggested that black carbon (measured as elemental carbon) may not be a major
directly toxic component of fine PM, but it may operate as a universal carrier
of a wide variety of combustion-derived chemical constituents of varying
toxicity to sensitive targets in the human body, such as the lungs, the body’s
major defence cells and, possibly, the systemic blood circulation.
Recent noteworthy toxicological evidence on the effects of
traffic-mixture exposures include increased respiratory symptoms, decreased
peak expiratory flow and an inflammatory response in the upper airways in mild
asthmatic adults exposed for 2 hours in a road tunnel (Larsson et al., 2010).
Studies of acute (20 minutes to 2 hours) effects of real-life traffic exposure
on healthy volunteers have been unremarkable and are limited to a small
increase in the percentage of blood neutrophils (Jacobs et al., 2010), modest
effects on peak flow, exhaled nitric oxide and airway resistance (Zuurbier et
al., 2011a, b). A study by Strak et al. (2012) was specifically designed to
evaluate the contribution of different pollutants. They increased exposure
contrasts and reduced correlations among pollutants by exposing healthy
volunteers at five different locations, including two traffic sites. Changes in
particle number concentrations, NO2, and nitrogen oxides during five-hour exposures were associated with
increased exhaled nitric oxide and impaired lung function. These associations
were robust and insensitive to adjustment for other pollutants. PM mass
concentration or other PM characteristics, including elemental carbon and trace
metals, were not predictive of the observed responses. Results for several
other health end-points, including markers of cardiovascular effects, have not
yet been published.
Two toxicological studies have investigated acute cardiovascular health
effects in volunteers with type 2 diabetes. Passengers on 90–110 minute car
rides on a busy road demonstrated a decrease in high-frequency heart rate
variability and an increase in the ratio of low-frequency to high-frequency
components compared with pre-ride measurements (Laumbach et al., 2010). Chronic
exposure to urban air pollution (in chambers 20 m from a street with heavy
traffic in downtown Sao Paulo) exacerbates the susceptibility of low density
lipoprotein to oxidation, atherogenesis and vascular remodelling in
hyperlipidemic mice (Soares et al., 2009), and in Swiss mice it presents as
coronary arteriolar fibrosis and elastosis (Akinaga et al., 2009).
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Page 72
Toxicological reproductive outcomes have been
investigated in subjects occupationally exposed to traffic. Findings include
abnormal sperm count, mobility and morphology (Guven et al., 2008) and a significantly
higher percentage of spermatozoa with damaged chromatin and DNA fragmentation
(Calogero et al., 2011) in toll-gate workers. In male traffic policemen, lower
free testosterone (Sancini et al., 2011) and higher luteinizing hormone (Tomao
et al., 2009) and follicle-stimulating hormone (Tomei et al., 2009) plasma
levels were reported. Studies on female traffic police observed significantly
higher plasma free testosterone (Tomei et al., 2008) and follicle-stimulating
hormone levels during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle (Ciarrocca
et al., 2011).
Evidence continues to accumulate on the role that
oxidative stress has as a mechanism through which traffic-related air pollution
causes adverse effects on human health. The validity of urinary excretion of
8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2-deoxyguanosine (8oxodG) as a biomarker was recently
demonstrated in a meta-analysis (Barbato et al., 2010). Oxidative damage to DNA
and the formation of bulky adducts are two mechanisms by which traffic-related
air pollution could lead to mutagenesis and, ultimately, cause cancer. Bulky
DNA adducts have been detected among traffic-exposed workers (Palli et al.,
2008) and – together with micronuclei – in cord blood after maternal exposures
to traffic-related air pollution, suggesting that transplacental environmental
exposures could induce DNA damage in neonates (Pedersen et al., 2009).
Ambient PM – particularly that derived from
vehicles – has high oxidative potential (Kelly, 2003), and a clear increment in
roadside particulate oxidative potential has been found that appears to be
associated with metals arising from engine abrasion (iron, manganese and
molybdenum) or brake wear (copper and antimony) (Schauer et al., 2006; Thorpe
& Harrison, 2008). The roadside increments of particulate oxidative
potential are significant and the metal components identified as determinants
of this oxidative activity have established toxicity in human beings (Kelly et
al., 2011). These results are potentially important as they highlight the contribution
of traffic non-exhaust pollutants that are not regulated currently.
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Question C2
Is there any new evidence on the
health effects of NO2 that impact upon the current limit values? Are long-term or short-term
limit values justified on the grounds that NO2 affects human health directly,
or is it linked to other co-emitted pollutants for which NO2 is an indicator substance?
Many studies, not previously considered, or published since 2004, have documented
associations between day-to-day variations in NO2 concentration and variations in
mortality, hospital admissions, and respiratory symptoms. Also, more studies
have now been published, showing associations between long-term exposure to NO2 and mortality and morbidity.
Both short- and long-term studies have found these associations with adverse
effects at concentrations that were at or below the current EU limit values,
which for NO2 are equivalent to the values from the 2005 global update of the WHO air
quality guidelines. Chamber and toxicological evidence provides some
mechanistic support for a causal interpretation of the respiratory effects.
Hence, the results of these new studies provide support for updating the 2005
global update of the WHO air quality guidelines (WHO Regional Office for
Europe, 2006) for NO2, to give: (a) an epidemiologically based short-term guideline value;
and (b) an annual average guideline value based on the newly accumulated
evidence. In both instances, this could result in lower guideline values.
There is evidence of small effects on inflammation
and increased airway hyperresponsiveness with NO2 per se in the range of 380–1880 μg/m3 (0.2–1.0 ppm). The evidence for
these effects comes from chamber studies (under a broad range of exposure
conditions, with exposure durations of 15 minutes to 6 hours, with some
inconsistency in results), with more marked, consistent, responses observed
from 1880 μg/m3 (1.0 ppm). New review reports suggest weak to moderate lung cell
changes in animal studies at one-hour concentrations of 380–1500 μg/m3 (0.2–0.8 ppm). These
concentration ranges are not far from concentrations that occur at roadsides or
in traffic for multiple hours. The chamber studies examined small numbers of
healthy or mildly asthmatic subjects, whereas the general population will
include subjects who are more sensitive and may therefore experience more
pronounced effects at lower concentrations.
The associations between NO2 and short-term health effects in
many studies remain after adjustment for other pollutants. The pollutants used
in the adjustments include PM10, PM2.5, and occasionally black smoke. This does not prove that these
associations are completely attributable to NO2 per se, as NO2 in these studies may also represent
other constituents (which have adverse effects on health) not represented by
currently regulated PM metrics. As there is consistent short-term
epidemiological evidence and some mechanistic support for causality,
particularly for respiratory outcomes, it is reasonable to infer that NO2 has some direct effects.
It is much harder to judge the independent effects
of NO2 in the long-term studies because, in those investigations, the
correlations between concentrations of NO2 and other pollutants are often high, so that NO2 might represent the mixture of
traffic-related air pollutants. In this case, chamber studies do not apply and
toxicological evidence is limited. However, some epidemiological studies do
suggest associations of long-term NO2 exposures with respiratory and cardiovascular mortality and with
children’s respiratory symptoms and lung function that
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 74
were independent of PM mass metrics. As with the
short-term effects, NO2 in these studies may represent other constituents. Despite this, the
mechanistic evidence, particularly on respiratory effects, and the weight of
evidence on short-term associations are suggestive of a causal relationship.
This question is particularly important at this time
as, in Europe, decreasing annual trends in carbonaceous aerosols have generally
been observed, probably reflecting the impact of the Euro 4 and 5 vehicle
standards in reducing diesel PM emissions; however, NO2 has not been declining in the
same way or has even been increasing. This may result in very different ratios
of NO2 to organic and elemental carbon emissions (supplemental material
available illustrating this difference is upon request) and changes in ratios
of concentrations (see discussion). This change in ratio has implications for
the interpretation of NO2 as a quantitative proxy for PM vehicle pollution and illustrates the
need to understand the effects of NO2 per se.
The text below sets out the short-term
epidemiological, chamber study and toxicological evidence and then the
long-term epidemiological and toxicological evidence before integrating the
evidence and discussing the implications for the guidelines. Although the
uncertainty over the long-term guideline has greatest policy importance, the
short-term evidence is considered first because it provides support for the
plausibility of the long-term effects. It should be emphasized that it was not
our remit to review all studies, just those published since 2004, using reviews
by others where necessary. Not all areas – for example, birth outcomes – have
been reviewed in detail, due to time constraints or lack of implications for
the conclusions. Also, our remit was not to actually propose new air quality
guidelines, just to advise whether the guidelines needed to be revised in the
light of scientific evidence published since the last revision of the
guidelines (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006). Further detailed
consideration will be needed at the guideline setting stage.
Short-term guideline 1.1 Time
series evidence
The time-series evidence on NO2 has increased since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines. Since 2004 (the cut-off date for studies included in the last WHO
review), 125 new peer-reviewed ecological time-series studies on NO2 have been published up to April
2011. These were identified using the Air Pollution Epidemiology Database
(APED).3 Table 5 shows the total number of studies, according to health outcomes
examined and the number of multicity studies available.
The new studies were conducted mainly in the WHO Western Pacific Region
(which includes China), Europe, the United States and Canada. The majority used
24-hour average concentrations of NO2, measured mainly at urban background locations. A few studies published
after the April 2011 cut-off for APED were included in the review, as they
contain information on issues of relevance to the Question. These are not
reflected in Table 5, but are discussed in the text which follows. A list of
all time-series references considered in this
APED contains peer-reviewed ecological time-series
studies published up to April 2011 − that is, the cut-off date for the last
update of its literature search. A description of APED can be found in Anderson
et al. (2007).
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 75
project is available upon request. Only a selection
of these references is discussed in the text below.
Given the crucial issue of understanding whether NO2 has direct adverse effects on
health, emphasis has been placed on time-series studies that investigated
whether associations of NO2 are robust to adjustment of concentrations of particles (and other
pollutants). More than 65 time-series studies of NO2 that used two-pollutant and/or
multipollutant statistical models are available – only a proportion of these
included adjustment for a metric of PM, and these are discussed in the sections
that follow.
Table 5. Summary of ecological time-series
studies of NO2 in APED
Multi- |
Outcome |
region(s)/ |
Total |
city |
Hospital |
Mortality |
Emergency |
Other a |
averaging |
study |
admission |
room visit |
time |
All |
125 |
23 |
59 |
52 |
19 b |
2 |
WHO region |
25 |
7 |
9 |
7 |
9 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
41 |
10 |
18 |
21 |
4 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
12 |
5 |
7 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
40 |
1 |
21 |
19 |
1 |
1 |
Multi- |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
c |
Averaging time |
1-hour |
19 |
6 |
11 |
4 |
5 |
0 |
24 hours |
107 |
16 |
50 |
47 |
14 |
2 |
NA |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
NA: not available – the
averaging time of one paper (multi-city on mortality) was unknown.
WHO regions: AMR: Americas; EMR: Eastern
Mediterranean; EUR: Europe; SEAR: South-East Asia;
WPR: Western Pacific; A:
very low child and adult mortality; B: low child mortality and low adult
mortality; C: low child
mortality and high adult mortality; D: high child mortality and high adult
a Other includes
consultations with general practitioners and outpatient visits – for studies
published from 2004 to May 2009.
b Emergency room visits – for
studies published from 2004 to May 2009.
c A multi-city study (on
mortality) considered two WHO regions (SEAR B and WPR B) – this is also
reflected in the individual totals for these WHO region categories in the
Note. Two
papers (on hospital admissions) used more than one averaging time –
that is, 1 hour and 24 hours.
Seven papers examined more than one health outcome.
In the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines, WHO concluded that daily concentrations of NO2 are associated significantly
with increased daily all-cause, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality within
the range of concentrations studied; however, it also noted the reductions in
the overall effect estimates in an important meta-analysis, following
adjustment for PM (Stieb, Judek & Burnett, 2002, 2003). Since then,
comprehensive reviews of the time-series literature on NO2 have emerged with similar
conclusions – that is, the short-term associations of NO2 with mortality are suggestive of
a direct effect, but there is some uncertainty about the causal nature of these
associations (CARB, 2007; EPA, 2008b). In addition to these, a peer-reviewed
research report of a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis of
single pollutant model estimates
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 76
(Anderson et al., 2007) reported that increases in
NO2 concentrations (per 10 μg/m3, 24-hour averages) are associated with increases in all-cause
mortality: 0.49% (95% CI: 0.38– 0.60%) in all ages and 0.86% (95% CI: 0.50–1.22%)
for those older than 65 years of age. Results for maximum 1-hour average
concentrations of NO2 were lower: 0.09% (95% CI: -0.01–0.20%) and 0.15% (95% CI: 0.03–0.26%)
in all-ages and for those older than 65 years of age, respectively. Increases
in daily mortality, for all ages, for cardiorespiratory mortality (0.18% (95%
CI: 0.08–0.27%), 24-hour average); cardiovascular mortality (0.34% (95% CI:
0.19– 0.48%), maximum 1-hour average, 1.17% (95% CI: 0.82–1.53%), 24-hour
average); and respiratory mortality (0.45% (95% CI: 0.21–0.69%), maximum 1-hour
average, 1.76% (95% CI: 1.35–2.17%), 24-hour average) were also reported with
NO2. Anderson et al. (2007) also compared multipollutant model estimates
for NO2 from multicity studies and reported that consistent positive estimates
for mortality (and hospital admissions) were found before and after adjustment
for co-pollutants, with the size and precision of the estimates not being
substantially reduced after such adjustment. The authors also concluded that
these findings suggested that the short-term associations between NO2 and health outcomes were
unlikely to be confounded by other pollutant measures.
Twenty-four time-series studies of mortality, which used two-pollutant
and/or multipollutant models for NO2, have been published since the 2005 global update of the WHO air
quality guidelines (Burnett et al., 2004; Dales et al., 2004; Kan, Jia &
Chen, 2004a,b; Zeka & Schwartz, 2004; Simpson et al., 2005a; Díaz, Linares
& Tobías, 2006; Samoli et al., 2006; Brook et al., 2007; Qian et al., 2007,
2010; Yamazaki et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2008; Ren Y et al.,
2008c; Wong et al., 2008; Breitner et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2010a;
López-Villarrubia et al., 2010; Park, Hong & Kim, 2011; Chiusolo et al.,
2011; Chen et al., 2012a,b; Faustini et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2013).4 All of these papers included
adjustments for a metric of PM; 17 of the 24 papers reported positive, though
not always statistically significant, short-term associations of NO2 with mortality for a range of
diagnoses and age groups, after adjustment for a PM metric.
Multicity studies (of the aforementioned 24 studies), which included
adjustment for particles in two-pollutant models, show robust short-term
associations of NO2 with increased all-cause, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality
(Table 6), though some evidence of confounding (by black smoke) of the NO2 association with respiratory
mortality was identified in the European study, APHEA-2.5 Mainly PM10 was used when controlling for
particles in these multicity studies. In contrast, the large American multicity
study, NMMAPS, did not find such associations between NO2 and daily mortality: only a
small and non-significant association of NO2 with all-cause mortality was reported after adjustment in a
two-pollutant model with PM10; no association was found in a multipollutant model, which included PM10, carbon monoxide, SO2 and ozone (Zeka & Schwartz,
2004; see Table 6). Previous NMMAPS analyses of a subset of the 90 cities in
the United States in this study found approximately a 0.7% (95% CI: 0.3–1.2%)6 increase in all-cause mortality
Chiusolo et al. (2011), Chen et al. (2012a,b), Faustini
et al. (2012) and Chen et al., 2013 were published after the last update of
APED in April 2011 and are not presented in Table 5. Two further papers (Koop
& Tole (2004) and Roberts & Martin(2005)), which explored approaches to
estimating the health effects of multiple air pollutants, are also available
and are included in the information presented in Table 5.
Faustini et al. (2012) compared deaths from all-causes
and specific causes in the general population without chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease with a chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease cohort in Rome,
Italy. Associations for all-cause and respiratory mortality were much stronger
for NO2 than for PM10,
with larger estimates in the chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease cohort, especially for respiratory mortality.
Estimate taken from CARB (2007).
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 77
45.12 µg/m3 (24 ppb)7 NO2 at lag 1 (other lagged model results showed that the strongest
association between NO2 and all-cause mortality was identified at lag 1) (HEI, 2003). Following
adjustment for PM10 or other pollutants (O3 and SO2), the central estimates either increased or were unchanged (based on a
plot of the estimates), though they lost statistical significance (HEI, 2003).
The reason for the difference between NMMAPS and the other multicity studies is
unclear. We note that the method used by Zeka & Schwartz (2004) differed from
those used in the other studies, as it sought to deal with measurement error.
The shape of the concentration–response
function in the multicity studies was often assumed to be linear. Samoli et al.
(2006) reported that their assumption of a linear relationship between maximum
1-hour concentrations of NO2 and mortality was based on other results from APHEA-2 (Samoli et al.,
2003), which suggested that it was appropriate to make such an assumption.
Where tested, the relationship between NO2 and all-cause mortality did in fact appear to be linear (Wong et al.,
2008; Chen et al., 2012b).
Some studies have examined changes in risk estimates following changes
in the composition and levels of ambient pollutants in an attempt to identify
possible causal agents within the ambient mixture (Fischer et al., 2011; Peters
et al., 2009; Breitner et al., 2009) – these have been difficult to interpret,
but a couple suggest that ultrafine particles may be important. Using data from
10 Canadian cities, Brook et al. (2007) examined whether NO2 was acting as an indicator of
other pollutants linked to vehicle emissions. The study concluded that NO2 was a better indicator than PM2.5 of a range of pollutants in
motor vehicle exhaust, such as volatile organic compounds, aldehydes and
particle-bound organics. In addition, NO2 was regarded as a good indicator of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
While the authors concluded that the strong effect of NO2 in Canadian cities could be due
to NO2 acting as the best indicator (among the pollutants monitored) of motor
vehicle combustion, they also noted that the findings do not rule out the
possibility of NO2 having a direct effect on mortality in the cities examined.
In summary, positive and statistically significant short-term associations
of NO2 with all-cause and cause-specific mortality have been reported in the
new studies published since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines. Robustness of the short-term NO2 associations to adjustment for particles (mainly PM10, and sometimes PM2.5 or black smoke) and other
pollutants has been demonstrated in multicity studies from various geographic
locations, including Europe. The United States NMMAPS is, however, a notable
exception. Overall, the findings suggest that the short-term associations of NO2 with mortality are not
confounded by the particle metrics used in the studies – that is, mainly PM10, and sometimes PM2.5 and black smoke. The limited
number of studies that assessed confounding by ultrafine particles does not
allow firm conclusions to be drawn for this issue.
7 1ppb = 1.88 µg/m3 – this has been used
throughout the review of time-series studies.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 78
Table 6.
Summary of two-pollutant model results for NO2 from
multicity time-series and case-crossover studies of mortality
Reference, |
NO2 level |
Correlation |
estimate |
NO2 + PM |
PM estimate |
PM + NO2 |
Comments |
study location, |
with PM |
(95% CI) |
estimate |
(95% CI) |
estimate |
age group |
(95% CI) |
(95% CI) |
All-cause mortality |
Zeka & Schwartz |
Not reported in |
Not reported in |
Not reported in |
0.033% (CIs not |
Not reported in |
0.16% (CIs not |
NO2 ( +SO2, O3, CO) |
(2004) |
the paper |
the paper |
the paper |
reported) |
the paper |
reported) |
-0.004% (CIs not |
90 United States |
24 hours |
per 10 ppb |
per 10 μg/m3 PM10, |
reported) |
(+PM10), lag 0-1 |
lag 0-1 |
PM10 (+SO2, O3, CO) |
cities (NMMAPS) |
0.24% (0.05–0.42%) |
All ages |
Simpson et al. |
Mean (1-hour |
1-hour NO2: |
RR: 1.0012 |
RR: 1.0010 |
RR: 1.0310 |
RR: 1.0098 |
Bsp (an indicator of |
(2005a) |
max.): 30.7– |
24-hour Bsp: |
(1.0004–1.0019) |
(1.0001–1.0019) |
(1.0039–1.0589) |
(0.9779–1.0427) |
fine particles < 2 µm |
4 Australian cities |
44.5 μg/m3 |
0.29–0.62 |
per 1.88 μg/m3 |
(+Bsp) |
per unit increase |
in diameter) –light- |
NO2, lag 0-1. |
Bsp |
scattering by |
All ages |
Range (1-hour |
nephelometry |
max.): 3.5– |
125.4 μg/m3 |
Samoli et al. |
Mean (1-hour |
NO2:BS: |
Random and fixed |
Katsouyanni et al. |
Katsouyanni et al. |
Fixed effect: |
(2006) |
max.): 46.2– |
0.11–0.78 |
effects: 0.33% |
(2001) reported |
(2001) reported |
0.33% (0.23–0.42%) |
30 European |
154.8 µg/m3 |
Random effects |
(0.23–0.42%) per |
random effect |
adjusted random |
NO2 (+BS) |
10 µg/m3 NO2 |
estimates per |
effect estimates per |
cities (APHEA-2) |
estimate: 0.30% |
(+BS) |
10 µg/m3: |
10 µg/m3: |
All ages |
(0.22–0.38%) |
per 10 µg/m3 |
BS: 0.58% (0.3– |
BS: 0.26% (0.0– |
NO2:PM10: |
0.27% (0.16– |
Fixed effect: |
0.11–0.69 |
NO2, lag 0-1 |
0.38%) per |
0.8%) |
0.6%) |
0.27% (0.20–0.34%) |
10 µg/m3 NO2 |
PM10: 0.62% (0.4– |
PM10: 0.41% (0.2– |
NO2 (+PM10) |
(+PM10) |
0.8%) |
0.7%) |
Brook et al. |
Only IQR |
NO2:PM2.5: 0.54 |
RR: 1.016 (1.003– |
RR: 1.009 (1.001– |
RR :1.002 (0.992– |
-- |
(2007) |
reported: |
Range: |
1.029) (+PM2.5) |
1.017) per |
1.011) PM2.5 |
19.34 µg/m3 |
8.1 µg/m3 IQR |
10 Canadian |
0.45–0.70 |
(24 hours) |
PM2.5 |
cities |
NO2:PM10-2.5: |
RR: 1.017 (1.006– |
RR: 1.007 (0.998, |
RR: 1.002 (0.993– |
-- |
All ages |
0.31 |
RR: 1.018 |
1.028) (+ PM10-2.5) |
1.0158) per |
1.012) PM10-2.5 |
Range: |
(1.007–1.028) |
8.7 µg/m3 PM10-2.5 |
0.04–0.50 |
per 19.34 μg/m3 |
IQR NO2, lag 1 |
NO2:PM10: 0.50 |
RR: 1.015 (1.003– |
RR: 1.011 (1.002– |
RR: 1.003 (0.992– |
-- |
Range: |
1.028) (+PM10) |
1.020) per |
1.014) PM10 |
14.9 µg/m3 PM10 |
0.23–0.70 |
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 79
Reference, |
NO2 level |
Correlation |
estimate |
NO2 + PM |
PM estimate |
PM + NO2 |
Comments |
study location, |
with PM |
(95% CI) |
estimate |
(95% CI) |
estimate |
age group |
(95% CI) |
(95% CI) |
Wong et al. |
Mean |
NO2:PM10: |
Excess risk: |
Estimates robust |
risk: |
Estimates |
Estimates for NO2 |
(2008) |
(24 hours): |
0.71–0.85 |
1.23% (0.84– |
to adjustment in |
0.55% (0.26–0.85) |
attenuated and lost |
were larger than |
44.7– |
1.62%) per |
three cities – |
statistical |
those reported in |
4 cities: |
per 10 µg/m |
3 |
PM10 |
66.6 µg/m3 |
10 μg/m3, |
presented as plots |
significance after |
Europe (Samoli et al. |
3 Chinese and |
Range of |
lag 0-1 |
in Fig. 2A in |
adjustment in three |
(2006)). |
1 Thai city |
individual city |
supplementary |
cities – presented |
(PAPA) |
Range of |
estimates: |
material (and as |
as plots in Fig. 2B in |
individual city |
All ages |
0.26–1.25% |
Fig 7 in HEI |
supplementary |
estimates: |
(2010)). |
material (and as |
0.90–1.97% |
Fig. 9 in HEI |
(2010)). |
Chiusolo et al. |
Mean |
Not reported in |
Random effects |
Random effects |
Not reported in |
Not reported in the |
-- |
(2011) |
(24 hours): |
the paper |
estimate: 2.09% |
estimate: 1.95% |
the paper |
paper |
10 Italian cities |
26–66 µg/m3 |
(0.96–3.24%) |
(0.50–3.43%) |
per 10 µg/m3 |
increase in risk |
(EpiAir) |
NO2, lag 0-5 |
per 10 µg/m3 |
≥ 35 years |
increase in NO2 |
(+PM10) |
Chen et al. |
Mean |
NO2:PM10: 0.66 |
1.63% (1.09– |
1.28% (0.72– |
Reported in Chen |
Reported in Chen et |
-- |
(2012b) |
(24 hours): |
2.17%) per |
1.84%), lag 0-1 |
et al. (2012a) : |
al. (2012a): |
17 Chinese cities, |
26–67 µg/m3 |
10 µg/m3, |
0.35% (0.18– |
0.16% (0.00– |
Max. |
lag 0-1 |
0.52%) per |
0.32%) per |
(24 hours): |
10 µg/m3 PM10 |
10 µg/m3 PM10 |
All ages |
106–254 µg/m3 |
Cardiovascular and/or
cardiac mortality |
Samoli et al. |
Mean (1 hour |
NO2:BS: |
Random effects |
Not reported in |
Not reported in the |
Fixed effect: |
(2006) |
max.): 46.2– |
0.11–0.78 |
Random effects |
estimate: 0.44% |
the paper |
paper |
0.44% (0.31–0.58%) |
30 European |
154.8 µg/m3 |
estimate: 0.40% |
(0.31–0.58%) |
NO2 (+BS) |
(0.29–0.52%) |
(+BS) |
cities (APHEA-2) |
per 10 µg/m3 |
NO2:PM10: |
Random effects |
Fixed effect: |
All ages |
0.11–0.69 |
NO2, lag 0-1 |
0.35% (0.21–0.50) |
0.35% (0.24–0.45%) |
(+PM10) |
NO2 (+PM10) |
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 82
Hospital admissions and emergency room visits
Papers on hospital admissions for various
diagnoses, published since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines, have been identified (an overview of which is given in Table 5).
Only studies of hospitalization or emergency room visits for respiratory
(all-respiratory, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and
cardiovascular and/or cardiac diagnoses have been considered. Many of the new
papers have been subject to extensive review – for example Anderson et al,
2007; CARB, 2007; EPA, 2008b) – and therefore have not been reviewed
individually. Only studies published since (or not included in) the most recent
review – that is, by the EPA (2008b) – are discussed below. A list of all
time-series references on NO2, including those on hospital admissions and emergency room visits, is
available upon request.
Respiratory hospital admissions and emergency room visits
All respiratory diagnoses and asthma
In the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines, WHO concluded that the evidence suggested an effect of NO2 on respiratory hospital
admissions and emergency room visits, especially for asthma.
This review consists of 41 new papers on respiratory (all-respiratory,
asthma and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease) hospital admissions and
emergency room visits. Four papers, based on multicity studies, were available (Eilstein et
al., 2004; Barnett et al., 2005; Simpson et al., 2005b; Colais et al., 2009).
In 2008, the EPA concluded that there were positive short-term
associations of NO2 with increased respiratory hospital admissions and emergency department
visits, especially for asthma. The associations were noted to be particularly
consistent among children and older adults (more than 65 years of age) for all
respiratory diagnoses, and among children and all age groups for asthma
admissions. The associations with NO2 were regarded as being generally robust to adjustments for particles
and gaseous pollutants. Many of the studies considered in the EPA review used a
24-hour measure of exposure, with a number of them reporting mean
concentrations of NO2 within the range of 5.6–94.0 µg/m3 (maximums of 52.6–154.2 µg/m3). Similar conclusions were also reported by the California
Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board (CARB, 2007). The
meta-analysis of single-pollutant model estimates by Anderson et al. (2007)
supports the conclusions by the EPA and CARB, reporting positive and mainly
statistically significant overall estimates (percentage increase per 10 μg/m3) for respiratory hospital
admissions and 24-hour concentrations: 1.80% (95% CI: 1.15–2.45%), 0.82% (95% CI: 0.35–1.29), 1.47% (95% CI: 0.10–2.87), and admissions and
emergency room visits for: (a) asthma (Bell, Levy & Lin (2008), Colais et
al., 2009; Giovannini et al., 2010; Halonen et al., 2008; Jalaludin et al.,
2008; Samoli et al., 2011a; Szyszkowicz, 2008; Ueda, Nitta & Odajima, 2010;
Villeneuve et al., 2007) and
(95% CI: -0.35–1.31) for
all ages, children, young adults, and the elderly, respectively.
Overall effect estimates for
asthma hospital admissions were 1.37% (95% CI: 0.59–2.15) and
2.92% (95% CI: 1.15–4.72) for 24-hour average NO2 in all ages and children,
respectively. Pooled estimates for these health outcomes for maximum 1-hour
average concentrations of NO2 were smaller than those for 24-hour average concentrations (Anderson et
al., 2007).
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 83
respiratory causes (Colais et
al., 2009; Eilstein et al., 2004; Faustini et al., 2013; Granados-Canal et al.,
2005; Giovannini et al., 2010; Jayaraman & Nidhi, 2008; Thach et al., 2010;
Vigotti et al., 2010).8 Serinelli et al. (2010) and Kim, Kim & Kim (2006) reported negative
associations between NO2 and respiratory and asthma hospital admissions, respectively; Kim, Kim
& Kim (2006) also found a positive association between NO2 and emergency visits for asthma.
The associations reported in the new papers published since EPA (2008b) are
based largely on 24-hour average concentrations of NO2 measured at urban background
sites. Very few studies used 1-hour measures.
Where confounding by co-pollutants was assessed in
the studies since the EPA (2008b) review, some robustness to adjustment was
demonstrated for these respiratory health outcomes (Giovannini et al., 2010;
Ueda, Nitta & Odajima, 2010; Halonen et al., 2008; Jalaludin et al., 2008;
Jayaraman & Nidhi, 2008; Villeneuve et al., 2007). For example, Halonen et
al. (2008) found that NO2 was a strong and independent predictor of asthma emergency room visits
in children in Finland. The authors examined a range of single day lags from
lag 0 to lag 5, and found that for lags of 3–5 days, all particle fractions
below 250 nm, NO2 and carbon monoxide were each associated with asthma emergency room
visits in children. In two-pollutant model analyses, the association with
ultrafine particles (for an interquartile range increase in concentration) was
removed after adjustment for NO2 – from 6.6% (95% CI: 2.34–11.00%) to -0.89% (95% CI: -6.11–4.62%) at
lag 4. Although the NO2 estimates were not shown in the paper, the authors reported that they
were not sensitive to adjustment for other pollutants (PM2.5, nucleation and Aitken mode
particle sizes,9 coarse particles and carbon monoxide). These pollutants were not too
highly correlated: the highest correlation (0.65) was between NO2 and ultrafine particles.
Giovannini et al. (2010) reported estimates for asthma and all-respiratory
conditions in children that, respectively, increased (from a RR of 1.002 (1.000–1.004)
to a RR of 1.004 (0.993–1.015)) or were negligibly affected (from RR of 1.009
(1.001–1.017) to 1.008 (0.999–1.016)) by adjustment for carbon monoxide. Ueda,
Nitta & Odajima (2010) also reported an increase in the estimate for asthma
hospitalisation in children (from an odds ratio of 1.112 to an odds ratio of
1.128) following adjustment in a multi-pollutant model, though this lost
statistical significance.
Iskandar et al. (2012) also reported statistically significant
associations of NO2 with asthma hospital admissions in children in Copenhagen10 following adjustment for several
PM metrics. The association was slightly attenuated and remained statistically
significant following adjustment for PM10; it increased following adjustment for PM2.5 and ultrafine particles; but was
reduced and lost statistical significance following adjustment for nitrogen
oxides. With the exception of ultrafine particles, associations with PM10 and PM2.5 and asthma hospital admissions
in children remained positive (though attenuated) and statistically significant
following adjustment for NO2. Leitte et al. (2011) examined relationships between NO2 and various particle sizes and
respiratory emergency room visits in Beijing, China. In two-pollutant model
analyses, the most consistent associations were found with NO2 (adjusted for PM10).
Faustini et al. (2013) was published after the last
update of APED in April 2011 and is not presented in Table 5. In two-pollutant
models, with both NO2 and PM10, the
associations for both pollutants for respiratory hospital admissions remained
but were lower and not statistically significant.
Particle definitions provided by Halonen et al. (2008):
nucleation mode (< 0.03 µm), Aitken mode (0.03−0.1 µm), ultrafine particles
(< 0.1 µm), accumulation (0.1−0.29 µm) mode, coarse particles (PM10-PM2.5).
Iskandar et al. (2012) and Leitte et al. (2011) were
published after the last update of APED in April 2011 and are not presented in
Table 5.
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Results from APHEA-2 for PM10 and hospital admissions show that after adjustment for NO2, the estimate for asthma in 0–14-year-olds
is reduced from a statistically significant increase of 1.2% to 0.1% (95% CI:
-0.8–1.0%) per 10 µg/m3 PM10 (Atkinson et al., 2001); similar findings for the 15–64-year age group
were reported (reduced from 1.1% to 0.4% (95% CI: -0.5–1.3%).These findings
suggest that NO2 had a stronger association with asthma admissions than did PM10.
Not all studies demonstrated robustness. For
example, Samoli et al. (2011a) reported a positive (1.10%, per 10 µg/m3 increase in NO2), but a statistically
insignificant single-pollutant model association for childhood asthma
admissions in Athens. This association was reduced after controlling for PM10 (estimate reduced to 0.54%) and
SO2 (estimate reduced to -0.78%) in two-pollutant models. Corresponding
results for PM10 showed a small reduction in the central estimate (from 2.54% to 2.28%)
and loss of statistical significance after adjustment for NO2. This was a small study,
covering 3 years with a median of just two asthma admissions daily. Chen et al.
(2010b) did not use two-pollutant models to investigate relationships with
respiratory hospital admissions, as no statistically significant associations
between NO2 (or PM10 and SO2) and respiratory hospital admission were found in single-pollutant
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A total of 13 papers on hospital admissions for
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are available for review. (It should be
noted that some of these analysed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and
asthma together.) Eight of the papers formed part of the EPA’s 2008 review, in
which they concluded that the limited evidence did not support a relationship
between NO2 and admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The few
remaining papers reported positive and statistically significant associations
(Sauerzapf, Jones & Cross, 2009; Thach et al., 2010; Colais et al., 2009),
or positive (many insignificant) or negative associations (Halonen et al.,
2008; 2009) between NO2 and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease admissions or emergency room
visits. These associations were based on single-pollutant models.
Overall, for respiratory outcomes in general, the
new studies continue to provide evidence of short-term associations between NO2 and respiratory hospital
admissions and emergency room visits, especially for asthma. Many studies have
demonstrated that these associations are not confounded by co-pollutants,
including PM10 and common gaseous pollutants typically used in two- pollutant and/or
multipollutant model analyses. The few data available do not allow firm
conclusions to be made about the robustness of these associations to adjustment
for ultrafine particles.
Cardiovascular and/or cardiac hospital admissions and emergency room visits
Twenty-two papers on hospital admissions or
emergency room visits for cardiovascular and/or cardiac diagnoses (mainly in
all ages and the elderly) formed part of this review. The EPA (2008b) reviewed
12 of these, with 10 reporting estimates from two-pollutant and/or
multipollutant models. In 2008, the EPA concluded that while positive
short-term associations between NO2 and hospital admissions or emergency visits to hospital for
cardiovascular-related disorders were identified (at mean 24-hour concentrations
in the range 27.6–75.2 µg/m3), most of these were diminished
in multipollutant models that also contained carbon monoxide and PM. The 2005
global update of the WHO air quality guidelines concluded that, although
positive associations between NO2 and admissions or visits to
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 85
hospital for cardiovascular and/or cardiac
diagnoses had been reported, drawing conclusions about the nature of the
relationship was made less clear, since controlling for other pollutants at
times lowered the effect estimates and at other times made them lose
statistical significance.
The new studies published since (or not considered
by) the EPA continue to show positive single-pollutant model associations:
Eilstein et al. (2004) in nine French cities; Cakmak, Dales & Judek (2006a)
in ten Canadian cities; Larrieu et al. (2007) in eight French cities; Chan et
al. (2008) in Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China ; Lefranc et al. (2009) in
eight French cities; Colais et al. (2009) in nine Italian cities; and Alves,
Scotto & Freitas (2010) in Lisbon, Portugal. Although Serinelli et al.
(2010) also reported positive associations between NO2 and cardiac hospital admissions
for several lagged models, these were all statistically insignificant.
Only three of the new studies published since (or
not considered by) the EPA review used two-pollutant and/or multipollutant
models. A multicity Canadian study, by Cakmak, Dales
Judek (2006a) reported a positive
and statistically significant association for cardiac hospital admissions (5.9%
(95% CI: 3.2–8.6%),
for a 40.23 µg/m3 concentration change) with NO2 after adjustment for carbon monoxide, SO2 and ozone. Using data from 58
urban counties in the United States for 1999–2005, Bell et al. (2009b) found a
1.30% (95% CI: 0.87–1.73%) increase in cardiovascular hospital admissions in
the elderly per 17.7 µg/m3 interquartile range increase in NO2 after adjustment for carbon monoxide and PM2.5. The estimate for 9.8 µg/m3 interquartile range increase in
PM2.5 was -0.18% (95% CI: -0.49– 0.14%) after adjustment for NO2 and carbon monoxide. Chen et al.
(2010b) also reported a robust association for cardiovascular hospital
admissions following adjustment for PM10 (from 0.80% (95% CI: 0.10–1.49%) to 0.71% (95% CI: 0.00–1.41%)) but not for SO2 (reduced to 0.28% (95% CI: -0.76–1.32%)).
In summary, the new evidence continues to show positive associations
between NO2 and hospital admissions and emergency room visits for cardiovascular
and/or cardiac diagnoses. Given the mixed findings from the studies using (or
reviewing) two-pollutant and/or multipollutant models published since the 2005
global update of the WHO air quality guidelines and given that none of the
short-term studies of other cardiovascular-related end-points – for example,
heart failure, ischaemic heart disease – have been reviewed, it is difficult to
comment further on the nature of the relationship between NO2 and hospital admissions or
visits for cardiovascular and/or cardiac diseases. The evidence for positive
associations could allow quantitative exploration in sensitivity analyses (see
Question C4).
1.2 Panel studies
The short-term effects of NO2 on respiratory health in
children with asthma were recently reviewed (Weinmayr et al., 2010). The review
is based on 36 panel studies published 1992– 2006, of which 14 are from the Pollution Effects on Asthmatic Children in Europe
(PEACE) project, all from 1998. In the meta-analysis of these studies, NO2 showed statistically significant
associations with asthma symptoms when considering all possible lags, but not
when similar lags (0, 1 or 0–1) were evaluated from each study. The association
with cough was statistically significant, but only when the PEACE studies were
not considered (The PEACE study was negative. On the one hand it is the only
multicentre study with a uniform protocol; on the other hand, concerns have
been raised that the results were influenced by an influenza epidemic during
the relatively short observation period (2 months)). The estimated effect on
peak expiratory flow was statistically insignificant.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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A PubMed search identified 11 new articles: 6 from the Americas (Sarnat
et al., 2012; O’Connor et al., 2008; Escamilla-Nuñez et al., 2008; Liu et al.,
2009; Castro et al., 2009; Dales et al., 2009), 2 from Europe (Andersen et al.,
2008b; Coneus & Spiess, 2012), and 3 from Asia (Min et al., 2008; Yamazaki
et al., 2011; Ma et al., 2008). All, except two, studies investigated
school-aged asthmatic and/or symptomatic children, while the remaining two
considered infants and toddlers (Andersen et al. 2008b; Coneus & Spiess,
2012). Most of the studies observed positive associations between short-term
exposure to NO2 (or nitrogen oxides) for different lags and respiratory symptoms, such
as coughing and wheezing (O’Connor et al., 2008; Escamilla-Nuñez et al., 2008;
Andersen et al., 2008b), as well as for exhaled nitric oxide (Sarnat et al.,
2012) and also for pulmonary function decrease (O’Connor et al., 2008; Liu et
al., 2009; Castro et al., 2009; Dales et al. 2009; Min et al., 2008; Yamazaki
et al., 2011; Ma et al., 2008) in children, although not all of them were
statistically significant (Dales et al., 2009). One article reported numerical
data only for PM (Min et al., 2008).
The largest of these studies included 861 children with asthma from
seven inner-city communities in the United States (O’Connor et al., 2008). A
difference of 20 ppb in the 5-day average concentrations of NO2 was associated with an odds
ratio (OR) of 1.23 (95% CI: 1.05–1.44), for having a peak expiratory flow less
than 90% of personal best. Similar risk elevations were found for decreased
FEV1, cough, night-time asthma, slow play and school absenteeism.
Multipollutant models showed independent effects for NO2 after adjustment for ozone and
PM2.5 for most of these end-points.
In addition, some panel studies were published earlier, but were not
included in the meta-analysis mentioned above (Svendsen et al., 2007; Delfino
et al., 2006; Trenga et al., 2006; Moshammer et al., 2006; Mar et al., 2005;
Rabinovitch et al., 2004; Ranzi et al., 2004; Boezen et al., 1999). These
studies are not reviewed here, but are cited to illustrate, combined with the
points made earlier, that a new combined analysis would contribute to a more
precise quantitative estimation of the effects of short-term fluctuations in
outdoor NO2 concentrations on changes in pulmonary function and respiratory
symptoms in asthmatic children, given the increased number of studies available.
This might be performed by enlarging the existing review (Weinmayr et al.,
2010) with the recently published panel studies. A new combined analysis could
also consider panel studies performed on indoor exposure and respiratory
effects – for example, Marks et al. (2010).
This section has concentrated on panel studies of
respiratory health in children. There are also studies on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adults
(Peacock et al. (2011) found effects of NO2 weakened by control for PM10) and on cardiovascular end-points. Panel studies with end-points
relevant to mechanistic questions are discussed in the toxicology section.
Of particular interest is a recent study conducted in the Netherlands
that attempted to isolate which component of the ambient aerosol could be
related to various acute response end-points in subjects exposed at five
separate microenvironments, of contrasting source profile: an underground train
station, two traffic sites, a farm and an urban background site. To date, only
the results of the associations with respiratory end-points have been
published, but this data suggested that interquartile increases in particle
number concentration and NO2 were related to decreased lung function (FVC and FEV1) – associations
that were insensitive to adjustment for other gaseous pollutants and an
extensive range of PM metrics, including
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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black carbon, particle number concentration,
oxidative potential and transition metals (Strak et al., 2012).
1.3 Chamber studies
Since 2005, the literature on human exposure to NO2 has undergone a number of
systematic reviews, as part of the EPA integrated scientific assessment for
oxides of nitrogen (EPA, 2008b) and later by Hesterberg et al. (2009) and Goodman
J et al. (2009). The human chamber study evidence was also reviewed by the
California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board (CARB, 2007) in
their assessment of the California NO2 standard. Since the publication of these reviews, limited NO2 chamber studies that address
lung function and airway inflammation have been performed, and two studies that
address cardiovascular end-points have been published (Langrish et al., 2010;
Scaife et al., 2012). Therefore, the conclusions that arise from these reviews
remain valid for consideration of the current NO2 standards.
The human chamber studies generally only address a
single pollutant, but this can be helpful when it is unclear whether the health
effects reported in the so-called real world are related to the pollutant
itself, or a mixture of pollutants for which NO2 serves as a surrogate. This is
particularly true for NO2, where there is an apparent mismatch between the human chamber exposure
data (with mixed evidence of inflammation or impaired lung function between
0.26 ppm and 0.60 ppm) and the population-based epidemiology (with effects
reported at lower concentrations within the ambient range). The results from
the chamber studies are therefore useful in determining whether NO2 should be considered toxic to
the population in its own right or should be considered a tracer for local
source emissions – that is, traffic in urban areas.
Human clinical studies generally examine healthy subjects, or patients
(asthmatics, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients,
allergic rhinitis patients, and patients undergoing rehabilitation
following cardiac events) with relatively stable symptoms exposed to a single
NO2 concentration for durations of 1–6 hours. Results are
generally compared against a control air exposure, with a range of end-points
examined, including lung function, exhaled gases, airway inflammation (either
by bronchoscopy or by induced sputum) and airway hyperresponsiveness. The
results observed from these acute exposures are usually transient and, though
often statistically significant, are seldom clinically so. Healthy subjects
have been exposed acutely to NO2 concentrations that
range from 0.3 ppm to 2.0 ppm (1–4 hours); sensitive subgroups, including
asthmatics and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease patients have been
exposed to 0.26–1.00 ppm. Above 1 ppm, clear evidence of inflammation has been
observed in healthy subjects in a number of studies (Helleday et al., 1995;
Devlin et al., 1999; Pathmanathan et al., 2003; Blomberg et al., 1999), but the
picture is less established at concentrations between 0.2 ppm and 1.0 ppm
(Vagaggini et al., 1996; Jörres et al., 1995; Gong et al., 2005; Frampton et
al., 2002; Riedl et al., 2012), partially because of inconsistent responses in
the varying end-points examined.
A number of studies have suggested that NO2 can augment allergen-induced
inflammation in asthmatics (Barck et al., 2002, 2005) following short (15–30
minutes) consecutive day exposures at relatively low concentrations (0.26 ppm).
However other studies at comparable NO2 concentrations, but at a higher total dose (0.4 ppm for 3 hours), have
failed to demonstrate a similar enhancement of airway inflammation or a reduced
house-dust-mite allergen provocation dose in allergic asthmatics (Witten et
al., 2005). Similarly, Vagaggini et al. (1996) were unable to demonstrate NO2-induced upper airway
inflammation in mild
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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asthmatics, by nasal lavage and induced sputum 2
hours after an exposure to 0.3 ppm NO2 for 1 hour. The evidence for inflammation in asthmatics exposed to NO2 concentrations near
environmental concentrations is therefore ambiguous.
Few studies have reported acute lung function
changes near the current guideline concentration value (Bauer et al., 1986;
Jörres et al., 1995) in the absence of a specific or nonspecific challenge
(reviewed in Hesterberg et al., 2009; EPA, 2008b). In those studies that
reported decrements, exposure concentrations were high (more than 1 ppm) and
the magnitude of the observed changes was unlikely to be of clinical
significance (Blomberg et al., 1999).
The reported effects of NO2 on nonspecific and specific airway hyperresponsiveness have been
reviewed in detail in the EPA integrated science assessment (2008b), as well as
by Goodman J et al. (2009) and Hesterberg et al. (2009). In healthy
individuals, small increases in nonspecific airway hyperresponsiveness have
been reported following short-term (1– 3 hour) exposure to NO2 in the range 1.5–2.0 ppm
(Mohsenin, 1987; Frampton et al., 1989). In asthmatics, the data on nonspecific
hyperresponsiveness to NO2 suggests a sensitizing effect between 0.2 ppm and 0.6 ppm, though the
responses, where significant, were small and unlikely to be of clinical
significance (Bylin et al., 1985; Mohsenin, 1987; Strand et al., 1996). A
limited number of studies have evaluated airway hyperresponsiveness in
asthmatics at multiple NO2 concentrations, and the results of these studies do not support a clear
concentration–response relationship between 0.1 ppm and 0.5ppm (Bylin et al.,
1988; Roger et al., 1990; Tunnicliffe, Burge & Ayres, 1994). It should be
noted that, in all of the studies cited, a range of responses were observed;
and in many studies, subgroups of responders were identified. Given that
chamber studies by their very nature rely on typically small numbers of healthy
volunteers, or clinically stable patients, it is likely that they may
underestimate the responses of sensitive subgroups within the population,
especially in relation to disease severity.
Langrish et al. (2010) failed to demonstrate vascular dysfunction
(vascular vasomotor or fibrinolytic function) in healthy volunteers exposed to
4 ppm NO2 or filtered air for 1 hour. This is an important paper, as this result
contrasts markedly with the group’s previous findings using diesel exhaust
containing high concentrations of NO2 (Mills et al., 2007). A subsequent paper, examining the vascular and
prothrombic effects of diesel exhaust (300 µg/m3 for 1 hour), with and without
inclusion of a particle trap, demonstrated that a reduction of particle number
and mass concentration, in the absence of changes in nitrogen oxides, was
associated with reduced adverse cardiovascular outcomes (Lucking et al., 2011).
This was interpreted as strongly supporting the view that fine particles, and
not NO2, were driving the previously reported cardiovascular effects,
especially as NO2 concentrations increased almost five-fold with the particle trap.
Further evidence, suggesting the absence of an acute cardiovascular effect of
NO2, was reported by Scaife et al. (2012). In this study they found no
significant changes in heart variability parameters in 18 heart bypass and
myocardial infarction patients following exposure to 400 ppb NO2 for 1 hour.
1.4 Toxicological studies on
short-term exposure (hours to days)
The WHO Regional Office for Europe indoor air
quality guideline (2010) noted that acute exposures (hours) in the range of
0.04–1.0 ppm were rarely observed to cause effects in animals. The California
Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board (CARB,
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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2007) noted acute effects (hours) in rats and mice
at 0.2–0.8 ppm NO2 (increased mast cells, quoted from Hayashi & Kohno (1985) in CARB,
2007)*11 and increased synthesis of the carcinogen dimethylnitrosamine (Iqbal,
Dahl & Epstein, 1981)* at 0.2 ppm. Also, there were: effects on liver
detoxification enzymes at 0.25 ppm (Miller et al., 1980)*; effects on
macrophages at 0.3–0.5 ppm (e.g. Robison et al., 1993)*; and increased
bronchiolar proliferation at 0.8 ppm (Barth et al., 1994)*. The EPA (2008b)
also highlighted the study by Barth et al. (1994). The effects at 0.2–0.25 ppm
are harder to interpret (the mast cells may not have been degranulating,
dimethylnitrosamine synthesis relied on an additional administered precursor
and the effect on liver enzymes may not be adverse), but it is clear that the
effects are adverse above 0.3 ppm. Tables in these reports quote other studies
that report acute no effect levels from 0.4 ppm to 0.8 ppm.
A literature search, and literature abstracts already held from 2008
onwards (the literature cut-off for WHO Regional Office for Europe (2010)),12 did not indicate any animal
studies with short-term exposure to NO2 alone that would change the CARB (2007) or EPA (2008b) view. Urea
selective catalytic reduction-treated diesel engine emissions (0.78 ppm NO2 and dilutions) were generally
less toxic to rat lungs than conventional diesel engine emissions (0.31 ppm NO2 and dilutions), for various
endpoints over durations of 1, 3 or 7 days. However, there were differences in
the nature of the oxidative stress produced with either increases in
8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine with conventional diesel engine emissions, or increases
in haemoxygenase-1 mRNA expression with urea selective catalytic
reduction-treated diesel engine emissions (Tsukue et al., 2010). The latter
suggests oxidative stress related to NO2, but is not conclusive, given the mixture of constituents present.
Using exposures lasting from hours to days, recent mechanistic animal
studies show: protein S-glutathionylation in the lung at 25 ppm NO2 (Aesif et al., 2009); a decrease
in aggregating activity of surfactant-protein D at 10 ppm or 20 ppm (Matalon et
al., 2009); and increases in markers of oxidative stress, endothelial
dysfunction, inflammation and apoptosis in the hearts of rats from exposures of
2.7 ppm to 10.6 ppm (Li H et al., 2011). Zhu et al. (2012) found that 2.6 ppm
NO2 delayed recovery from stroke (slowed reduction in infarct volume) in a
rat stroke model and increased behavioural deficits. Dose-related endothelial
and inflammatory responses were also found in the range 2.6–10.6 ppm. Channell
et al. (2012) found that plasma from healthy adults exposed to 0.5 ppm NO2 for 2 hours was able to activate
cultured primary human coronary endothelial cells. This suggested that a
circulating factor was mediating, at least in part, the endothelial response
that may underly the cardiovascular epidemiological findings. One study in mice
(Alberg et al., 2011) found no increased sensitization to intranasal ovalbumin
at 5 ppm or 25 ppm NO2 when diesel exhaust particles did show an increase, whereas another
study in mice (Hodgkins et al., 2010) at 10 ppm NO2 showed sensitization to inhaled
ovalbumin due to increased antigen uptake by antigen-presenting cells. A study
in mice suggested that effects in the lung due to 20 ppm NO2 for 10 days are worse with a
small increase in vitamin C dose than with a large increase (Zhang et al.,
2010), perhaps due to vitamin C increasing NO2 absorption into the epithelial
lining fluid (Enami, Hoffmann & Colussi, 2009). All these concentrations
(apart from Channell et al., 2012) are far in excess of the ambient
concentrations linked to health effects in population studies, and the studies
are not designed to show whether the mechanisms extend down to lower
concentrations – that is, the mechanisms may or may not be relevant.
11 Studies followed by asterisks
are older studies not referenced in earlier guidelines.
Literature abstracting service was provided by the
Institute of Environment and Health at Cranfield until 2009; it was funded by
the United Kingdom Department of Health.
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Recent studies indicate that the NO2 radical can be directly involved in nitration of tyrosines (Surmeli et
al., 2010, for example) and also that it causes a nitration-dependent cis-trans-isomerization to trans-arachidonic acid (linked to
microvascular injury), described by the authors as a characteristic process for
NO2 (Balazy & Chemtob, 2008). This is not just relevant to the lung.
While NO2 itself is not absorbed systemically, as it is likely to react first,
its reaction products, nitrite and nitrate ions, are found in the blood after
NO2 inhalation (Saul
Archer, 1983). Nitrite and
nitrate anions in the blood are now regarded as carriers of nitric oxide
(Lundberg, Weitzberg & Gladwin, 2008; Lundberg & Weitzberg, 2010;
Weitzberg, Hezel & Lundberg, 2010).
The cycle whereby nitrate is excreted into the saliva and reduced to
nitrite by oral bacteria and then converted to nitric oxide in the stomach or
in the blood and tissues, after absorption of nitrite, may have a physiological
role (to ensure nitric oxide production for vasodilation under hypoxic
conditions when oxygen dependent nitric oxide synthases may fail), but may also
have adverse consequences (Panesar, 2008). Nitrite can also lead to the NO2 radical via peroxidase catalysed
oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, via formation of nitrous acid, which
dissociates to nitric oxide and NO2, via formation of peroxynitrite from nitric oxide and superoxide and
subsequent breakdown to the NO2 and hydroxyl radicals and, less commonly, direct oxidation of nitric
oxide (d’Ischia et al., 2011; Signorelli et al., 2011). In other words, there
is an indirect transfer of inhaled NO2 to the NO2 radical in tissues via reactive intermediates.
There is a great deal of literature on reactive
nitrogen species (Abello et al., 2009; d’Ischia et al., 2011; Sugiura &
Ichinose, 2011), including in literature on atherosclerosis (Upmacis, 2008).
The review by Upmacis (2008) describes the occurrence of protein nitrotyrosine
in atherosclerotic plaques and also in the bloodstream and describes an
emerging view that this is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. A major
proportion of the nitrotyrosine is thought to come via nitric oxide from
inducible nitric oxide synthase (induced under inflammatory conditions), but
the source of the remainder is unknown. Nitrite and nitrate in the blood from
NO2 inhalation provides a potential link with this literature. Human beings
exposed to 0.1 ppm NO2 by inhalation have been inferred to form about 3.6 mg nitrite per day,
more than the dietary intake of nitrite (Saul & Archer, 1983). More work is
needed, however, to understand how significant any contribution of NO2 inhalation to systemic nitrative
stress might be in quantitative terms.
Although this is a section on toxicology, some epidemiological studies are
considered here as they concentrate on mechanisms. They provide a potential
link between the mechanisms in animal studies discussed above and mechanisms
operating in human beings, although they lose the advantage of confident
specificity for NO2. These studies have mostly addressed cardiovascular end-points: no
effects on blood coagulation and inflammatory markers (Zuurbier et al., 2011b;
Steinvil et al., 2008) or a non-significant increase (significant for
sP-selectin) (Delfino et al., 2008); increases in brachial artery diameter and
flow mediated dilatation (perhaps actually due to nitric oxide) (Williams et
al., 2012); adverse effects on heart rate variability in heart disease patients
(Zanobetti et al., 2010) and in cyclists (Weichenthal et al., 2011)
(independent of PM metrics); a non-significant increase in the QT interval in
electrocardiograms (significant in diabetics) (Baja et al., 2010); and an
increase in lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (linked to inflammation in
atherosclerotic plaques) (Brüske et al., 2011).
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 91
2. Long-term guideline
2.1 Long-term epidemiological
Since the publication of the 2005 global update of
the WHO air quality guidelines, a large number of new studies on long-term
effects related to NO2 and other traffic pollutants have been published. To prepare a response
to the question on new evidence, systematic literature searches were performed
for original articles published 2004 to April 2012 on long-term studies (cohort
studies, cross-sectional studies, case-control studies) that investigated
outdoor NO2 exposure and mortality or diagnosed diseases or lung function. We did
not look at other physiological markers and at birth outcomes, as it is not
clear whether they are really consequences of long-term exposure, and there
were too few studies meeting the criteria. The searches in the literature
databases PubMed, ISI Web of Science and Ludok resulted in 160 publications: on
mortality or specific death causes (n
= 37); on lung function (n = 34); on
incidence or prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (n = 19); on diabetes mellitus (n
= 6); on asthma (n = 46); and on
bronchitis (n = 18).
In addition, two review reports from the California
Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board and the EPA published in
2007 and 2008, respectively, have been reviewed.
Review of the California Ambient Air Quality Standard for NO2, 2007. The following recommendation
was released for a NO2 annual-average standard: establish a new annual average standard for NO2 of 56 µg/m3 (0.030 ppm), not to be exceeded.
It was based on evidence from epidemiological studies showing that long-term
exposures (that is, one or more years) to NO2 may lead to changes in lung function growth in children, symptoms in
asthmatic children, and preterm birth (CARB, 2007).
EPA integrated science assessment for oxides of nitrogen – health
criteria, 2008. This document rated the epidemiological and toxicological evidence,
examining the effect of long-term exposure to NO2 on respiratory morbidity, as
suggestive, but not sufficient to infer a causal relationship. The document
also rated the evidence on other morbidity or mortality as inadequate to infer
the presence or absence of a causal relationship. It found the relationship
between long-term exposure to NO2 and mortality to be inconsistent. Furthermore, when associations were
noted, they were not specific to NO2, but also implicated PM and other traffic indicators.
Long-term studies generally investigate geographic differences in NO2 exposure for a period of several
years. The spatial distribution of NO2 shows a high variation, as it varies mainly with traffic – the most
important NO2 source in European countries. Therefore, individual assessment of
exposure is much more important than the assessment of more homogeneously
distributed PM2.5 or (often) PM10. So, the spatial resolution of the exposure assessment is crucial. In
contrast to particle mass, black smoke (or black carbon) often shows a similar
spatial distribution to NO2. The answer to the question about whether long-term effects are due to
NO2 per se should ideally be based on studies that include NO2 together with a particle mass
indicator (on the one hand) and an indicator such as black carbon or ultrafine
particles (on the other hand).
Some of the newly published studies were ecological
in nature (lacking individual covariates) or did not give numerical results for
NO2; and some had been superseded by more recent analyses with more data
and longer follow up. These studies were excluded. As an indicator of long-term
traffic exhaust, 31 of the studies modelled exposure to NO2 or nitrogen oxides
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 92
and did not include a particle measure (14 of them
investigating asthma). In these cases, it is not possible to attribute the
resulting effects to NO2 per se, so they are not discussed in detail here. A total of 81 studies
analysed NO2 and a particle measure in parallel, most of them investigating
mortality, asthma, or lung function.
Some of these studies will be
highlighted below, according to the following criteria:
cohort studies with individual follow-up, as their validity is higher
than cross-sectional studies or studies based on so-called ecological units;
studies with a contemporary evaluation of a PM fraction, preferably PM2.5 or black carbon.
Meta-analyses that include studies with and without
a contemporary evaluation of a PM fraction and with a comparison with PM are
also highlighted. A tabulation of the full set of studies is available on
The following discussion focuses on respiratory
health in children and long-term mortality studies, as these are the outcomes
with the largest number of investigations and with results relevant to possible
standard settings.
effects on lung function development in children
The database available for evaluating the relationship between lung
function growth in children and long-term exposures to NO2 has increased. Three large
cohort studies have examined this relationship. The California-based Children’s
Health Study, examining exposure to various pollutants in children for an
8-year period in 12 communities, demonstrated deficits in lung function growth
(Gauderman et al., 2004) (FVC, FEV1, maximal mid-expiratory
flow (MMEF)) for NO2, PM2.5, elemental carbon
and acid vapour. The average NO2 concentrations
during the study period ranged from about 7.5 μg/m3 to 71.4 μg/m3 (4–38 ppb). The
effects for NO2 were generally greater than has been found for the other
pollutants, although the authors recognize that, as for other studies, they
could not discern independent effects of pollutants, because they came from
common sources and there is a high degree of inter-correlation between them. A
later publication of the Californian children cohort studies by Gauderman et
al. (2007), including the results of a second cohort and a focus on traffic,
provided almost the same estimates for FEV1 and background NO2. The estimate was
not altered by inclusion of the traffic indicator in the model with NO2 and vice versa.
Similar findings for lung function growth have also
been observed across 10 areas in Mexico City (Rojas-Martinez et al., 2007),
where the levels of pollution were rather high (study area
means for 1996–1999 of: NO2: 51–80 µg/m3; PM10: 53–97 µg/m3). The effect of an interquartile
range NO2 exposure was slightly larger than that of the effect of PM10 in both
boys and girls, with similar results being found in two-pollutant
models. In Oslo and Stockholm, Oftedal et al. (2008) and Schultz et al. (2012)
reported that the lifetime (Oslo) or first year of life (Stockholm) exposure to
NO2 from traffic was associated with decreased lung function at 9–10 (Oslo)
and 8 (Stockholm) years. Because of the high correlation with other air
pollutants, the effects could not be separated with multipollutant models.
Overall, the association with deficits in lung function growth in
single-pollutant models noted in the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines has been confirmed even in cities with low concentrations, and there
is now evidence for an effect independent of PM10 and PM 2.5 in
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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multipollutant models, at least in a city (Mexico
city) with a range of NO2 concentrations at the upper end of the concentration range in Europe
(Cyrys et al., 2012).
Long term
effects on asthma
All the cohort studies that examined asthma
outcomes identified in the search and published up to 2010 were included in a
recently conducted systematic review by Anderson, Favarato & Atkinson
(2013b). This evaluated the effects of NO2 and PM2.5 on the incidence of asthma and wheeze. Results for NO2 from 13 studies, most conducted
in Europe, showed an overall
estimate of 1.09 (95% CI: 1.05–1.14)
per 10 μg/m3, after correcting for the scaling of results for one of the studies
(Anderson et al., 2012). The overall effect estimate of five studies that
evaluated the association between PM2.5 and the incidence of asthma and wheeze was 1.16 (95% CI: 0.98–1.37) per
10 μg/m3 PM2.5. Given the larger spatial variability of NO2 in comparison with PM2.5 (a factor of 1.5–3.0), the
effect estimate for NO2 is comparable, if not larger, than that for PM2.5.
Most of these studies had mean or median (usually annual average) values
for NO2 below 40 µg/m3, including some positive studies with the entire concentration range
below 40 µg/m3 and some negative studies in locations with higher concentration
ranges. But the significance of this for setting guidelines is lessened, as
none of the constituent studies performed two-pollutant models with NO2 and particles. The analysis of the California Children’s Health
Study (McConnell et al., 2010) on asthma incidence did perform multi-pollutant
analyses but did not do a two-pollutant analysis for the fixed site
(background) measurements of NO2 and PM, because it did not find a significant association with PM.
Instead, it modelled traffic exposure at school and at home, based on nitrogen
oxide estimates from modelling in a three-factor model, together with NO2 concentrations from central site
monitoring. In this three-factor model, the effects of the centrally monitored
NO2 levels (16.4–60.7 μg/m3 (8.7–32.3 ppb), annual average) did not disappear fully, but were
reduced to statistical insignificance when including traffic exhaust (estimated
by nitrogen oxides) at home and at school. Traffic at school and at home
remained significant after including the effects of central site NO2. McConnell et al. (2010)
attribute the main effects to traffic exhaust, but note that the lack of
statistical significance of the positive association with central-site NO2 controlled for traffic could be
due to exposure misclassification.
After the online publication of the Anderson et al.
(2013b) meta-analysis, four cohort studies on asthma incidence and long-term
average concentrations of NO2 were published and all provide support for an association with NO2. Carlsten et al. (2011a) and
Gruzieva et al. (2013) also studied particles (showing an effect for PM2.5, but not for black carbon), but
none of these evaluated two-pollutant models with NO2 and PM (Carlsten et al., 2011a;
Andersen et al., 2012b; Lee Y et al., 2012; Gruzieva et al., 2013).
The results of prevalence studies of asthma are less clear, as it is
uncertain whether they represent a true long-term effect on incidence. We
describe a meta-analysis of these studies here, as it is an important body of
literature: the studies may include questions on lifetime asthma, and they may
be a more suitable basis for quantifying the effects of traffic measures (as
asthma can remit over time, and the meta-analysis of asthma incidence did not
control for the duration of follow-up period, as it was intended only for
hazard assessment). The meta-analyses on the period prevalence of asthma and
wheezing during the study period and on lifetime asthma by the same authors
(Anderson, Favarato & Atkinson, 2013a), both based on
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 94
nine studies with pollution gradients mainly between communities,13 did not show any relationship
with NO2 or other pollutants. The authors did not exclude an association between
the close proximity of traffic pollution and asthma in highly susceptible
individuals, which may be diluted in a whole-community study. There are also a
range of cross-sectional studies that investigated within-community exposure
contrasts, more representative of traffic pollution, which have not been
reviewed here, but include many positive associations with NO2, some of which are statistically
significant. Three of the recent area studies on asthma prevalence included
multipollutant models (Dong et al., 2011; Pan et al., 2010; Sahsuvaroglu et
al., 2009). In the study by Dong et al. (2011), the associations were reduced
from an OR of 1.19 (95% CI: 1.06–1.34) per 10 μg/m3 in males and an OR of 1.14 (95%
CI: 0.99–1.30) in females to an OR of 0.97 for both sexes in a five-pollutant
model. In Pan et al. (2010), the effect estimates for current asthma associated
with NO2 were strongly reduced and lost statistical significance in a
three-pollutant model with total suspended particulates and SO2 (total suspended particulates
and NO2 were correlated with r =
0.6). Sahsuvaroglu et al. (2009) investigated asthma prevalence in
schoolchildren in Hamilton, Canada. Overall, there was no association of asthma
with any pollutant. Asthma was only significantly associated with NO2 estimated with a land use
regression model in the subgroup of girls without hay fever. This association
showed a larger estimate after including SO2, ozone and PM10 in the same model.
The only study of long-term exposure and
respiratory symptoms reviewed for the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines that included multipollutant models was that by McConnell et al.
(2003), as part of the California Children’s Health Study. Due to the
importance of multipollutant models to the question of whether NO2 is having an effect per se and
the discussion of this study in Question C4, the study is described again here.
McConnell et al. (2003) investigated the associations between bronchitis
symptoms in children with asthma and particles and gaseous pollutants over a
period of four years – between the study communities and with yearly
within-community variability of pollution. Across communities, symptoms were
associated with PM2.5, elemental carbon and NO2, but as those pollutants were closely correlated, no consistent
between-community effects were observed in two-pollutant models. In contrast,
the within-community associations were stronger, and the associations of
symptoms with the yearly variability of organic carbon and NO2 were, in general, not confounded
by other pollutants. The yearly variability was expressed as the annual
deviation from the 4-year average and ranged from 2.1 μg/m3 to 24.1 μg/m3 (1.1– 12.8 ppb) deviations from
4-year averages of 7.9–71.4 μg/m3 (4.2–38.0 ppb) NO2. No other pollutants were significantly associated with an increase in
symptoms in models that included organic carbon or NO2 (McConnell et al., 2003).
McConnell et al were cautious to attribute the
associations with organic carbon to diesel exhaust, because there were no
associations with elemental carbon, also stemming from diesel engines. They did
not expect NO2 to show the strongest associations and suggested the possibility of a
smaller error in the measurement of organic carbon and NO2 than in that of other correlated
pollutants as being potentially responsible for the effect. No study of quite
this design has been published since 2004 but, in general, while studies have
continued to report associations between NO2 and respiratory symptoms, in most cases it is neither proven nor
disproven that these associations are related to NO2 per se. However, indirect
evidence –
13 One study was published since
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from short-term studies and long-term studies on
lung function, which supports the plausibility that some of these effects are
due to NO2 – has increased.
of mortality-related to long-term exposure
A total of 18 cohort studies and two case-control studies published
since 2004 provide RR estimates for associations of natural mortality,
cardiovascular and respiratory mortality or lung cancer with NO2 and PM. With the exception of
studies conducted in China, most investigations were conducted in areas where
the average NO2 levels were below 40 μg/m3. Not all of the studies presented correlations between NO2 and other pollutants, but those
that did indicated moderate to high correlations; in European studies, the
correlation is typically greater than 0.80. We focus mainly on the four cohort
studies with multipollutant models and the five European cohort studies that
analysed NO2 and a particle metric – but without estimating two-pollutant models –
giving details also in Tables 7 and 8.
BME: Bayesian maximum
entropy; CHD: coronary heart disease; COPD: chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; CVD: cardiovascular disease; HR: hazard
IHD: ischaemic heart
disease; IQR: interquartile range;
IDW: inverse distance weighting; LUR: land use regression; NO: nitric oxide;
SD: standard deviation.
BS: black smoke; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CVD:
cardiovascular disease; NO: nitric oxide; SD: standard deviation; TSP: total
suspended particles.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 101
The following European studies
are relevant to the evaluation.14
Recently, the results from a cohort of more than a
million adults in Rome were published (Cesaroni et al., 2013). Long-term
exposures to both NO2 and PM2.5 were associated with increased risks of nonaccidental mortality. The
strongest association was found for ischaemic heart diseases, but also
mortality for cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer were significantly
associated with both pollutants. Respiratory mortality was marginally
associated with NO2 and not associated with PM2.5. The cohort was built on administrative data and lacked information on
such behavioural risk factors as smoking (smoking was available on a subset of
the cohort and no confounding from this factor was suggested in a sensitivity
analysis). The models were therefore adjusted for pre-existing conditions that
share lifestyle risks (diabetes, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease and hypertensive heart disease) and for
individual and small-area socioeconomic position. The average exposure
estimated for individual address for the follow-up (the mean follow-up duration
was 8.3 years) was 43.6 μg/m3 (range: 13.0–75.2 μg/m3) for NO2 and 23.0 μg/m3 (range: 7.2–32.1 μg/m3) for PM2.5. The functional form of the association showed no evidence of deviation
from linearity for non-accidental mortality, cardiovascular mortality,
respiratory mortality and lung cancer, but it showed some deviation from
linearity for the association between NO2 and ischaemic heart disease mortality. In a two-pollutant model, the
estimated effect of NO2 on non-accidental mortality was independent of PM2.5.
In a French study (Filleul et al., 2005) a comparison of mortality over
a period of 25 years between 18 areas, including both NO2 and black smoke, revealed
positive and statistically significant effects of NO2 – concentrations averaged
between 12 μg/m3 and 32 μg/m3 over a period of 3 years for natural, cardiopulmonary and lung cancer
mortality. The effects of black smoke were lower than those observed for NO2. Six of the twenty-four areas
with a NO2 average from 36 μg/m3 to 61 μg/m3 were excluded from the analyses, as the monitors were not considered
representative of the population’s exposure (assessed with a high nitrogen oxide-to-NO2 ratio, indicating localized
traffic sources). In Germany, Heinrich et al. (2013) followed the vital status
of women with baseline NO2 and PM10 exposure values for more than 18 years (SALIA study). Positive effects
were found for all-cause and cardiopulmonary mortality in relation to NO2 (median exposure: 41 μg/m3 in the year before baseline
investigation, based on the annual average of the next monitoring station)) and
for all-cause and cardiopulmonary mortality and for lung cancer mortality in
relation to PM10. The association between cardiopulmonary mortality and PM10 was reduced in this extended
follow-up period, during which PM10 concentrations (but not NO2 concentrations) were lower, compared with an earlier analysis, after 12
years (Gehring et al., 2006).
In contrast to the analyses of Gehring et al.
(2006) and Heinrich et al. (2013), which investigated all-cause and
cardiopulmonary mortality, the analyses of the SALIA-study data by Schikowski
et al. (2007) investigated cardiovascular mortality risk in relation to NO2 and PM10, and a possible effect
modification in women with impaired lung function or pre-existent respiratory
diseases. The significantly elevated mortality risk from cardiovascular causes
in relation to NO2 (median exposure: 46 μg/m3) was not higher in the susceptible subgroup than in the whole sample.
In an analysis of all inhabitants of Oslo, Norway, Naess et al. (2007) reported
that the RR estimates for cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and
lung cancer were very similar for NO2 and PM2.5 when evaluated across the quartiles of
14 The averaging times in this
section are generally for the period of measurement (years) as set out in
Tables 7 and 8.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 102
the two pollutants. The Norwegian study also investigated the functional
form of the association. The authors give separate results for the two age
groups of 51–70 years and 71– 90 years. In the younger age group, they observed
a threshold for the effect on overall mortality of about 40 μg NO2/m3 due to the results for
cardiovascular and lung cancer mortality. Thresholds were also observed for PM2.5 (about 14 μg/m3) and PM10 (about 19 μg/m3). In the older age group, the
increase in overall mortality risk was linear in the interval 20–60 μg NO2/m3. For chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, a linear effect was seen for both age
groups. The large Dutch study by Beelen et al. (2008a) evaluated several
pollutants, including NO2, PM2.5 and black smoke. The effect sizes for natural, cardiovascular, and
respiratory mortality were greater for NO2 (population average:
36.9 μg/m3; SD: 8.2 μg/m3) than for PM2.5 (population average: 28.3 μg/m3) and were similar
to those
for black smoke. The RRs per 30 μg NO2/m3 were 1.08 (95% CI: 1.00–1.16)
mortality, 1.07 (95% CI: 0.94–1.21) for cardiovascular mortality and 1.37 (95%
for respiratory mortality; the RRs per 10 μg PM2.5/m3
were 1.06 (95% CI: 0.97–
1.16) for
natural mortality, 1.04 (95% CI: 0.90–1.21) for cardiovascular mortality and
(95% CI: 0.75–1.52) for respiratory mortality. The
spatial correlation between different pollutants was high.
For cardiopulmonary mortality, the large American Cancer Society cohort
study found no or a marginally significant association with NO2 (a 1% increase per 18.8 μg NO2/m3 in 1980 (95% CI: 0–2%)) and a
marginally increased risk of ischaemic heart disease mortality (a 2% increase
(95% CI: 0–3%) at a median exposure of 49 μg NO2/m3). The study compared mortality
and pollution between populated regions and was not designed to investigate
smaller scale variations in pollution (Krewski et al., 2009). By contrast, a
cohort study in Toronto, using land use regression to predict NO2 at the residential address and
an interpolation method to predict PM2.5, did find a large effect on natural and cardiovascular mortality for NO2, but not for PM2.5 (Jerrett et al., 2009b).
Therefore, the authors modelled NO2 together with traffic proximity (and not with PM2.5), and the effects for NO2 were slightly weakened, but
still significant (from 1.40 (95% CI: 1.05–1.86) to 1.39 (95% CI: 1.05–1.85)
per interquartile range of 7.6 µg NO2/m3). The median of individually assessed NO2 exposure was 43.05 µg NO2/m3 (25th percentile: 39.1 µg NO2/m3; 75th percentile: 38.46 µg NO2/m3).
A new analysis of the California data from American Cancer Society
Cancer Prevention Study II (Jerrett et al., 2011) used several different
methods to model exposures to air pollution with high spatial resolution. It
found, in a cohort of more than 76 000 adults with 20 432 deaths in the follow
up period from 1982 to 2000, consistent associations of PM2.5 with mortality from
cardiovascular causes, comparable with the findings from the national American
Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study II. However, the strongest associations
were found for NO2. Individual exposure data were derived from a land use regression model
of NO2 that predicted local variations in the exposure of participants in the
years 1988–2002 (mean of individual level exposure 12.3 ppb or 23.1 µg/m3). The authors stated that NO2 is generally thought to
represent traffic sources and concluded that combustion-source air pollution
was associated with premature death. The analyses are published as a report for
the California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board and are not
(yet) published in a peer reviewed journal. The report does not give effect
estimates with confidence intervals for the two-pollutant models.
Only a few of the studies reviewed conducted a
formal multipollutant analysis designed to differentiate the specific effects
of the pollutants. The large registry cohort study in Rome
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 103
found associations of NO2 with non-accidental mortality,
independent of PM2.5 and also independent of traffic density or distance to the next main
road (Cesaroni et al., 2013). The analysis of the above-mentioned California
data of the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study II observed that,
in two-pollutant models of NO2 with PM2.5, both pollutants were associated with significantly elevated effects on
mortality from cardiovascular disease and ischaemic heart disease. NO2 was also independently
associated with an elevated risk for premature death from all causes and lung
cancer (Jerrett et al., 2011), but the report did not provide the adjusted quantitative
effect estimates.
Hart et al. (2011) examined the association of ambient residential
exposure to PM10, PM2.5, NO2, and SO2 with mortality in 53 814 men in the United States trucking industry.
One of the unique features of this study was the ability to model the mortality
effects of exposures to multiple pollutants. In the multipollutant models,
adverse effects were predominantly seen
with exposures to NO2 and SO2, and they were reduced for PM10 and PM2.5. A weakness of the study was that there was no information on other
risk factors for mortality, such as
cigarette smoking. A subsample with information on
smoking showed some correlation with pollution, and a recalculation, adjusting
for smoking on that basis, suggested that the hazard ratio would be reduced in
size but still remain – that is, it did not affect their qualitative
conclusions. Similar findings are available from a Canadian cohort study (Gan
et al., 2011), where the effects on mortality were stronger for black carbon
and NO2 than for other pollutants; the study used a multipollutant model (with
NO2, PM2.5, and black carbon in the same model) that attenuated the NO2 effect, but did not reduce it to
null (RR =1.03, 95% CI: 0.99–1.07). It should be emphasized that the effect
estimates for black carbon were robust against adjustment for NO2, whereas the effect estimate for
NO2 was reduced to non-significance after adjustment for black carbon.
Overall, the findings suggest that traffic and
other sources of fossil fuel combustion are important pollution sources that
result in greater overall lung cancer, cardiovascular disease and respiratory
disease mortality in the cohorts. In contrast to the cardiovascular mortality
risk found to be associated with long-term exposure to NO2 in the above studies, such an
association was not found consistently in studies on the incidence or
prevalence of cardiovascular disease. Only seven studies with cross-sectional,
case-control or cohort designs investigated the relationship of these outcomes
with NO2 and particles in parallel. Five of those did not find any association
or just a small insignificantly higher risk; two recent publications found an
increased risk for ischaemic heart disease and for heart failure, but not for
other cardiovascular diagnoses (Beckerman et al., 2012; Atkinson et al., 2013).
In summary, the European cohort studies provide evidence that the NO2 effects on natural and
cause-specific mortality are similar to, if not larger than, those estimated
for PM. The recent registry cohort study from Italy (Cesaroni et al., 2013) and
the American (Jerrett et al., 2011; Hart et al., 2011) and Canadian (Gan et
al., 2011) studies have attempted multipollutant models, and they provide
support for an effect of NO2 independent from particle mass metrics. In three of these mortality
studies with multipollutant models, the major fraction of the populations
studied was exposed to NO2 levels lower than 40 µg/m3; in one of them, nearly all participants were exposed to levels lower
than 40 μg/m3 (Jerrett et al., 2011). Four of the six European analyses were centred
around 40 µg NO2/m3. In the French study, areas with (possibly non-representative) monitor
averages above 32 µg NO2/m3 were excluded. The study by Naess et al. (2007) looked at non-linear
exposure–response functions and found a possible threshold around 40 µg/m3 for NO2 and also a threshold for
particles in the age group of 51–70-year-old people, especially for
cardiovascular mortality. In contrast, they
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 104
found no thresholds in the age group of 71–90-year-old
people for all cause and cardiovascular mortality and none for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mortality in
either age group. The Italian study found some evidence for non-linearity in
the association between NO2 and ischaemic heart mortality, but not for cardiovascular or
non-accidental mortality. All other investigators applied linear exposure–response
As the long-term mortality studies have all included populations exposed
in part to annual average NO2 concentrations of well below the current WHO air quality guidelines of
40 µg/m3, or even been conducted over a range almost entirely below the air
quality guidelines, it would be wise to consider whether the guideline should
be lowered at the next revision of the guidelines.
2.2 Sub-chronic and chronic toxicological studies Animal studies
Since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines, the
toxicological evidence up to about 2007 has been described in several reports
(EPA, 2008b; CARB, 2007; COMEAP, 2009b; WHO Rgional Office for Europe, 2010).
Table 9 summarizes the lowest effect concentrations at the lower end of the
dose range, as highlighted in the conclusions sections of the various reports.
Such studies as Mercer et al. (1995), highlighted by the EPA, that included
spikes of higher concentrations have been excluded. It can be seen that there
are now four studies showing effects below 0.34 ppm, including older studies
not previously quoted by WHO, marked with an asterisk. Tabacova, Nikiforov
& Balabaeva (1985) did not describe maternal toxicity,*15 so it cannot be determined
whether the neurobehavioural posture and gait changes are a direct toxic effect
of NO2 on the offspring or an indirect effect, via toxicity to the mother. The
study has not been replicated by other studies in this dose range, although
similar effects have been found at much higher doses. The effects in the
studies by Zhu et al. (2012) (reviewed in more detail below) and Takano et al.
(2004)* are on risk factors for ischaemia and atherosclerosis, rather than
actual occurrence of ischaemia and atherosclerosis themselves. Also, the change
in endothelin-1 (Zhu et al., 2012) was in an unexpected direction, a direction
that has not yet been replicated in another study. These three studies should
not be dismissed, but there is an element of uncertainty in using them to
describe a firm lowest effect concentration.
The publications by Sherwin & Richters
(1995a,b)*, on the other hand, refer to a large study and to an effect that has
regularly been shown at doses not far above 0.25 ppm. Tables in these three
reports (CARB, 2007; COMEAP, 2009b; EPA, 2008b) describe no effect levels for
various end-points in the range 0.04–0.5 ppm. No effect levels for morphological
changes in the lung have been defined at 0.04 ppm for periods of 9 months or
more (Kubota et al., 1987; Ichinose, Fujii & Sagai, 1991), but these
studies were in rats, not mice, so whether weanling mice show effects below
0.25 ppm is unknown. It should be noted that these are research studies that
examine selected end-points of interest rather than regulatory toxicology
studies that examine a full range of end-points in one study or a package of
linked studies. A no effect level for
one end-point in a research study does not rule out effect levels for other end-points at similar concentrations.
It is not always clear from the epidemiology
whether an effect apparently linked to long-term exposure is the result of a
long-term process, or a cumulative reflection of the short-term
15 * This indicates older
studies not referenced in earlier guidelines.
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Page 105
effects. In this respect, it is of interest that
the studies by Sherwin & Richters (1995a) and Hyde et al. (1978) showed
effects developing months to years after exposure ceased.
Two new sub-chronic animal studies on NO2 alone have been identified from
2008 or later. Zhu et al. (2012) exposed healthy rats to 0.133 ppm and 2.66 ppm
for 6 hours per day for 1 and 3 months. At 2.66 ppm, for 1 month and 3 months,
there were increases in whole and relative blood viscosity, and red blood cell
rigidity that were more marked at 3 months. The red blood cell aggregation and
electrophoresis index were increased at 3 months. Effects at 0.133 ppm were not
reported. In the brain cortex, protein expression of the endothelial function
and inflammatory markers, eNOS, iNOS, COX-2 and ICAM-1 were increased at 2.66
ppm, but not 0.133 ppm, for 1 month. Endothelin-1, which triggers vasoconstriction,
was reduced in a dose-related fashion, a result that was unexpected, as it was
the reverse of what happened in 1-week experiments. The authors argue that,
taking their short-term and long-term results together, NO2 is an inducer and promoter of
Brandsma et al. (2008) found increased eosinophils
in lung tissue, increased goblet cells, an increase in the cytokine IL-6 and a
decrease in the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 at 20 ppm of NO2 for 1 month in mice. There were
no signs of emphysema, but the study duration was short. A mixture study by
Mauderly et al. (2011) suggested that it was possible that the reduction in
TNF-α in bronchoalveolar lavage in rats by a simulated downwind coal combustion
mixture containing 0.04–0.31 ppm NO2, with or without sulfate particles, was due to the NO2, but also noted that the study
was not designed to identify causal pollutants.
Another mixture study, this time of inhalation of diesel exhaust from
United States 2007-regulation compliant heavy duty engines, has recently been
published (McDonald et al., 2012). This is a formal sub-chronic inhalation
toxicology study in Wistar Han rats and C57BL/6 mice, with testing for a wide
range of standard toxicological outcomes and three dose levels. The 2007 compliant
engine has a particle trap that has reduced particle levels substantially and
increased levels of NO2. Here, NO2 was used to standardize the dilution of diesel exhaust to give exposure
levels of 0.11 ppm, 0.95 ppm and 3.6 ppm NO2 in rats (16 hours a day; 5 days a week) for 13 weeks. The dilutions led
to doses of 0.1 ppm, 0.8 ppm and 4.3 ppm NO2 in mice. The rats showed statistically significant
concentration-related changes in indicators that correlated with oxidative
stress, mild inflammation, mild changes in lung function and mild lung
pathology (increased epithelial cells at the terminal bronchioles and alveolar
duct) at an exposure indicated by 3.6 ppm NO2. At 0.95 ppm, similar effects were seen as part of the
concentration-related trend but, apart from the indicators correlated with
oxidative stress, were not statistically significant at that exposure level or
even much changed from the low exposure in many cases. Lung pathology was
absent, other than at the highest exposure. Apart from indicators correlated
with oxidative stress, 0.1 ppm was a no effect level. Mice showed weaker
effects (only minor inflammation at 4.3 ppm). None of the observed biological
responses led to clinically observable morbidity at this time point in rats or
mice. Based on comparisons with other studies, the authors considered that it
was plausible that these effects were driven by NO2, but acknowledged that this
could not be conclusive, given the presence of other constituents. A further
part of the same study (Conklin & Kong, 2012) found little effect on plasma
markers of cardiovascular disease in young adult rats and mice, apart from
transient effects on total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.
HDL: high-density
a For example, highlighted in
the report summary and conclusions.
Note. Rows
in italics present studies highlighted previously in other WHO reports.
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Genotoxicity in vitro and in vivo, in animals and
Koehler et al. (2011) found weak evidence of DNA fragmentation and
increased micronuclei (only after 3 hours) in human nasal epithelial cells at
0.1 ppm NO2.16 This is the first in vitro genotoxicity test in human cells and shows
effects at a lower concentration than previously (For context, in vivo
mutagenicity tests give both positive and negative results (CARB, 2007; EPA,
2008b)). The Health Effects Institute (HEI, 2012) reported a micronucleus
assay, employing flow cytometry performed in mice and rats; they used blood
samples from the 3 month bioassay by McDonald et al. (2012), utilizing NO2 within a modern diesel engine
emission mixture, as discussed above. While there were some scattered
significant findings, these did not form a coherent picture, and it was
concluded that the results were negative in both rats and mice. Further studies
will be done at longer exposure durations. Another analysis from this bioassay
(Hallberg et al., 2012) found no effects of the mixture containing NO2 on strand breaks in lung tissue,
assessed with the comet assay, or on 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine DNA adducts in
the serum of rats or mice.
Another epidemiology study found increased urinary 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine
(a marker of oxidative DNA damage) in the elderly, with an increased 2- or
3-week moving average for NO2 (daily average for NO2: 17.8 ppb). This was not found for primary traffic pollutants (carbon
monoxide, black carbon and elemental carbon), but was found for PM2.5, sulfate and ozone (Ren et al.,
2011). A further study found a borderline association between indoor NO2 levels (13–18 μg/m3, averaging time not given) and
micronuclei in blood cells of mothers and neonates (Pedersen et al., 2009).
Mechanistic epidemiology studies
In other mechanistic epidemiology studies, NO2 was associated with elevated
blood pressure, total cholesterol, fasting glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin
and IL-6 in a cross-sectional study, but this was not maintained after
adjustment for other pollutants (Chuang et al., 2011). NO2 exposure during pregnancy
increased CD-8+ T cells in cord blood. Whether these produced IL-4 was not described –
this is of interest, as this type of T cell is higher in atopic asthmatics. In
contrast, PM10 reduced regulatory T cells (linked to predisposition towards allergy
and asthma) (Baïz et al., 2011). Papers on gene– environment interactions
between NO2 and enzymes involved in reducing oxidative stress revealed some
interactions, but study limitations (small subject numbers, measurement error,
absence of replication) prevented definitive conclusions on the nature of these
(Minelli et al., 2011).
Four further studies that reported interactions have been published
since. Carlsten et al. (2011b), a small study in a high-risk cohort, showed the
GSTP1 Ile105Val polymorphism conferring a weak trend to an expected increased
risk of NO2 associated asthma. Adding to the mixed picture on this polymorphism are
earlier studies (Castro-Giner et al. (2009)
The evidence is clearest for the olive tail moment in
the Comet assay, but less clear for % DNA in the tail or tail length.
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found the interaction not significant; and Melén et al. (2008) found an
interaction with allergic sensitization). Tung, Tsai & Lee (2011) found
that NO2 exacerbated the increased risk of polymorphisms increasing microsomal
epoxide hydrolase activity on lifetime and early-onset asthma, but the
biological hypothesis for this is via production of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbon-derived quinones, rather than a NO2 mechanism. Ungvári et al. (2012)
studied polymorphisms in the Nrf2 gene (which coordinates the oxidative stress
response) and found an interaction between a NO2 and infection-induced asthma
association and a polymorphism with an unknown function (not previously
studied). Wenten et al. (2009) showed that the combined CAT–MPO genotype,
predicted to protect most against oxidative stress, reduced the risk of
respiratory-illness school absence linked to NO2; this has not previously been
This potentially important area of the literature may not be
sufficiently mature as yet for firm conclusions. It should be noted that these
studies did not control for exposure to PM (or, indeed, exposure to ozone), so
it is unclear that these indicate susceptibility to NO2 (per se) or to air pollution (in
general), as indicated by NO2.
3. Discussion
We are aware of the possibility that NO2 has no direct effect itself but
is, instead, only acting as a marker for primary particles, such as ultrafine
particles, and such constituents as metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or
other organic matter carried on these particles to particular locations in the
lung.17 NO2 could also act as a marker for such gases as carbon monoxide or nitric
oxide near roads or, as it is a secondary as well as primary pollutant, for
regional pollutants such as ozone. Whether this is the case or whether NO2 has a direct effect is a
crucially important policy question. The implementation of filter traps in
diesel vehicles to meet the Euro 5 emission standards and lowering sulfur in
fuel, coupled with the fact that NO2 levels are not being reduced in real-life driving conditions, may have
led to important increases in the NO2/ultrafine particle, NO2/black carbon and NO2/elemental carbon plus organic carbon ratios. For example, at a London
roadside site, the ratio of nitrogen oxides as NO2 (μg/m3) to particle number (N/cm3) changed more than twofold over
2 years (Jones et al., 2012). Comparison of data from the recent ESCAPE
project, which covered the years 2008– 2010 (Eeftens et al., 2012b; Cyrys et
al., 2012), with the older TRAPCA project, which covered the year 1999 (Hoek et
al., 2002a; Lewné et al., 2004),18 suggests that the traffic– urban background contrast for NO2 has increased more over time
than for PM2.5 absorbance (by about 10%). The rural–urban background contrasts showed
a change of less than 10%. The
changes in ratios are likely to be specific to location, site type and time
period and would be better defined if there were more widespread and robust
measurements of the relevant PM metrics over time.
It may even be acting as a marker for nitrogen oxides,
which are highest near roads before the proportion of NO2 is increased
with distance as nitric oxide is oxidized to NO2. However,
nitric oxide is generally regarded as less toxic than NO2.
The data are reported in: Table 5 of Hoek et al. 2002; Table
3 of Eeftens (2012); Table 4 in Lewne et al. (2004) and Table 4 in Cyrys
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Given the change in these ratios, now and in the future, and between and
within cities, there are clearly policies and behaviours that are changing NO2 independently of other traffic
pollution constituents. Unfortunately, there are no means in observational
studies to fully test the hypothesis of a direct effect of NO2. Adjustment of NO2 associations for PM10 or PM2.5 may not be sufficient, as there
is often a closer correlation between NO2 and traffic pollutants, such as primary PM and its constituents.
Correlations with regional pollutants, such as ozone and secondary particles,
are usually not as close.
Although the present document does not examine this point in detail,
there are several key studies that show effects of NO2 independent of ozone – for
example, McConnell et al. (2003) and the review of multicity time-series study
multipollutant models by Anderson et al. (2007).
Integration of the epidemiological evidence with chamber studies and
toxicological evidence is, therefore, of considerable importance in judging
whether there is an effect of NO2 per se.
The discussions below relate mainly to respiratory effects, with a
separate paragraph on cardiovascular effects. Effects on the environment are
not covered, but are also important (Sutton et al., 2011).
Short-term exposure
In comparing the epidemiological and the toxicological and chamber study
evidence for the concentrations at which effects occur, it is important to
realize that, in the epidemiological studies, the daily variability at the
background sites also reflects the daily variability at hot spots, so that the
actual concentrations inducing health effects may be higher than those measured
at the background site. Kerbside concentrations can be regularly in the range
380–560 μg/m3 (200–300 ppb) (1-hour average) at some polluted sites (London Air,
2013), and a wider range of sites often exceed the 1-hour limit value of 200 μg/m3 (EEA, 2012). This is within (or
approaching) the range of concentrations that result in small effects in the
chamber studies (380–1160 μg/m3; 200–600 ppb). Of course, it depends how long people are in those
locations but, in addition to such activities as queuing at bus stops,
in-vehicle exposure can be similar to the outdoor concentrations in heavy
traffic (Chan & Chung, 2003), and car journey durations in congested cities
can be considerable. Personal exposures to NO2 reflect the sum of the
microenvironment concentrations that an individual moves through over a
determined time interval and are, therefore, strongly influenced by high
concentration environments.
Concern has been expressed in some studies that ambient concentrations
of NO2 are not correlated with personal exposures to NO2 and are, actually, better
correlated with personal exposure to PM2.5 (e.g. Sarnat et al., 2001). However, a recent systematic review
addressed the issue of the relationship between personal and ambient NO2 exposures, identifying
significant correlations between these two exposures estimates, though the
strength of the association varied across studies (Meng et al., 2012). Studies
not quoted
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by Meng et al. (2012) also varied, both finding (Rijnders et al., 2001)
and not finding (Bellander, Wichmann & Lind, 2012) significant
It is difficult to extrapolate quantitatively from animal toxicological
studies. Modelling (with many assumptions) suggests about a tenfold higher
local NO2 concentration in the bronchi of humans than in those of rats, at the
same concentration in the air that is being inhaled, and vice versa (much
lower) in the alveoli (Tsujino, Kawakami & Kaneko, 2005). Several of the
respiratory effects in animals occur in the bronchi, and it is plausible that
some of the epidemiological results in human beings (such as asthma admissions)
are primarily the result of effects on the bronchi. There may, therefore, be
some evidence that supports application of the tenfold safety factors used in
traditional toxicology for extrapolation from animals (strictly rats) to human
beings. This, together with the distribution of personal exposures and the wide
range of susceptibility in the human population, suggests that the
epidemiological findings are not necessarily incompatible with the
toxicological evidence on NO2 itself. There are too few studies that examine NO2 and particles from defined
sources in the same experimental system, to directly compare the toxicological
importance of these two pollutants, and their relative toxicological importance
may vary by end-point.
The apparent mismatch between the time-series evidence and the lack of
apparent responses in the chamber studies at background concentrations may be a
consequence of only a small proportion of the population responding at
particular times, an effect that could be picked up only in the much larger
samples used in time-series studies. Specifically, more sensitive groups, such
as severe asthmatics, are not studied in chamber studies because of the risks
involved. Thus, the lack of robust effects and/or the lack of evidence at lower
doses in chamber studies is insufficient to rule out the reported associations
with NO2 in the time-series studies found at the concentrations present in the
wider environment. Considering the presence of more sensitive subgroups in the
population together with the higher concentrations at microenvironments (such
as the kerbsides described above) could explain some of the apparent mismatch,
a point also made by Frampton & Greaves (2009).
While the preceding discussion supports the causality of the short-term
respiratory effects, the issue is more uncertain for the short-term
cardiovascular effects. Positive associations robust to adjustment for PM mass
metrics are found in many time-series studies for cardiovascular mortality. The
new evidence continues to suggest positive associations between NO2 and cardiovascular hospital
admissions, but findings are mixed in terms of robustness of the associations
after adjustment for co-pollutants. It is therefore difficult to comment
further on the nature of the relationship between NO2 and cardiovascular hospital
admissions. The results of panel studies on markers of cardiovascular risk
(discussed in the toxicology section) found some interesting results in some
cases, but no effects in others. Of the few chamber studies available, most did
not find effects on cardiovascular end-points. The few short-term animal
studies available did find effects on markers of systemic oxidative stress,
inflammation and endothelial dysfunction at above ambient concentrations, but
without a defined no-effect level. One study found that plasma from volunteers
exposed to NO2 at 0.5 ppm had an effect on
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coronary epithelial cells in vitro. Although slightly longer term (3
months), the study of modern diesel emissions, more highly dominated by NO2, did not find evidence of
cardiovascular effects in healthy young animals. There are theoretical
mechanisms by which NO2 inhalation could cause increased nitrative stress in the diseased
heart. The overall picture is mainly one of an absence of a sufficient volume
of evidence to resolve the mixed results found in the studies available, so it
adds uncertainty, rather than challenging the causality of the epidemiological
The current short-term guideline has the advantage of being set on the
basis of chamber studies that use NO2 itself. However, there is now a large body of time-series and panel
evidence that, in contrast to other pollutants, has not been used so far in
determining the level of a short-term guideline. It is recommended that this
evidence be included in future considerations of a short-term guideline for NO2.
Long-term exposure
Another challenging issue is whether the effects of long-term exposure
are due to NO2 per se.
Human chamber studies are not suitable for investigating long-term
exposures. While animal toxicological studies do provide evidence of long-term
effects, the degree to which this applies at ambient concentrations is less
clear. In studies that compare long-and short-term exposures, the effects of
long-term exposures occur at lower concentrations (0.25 ppm for clear adverse
effects and some possible effects below this (Table 9)). However, while this
concentration can be found at kerbsides, it is less likely that people are
exposed to these concentrations several hours a day long-term (the long-term
toxicological studies were often not based on exposure for 24 hours a day) than
it is for people to be exposed for the shorter durations needed for the
short-term effects. The toxicological evidence now includes a few studies that
show cardiovascular effects, but the evidence is too limited for firm
conclusions. It is much harder to judge the robustness to adjustment in the
long-term epidemiological studies than it is in the short-term studies, because
the spatial correlations between NO2 and other pollutants are often high. However, there are a few studies
that do suggest effects independent of particle mass metrics (including studies
on cardiovascular mortality). The existence of effects of short-term exposure
provides some plausibility for the effects of long-term exposure – particularly,
for respiratory effects.
In summary, there is also some support, to a lesser degree than for the
short-term, for a long-term effect of NO2 per se. Again, NO2 may also be capturing the effects of other traffic-related pollutants.
The current long-term guideline developed historically from one based on
indoor studies. Now, there are enough outdoor air pollution studies (those
described here plus pre-2004 studies) on respiratory effects and on all-cause
mortality to consider using them to help set a new long-term guideline, with
appropriate caveats about uncertainties. These studies included exposures to
concentrations above and below, or all below, the current guideline
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and, where studied, linear relationships without a threshold have been
found for at least some outcomes. This suggests that consideration should be
given to lowering the guideline.
How to reflect these uncertainties in regulations is a matter beyond the
scope of WHO, but consideration could be given to flagging the guideline to
emphasize uncertainty.
Research gaps will be highlighted later in answers to Question C9, but
it should be emphasized – particularly for NO2 – where much of the important
chamber and toxicological evidence comes from 20–30 years ago. Information on
mechanisms is crucial and needs to take advantage of the full range of modern
experimental techniques, including systems biology, to capture interacting
causal pathways.
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Question C3
Based on existing health
evidence, what would be the most relevant exposure period for a short-term
limit value for NO2?
The most relevant exposure period based on existing evidence is 1 hour
because 1-hour peak exposures in chamber studies have been shown to produce
acute respiratory health effects. Toxicological studies also support the
plausibility of responses to peak concentrations. Time-series and panel studies
have examined associations, using both 24-hour average and 1-hour average NO2 concentrations with similar
results. Evidence from these studies would support the development of a 24-hour
WHO guideline or a 1 hour guideline but, as there is chamber study and
toxicological evidence on, or close to, a 1-hour basis and much less evidence
on a 24-hour basis, a 1-hour exposure period is preferred. In urban areas,
1-hour peak concentrations and 24-hour averages were so highly correlated that
it should be possible for a 1-hour peak guideline to be derived from studies
using 24-hour average NO2, following expert analysis of how these metrics are related in Europe.
There is, therefore, no need to develop a 24-hour limit value in addition to a
1-hour guideline based on epidemiological studies.
1. Time-series studies
The majority of time-series studies have examined associations using
24-hour averages of NO2 concentrations, with fewer using maximum 1-hour averages. The studies
have reported associations that suggest adverse mortality and morbidity effects
at concentrations below the current 1-hour WHO air quality guideline for NO2. Consistent findings of positive
associations with respiratory and asthma hospital admissions have been
reported. These findings are in keeping with the outcomes investigated in
chamber studies, which demonstrate direct effects of NO2 over a few hours. Such evidence
of direct effects in the chamber studies led to the development of the current
short-term guideline. Given the close correlations that exist between 1-hour
and 24-hour measures – for example, the range of correlation coefficients
between the maximum daily 1- and 24-hour NO2 concentrations across the 29 European cities in Samoli et al. (2006)
was 0.80– 0.94, with a median of 0.90 – a 1-hour guideline could be converted
to a 24-hour one. Samoli et al. (2006) also reported that, in European cities
providing both 1-hour and 24-hour average concentrations of NO2, the ratio between the two
measurements was 1.64. This could be used to scale a 24-hour average
concentration–response function to a 1-hour-average concentration–response
function that could then be used to set a time-series-based 1-hour guideline.
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2. Panel studies
The panel studies of respiratory effects in asthmatic children have generally
used 24-hour averages as the shortest averaging period. As with the time-series
studies, this does not necessarily mean that 24-hour continuous exposure is
required before effects are found.
3. Chamber studies
The chamber studies on human beings examined exposure intervals over
periods of 30 minutes to 6 hours, with 1 hour being a common exposure period.
Comparisons of durations within the same experiment were not widely done, and a
comparison of the effect of different durations across experiments is
difficult, given the weakness of the effect itself (clinically significant
effects have only been reported at relatively high concentrations in mild
disease – see the discussion for Question C2). There is a great need to know
whether NO2 per se has direct effects in severe and hyperreactive asthma. No such
chamber studies have been conducted (and would be unlikely to be conducted),
and thus the time period for severe asthmatics to respond is unknown. After
review of the recent literature – albeit, in mild asthma, but with a range of
nonspecific airway hyperresponsiveness – there appears little reason to alter
the level or averaging time of the current 1-hour average limit value, from the
chamber study perspective.
4. Toxicological studies
It is apparent from the previous three sections that the evidence
depends on the averaging time (for the time-series and panel studies) or
exposure period (for the chamber studies) chosen for study. For the time-series
and panel studies, the averaging time chosen is driven by the monitoring data
available, rather than any mechanistic considerations, and this leads the
discussion to a comparison of 1-hour and 24-hour averaging times. The question,
however, does not relate only to 1-hour and 24-hour average exposure periods.
Do toxicological studies that have more flexibility in the exposure periods
chosen for study indicate any other exposure period would be more appropriate?
Is there evidence on the time scale over which NO2 or its reaction products reach
potential targets for toxicological effects?
Enami, Hoffmann & Colussi (2009) suggest that the uptake of NO2 gas across the air– liquid
interface – via conversion into hydrogen and nitrate ions and nitrous acid –
occurs within milliseconds. Absorption into bronchoalveolar lavage fluid via
reaction with antioxidants in vitro was already apparent within 30 minutes at
environmentally relevant concentrations (Kelly & Tetley, 1997). At 20 ppm,
NO2, containing the isotopic nitrogen-15 label, was present in perfused rat
lung tissue (soluble and insoluble components) and in the perfusate, probably
as nitrite, (analogous to the blood supply) after inhalation for an hour
(shorter durations were not tested) (Postlethwait & Bidani, 1989). The NO2 radical (derived from nitrite)
had an estimated permeability coefficient of 5 cm per second across lipid
membranes, suggesting lipid membranes are not a significant barrier to NO2 transport (Signorelli et al.,
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What was the exposure period for the lowest effect concentrations in
short-term toxicology studies described in Question C2?
An increase in mast cell numbers occurred in rat bronchi after 3 hours
at 0.2 ppm NO2 (Hayashi & Kohno (1985), quoted in CARB, 2007); altered behaviour
of detoxification enzymes (measured by pentobarbital sleeping time) occurred in
mouse livers after 3 hours at 0.25 ppm (Miller et al., 1980); biosynthesis of
the carcinogen dimethylnitrosamine in dimethylamine-treated mice was detected
after 30 minutes at 41.5 ppm or 2 hours at 0.1 ppm (Iqbal, Dahl & Epstein,
1981); and increased proliferation of bronchiolar tissue was found after 24
hours at 0.8 ppm (Barth et al., 1994) These were usually the shortest durations
tested, so it is unknown whether shorter durations could have had the same
c. Is there evidence that peak concentrations are
particularly important?
Defining a guideline on the basis of a shorter exposure period has the
effect of controlling peak concentrations more strongly. In toxicological studies,
both concentration and time (and, hence, the total amount of chemical
delivered) can contribute to the development of effects, but the relative
importance of concentration and time may differ for chemicals with different
mechanisms. For example, antioxidant defences may handle the same amount of NO2 more easily if presented as a
lower sustained exposure, where there is time for induction of antioxidant
enzymes to occur, than if presented in a short peak that would overwhelm the
antioxidant defences. Although their study was related to long-term exposure
and high concentrations, Rombout et al. (1986) investigated the relative
importance of peaks of NO2 for morphological changes in the rat lung. The onset of effects on the
bronchiolar epithelium occurred earlier and was more serious at 10.6 ppm
intermittently (6 hours a day) for 4 weeks than at 2.7 ppm continuously for 28
days (exposures with the same product of concentration and time), so it was
concluded that concentration played a more important role than duration. For
the influx of macrophages, continuous exposure was more important than
intermittent exposure. This was confirmed by Frampton et al. (1989), who found
that macrophage activity was affected more in 4 of 9 human volunteers exposed
to 0.6 ppm continuously for 3 hours than it was for a background of 0.05 ppm
for 3 hours with three 15 minute peaks at 2 ppm (both 108 ppm-minutes).
Miller et al. (1987), however, compared the effect in mice of a
continuous 0.2 ppm background exposure 5 days a week for 1 year, and with the
same background exposure (but also with a 0.8 ppm spike for an hour twice a
day) and found that mortality from infection and the effect on pulmonary
function were greater in the presence of spikes. Peaks of 4.5 ppm for 1, 3.5 or
7 hours increased mortality when a Streptococcus
challenge was given immediately afterwards; but when given 18 hours later, only
the 3.5-and 7-hour duration peaks increased mortality in mice (Graham et al.,
1987). This suggests recovery is more likely for the shorter durations. It is
not necessarily the case that the importance of peaks compared with duration
will be the same for different outcomes. It is also worth noting that many of
the longer-term toxicological studies only involved exposures for 6 hours
during the day for weeks or months, not 24 hours a day.
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A short-term guideline, while set on the basis of short-term exposure
studies, may nonetheless have a role in reducing the likelihood of longer-term
effects, by controlling peaks. In summary, while the importance of peaks may
vary for different outcomes, there is some evidence that peaks are important.
There is relatively little research aimed directly at assessing the
importance of duration of exposure, and many of the toxicological studies that
address this are at high doses. Nonetheless, there is some indication that
shorter durations may be more important than longer ones, at least for some
end-points. There is no strong evidence to argue against using a 1-hour
exposure as used in the current guideline.
The question assumes just one short-term limit value. There is an
argument for having both a guideline set on the basis of chamber studies, where
the toxic agent is known to be NO2, and a further guideline set on the basis of the large body of
time-series studies that show the effects at lower concentrations, but with
more uncertainty as to the responsible indicator pollutant for health effects.
This would make the WHO view on the different types of evidence more
transparent. These could subsequently be pooled for regulations. Given the
evidence that an hour is sufficient to cause effects, it is not clear what
might be the added health benefit of adding a 24-hour average guideline for NO2. This is not to say that the
24-hour average concentration time-series evidence cannot be used. As explained
earlier, examination of the relationship between 24-hour and 1-hour average
concentrations of NO2 in Europe should enable conversion of concentration–response functions
from 24 to 1 hour and/or indicate whether a 24-hour average guideline expressed
in 1-hour average terms is tighter than the 1-hour average guideline based on
chamber studies. The tighter guideline can then be used as the basis for the
standard. Alternatively, the subset of time-series studies that use maximum
1-hour averages could be used to set the time-series-based guideline, although
there are fewer studies to choose from.
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Question C4
Based on currently available
health evidence, what NO2 metrics, health outcomes and concentration–response
functions can be used for health impact assessment?
This answer assumes an application in a health impact assessment of NO2 itself, given that impacts of
other pollutants – notably PM mass – are also being quantified. The use of NO2 as an indicator for a health
impact assessment of local traffic measures is discussed in the rationale. The
evidence base supports quantification of effects of short-term exposure, using
the averaging time as in the relevant studies. The strongest evidence is for
respiratory hospital admissions, with some support also for all-cause mortality
– these are recommended outcomes for use in the core analysis. Cardiovascular
hospital admissions can be included as a sensitivity analysis – the evidence is
more uncertain than for respiratory admissions. It is recommended to derive
concentration–response functions from time-series studies that have provided
effect estimates for NO2 adjusted for at least PM mass.
For a core health impact assessment of effects of long-term exposure to
NO2, the recommended health outcome is bronchitic symptoms in asthmatic
children, with the coefficient adjusted for a PM metric based on the Southern
California Children’s Health Study. A health impact assessment using asthma
prevalence could also be performed. However, as only estimates from
single-pollutant models are currently available for asthma prevalence, this
health outcome should only be used in sensitivity analyses that compare results
with those of health impact assessments for PM mass.
Cohort studies also show relationships between long-term exposure to NO2 and mortality, but not all are
sufficiently robust for use in a core health impact assessment. Therefore, the
effect of long-term exposure to NO2 on all-cause mortality is recommended for sensitivity analysis only.
Concentration–response functions from cohort studies with effect estimates for
NO2 that were adjusted for at least PM mass should be used. In the same
way, cardiovascular mortality could also be included in a sensitivity analysis,
due to the uncertainty about a mechanistic understanding of cardiovascular
Context in which the
concentration–response functions will be used
in health impact assessment
It is important to emphasize that the appropriate concentration–response
functions to choose will vary according to the context of the health impact
assessment. Some of the factors to be taken into consideration (and the
questions that relate to them) are set out below, particularly in terms of
whether the concentration–response functions are being
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used to assess effects of NO2 itself or are being used as an indicator of a mixture associated with
Is the primary purpose of the
health impact assessment to estimate the burden of current air pollution or to
assess the health impacts of a change? In general, in a health impact
assessment, use of an indicator pollutant is inappropriate for evaluating a
change: but such an assessment has less uncertainty in estimating a burden,
rather than a change, if based on epidemiological studies from a similar
pollution environment – in terms of date and type of area. However, since
policy is about change, burden calculations are used more in the context of alerting people to the current problem than for sophisticated future policy
analysis. This is because current air pollution is more likely to
have a correlation pattern between pollutants similar to that of the situations
where the epidemiological associations were derived, whereas a change is more
likely to lead to a different correlation pattern between pollutants. This
would mean that indicator pollutants would no longer act as indicators in the
same way.
If the health impact assessment
is about the impact of a change (involving a change in NO2), what exactly is causing the
pollution change and what does that imply for pollutants other than NO2? For example, for local traffic
measures, is it about reducing local traffic as a whole, or about reducing
emissions of NO2 specifically?
What is the spatial scale of the
health impact assessment? The role of NO2 as an indicator may vary with spatial scale (close to roads; within a
city; and between cities and regions).
What other pollutants are
included in the health impact assessment model? There are at least four
possibilities available to address this; these possibilities can vary with both
context and outcome, as outlined in the following questions and remarks:
modelling of effects of other
pollutants, such as PM2.5, with quantification of relationships with NO2 intended to supplement this −
that is, is there reasonable confidence in an effect of NO2 itself being additional to other
what if scenarios (sensitivity analysis),
where there is more confidence in the
effect of the other pollutant(s) than in NO2 – that is, “if the possible effect of NO2 is true, what might the
additional effect be;
what if scenarios (sensitivity analysis),
where it is unclear which pollutant is
responsible – that is, if this pollutant were responsible, there could be an
effect of x; if NO2 were responsible, there could be
an effect of y, so the effect is
likely to lie in the range of x to y; and
in circumstances where
quantification of effects of, for example, PM2.5, is too difficult (such as those
for which measurements are unavailable), or where a traffic measure is not
changing the composition of the emissions or the fleet (such as pedestrianization)
– NO2 is being used as an indicator.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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Coefficients adjusted for other pollutants would be appropriate for (i)
and (ii), whereas single-pollutant models would be appropriate for (iii) and (iv).
The main question for this section does not specify the context of the
health impact assessment. As our main case, we have assumed that policy
measures that may affect NO2 independently are being assessed and that other pollutants are also
being quantified (item d(i–iii)
above). Other alternatives, which can also be important (item d(iv), will be
mentioned at various stages in the text below. A summary in Table 10 at the end
of the section will help make the recommendations clear.
It is important that the full range of studies should be considered, not
just those since 2004 that have been considered in detail in this review. While
we have mentioned some earlier studies of which we are aware, we understand
that meta-analyses of (or selection of a representative study from) the full
range of studies will be performed by another project. We concentrate here on
the appropriate outcomes and metrics and on studies or areas of evidence that
could be used as sources of concentration–response functions. However, firm
recommendations for specific concentration–response functions await further
work by this separate project.
Effects of short-term exposure
Respiratory hospital admissions. The most consistent evidence comes from short-term epidemiological studies of respiratory morbidity, and this is
supported by chamber-study and toxicological evidence (see Question C2) – this
can be used in the central analysis (see item d(i) above). We recommend using
respiratory hospital admissions for all ages. The averaging times from the
relevant studies could be used in health impact assessments, as the majority of
studies available used 24-hour average concentrations of NO2. Whether or not to use
coefficients adjusted for other pollutants also needs to be considered, and this
may affect the choice of metric. Coefficients adjusted for at least PM mass
should be considered. There are more adjusted coefficients available for
24-hour average NO2 than for the 1-hour average. Coefficients could be selected either from
a representative multicity study or a meta-analysis of all available studies.
As well, an existing meta-analysis – for example, Anderson et al. (2007) –
could be used, though this would not reflect more recent studies. If there is
specific interest in a health impact assessment using maximum 1-hour average
concentrations of NO2, consideration could be given to converting the larger body of evidence
on associations with 24-hour average NO2 to a maximum 1-hour average concentration–response function (see
Question C3). As explained earlier, examination of the relationship between
24-hour and maximum 1-hour average concentrations of NO2 in Europe would be required to
enable conversion of concentration–response functions from 24 hours to maximum
1 hour. Whether it is appropriate to convert an adjusted 24-hour coefficient
(derived by meta-analysis or selected from a paper) to one for maximum 1-hour
is unclear.
Cardiovascular admissions. The epidemiological associations for cardiovascular admissions are not generally robust to adjustment for
co-pollutants; there are very few
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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chamber studies or toxicological studies on cardiovascular end-points
available, and those that exist are contradictory (see Question C2). The
evidence on PM and cardiovascular admissions is stronger. We therefore
recommend that concentration–response functions for cardiovascular admissions
are used only in sensitivity analysis
as a possible effect additional to PM
(that is, item d(ii) above) or when using NO2 as an indicator (item d(iv) above).
The same points about metrics and adjusted coefficients, discussed above
for respiratory hospital admissions, apply for cardiovascular admissions.
All-cause mortality. Given that respiratory hospital admissions are to be quantified in a central analysis, there is also some
plausibility for an effect on respiratory mortality; and, indeed, consistent
associations with respiratory mortality have been shown in many cases.
Associations have also been shown for cardiovascular mortality but, as
mentioned above, the issue of causality is more uncertain. However, since there
can be issues about cross-diagnosis between respiratory and cardiovascular
deaths and since baseline rates for all-cause mortality are widely available, we
recommend use of concentration–response functions for all-cause mortality for
all ages for the central analysis (item d(i) above), acknowledging a certain
additional level of uncertainty compared with respiratory admissions.
For health impact assessments, the same points about metrics and
adjusted coefficients as for respiratory hospital admissions above apply. If it
is not possible to do a meta-analysis of the larger body of literature to
derive a coefficient, estimates could be based on Samoli et al. (2006), which
presents pooled results from 30 cities in Europe using maximum 1-hour average
NO2 concentrations with adjustments for PM10 and black smoke. The NO2 estimate adjusted for black
smoke (a good indicator of primary combustion particles) would better reflect a
possible NO2 per se effect than would a coefficient adjusted for PM10. If a meta-analysis is possible,
multiple studies are available on adjusted coefficients for 24-hour average NO2 concentrations, although thought
would need to be given to which pollutant-adjusted coefficients to use. Use of
a coefficient adjusted for PM is suggested. Multiple studies are also available
on 24-hour average single-pollutant models (fewer studies are available for the
maximum 1-hour average), for circumstances where this would be appropriate (for
example, when other pollutants are not being quantified (item d(iv) above) or
where the dangers of double counting are openly acknowledged (for example, item
d(iii) above).
Effects of long-term exposure
As mentioned in part 1 of Question C4, we have assumed as our main case
that policy measures that may affect NO2 independently are being assessed and that other pollutants are also
being quantified (item d(i–iii) in part 1 above). Quantifying the effects of NO2 itself is particularly
challenging. This will be addressed first. The importance of capturing the
health impacts of traffic pollution, which might otherwise be missed, is
discussed second – that is, scenarios as described in item d(iv) of part 1 of
Question C4. Within
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each of the following sections, respiratory effects are considered first
when discussing the health outcomes – given the greater degree of mechanistic
evidence supporting the effect.
3.1 NO2 per se
When both PM metrics and NO2 measures are used in health impact assessments, some of the effects
attributed to each of them may overlap. So, estimates from two-pollutant models
should be used to attempt to avoid this. Unfortunately, very few long-term
studies provide estimates from two-pollutant models (see Question C2), often
because NO2 and PM were too closely correlated. In addition, papers may not perform
two-pollutant models when one of the pollutants did not show a significant
Studies that examine NO2 using exposures based on a few monitoring sites as a broad surrogate
for personal exposure may have lower correlations with primary particle
metrics. But this advantage may be offset by the exposure measure being less
representative of individual personal exposure (measurement error) and,
therefore, showing weaker effects in two-pollutant models, independent of a
possible so-called true association. Correlations with PM mass metrics may be
higher in such studies. This illustrates the point that the spatial scale of
the study can influence the interpretation of the concentration–response
function to be used in the health impact assessment.
Black carbon, elemental carbon or black smoke, and carbon monoxide,
being alternative measures to capture traffic exhaust effects, share with NO2 the aspect of traffic proximity
and association with emissions from combustion. They are often more closely
associated with NO2 than with particulate mass. It is self-evident that the results of an
impact assessment for those indicators should not be added with the results for
NO2, if single-pollutant models are being used.
The health outcomes associated most consistently with long-term exposure
to NO2 are mortality, respiratory symptoms or asthma, and lung function. Cardiovascular
outcomes are more uncertain – not because there is a large body of evidence
showing a lack of effects, but because there are relatively few studies and
there is less support from mechanistic evidence. The degree to which these
associations are a consequence of NO2 per se was discussed in Question C2, and the points relevant to choices
of concentration-response functions are highlighted below for each end-point.
Children’s respiratory symptoms and/or
asthma symptoms. As discussed in Question C2, there are several cohort
studies that show the effects of long-term exposure to NO2 on the respiratory condition of
children. Several of these effects were related to lung function, which is a
difficult end-point to use in a cost–benefit analysis, as it does not
necessarily correspond exactly with symptoms and is therefore hard to give a
value in monetary terms (The end-point could be used in cost–effectiveness
analysis). Nonetheless, the finding in some studies of an effect on lung
function that is stable to adjustment for other pollutants provides some
support for the studies that examine respiratory symptoms. Publications from
the Southern California Children’s Health Study include a paper on bronchitic
symptoms in asthmatic children; the paper used
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multipollutant models for a variety of PM metrics, as well as NO2 and ozone (McConnell et al.,
2003). While the effects of NO2 and organic carbon were difficult to separate, associations with NO2 were found both across
communities and across different years within communities, whereas associations
with organic carbon were only robust in the latter case. An adjusted
coefficient from this study could be used, although the end-point of bronchitic
symptoms in asthmatics, as a result of year-to-year variations in annual
average NO2, is rather unusual, and there are an insufficient number of studies
with adjusted coefficients to perform a meta-analysis. It is difficult to judge
whether to use this coefficient for a central analysis. For the evidence
currently available, it is the least uncertain of the possible concentration–response
functions, as it has an adjusted coefficient and is for a respiratory outcome.
Although it is only one study, it is supported in a general way by
epidemiological long-term exposure studies that show effects on lung function.
For now, before further studies are available, we suggest the use of the
adjusted coefficient in a central analysis (item d(i)) above, with
acknowledgement of the greater degree of uncertainty (see the summary in
section 4 below), compared with other central analysis effects.
There are meta-analyses available for NO2 and asthma incidence (Anderson,
Favarato & Atkinson, 2013b) within communities (positive) and for NO2 and asthma prevalence across
communities (no associations) (Anderson, Favarato & Atkinson, 2013a). There
are also several studies of NO2 and asthma prevalence within communities (most positive) that would be
suitable for a meta-analysis. Annual prevalence would be preferable for
quantification, particularly as the asthma incidence meta-analysis was intended
only for hazard assessment and, thus, did not control for the length of the
follow-up period. As correlations were so close, multipollutant models were not
available. Nonetheless, these studies could be used to provide coefficients for
a sensitivity analysis that compares the possibilities of the effect being
entirely due to black smoke, entirely due to NO2, or (more likely) somewhere in
between (item d(iii) above).
Mortality. There is now a good body of evidence on NO2 and all-cause mortality in within-community cohort studies.
Unfortunately, there is no recent meta-analysis, and only a few of the studies
could apply two-pollutant models (see Question C2). A large cohort study
investigating multipollutant models with NO2 (Jerrett et al., 2011) did not yet provide exact estimates with
confidence intervals for the two-pollutant model NO2– PM2.5. However, the recent large Rome
Longitudinal Study (Cesaroni et al., 2013) provided effect estimates for NO2-related natural mortality, while
adjusting for PM2.5 in a two pollutant model. In addition, the Canadian study (Gan et al.,
2011), which investigated the association of coronary heart disease mortality
with the three pollutants PM2.5, black carbon and NO2 together, could (in theory) serve as a cautious approach in sensitivity
analysis for calculating independent effects of NO2 from particulate mass and from
traffic soot. NO2 had correlation coefficients with PM2.5 and black carbon of 0.47 and 0.39, respectively. It should be noted,
however, that this study used a population free of cardiovascular disease at
baseline, rather than the general population, so general population baseline
rates would not apply. Results from more (including large) cohort studies with
results on NO2 in multipollutant models are expected in the near future, together with
comprehensive meta-analyses. The additional uncertainty about other
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supporting evidence for cardiovascular effects would need to be
acknowledged. The best option would be to use an adjusted all-cause mortality
estimate from the studies expected in sensitivity analysis (item d(ii) above),
due to uncertainties about the causality of the cardiovascular component of
all-cause mortality. Alternatively, a meta-analysis of single-pollutant models
could be used in sensitivity analysis (d(iii)) to compare (but not add) the
possible effects, if the relationship is due to NO2, compared with it being due to
Capturing the effects of traffic pollution and/or small-scale variations in
NO2, particularly primary NO2 from traffic, shows a much larger spatial variation than does PM2.5. With regard to health impact
assessments, PM 2.5 is not optimally suited to capture long-term effects from small-scale
spatial pollution variations (Beelen et al., 2008a; Bemis, Torous &
Dertinger, 2012). A health impact assessment that intends to estimate the whole burden of air pollution will
miss these effects, if it relies only on PM2.5. The additional burden of small-scale variations in pollution can be
estimated by using NO2, as it has been found to be associated with effects not always captured
by using PM mass (Jerrett et al., 2009b), in studies where individual exposure
to pollution was estimated with more spatially exact methods (such as land use
regression models). Especially in Europe, NO2 has therefore been used to investigate the effect from traffic
pollution (Brunekreef, 2007; Cesaroni et al., 2013).
A health impact assessment intended to estimate only the long-term health effects of traffic pollution could rely on single-pollutant model
concentration–response functions for
NO2, alternatively or as a sensitivity analysis to an evaluation of effects
associated with PM mass. In that case, estimates from one-pollutant models
could be used. The respective results can be compared, but not added. The
caveat is that NO2 might not be acting as a marker for traffic in the same way it did at
the time of the study − for example, due to the use of particle traps
increasing emissions of primary NO2, (see Question C2).
Children’s respiratory symptoms
and/or asthma symptoms. The McConnell et al. (2003) study (described in section
3.1, on NO2 per se) is less obviously suitable for a concentration–response
function that represents pollution varying on a fine spatial scale, such as
traffic pollution, as the study is based on a combination of cross area
comparisons and yearly variations. The yearly variation within community
component (which may be driven more by local pollution sources) has, however,
been used in health impact assessments of local pollution changes (Perez et
al., 2009b; Perez et al., 2012; Brandt et al., 2012).
The meta-analyses available for NO2 and asthma incidence (Anderson, Favarato & Atkinson, 2013b) within
communities (positive) – or (better (see 3.1)) the studies of NO2 and asthma prevalence within
communities (most positive) that have the potential for meta-analysis – are
suitable for quantifying the effect of traffic pollution or fine scale varying
pollution, in general (that is, d(iv)), where other traffic pollutants are not
quantified. To quantify the effect of traffic pollution or fine scale varying
pollution, it does not matter that the correlations are too close to perform
multipollutant models, as NO2 is being used as an indicator (with an acknowledgement of the caveats).
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Mortality. Similarly, a meta-analysis of single-pollutant models of long-term
exposure to NO2 and all-cause mortality could be
used for the same (item d(iv) above) scenarios. For the reasons given before,
we propose concentrating on all cause mortality. If desired, however, there
would be less uncertainty in using a cardiovascular mortality concentration–response
function than there would in using a NO2 per se calculation. This is not only because there is no need to
distinguish between NO2 and PM (or at least traffic PM) in the epidemiology studies, but also
because the toxicology that supports an effect of PM on cardiovascular outcomes
also supports the epidemiology on a cardiovascular effect of traffic pollution,
for which NO2 is being used as a marker.
In a cost–benefit analysis, it can be helpful to group concentration–response
functions according to their uncertainty. The cost–benefit analysis can start
with a core set of functions and then be rerun with the addition of
concentration–response functions in groups of increasing uncertainty. This can
illustrate the degree to which the cost–benefit ratio depends on uncertain
concentration–response functions. To illustrate the potential for such an
exercise, the summary below is ranked on the basis of increasing uncertainty.
The recommendations are also summarized in Table 10, by both health
impact assessment context (item d(i–iv) from section 1 above) and the level of
uncertainty. The ranking by uncertainty has been applied to the NO2 per se (central or sensitivity
analysis) part of the table (three left-hand columns). There is, of course,
uncertainty in using NO2 as a marker for traffic, but the criteria for judging greater or lesser
uncertainty will be different – for example, the presence or absence of
multipollutant models will not be relevant. The uncertainty of assignment of
health effects to one pollutant or another may be reduced in the future if
biomarkers can be developed that are specific to mechanistic pathways of health
effects that differ between pollutants and are convenient for routine measurement
in population studies.
concentration–response functions, listed by increasing uncertainty, are:
least uncertainty:
hospital admissions, adjusted coefficient, using the averaging times as in the
relevant studies;
increased degree of uncertainty:
all-cause mortality (short term), adjusted coefficient, using the
averaging times as in the relevant studies, increased degree of uncertainty due
to the component of cardiovascular mortality, where there is an absence of a
solid body of supporting chamber studies and toxicological evidence;
bronchitic symptoms in asthmatic children, adjusted coefficient,
long-term (year-to-year variations) from McConnell et al. (2003) – only study
of long-term exposure to NO2 and respiratory symptoms in children that adjusted for a wide range of
other pollutants;
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most uncertainty:
cardiovascular admissions (short term), adjusted coefficient, using the
averaging times as in the relevant studies – sensitivity analysis only,
additional to quantification of PM;
asthma prevalence, adjusted coefficient unavailable, annual average –
for pollutant specific applications, use a sensitivity analysis of comparing
effects of either black smoke or NO2 (d(iii));
all cause mortality (long term),
it may not be possible to find an adjusted coefficient from a suitable study
and the element of cardiovascular mortality adds extra uncertainty; for
pollutant-specific applications with PM included, use only as a sensitivity
For the pollutant–outcome pairs in the category “most
uncertainty”, there was increased difficulty controlling for confounding by
other pollutants, less data or less available supporting clinical or
toxicological evidence.
Table 10. Recommended pollutant outcome pairs by
health impact assessment context and ranked by
NO2 per
se, |
NO2 per se, |
NO2 per se, |
Crude substitute |
Marker for traffic |
central analysis |
analysis |
analysis, |
for a
PM effect, if |
(with caveats)a |
– that is, a |
(d(ii)) – that is, a |
“what if either NO2 |
PM data |
(better metric of |
effect of |
possible effect of |
or a PM metric” |
unavailable |
primary PM than |
NO2 |
additional to the |
(compare, but |
(d(iv)) |
mass) (also |
effect of PM |
do not add) |
(d(iv)) |
Respiratory |
NA |
NA |
Respiratory hospital |
Respiratory |
hospital |
admissions |
hospital admissions |
(short term), single- |
b |
admissions |
term), |
pollutant model |
term), |
single-pollutant |
adjusted |
model |
coefficient |
preferable |
NA |
Cardiovascular |
NA |
Cardiovascular |
Cardiovascular |
admissions, adjusted |
admissions, single- |
admissions, single- |
coefficient |
pollutant model |
pollutant model |
All-cause mortality |
NA |
NA |
All-cause mortality |
All-cause mortality |
(short term), |
(short term), single- |
(short-term), single- |
adjusted |
pollutant model (but |
pollutant model |
may not be |
coefficient |
(but may not be |
to effects |
preferable |
additional to effects |
of long-term |
long-term |
exposure) |
exposure) |
Bronchitic |
NA |
NA |
[NO2 independent of |
Bronchitic |
symptoms in |
several other PM |
symptoms in |
asthmatic children |
metrics |
asthmatic children |
Bronchitic |
(long term, year to |
(long term, yearly |
year variations), |
symptoms in |
variation element), |
adjusted |
asthmatic children |
single-pollutant |
could be used as a |
coefficient |
models |
marker for organic |
carbon, but might |
not be a marker for |
diesel.] |
NA |
[Adjusted coefficients |
Asthma prevalence |
Asthma prevalence |
Asthma prevalence |
unavailable for asthma |
from within city |
from within city |
within city, single- |
incidence and/or |
single- |
studies, single- |
pollutant models |
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report Page
126 |
prevalence studies] |
models |
models |
NA |
All-cause mortality |
All-cause mortality |
All-cause mortality |
All-cause mortality |
(long term), adjusted |
(long-term), single- |
(long term), single- |
(long term), single- |
coefficients |
models |
pollutant models |
pollutant models |
a The ratio of NO2 to primary PM is changing
over time.
b It might be possible to use
a model adjusted for PM2.5,
if examining the traffic pollution element is done separately from PM, in
Note. The
following notations and conventions are used in this table: bold underline: least uncertainty;
underline: some
increased degree of uncertainty; italics: most uncertainty, increased difficulty
in controlling for confounding, fewer studies, less supporting clinical or
toxicological evidence; plain (straight, non-italic) text: traffic marker not
on same scale of uncertainty as NO2 per se; small font italics: rough substitute for PM, not on same scale
of uncertainty as NO2
per se, but uncertain; text in square brackets: notes; NA: not applicable.
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Question C5
Is there any new evidence on the
health effects of air emissions of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead and nickel
(and their compounds) that would impact upon current target values?
Arsenic. Yes, there is some new evidence on the cancer risk of air emissions of
arsenic, but it is contradictory in
terms of the direction of risk. This new evidence is insufficient to have an
impact on the current EU target value.
Cadmium. Yes, there is new evidence on the health effects of air emissions of
cadmium. Reaching the present WHO
air quality guidelines and EU target values does not prevent increasing cadmium
levels in agricultural soil by air deposition, and thereby contributing to
adverse effects on health in the general population. If the WHO air quality
guidelines are reviewed, this new evidence should be considered.
Mercury. No, there is no new evidence on the health effects of air emissions of
mercury that would have an impact on
the current policy.
Lead. Yes, there is definitely new evidence on the health effects of air
emissions of lead that would have an
impact on the current limit value. This evidence shows that effects on the
central nervous system in children and on the cardiovascular system in adults
occur at, or below, the present standards in the WHO air quality guidelines and
Nickel. Yes, there is some new evidence on the health effects of air emissions
of nickel, but this would probably
not have any significant impact on the risk estimate and the present target
1. Arsenic
Present WHO air quality guidelines
Exposure to arsenic occurs in inorganic and organic forms, and in most
cases oral intake predominates. The critical effect of inhalation of inorganic
arsenic is considered to be lung cancer. The 2005 global update of the WHO air
quality guidelines (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006) used the unit risk of
1.5 x 10-3, based on the risk of lung cancer (WHO Regional Office for Europe,
2000). Thus, a lifetime exposure to 6.6 ng/m3 would cause an excess risk of 10-5. For genotoxic carcinogens, such as arsenic, the 2005 global update of
the WHO air quality guidelines did not present any guideline level. The
evaluation was based mainly on three occupational smelter cohorts (Tacoma and
Montana in the United States, and Ronnskar in Sweden). An updated pooled
analysis of these cohorts was extrapolated and transformed into unit risk of
1.5 x 10-3 used by the
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guidelines (Viren & Silvers, 1994). The EU target value for annual
average arsenic in PM10 is 6 ng/m3 (EU, 2005). Typical ambient arsenic concentrations in England are about
1 ng/m3 (EPAQS, 2009). Inhalation is a minor part of total exposure.
Later reviews
The United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
reviewed the health risks of arsenic (ATSDR, 2007), but the Agency provides
minimal risk levels for non-cancer end-points and did not publish any guideline
for inorganic arsenic. There is a draft integrated
risk information system (IRIS database)
document from the EPA (2010b), and it does not propose any guideline limit (inhalation reference
concentration, Rfc).
A United Kingdom expert panel evaluated the health risk of inhalation of
inorganic arsenic (EPAQS, 2009). As a starting point, it used the midpoint of
estimated cumulative exposure (125 µg/m3 multiplied by the number of years) in the lowest stratum in the Swedish
smelter study with a significant increase in lung cancer. For a 40-year working
life, this gave a lowest-observed-adverse-effect
level (LOAEL) of 3 µg/m3. It was divided: by 10, to obtain a presumed no-observed-adverse-effect
level (NOAEL); by 10, to obtain a longer exposure time for the general
population; and by 10, to obtain the possible susceptible groups. With a factor
of 1000, a guideline of 3 ng/m3 was proposed for the PM10 fraction, as an annual average.
Recent studies
We found three studies published after 2005 that are relevant to the
risk assessment for inhaled arsenic. The first, by Jones et al. (2007), found
no significant association between cumulative arsenic exposure and lung cancer
in a United Kingdom smelter, but did find significant associations when less
weight was given to exposures that occurred long before the outcome. A
statistically significant increase in the RR of lung cancer was found in the
stratum with a mean (weighted) cumulative exposure to arsenic of about 1.5 mg/m3 multiplied by the number of
years. This is higher than the LOAEL in the Swedish smelter study cited above,
but the point estimates of strata with lower exposure are not incompatible with
risk estimates in previous reviews.
The second study, by Lubin et al. (2008), reanalysed the Montana cohort
and found a higher RR at high-intensity exposure to arsenic (for example, 0.6
mg/m3 for 5 years) compared with low-intensity exposure (for example, 0.3
mg/m3 for 10 years) at the same level of cumulative exposure. This makes
sense in view of possible limitations in demethylation and/or detoxification
ability. If it is true also for low-level exposure, arsenic in ambient air
would be less risky than indicated in previous estimates made from occupational
exposure. However, the conclusions are not generally accepted, and the results
cannot be directly transformed into a unit risk estimate.
The third study, by Smith AH et al. (2009), compared the RRs of lung
cancer of inhaling inorganic arsenic at the Tacoma smelter with the risk at
ingestion of inorganic arsenic in drinking water in Chile, using arsenic
concentrations in urine. They found that the excess RR of lung cancer versus
urinary arsenic level was similar in the two cases. This would
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indicate that the absorbed dose is carrying the risk, independent of
whether it was inhaled or ingested. This is significant. If cancer risk
estimates for arsenic in drinking-water (NAS, 2001), calculated as a function
of arsenic concentrations in urine, could be transformed into air levels of
arsenic, this would be an alternative way of estimating the cancer risk for the
general population at low-level arsenic concentrations in ambient air. Using
assumptions on absorbed arsenic by inhalation and ingestion, the United States
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) estimate of the excess absolute risk of lung
cancer would transform into a unit risk of 1 x 10-3, very similar to the 1.5 x 10-3 estimate calculated from completely
different data. However, one consequence of this notion is that we must then
also consider urinary bladder cancer. It is generally accepted (NAS, 2001) that
intake of arsenic in drinking water also increases the risk. The NAS estimates
for the United States population for ingesting 10 µg arsenic per day from water
for this site (based on Taiwanese data) is 12–23 per 10 000 (lifetime risk).
In the WHO air quality guidelines, a unit risk of 1.5 x 10-3 was proposed, based on
extrapolations from cumulative exposure to arsenic in smelter cohorts. In the
past decade, studies have suggested that the true unit risk could be lower or higher than that. Another technique, applying an unsafety factor of
1000 to the LOAEL in one of the smelter cohorts resulted in a guideline value
of 3 ng/m3. In summary, the new evidence is insufficient to have an impact on the
current EU target value.
2. Cadmium
Present WHO air quality guidelines
The main human exposure sources of cadmium are diet (higher uptake at low
iron stores, making women usually more exposed than men) and smoking. The most
well-known health effects of cadmium are kidney damage and toxic effects on
bone tissue (osteomalacia and osteoporosis). Cadmium has been classified by the
International Agency for Research on Cancer as a Group 1 human carcinogen,
mainly due to the increased risk of lung cancer from occupational exposure to
cadmium. In the WHO air quality guidelines (WHO Regional Office for Europe,
2000), the data behind the classification of cadmium as carcinogenic was
considered to be complicated to interpret due to concomitant exposure to
arsenic. Therefore, no unit risk of lung cancer, based on these studies, could
be derived. The 2000 WHO Regional Office for Europe air quality guidelines noted
that average kidney cadmium levels in
Europe are very close to the critical level for renal effects. A further
increase in dietary intake of cadmium, due to accumulation of cadmium in
agricultural soils, must be prevented. Therefore, a guideline value of 5 ng/m3 was set for cadmium in air (WHO
Regional Office for Europe, 2000). This was also applied as an EU target value
(EU, 2005). Present levels of cadmium in air are 0.1–1 ng/m3 in rural areas, 1–10 ng/m3 in urban areas, and higher than
10 ng/m3 in some industrial areas (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2007).
Inhalation is a minor part of total exposure, but ambient levels are important
for deposition in soil and, thereby, dietary intake.
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Later reviews
WHO working group on long-range
transboundary air pollution. A WHO
Regional Office for Europe working
group published the document Health risks
of heavy metals from long-range
transboundary air pollution (LRTAP) (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2007). Emissions, depositions,
air levels, and health risks were reviewed, including the impact of other
factors (such as fertilizers and sewage). Information on the effects of
low-level exposure to cadmium on markers of renal function and bone was
updated. The working group mentioned two critical effects at low-level exposure
to cadmium: excretion of low molecular weight proteins, due to tubular cell
damage, and also osteoporosis. Studies on cadmium balance in topsoil in Europe
indicated that the amount of input exceeds that of removal. The working group
noted that several European studies in the late 1990s and the beginning of the
2000s showed effects on kidney and/or bone at environmental exposure levels for
urinary cadmium as low as 0.5–2.0 µg/g creatinine (µg/gC). The working group
proposed a LOAEL of 2 µg/gC. The evidence of lung cancer from inhalation of
cadmium was considered to be rather weak. The margin of safety for adverse
effects on the kidney and bone is very narrow for the European population and
non-existent for sensitive subgroups, such as women with low iron stores. Since
food represents more than 90% of the cadmium intake in non-smokers, and no
decline has been shown, further efforts should be made to reduce cadmium
The United States Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry reviewed the health risks of cadmium and recommended a minimal
risk level for this hazardous substance (ATSDR, 2012). As a point of departure,
the Agency selected the lower confidence limit for cadmium concentrations in
urine, resulting in a 10% increase of the excretion of beta-2-microglobulin in
one of the European studies – 0.5 µg/gC; it chose the study that found effects
at the lowest cadmium concentration in urine. Based on a toxicokinetic model,
long-term inhalation of 0.1 µg/m3, combined with the average dietary cadmium intake in the United States
population, would result in cadmium concentrations in urine of 0.5 µg/gC. An
uncertainty factor of 9 was applied to the cadmium concentration in air, and
thus a minimal risk level of 10 ng/m3 was set.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reviewed cadmium in food
(CONTAM, 2009). In a meta-analysis, it found the lower limit of the benchmark
dose for a 5% increased prevalence of “elevated” beta-2-microglobulin to be 4
µg/gC for the cadmium concentration in urine. After adjusting for the
interindividual variability of the cadmium concentration in urine, a critical
concentration of cadmium in urine of 1 µg/gC was derived. EFSA also reviewed
data on cadmium effects on bone: “studies summarized indicate a range of U-Cd
[cadmium concentrations in urine] for possible effects on bone, starting from
0.5 µg/gC, which is similar to the levels at which kidney damage occurs”. EFSA
also reviewed studies on cancer, including those based on environmental
exposure (lung cancer: Nawrot et al., 2010; endometrial cancer: Akesson, Julin
& Wolk, 2008). The data on hormone-related cancers were considered to need
confirmation from other studies.
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The Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) used
essentially the same studies on beta-2-microglobulin as did EFSA, but it used a
slightly different statistical modelling technique and came to the conclusion
that the point estimate for the break point for elevated beta-2-microglobulin
was 5.2 µg/gC for cadmium concentrations in urine (JECFA, 2011). This was then
transformed to a dietary intake of 0.8 µg/kg/day (lower confidence limit). The
effects on bone were not considered.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer recently updated their
evaluation of cadmium and cadmium compounds (IARC, 2012). The Agency found
epidemiological support for lung cancer in humans from inhalation of cadmium
and also found sufficient evidence of lung cancer in animals. Therefore,
cadmium and cadmium compounds are carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), mainly
based on the increased risk of lung cancer.
Recent studies
The above-mentioned reviews include literature up to 2006–2008.
Thereafter, the published studies of major interest are of two types.
Some studies indicate that the
associations between low-level exposure to cadmium and excretion of low
molecular weight proteins shown in several other studies may not be due to
cadmium toxicity. Instead, co-excretion of cadmium and proteins is more likely
to be caused by physiological factors, such as varying reabsorption of cadmium
and proteins in renal proximal tubules (Chaumont et al., 2012; Akerstrom et
al., 2013).
Other published studies showed
effects on bone at low-level exposure to environmental cadmium (Gallagher,
Kovach & Meliker, 2008; Schutte et al., 2008; Wu, Magnus & Hentz, 2010;
Nawrot et al., 2010; Thomas et al., 2011; Engström et al., 2011, 2012),
although some did not find positive associations (Rignell-Hydbom et al., 2009;
Trzcinka-Ochocka et al., 2010).
Research performed in the new millennium has
indicated adverse effects of long-term dietary cadmium on kidney and bone at
cadmium concentrations in urine commonly seen in most European countries –
about 1 µg/gC. The WHO Regional Office for Europe air quality guidelines for
2000 is still valid; further increase of cadmium in agricultural soils must be
prevented. The cadmium input in European agricultural soils is larger than the
output, suggesting that the cadmium intake will not decrease. Overall,
deposition from cadmium in air contributes typically about half of the cadmium
input to soils. Present levels of cadmium in air are too high to obtain a
cadmium balance in soils (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2007). This should be
taken into account when deciding whether the WHO air quality guidelines should
be reconsidered.
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3. Mercury (Hg)
Present WHO air quality guidelines
Humans are exposed to several mercury species, the two most important
being elemental mercury vapour (Hg0) and methylmercury (MeHg). Exposure to Hg 0 is mainly via inhalation of
dental amalgam fillings (about 50% mercury by weight). In subjects without such
fillings, exposure occurs by inhalation of ambient air, with a typical level of
1– 3 ng/m3 (total mercury, most of which is Hg0), or indoor air, which may have ten times higher levels if occupied by
people with amalgam fillings. Since about 80% of inhaled Hg0 is absorbed, 3 ng/m3 will result in an uptake of
about 50 ng of mercury a day. The uptake from a person with a dozen amalgam
fillings is usually about 100 times higher. The WHO air quality guidelines
background document considered this as well as other routes of exposure.
Exposure to MeHg occurs by gastrointestinal absorption (about 90%), from
dietary consumption of food – fish, in particular. In people without dental
amalgam fillings, MeHg intake from fish is the predominant exposure route. It
is well known that long-term occupational exposure to Hg0 may affect the kidney and the
central nervous system adversely. According the WHO Regional Office for Europe
air quality guidelines for 2000, LOAELs for occupational settings are air
levels of 15–30 µg/m3. After correcting for some measurement issues and inhaled volumes of
air, an uncertainty factor of 20 was used, and the guideline value for ambient
air was set at 1 µg/m3. There is no EU target value for mercury in ambient air.
Later reviews
WHO CICAD. WHO published a review in the Concise International Chemical Assessment Documents (CICADs) series
(WHO, 2003). Most information goes back, however, to the WHO International Programme on Chemical Safety
document for mercury from 1991 and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
review from 1999. As the starting point, the authors of the review considered
the subtle effects on the central nervous system of long-term occupational
exposure to Hg0 to be the result of about 20 µg/m3 of Hg0. For inhalation by the general public, this corresponds to 5 µg/m3, and an uncertainty factor of 30
resulted in a tolerable concentration of 0.2 µg/m3.
Chapter in Handbook on the toxicology of metals. This handbook (from 2007), edited
by Nordberg et al., is the so-called bible of metal toxicology. The 55-page
chapter on mercury (Berlin, Zalups & Fowler, 2007) summarizes the
information on mercury toxicity in a way similar to that of the CICAD document,
but includes some more recent references – for example, a meta-analysis from
2002 on the neurobehavioral effects of exposure to Hg0 in relation to urinary mercury
levels (Meyer-Baron, Schaeper & Seeber, 2002). The evaluation of exposure–response
is, however, similar to that of the WHO expert groups behind the WHO Regional
Office for Europe air quality guidelines for 2000 and the WHO CICAD document
from 2003. The Handbook also includes a separate chapter on interactions among
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WHO working group on LRTAP. The LRTAP document (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2007) reviewed the data on emissions, deposition, air
levels, and health risks in human beings. For health risks, the working group
referred to occupational studies that indicated possible effects on the central
nervous system after a long-term exposure to Hg0 of about 20 µg/m3. The working group also
discussed the risks of MeHg exposure, concluding that priority should be given
to lowering the MeHg levels in fish. Reductions in mercury emissions to air are
therefore warranted.
Recent studies
Some additional review papers (such as Clarkson & Magos, 2006) are
either similar to the CICAD document or the Handbook chapter, or they are less
complete than these. An EU review on the safety of dental amalgam has also been
performed (SCENIHR, 2008). A large number of papers were published since the
turn of this century, but none of them yields new evidence on exposure–response
relationships. Important studies about very low-level exposure to Hg0 include the two large randomized
controlled trials of dental amalgam in children, which gave no support for
adverse effects on the central nervous system (Bellinger et al., 2006; DeRouen
et al., 2006).
The basis for determining a LOAEL for occupationally exposed workers has
not changed. With regard to which so-called transformations should be used to
go from occupational to environmental exposure, we consider those made by the
CICAD document are more justified than those of the WHO air quality guidelines
working group. However, there is no new evidence on the health effects of air
emissions of mercury that would have an impact on the current policy.
4. Lead
Present WHO air quality guidelines
The WHO Working Group on Air Quality Guidelines noted that cognitive
impairment has been shown in children at blood lead levels of 100–150 µg/l and
proposed a critical level of 100 µg/l. To assure that at least 98% of
schoolchildren have blood lead levels of less than 100 µg/l, the median should
not exceed 54 µg/l. The Working Group then assumed a baseline value of the
(dietary) contribution to lead in blood of 20 µg/l in uncontaminated areas. In
air, 1 µg/m3 of lead was considered to increase the blood lead level by 50 µg/l (19
µg/l directly by inhalation and the rest indirectly). The Working Group aimed
at a lead level in air that would not increase blood lead to a level above 50
µg/l, including the baseline; thus, lead in air should contribute no more than
30 µg/l. The target for lead in air was therefore set at 0.5 µg/m3. The same value has been adopted
as the EU target value (EU, 2005).
Background levels in Europe are below 10 ng/m3 (CONTAM, 2010), but they may be
higher close to certain industrial sources. Levels have declined dramatically
in cities after banning lead in gasoline; they were previously often on the
order of 0.5–1.0 µg/m3 in large cities (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2000, 2007).
Inhalation of ambient air is a
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minor part of total exposure, but ambient levels are important for
contamination of soil and therefore for children’s exposure.
Later reviews and recent original papers
Several reviews show that the adverse effects of lead in children and
adults occur at much lower exposure levels than those that result in a blood
lead level of 100 µg/l. The recent reviews – for example, by CONTAM (2010), by
JECFA (2011) and by the United States National Toxicology Program (NTP, 2012) –
use the pooled analyses by Lanphear et al. (2005). These reviews also consider
the effects of exposure to lead on blood pressure and hypertension in adults,
but here we put more focus on cognitive effects in children, since this will be
the critical effect in deciding on target values.
The most recent review is the one by JECFA (2011). JECFA used a
benchmark dose or central estimate of blood lead level of 20 µg/l for an
intelligence quotient (IQ) cognitive function decrement of one point in
children. The lower confidence limit was 10 µg/l. JECFA transformed blood lead
level into dietary intake and chose a bilinear model that yielded a 0.5 IQ
point decrease at 12 µg lead/day (0.6 µg/kg/day for a 20 kg child).
If we assume that the relationship in the WHO Regional Office for Europe
air quality guidelines for 2000 is correct, lead in air of about 0.2 µg/m3 would increase blood lead levels
by about 12 µg/l. Even inhalation alone at this level of lead in air would
increase the blood lead level by about 4 µg/l.
For effects on blood pressure in adults, the estimate was an increase of
systolic blood pressure of 0.3 mm Hg per increase in blood lead level of 10
µg/l. In the WHO Regional Office for Europe air quality guidelines for 2000, a
lead level in air of 1 µg/m3 was assumed to increase the blood lead level by 16 µg/l in adults.
Assuming a lead level in air of 0.2 µg/m3, this would transform into an increase (point estimate) of the blood
lead level by about 3 µg/l and an increase of systolic blood pressure by about
0.1 mm Hg. We consider the above-mentioned effect on children’s cognitive
function to be more important.
It is obvious that the previous evaluation performed by the WHO Working
Group on Air Quality Guidelines is not compatible with the evaluations done in
later reviews, including those performed by the EU and WHO. The new evidence
shows that effects on the central nervous system in children and on the
cardiovascular system in adults occur at, or below, the present standards in
the WHO air quality guidelines and EU.
5. Nickel
Present WHO air quality guidelines
The WHO Working Group on Air Quality Guidelines reported that ambient
levels of nickel in air are about 1–10 ng/m3 in urban areas, but much higher in certain industrial areas. They noted
that nickel is a human carcinogen (lung and nasal sinus) and referred to
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an EPA unit risk estimate of 2.4–4.8 x 10-4, depending on nickel compounds.
The Working Group used data on cumulative exposure to nickel in Norwegian
refinery workers (Andersen et al., 1996) as the basis for a transformation to a
unit risk for environmental exposure of 3.8 x 10-4, corresponding to the excess
lifetime lung cancer risk of 10-5 at 25 ng/m3. It is unclear how this calculation was performed. The EU target value
is 20 ng/m3 (EU, 2005). Ambient levels are usually below 5 ng/m3, but are higher close to certain
metal industries (EPAQS, 2009). Inhalation is a minor part of total exposure.
Later reviews and recent original papers
ATSDR (2005) refers to EPA data from 1986 and to the EPA evaluation of a
unit risk of 2.4–4.8 x 10-3 – that is, ten times higher than that of the WHO air quality
Although not a formal review, Lippmann et al. (2006) report findings in
mice exposed to concentrated ambient particles, as well as their findings when
doing new analyses on previous time series analyses of mortality and PM10 in NMMAPS. Moreover, previous
literature on the cardiovascular effects of nickel is summarized. Lippmann et
al. found effects on heart rate variability related to the content of nickel,
vanadium, chromium and iron in ApoE-/- mice exposed to concentrated ambient particles, and of the effects of
nickel and vanadium on the risk estimate for PM10 in NMMAPS. In both cases the
effect of nickel was the strongest.
The United Kingdom Expert Panel on Air Quality
Standards (EPAQS, 2009) used an exposure–response model from Seilkop &
Oller (2003) and Norwegian studies by Grimsrud et al. (2002, 2003) and came to
the conclusion that there is an increased risk of cancer for occupational
exposure for 40 years at a level of 20 µg/m3 of nickel in air. Using an uncertainty factor of 1000, the Panel
recommended a guideline value (annual average) of 20 ng/m3.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, 2012) updated the
epidemiological data of occupational cohorts exposed to nickel (latest
reference 2009). The risk estimates are similar to those used by the United
Kingdom Expert Panel on Air Quality Standards. According to the International
Agency for Research on Cancer, nickel is a Group 1 human carcinogen.
Haney et al. (2012) used the Grimsrud cohort and an older United States
cohort to assess the cancer risk and estimated the unit risk to be 1.7 x 10-4.
After the above-mentioned paper by Lippmann et al. (2006), several
reports followed up on the contribution of nickel to the adverse effects on
health of fine PM and found some support for the hypothesis that fuel
combustion in power generation (which usually emits nickel and vanadium) could
contribute to the risk of cardiovascular disease (Bell et al., 2009b; Zhou et
al., 2011; Ostro et al., 2011; Suh et al., 2011). The strongest indication is
from a recent case-crossover study on stroke by Mostofsky et al. (2012), who
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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nickel to be the element that showed the strongest (although non-significant)
association with stroke incidence, surpassed only by black carbon.
As indicated above, the WHO air quality guideline for nickel is based on
its carcinogenicity. Nickel is a normal constituent of ambient air and one of
the (many) components suspected to carry the risk of fine PM.
There is some updated occupational epidemiology on nickel refinery
workers since the review by the WHO Working Group on Air Quality Guidelines for
2000. The impression is, however that this new data will not change the
previous unit risk estimate substantially. Data on the effect of ambient nickel
levels on cardiovascular risk are yet too limited to permit their use in WHO
air quality guideline standards.
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Question C6
Is there any new evidence on
health effects due to air emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that
would impact upon current target values?
Some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are
potent carcinogens, and they are often attached to airborne particles, which
may also play a role in their carcinogenicity. As PAHs are carcinogenic by a
genotoxic mode of action, their levels in air should be kept as low as
possible. There is new evidence linking PAH exposure to cardiovascular
end-points, but at present these effects of PAH exposure cannot be separated
from the effects of particles and therefore cannot impact on the target values.
Studies on early biological effects of PAH exposure based on biomarkers,
including PAH-DNA adducts, in general populations of children and adults also
suggest a range of potential non-carcinogenic effects.
Overall, there is no new evidence from which to propose a new target value.
However, it should be noted that, based on previous literature, the existing
target value of 1 ng/m3 of benzo[a]pyrene is
associated with the lifetime cancer risk of approximately 1 x 10-4.
In the context of air pollution, PAHs containing two or three rings are
almost entirely present in the vapour phase. Those containing five rings or
more (including benzo[a]pyrene) are
found predominantly in the particle phase. Four-ring compounds are also
particle bound, but have more seasonal variability between phases. The majority
of particle-bound PAHs are associated with small particles – that is, smaller
than 2.5 µm (EC, 2001).
PM, of which the most studied type is diesel exhaust particles, consists
of elemental carbon to which is bound inorganic (such as metals) and organic
compounds. The 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines (WHO
Regional Office for Europe, 2006) concluded that the health effects of diesel
exhaust particles and, possibly, other types of particles are mediated by
chemicals adsorbed on to their surfaces, rather than due to the particle core,
and that, among these chemicals, the organic constituents – in particular the
PAHs or their nitro- or oxy-derivatives – are likely to be toxicologically
While a high burden of particles almost completely free of organic
mutagens was able to produce tumours in rat lung after chronic inhalation
exposure, the carcinogenic potency of particles through non-genotoxic
mechanisms at much lower concentrations in ambient air is not known. Under such
conditions, the genotoxic action of PAHs and derived mutagenic substances
attached to the particles might well be a more significant risk factor (WHO
Regional Office for Europe, 2000). However, many studies that have considered
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exposure to, and the health effects resulting from, PM have not
specifically addressed the issue of the concentrations or influence of
particle-bound PAHs.
The major anthropogenic emission sources of PAHs are: domestic, mobile,
industrial and agricultural. Domestic sources are mainly heating and cooking
based on the combustion of fossil fuels. Mobile sources are from transport
reliant on combustion engines, either gasoline or diesel fuelled. Catalytic
converters for gasoline engines markedly reduce PAH emissions (by up to 90%);
equivalent devices for diesel engines also reduce PAH emissions, but not to the
same extent as for gasoline engines. For both fuels, an additional source of
PAHs in the exhaust is the presence of PAHs in the fuel itself. In some
southern European cities, motor scooters with two-stroke engines (fuelled by a
mixture of petrol and oil) may represent a significant source of PAH emissions.
Industrial sources of PAHs (such as aluminium, steel and coke production;
commercial heat and power; waste incineration; creosote, bitumen and asphalt
production; and petrochemical and related industries) are comparatively well
understood and are being regulated increasingly. Agricultural sources (such as
from burning stubble) are more variable, but may nevertheless contribute
significantly to PAH levels at certain locations.
Most of the carcinogenic potential of PAHs resides with four- to
seven-ringed compounds. The relevant exposure route for the lung is via
inhalation of PAHs associated with airborne particles. The unit risk (lifetime
exposure to a mixture represented by 1 ng/m3 benzo[a]pyrene), based on a
number of occupational studies, is in the range of 80–100 x 10-6. The WHO estimate of a unit risk
quoted by the EC as 8.7 x 10-5 (established by WHO in 1987) results in the increased risk associated
with benzo[a]pyrene concentrations of
0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 ng/m-3 being 1 x 10-6, 1 x 10-5 and 1 x 10-4, respectively (EC, 2001). This risk estimate (8.7 x 10-5) is as stated by WHO in both
2000 and 2010 (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2000, 2010), although in both
documents the excess lifetime risks of 1 x 10-6, 1 x 10-5 and 1 x 10-4 are given as 0.012, 0.12 and 1.2
ng/m3 benzo[a]pyrene, respectively.
The current EU guideline value for benzo[a]pyrene
is 1.0 ng/m3, which equates with a lifetime cancer risk of 1 x 10-4 (EC, 2012). In 1999, the United
Kingdom Expert Panel on Air Quality Standards recommended a lower value for the
air quality standard – namely, 0.25 ng/m3 – as an annual average, deriving this figure from consideration of the
lower end of the range of concentrations with observable effects in
occupational exposure scenarios (DEFRA, 1999).
Even in the absence of new evidence, the acceptability of the level of
risk associated with the current target value should be reviewed and discussed.
The current lifetime cumulative risk for benzo[a]pyrene causing cancer (1E-04) that is associated with the current
guideline (1 ng/m3) is somewhat high. According to the EPA (EPA Region 8, 2013)
The level of total cancer risk that is of concern is a matter of
personal, community, and regulatory judgment. In general, the EPA considers
excess cancer risks that are below about 1 chance in 1 000 000 (1×10-6 or 1E-06) to be so small as to
be negligible, and risks above 1E-04 to be sufficiently large that some sort of
remediation is desirable. Excess
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cancer risks that range between 1E-06 and 1E-04 are generally considered
to be acceptable (see Role of the Baseline Risk Assessment in Superfund
Remedy Selection Decisions (Memorandum from D. R. Clay, OSWER 9355.0-30, April 1991), although this
is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and EPA may determine that risks lower
than 1E-04 are not sufficiently protective and warrant remedial action.
In discussing the use of a single indicator carcinogen (benzo[a]pyrene) to represent the carcinogenic
potential of the complex mixture of PAHs, the 2000 WHO air quality guidelines
for Europe (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2000) states:
BaP [benzo[a]pyrene] alone
will probably underestimate the carcinogenic potential of airborne PAH
mixtures, since co-occurring substances are also carcinogenic (WHO, 2000).
Nevertheless, the well-studied common constituent of PAH mixtures, BaP, was
chosen as an indicator, although the limitation and uncertainties in such an
approach were recognized.
Although the need to analyse the levels of other carcinogenic PAHs has
been emphasized (Boström et al., 2002), nevertheless a recent analysis
(Delgado-Saborit, Stark & Harrison, 2011) concludes that “the relative
contribution of BaP [benzo[a]pyrene]
to the PAH overall carcinogenic potency is similar indoors (49%), outdoors
(54%) and in the smelter environment (48%)”, suggesting the suitability of benzo[a]pyrene as a marker for the
carcinogenic potentials of PAH mixtures, irrespective of the environment.
Dibenzo[a,l]pyrene is one of
the most potently carcinogenic PAHs, although it has not been tested for
carcinogenicity by inhalation. Estimates of its potency (potency equivalency
factor) relative to benzo[a]pyrene
vary, according to Delgado-Saborit, Stark
Harrison (2011), from 1 to 100.
In most analyses, it is estimated to be the second contributor to the
carcinogenicity of PAH mixtures (between 3% and 27%, compared with 45–73% for
benzo[a]pyrene), although in one
analysis it is estimated to contribute 77%, with benzo[a]pyrene second most important (17%). The United Kingdom PAH
Monitoring and Analysis Network has reported that the ratio of dibenzo[a,l]pyrene to benzo[a]pyrene is relatively constant between sites with different
dominating sources, at an average of 0.32:1.00 (Conolly, 2009). However, in a
recent Italian study (Menichini & Merli, 2012), the ratio was lower
In view of these analyses, there would not appear to be any advantage in
diverging from the current policy of using benzo[a]pyrene as the single indicator compound for PAHs.
In 2005, the International Agency for Research on Cancer Working Group
on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans reclassified benzo[a]pyrene as a Group 1 carcinogen
(carcinogenic to humans), based on mechanistic evidence summarized as follows
(IARC, 2010).
The complete sequence of steps in the metabolic activation pathway of
benzo[a]pyrene to mutagenic and
carcinogenic diol epoxides has been demonstrated in experimental animals, in
human tissues and in humans. Following exposure, humans metabolically activate
benzo[a]pyrene to benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxides that form DNA
adducts: the
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adduct has been measured in populations
(e.g. coke-oven workers, chimney sweeps) exposed to PAH mixtures that contain
benzo[a]pyrene. The reactive anti-benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-oxide induces mutations in rodent and human
cells. Mutations (G→T transversions) in the K-ras proto-oncogene in lung tumours from benzo[a]pyrene-treated mice are associated with anti-benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-oxide-deoxyguanosine
adducts. Similar mutations in the K-RAS proto-oncogene
and mutations in TP53 were found in
lung tumours from nonsmokers exposed
to PAH-rich products of coal combustion that are known to contain benzo[a]pyrene (as well as many other PAHs).
In an in-vitro study, the codons in the tumour-suppressor gene TP53 that are most frequently mutated in
human lung cancer were shown to be targets for DNA adduct formation and
mutations induced by benzo[a]pyrene.
In addition, evaluation by the International Agency for Research on
Cancer in 2011 of bitumen fumes, which contain PAHs, resulted in the following
classifications: occupational exposures to oxidized bitumens and their
emissions during roofing are “probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A);
occupational exposures to hard bitumens and their emissions during mastic
asphalt work are “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2B); and occupational
exposures to straight-run bitumens and their emissions during road paving are “possibly
carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2B) (Lauby-Secretan et al., 2011).
Most recently, in June 2012, the International Agency for Research on
Cancer evaluated diesel-engine and gasoline-engine exhausts and classified
diesel-engine exhaust as “carcinogenic to humans” (Group 1). Thus far, these
findings are reported in a brief summary (Benbrahim-Tallaa et al., 2012), which
makes no specific evaluation of PAHs other than to mention their presence in
the gas and particle phase. Thus, at the present time, it is not possible to
derive any specific association from this evaluation of PAHs.
In a study of the relationship between PAH exposure and ischaemic heart
disease, a positive correlation was found between mortality from this disease
and both cumulative and average exposure indices for benzo[a]pyrene (Burstyn et al., 2005). For average exposures of 273 ng/m3 – that is, occupational
exposures considerably higher that environmental levels – the RR was 1.64 (95%
CI: 1.13–2.38). PAHs were also associated with increased systemic inflammation,
which explained the association with quasi-ultrafine particle mass from traffic
emission sources, more so that other organic components of PM (Delfino et al.,
2010b). Another study found an association between PM, particle-bound organic
compounds (including PAHs) and adverse health symptoms in survivors of
myocardial infarctions (Kraus et al., 2011). However in these studies, the
effects of PAHs are not fully separated from the effects of the PM to which
they are bound.
A number of recent studies have examined the effects of PAH exposure on
child development. Levels of PAH-DNA adducts in cord blood have been found to
be associated with higher symptom scores of anxiety and depression measured at
4.8 years (Perera et al., 2011). In the same cohort, prenatal exposure to
benzo[a]pyrene measured from maternal
personal air monitoring (at a median level of 2.27 ng/m3), and also cord
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 141
blood adduct levels, were associated with these effects, as well as
attention problems at age 6–7 years (Perera et al., 2012). Similar findings
come from a study of children in Poland (Edwards et al., 2010), where high PAH
exposure in utero also restricted fetal growth (Choi et al., 2012). Effects on
fetal development were exacerbated by obesity in African-American women (Choi
& Perera, 2012).
The carcinogenic and toxicological properties of PAHs have been
extensively investigated and reviewed (Luch, 2005). Their mode of action is genotoxic, and their DNA adducts elicit
nucleotide excision repair mechanisms. They also induce aberrant gene
expression and cell signalling and epigenetic effects that may contribute to
their carcinogenic and other toxicological properties.
The utility of biomarkers for monitoring human exposure to PAHs was
discussed in the 2000 WHO air quality guidelines for Europe (WHO Regional
Office for Europe, 2000). Those biomarkers specific for PAHs include urinary
1-hydroxypyrene and the measurement of PAH-protein and DNA adducts by
immunoassay, while the 32P-postlabelling assay for DNA adducts is more sensitive, but less
specific. Overall, different biomarkers have been validated to varying extents
(Gallo et al., 2008). Measurement of cytogenetic damage, including chromosomal
aberrations, is not particularly sensitive for measuring environmental PAH
exposure. A recent meta-analysis of occupational exposure to PAHs has concluded
that micronucleus formation, chromosomal aberration and sister chromatid
exchanges in peripheral blood lymphocytes are all significantly higher in
workers, with ranges of exposures (where known) higher than the current target
environmental level (Wang et al., 2012).
Although large scale studies have validated chromosomal aberrations as
biomarkers of cancer risk (Bonassi et al., 2008), the methods would not be
specific if applied to health effects of environmental PAH exposure and would
not distinguish other routes of exposure (such as. dietary). Likewise, for DNA
adducts, recent studies have validated these as biomarkers of lung cancer risk
for smokers (Veglia et al., 2008); however, for exposures to PAHs, dietary
exposures would also contribute to the adducts detected. Furthermore, the
relationship between adduct levels (such as in white blood cell DNA) and
ambient air levels of PAHs is non-linear, with evidence of saturation (that is,
plateau) at higher levels of exposure.
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Question C7
Is there any new evidence on the
health effects of short term (less than 1 day) exposures to SO2 that would lead to changes of
the WHO air quality guidelines based on 10 minute and daily averaging periods
or the EU’s air quality limit values based on hourly and daily averaging
There are no new respiratory chamber studies that would change the
10-minute guideline of 500 μg/m3, previously based on these types of studies. However, a reanalysis of
the previous literature has found a small difference between responders and
non-responders at 572 μg/m3 (0.2 ppm) (not statistically significant after control for multiple
comparisons), the starting point for deriving the previous guideline. Thus,
while the currently available statistical analysis suggests that the starting
point does not need to be changed, a small increase in the safety factor from
the current value of 1.15 might be justified when the time comes to reconsider
the guideline, as the small (though non-significant) difference between
responders and non-responders at this concentration increases the uncertainty
as to whether this is a no-effect level or a minimal-effect level. Should
further evidence confirm this difference, then the starting point may need to
be changed in the future.
The 24-hour average guideline was based on the low end of the
concentration ranges used in the time-series studies and on the Hong Kong
intervention study. The time-series evidence continues to accumulate and
continues to be inconsistent when adjusted for other pollutants for many (but
not all) outcomes – for example, it is consistent for asthma admissions. The
results of the original Hong Kong intervention study remain as a reduction in
mortality for a reduction in pre- and post-intervention exposure to SO2 independent of PM10, although a more recent report
suggests more difficulty in disentangling the effects of the reductions in SO2 from reductions in other
constituents, such as nickel or vanadium. The new studies are at a similar
range of concentrations as the previous studies, so the 24-hour average
guideline does not need to be changed if the same method (using a concentration
at the low end of the range of concentrations) is followed for setting the
A literature search – for sulfur dioxide or sulphur dioxide, toxicity
and health, some author and study searches, consultation of other documents
that include reviews and reports (EPA, 2008a) and consultation of APED –
indicates that a large number of new studies have been published since 2004
(the literature cut-off date for the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines (WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006)). The text below concentrates
on the direct health effects of SO2, but indirect effects are also possible. SO2 is an important prerequisite for
urban nucleation to form particles smaller than 0.02 microns (see Question C8),
although only exceedingly low concentrations are
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 143
required to allow sufficient formation of sulfuric acid, to initiate
nucleation. The health effects of these nanoparticles are poorly understood.
The text below also concentrates only on short-term exposures to address the
exact question posed.
study evidence
The WHO guideline value of 500 μg/m3 for a 10-minute average is based on evidence from human chamber studies
that show reductions in FEV1 and increases in airway resistance and symptoms
(WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006). A review was recently published (Johns
& Linn, 2011) following consideration of chamber study evidence by the EPA
in 2008 (EPA, 2008a). The Johns & Linn review only identified two papers
published since 2004 (see below) and concluded that the older studies continued
to have an integral role in assessing the respiratory effects of SO2. As a result, the key statements
in the review reflect very closely those made in the WHO guidelines.
A paper worth close examination by Johns, Svendsgaard & Linn (2010)
pooled data on individuals from several key studies to analyse an overall
concentration–response relationship in asthmatics, with a particular emphasis
on responders and non-responders. The EPA (2008a) estimated that 5–30% of
asthmatics during 5–10 minutes of exercise could experience moderate or greater
decrements in lung function at 0.2 ppm to 0.3 ppm SO2. The Johns, Svendsgaard &
Linn (2010) analysis showed a clear concentration– response relationship
between 572 μg/m3 (0.2 ppm) and 2860 μg/m 3 (1 ppm) (the maximum concentration examined). This provides a more
formal basis for the conclusions in the WHO guidelines. It also provides
clearer evidence that the response at lower doses can be split between
responders and non-responders (responders being defined at higher doses).
Responders showed no significant change in airway resistance and a minor 5%
decrease in FEV1 that was not significant after correction for multiple
comparisons at 572 μg/m3 (0.2 ppm). This does not suggest a change from the use of 572 μg/m3 (0.2 ppm) as the starting point
for setting the current guideline, although further statistical modelling to
consider the possible location of a threshold might be helpful.
However, because a separation in the response of responders and
non-responders was still apparent at 572 μg/m3 (0.2 ppm), even if not
significant with correction for multiple comparisons, it increases the uncertainty
as to whether this is a no-effect level or a minimal-effect level. In addition,
the studies only involve mild asthmatics. The safety factor applied to the 572 μg/m3 (0.2 ppm) level in the current
guideline was only 1.15. Given the uncertainties just raised, it should be
considered, in a future reconsideration of the guidelines, whether a larger
safety factor would be appropriate. Further studies to give a larger pooled
sample size would be needed to confirm whether or not there is a real difference
between responders and non-responders at this concentration. If this was
confirmed, the starting point for the guideline would need to be changed.
The only other studies are: one showing no pulmonary response in healthy
adults below 2 ppm (van Thriel et al., 2010); and one showing a reduction in
cardiac vagal control (root mean square of the
successive differences (RMSSD)) in 20 normal subjects, but not
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 144
those with stable angina, 4 hours (but not 1 hour) after exposure to 572
μg/m3 (0.2 ppm) SO2 for 1 hour (Routledge et al., 2006). Baroreflex sensitivity was also
reduced. The implications of such changes in healthy subjects are unclear, and
the EPA noted that the absolute values of the RMSSD
did not differ significantly from subjects exposed to air (although the change
from baseline did). Of the stable angina patients, 70% were on beta blockers,
which may have protected them from adverse changes. More studies are needed to
confirm this finding.
The EPA considered the possibility that there was some evidence for SO2 having an effect on heart rate
variability, but that the number of studies was limited. Our search did not
pick up any further panel studies on heart rate variability. Also, the EPA
considered evidence on arrhythmias to be inconsistent. A study that found a
non-significant positive association between SO2 and activation of defibrillators
does not change this conclusion (Anderson et
al., 2010). The EPA concluded the number of
studies was too limited to come to a conclusion about inflammatory markers in
the blood. Only one further study, suggesting increased levels of serum
C-reactive protein in children, has been published since (Shima, 2007).
Goldberg et al. (2008) found positive and statistically significant
associations of SO2 with reduced oxygen saturation and increased pulse rate in congestive
heart failure patients. Briet et al. (2007) (not considered by the EPA) found
that 5-day average SO2 reduced endothelium-dependent brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation
in healthy male subjects along with nitric oxide, but not with other
pollutants, such as NO2 and PM.
A multicity study by Schildcrout et al. (2006) was highlighted as part
of the established evidence for an effect of SO2 on asthma symptoms in children
(EPA, 2008a). This showed an effect on asthma symptoms, but not on rescue
inhaler use. The risk was increased in joint models with NO2 and carbon monoxide (which were
found to be more important pollutants in this study) and unchanged in a joint
model with PM10 (with only a marginal loss of statistical significance). PM10 had no effect in this study. The
EPA regarded the evidence as more mixed for symptoms in adults and limited for
lung function in adults and children. More recent studies have found an effect
of SO2, at least in single-pollutant models, for respiratory symptoms (Zhao Z
et al., 2008 for indoor not outdoor SO2; Moon et al., 2009) and lung function in children (Chang et al., 2012;
Liu et al., 2009), the latter not robust to control for PM2.5. In adults, increased
respiratory symptoms were shown in healthy adults returning to an island after
a volcanic eruption (Ishigami et al., 2008; Iwasawa et al., 2009) at high
concentrations of SO2,19 but increases were statistically insignificant in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
(Peacock et al., 2011) at lower concentrations (maximum: 75 ppb for a24-hour
average). Possible declines in lung function were found in asthmatic adults
(Canova et al., 2010) (maximum: 5 ppb for a 24-hour average), but not in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
(Peacock et al., 2011) or healthy adults on the volcanic island (Iwasawa et
al., 2009).
19Above a 0.1
ppm hourly average or above a 2 ppm 1-minute average within each hour (Ishigami
et al., 2008); 4– 7.5% of hourly average exceeding 0.1 ppm; maximum 5-minute
average of 5–17 ppm (Iwasawa et al., 2009).
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These more recent studies do not represent any major shift in evidence
since the EPA review.
series evidence
The 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines (WHO Regional
Office for Europe, 2006) noted that observational time-series studies had
reported numerous mortality and morbidity risk estimates for SO2 over the preceding decade. It
was considered that the consistency of the association of SO2 with health outcomes appeared to
be less than that for PM, but that the magnitude of the estimated risks was
often comparable with that of PM.
Short-term exposure and mortality
Since the publication of the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines, Anderson et al. published a peer-reviewed research report that
contains meta-analyses of time-series studies, based on studies up until 2006
(Anderson et al., 2007). In single-city studies, positive and statistically
significant associations with SO2 were generally found for all-cause, cardiovascular, cardiac and
respiratory mortality in single-pollutant models. While the majority of the
single-city studies are from before 2004, there are a few post-2004 studies
included in some of the summary estimates described below (Jerrett et al.,
2004, Penttinen, Tiittanen & Pekkanen, 2004). Most estimates showed
significant heterogeneity, except those for cardiorespiratory mortality and
mortality from lower respiratory infections, but there was also significant
heterogeneity for the main mortality end-points for PM10. Adjustment for publication
bias, where shown (all except cardiorespiratory, cardiac and stroke mortality),
reduced the size of the summary estimates, but they remained positive and
statistically significant. The size of the estimates was only slightly lower
than those for PM10.
There was substantial overlap between the multicity studies reviewed for
the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines (WHO Regional Office
for Europe, 2006) and for the Anderson et al. report (Anderson et al., 2007),
but the latter covered more studies (none published after 2004). Again there
were positive, statistically significant associations in single-pollutant
models with all-cause, cardiovascular, cardiac and respiratory mortality, but
those associations tested in multipollutant models were reduced by control for
other pollutants, often substantially, and often lost statistical significance.
Multipollutant models in single-city studies were not reviewed in this report.
The EPA view, published in 2008 (EPA, 2008a), covered much of the same
material, but also included the Public Health and Air Pollution in Asia
literature review (HEI, 2004), which found that a meta-analysis of time-series
studies of SO2 and mortality in Asia gave similar results to those of European
multicity studies. Overall, the EPA considered that there was suggestive
evidence of a causal relationship (consistent in single-pollutant models, more
uncertain after adjustment for co-pollutants). The Hong Kong Intervention study
(Hedley et al., 2002) was noted for the effect of a change in SO2 on mortality, in the absence of
a change in PM10; also noted was that this change in sulfur in fuel may have
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 146
changes in heavy metal content (reported reference: Hedley et al. (2006); now
in journal form: Hedley et al. (2008)).
The Hong Kong Intervention has now been studied in more detail (Wong et
al., 2012). The decrease in SO2 concentrations between the pre- and post-intervention periods was
accompanied by decreases in NO2 and increases in ozone. There were also decreases in metals (aluminium,
iron, manganese, nickel, vanadium, lead and zinc) associated with particles, of
which the decreases in nickel and vanadium were most consistent. While nickel
and vanadium were associated with mortality in general terms, it was not
possible to show a clear link between changes in their concentrations being
associated with the intervention and with changes in their effect on mortality
after (compared with before) the intervention (although there was a decline).
In this more detailed study, SO2 only showed a decrease in the excess risk of respiratory mortality (not
statistically significant), but also showed an increase in the excess risk of
all-cause (not statistically significant) and cardiovascular mortality after
(compared with before) the intervention. In the overall study (irrespective of
the intervention), the effects of SO2 on mortality were not stable to adjustment for nickel and vanadium. In
summary, while the intervention was still beneficial, a more detailed study
suggests that identifying the responsible pollutant is difficult.
APED, used to prepare the review by Anderson et al. (2007), has now been
updated to 2009 for papers on SO2. The database uses a comprehensive literature searching strategy, with
sifting for study quality criteria. The database indicates seven new studies
(Cakmak, Dales & Vidal, 2007; Filleul et al., 2006a; Kowalska et al., 2008;
Lee, Son & Cho, 2007b; Tsai et al., 2003; Wong et al., 2008; Yang et al.,
2004), for all-cause mortality, all ages, all-year and 24-hour average SO2, that had quantitative estimates
and did not overlap with other studies (see Table 11). The literature search
identified a further two studies meeting these criteria (Rajarathnam et al.,
2011; Rabczenko et al., 2005) and a further paper has been identified since
(Chen et al., 2012c). Most of the studies showed positive associations (8 of
10) of which five were statistically significant. The range of the central
estimates (-1.4–3% per 10 μg/m3) were all within the range of the 144 previous estimates (-4.63–6.4%
per 10 μg/m3). Although two Asian study estimates (Wong et al., 2008, Lee, Son &
Cho, 2007b) were higher than the current summary estimate, it is unlikely that
this would change an updated summary estimate much, given the large number of studies
already in the meta-analysis.
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Table 11. Selected quantitative estimates for SO2 and mortality
Study |
Estimates for all-cause
mortality, all ages, all year, per cent increase per |
type |
10 μg/m3 for
SO2 24-hour average |
Studies highlighted in |
Anderson et al. (2007), |
Others (more recent |
WHO Regional Office |
additional multicity |
or not previously |
Europe (2006) |
studies,a single-city |
covered) |
guidelines |
meta-analysis |
Multicity |
0.4 (95% CI: 0.3–0.5) |
0.4 (95% CI: 0.2–0.5) |
1.0 (95% CI: 0.8–1.3) |
7 Korean cities |
4 Asian cities |
Katsouyanni et al. |
Lee et al. (2000) |
Wong et al. (2008) |
(1997) |
Multicity |
0.5 (95% CI: 0.1–0.9) |
1.5 (95% CI: 1.1–1.9) |
0.4 (95% CI: 0.1–0.7) |
8 Italian cities |
4 Polish cities |
Ballester et al. (2002) |
Biggeri, Bellini & |
Rabczenko et al. (2005) |
Terracini (2001) |
Multicity |
0.2 (95% CI: 0.1–0.3) |
0.7 (95% CI: 0.4–1.0) |
0.75 (95% CI: 0.5–1.0) |
9 French cities |
17 Chinese cities |
Samet et al. (2000) |
Le Tertre et al. (2002) |
Chen et al. (2012c) |
Multicity |
1.2 (95% CI: 0.8–1.7) |
-- |
Range of central |
11 Canadian cities |
estimates for new |
studies:b -1.4% to 3% |
Burnett, Cakmak & |
Brook (1998) |
Meta- |
0.4 (95% CI: 0.2–0.5) |
0.5 (95% CI: 0.4–0.5) |
0.5 (95% CI: 0.3–0.7) |
analyses |
non-GAM meta-analysis |
Single-city meta- |
11 Asian city meta- |
analysis (including |
0.4 (95% CI: 0.3–0.5) |
analysis |
GAM meta-analysis |
HEI (2004) |
0.4 (95% CI: 0.3–0.5) |
Stieb, Judek & Burnett |
adjusted for publication |
(2002, 2003) |
bias |
Anderson et al. (2007) |
a This excludes those in the
same countries as the multicity studies highlighted in the WHO column.
b Sources: Cakmak, Dales & Vidal (2007); Filleul et al. (2006a); Kowalska et
al. (2008); Lee et al. (2007b); Rabczenko
et al. (2005); Rajarathnam et al. (2011); Tsai et al. (2006b); Wong et al.
(2008); Yang et al. (2004).
In a study in Santiago, Chile, the SO2 estimate generally remained stable after adjustment for PM10, ozone and carbon monoxide
(Cakmak, Dales & Vidal, 2007), and a negative association in Delhi, India,
was unchanged by adjustment for PM10, with and without NO2 (Rajarathnam et al., 2011). The HEI report collating four Asian city
studies (Wong et al., 2010b) found the estimate remained stable after
adjustment for PM10 and ozone, but not for NO2, with the exception of Bangkok, where the estimate was reduced by both
PM10 and NO2. In the study of 17 Chinese cities (Chen et al., 2012c), the estimate
was reduced, but remained positive and statistically significant when
controlled for PM10; the reduction on adjustment for NO2 was substantial, and the estimate lost significance. There were too few
multipollutant-model studies in the earlier Asian city meta-analysis to draw an
overall conclusion (HEI, 2004). This does not change the previous view
(Anderson et al., 2007; WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2006) that estimates
for all-cause mortality could be sensitive to adjustment for other pollutants.
It is possible that the short sharp peaks of SO2 mean it is more subject to
measurement error, which can affect multipollutant models. However, Zeka &
Schwartz (2004) found that, using a statistical
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 148
technique for multipollutant adjustment less subject to measurement
error, the SO2 estimate was small and was not statistically significant.
The report on four Asian cities (Wong et al., 2010b) examined the shape
of the concentration–response function with mixed results (2 of 4 linear), but
none of them examined the shape after control for other pollutants.
Short-term exposure and respiratory hospital
Anderson et al. (2007) found a positive and statistically significant
association with respiratory hospital admissions, all ages, all year of 1.51%
(95% CI: 0.84–2.18%) per 10 μg/m3 SO2 that showed evidence of heterogeneity. The association remained
positive and statistically significant after adjustment for some publication
bias. Multicity studies gave a similar result. There were no multicity studies
that examined multipollutant models, and the single-city study multipollutant
results were not reviewed. A further three studies have been added to APED
since (Leem et al., 1998; Jayaraman & Nidhi, 2008; Chang, Hsia & Chen,
2002), another two meeting the criteria (Wong et al., 2010a; Cakmak, Dales
& Judek, 2006b) were identified in the literature search, and another one
later (Chen et al., 2010b). All six found positive associations with SO2 (two non-significant) that
ranged from 0.13% to 8.2% compared with -0.5–22.5% for the previous estimates.
Where there was adjustment for other pollutants (Cakmak, Dales & Judek,
2006b; Jayaraman & Nidhi, 2008; Leem et al., 1998), the estimates were
reduced and remained significant in only one study (Cakmak, Dales & Judek,
Given the chamber study findings, asthma admissions will be described
here. Results for other respiratory diagnoses are described in Anderson et al.
(2007). The relationship with asthma admissions was significant in children in
single and multicity studies and was robust to adjustment in multipollutant
models in the multicity studies (unexamined in single-city studies) (Anderson
et al., 2007). Further studies published since 2006 on asthma admissions in children
are also positive and statistically significant in two studies (Lee, Wong &
Lau, 2006; Samoli et al., 2011a), with a range from 1.3% to 6% per 10 μg/m3 SO2 compared with 0.8% to 9% in
Anderson et al. (2007). In Samoli et al. (2011a), although control for PM10 resulted in a loss of
significance, it also resulted in a smaller reduction (20%) in the coefficient
than when PM10 was controlled for SO2 (30% reduction). The SO2 coefficient was stable to adjustment for NO2 and ozone. The coefficient was
said to be non-significant (direction not given) in a study in Hong Kong (Ko et
al., 2007). Results in other age groups or all ages were more mixed (Anderson
et al., 2007; Bell, Levy & Lin, 2008; Ko et al., 2007; Tsai et al., 2006a;
Yang et al., 2007).
Anderson et al. (2007) reported a summary estimate per 10 μg/m3 SO2 of a 2.65% (95% CI: 0.39–4.96%)
increase in asthma emergency room visits in children, all year. The summary
estimate was not significant in adults and the outcome was not examined in
multicity studies. The database has been partially updated for emergency room
visits, identifying four studies (Jalaludin et al., 2008; Ito, Thurston &
Silverman, 2007; Szyszkowicz, 2008; Villeneuve et al., 2007). The latter two
found no associations, but the first two found positive and statistically
significant associations in children and adults,
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 149
respectively. In Jalaludin et al. (2008), the
association was reduced, but remained significant, on adjustment for other pollutants;
the association, however, was not robust to adjustment for NO2 in Ito, Thurston & Silverman
(2007) (only the summer association was examined). The literature search
identified a few other studies of asthma emergency room visits, notably a large
multicity study in Canada (Stieb et al., 2009) that found a non-significant
negative association. This study was for all ages. As the Anderson
meta-analysis found a greater effect in children, it would have been
interesting to see the analysis split by age group. A study in Toronto did find
a significant relationship in children across both sexes and in the top and
bottom quintiles of socioeconomic position (Burra et al., 2009). A positive and
statistically significant association was also found for SO2 and emergency room visits for
wheeze in children aged 0–2 years in a multicity study in Italy (Orazzo et al.,
A preliminary study from Taiwan, Province of China, used daily
variations in spatially modelled pollutants as the exposure metric (Modelling
may be more uncertain for SO2 than for other pollutants, as SO2 concentrations are characterized more by sharp peaks, which are harder
to model). The study found a negative association that was not statistically
significant in both single and multipollutant models for asthma emergency room
visits in all age groups (Chan et al., 2009). Overall, the conclusions are
unclear for SO2 and emergency room visits for asthma, as there were mixed results in
multipollutant models in the recent studies, but the larger number of earlier
studies suggests the association is robust (EPA, 2008a).
Short-term exposure and cardiovascular admissions
Anderson et al. (2007) reported a summary estimate of 0.96% (95% CI:
0.13–1.79%) per 10 μg/m3 for cardiovascular admissions and 24-hour average SO2 for all ages, all year across 5
studies and a summary estimate of 2.26% (95% CI: 1.30–3.22%) for cardiac
admissions across 12 studies. A similar result was found for cardiac admissions
for a multicity study in eight Italian cities and a lower one in seven European
cities. The multicity studies did not include a multipollutant model and the
report did not collate multipollutant model estimates for single-city studies.
A further multicity study from Spain meeting the same criteria has been published
since (Ballester et al., 2006) and reported an estimate of 1.33% (95% CI: 0.21–2.46%).
This was not stable to adjustment for carbon monoxide, but was to other
pollutants. A study in Shanghai found a positive and statistically significant
association with cardiovascular admissions that was stable to adjustment for PM10, but was reduced to some degree
and lost statistical significance on adjustment for NO2 (Chen et al., 2010b). The study
also reported a positive and statistically significant estimate for cardiac
admissions as did the study by Wong et al. (2010a). The latter two estimates
were not examined in multipollutant models.
The present review concentrates on short-term exposures. Most studies of
birth outcomes use longer averaging times (a month or more). Nonetheless, it
should be noted that a substantial number of studies have been published in
this area. A recent and thorough review concluded that SO2 was associated with preterm
birth, but not consistently with
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 150
low birth weight or small for gestational age
births (Shah & Balkhair, 2011). A review by Vrijheid et al. (2011) found
some evidence for an association between SO2 and congenital cardiac anomalies. A thorough veterinary epidemiology SO2 study in Western Canada examined
whether emissions from the oil and gas industry (including SO2) were associated with effects on
the reproduction and health of beef cattle. The study showed that SO2 exposures were not related to:
abortion or stillbirth (Waldner, 2009); histopathological lesions in the
immune, respiratory or nervous systems in calves that were aborted or died
postnatally (Waldner & Clark, 2009); changes in lymphocyte subtype
populations in blood samples from neonatal calves or yearling cattle (Bechtel,
Waldner & Wickstrom, 2009a,b); or non-pregnancy, risk of disposal in
pregnant cows or calving interval (Waldner & Stryhn, 2008). Gestational
(but not postnatal) exposure to SO2 above 0.9 ppb was significantly related to pathological lesions in the
skeletal or cardiac muscle among calves that died (Waldner & Clark, 2009),
and SO2 exposure during the last trimester or across gestation was related to
calf mortality in the first 3 months of life (Waldner, 2008). This was
unexpected, given that most of the extensive, detailed end-points examined in
the study did not show associations.
There are, however, studies on infant mortality that use daily average
concentrations as the exposure metric. Dales et al. (2004) found an association
between SO2 and sudden infant death syndrome that was independent of adjustment for
NO2. Hajat et al. (2007) found a positive and statistically significant
association between SO2 and both neonatal and postneonatal deaths. No multipollutant modelling
was performed, but there were no significant associations for other pollutants.
These results were in line with earlier studies discussed by the authors, but
other recent studies have found no association (Tsai et al., 2006b; Woodruff,
Darrow & Parker, 2008) or a positive association that was not statistically
significant (Son, Cho & Lee, 2008).
The toxicological evidence up to about 2006/2007 has been reviewed by
the EPA (2008a), although the majority of studies were pre-2004. For acute
exposures and respiratory effects, it was concluded that repeated exposures to
SO2, at concentrations as low as 0.1 ppm in guinea pigs, may exacerbate
inflammatory and allergic responses in allergic animals. SO2 at a concentration of 10 ppm or
less failed to induce airway hyperreactivity, following a nonspecific (rather
than allergic) challenge in four different animal models.
For cardiovascular effects, it was noted that, in general, vagally
mediated responses in the heart have been observed at lower concentrations of
SO2 than have oxidative injuries from SO2 metabolites in the circulation. It was not considered that the limited
toxicological evidence provided biological plausibility for an effect on
arrhythmias, and the evidence for effects on blood pressure and blood markers
of cardiovascular risk was regarded as inconclusive.
Perturbations in potassium-, sodium- and calcium-gated channels in
hippocampal or dorsal root ganglion neurons isolated from rats at 0.01–100 μM
of SO2 derivatives ex
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vivo were regarded as of questionable significance, given the high doses
needed for effects on the nervous system in vivo.
The evidence from animal toxicological studies was regarded as
insufficient to conclude that long-term exposure to ambient SO2 caused prolonged effects on lung
morphology, lung function or decrements in lung host defence. There was
evidence of oxidation and glutathione depletion in the hearts of rodents
exposed by inhalation to SO2 above 5 ppm, but this oxidative injury was not considered relevant to
cardiovascular effects seen at ambient levels of SO2.
It was concluded that toxicological studies provided very little
biological plausibility for reproductive outcomes related to exposure to SO2.
The literature search and author searches for the present review
identified a number of toxicology studies on SO2 published since 2004 that were
not considered by the EPA. These studies, but not those reviewed by the EPA,
are described below. None of the studies identified examined concentrations
below 2 ppm, which exceeds considerably ambient concentrations, except for the
veterinary epidemiology study in Canada (see section on “Birth outcomes”
Short-term respiratory effects
With a variety of assumptions, modelling of gas transport in theoretical
airway models predicted that the local concentration of SO2 in the upper airways of human
beings would be 3–4 times higher than in rats or dogs (Tsujino, Kawakami &
Kaneko, 2005). Exposure to 50 ppm SO2 1 hour a day for 3 days, followed by ovalbumin, exaggerated chronic
allergic airway inflammation and subepithelial fibrosis (Cai et al., 2008).
Another study exposed rats to 2 ppm SO2 for 1 hour a day for 7 days prior to or without sensitization with
ovalbumin. Prior exposure to SO2 increased the mRNA and protein expression of epidermal
growth factor (EGF), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), markers of
regulation of mucus hypersecretion, and airway
repair and inflammation (Li, Meng & Xie,
2008). A study that developed an animal model for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease found that 5, 10 and 20 ppm SO2 for 3 days resulted
in no change in basal mucus secretory activity in trachea preparations and a
decrease (not an increase) at 40 ppm and 80 ppm. No changes were found in
acetylcholine stimulated secretory activity. Single cell necrosis and loss of
cilia occurred at concentrations of 10 ppm and higher (Wagner et al., 2006). SO2 inhalation at l20
ppm for 6 hours a day for 7 days caused significant increases in the
proto-oncogenes c-fos and c-jun mRNA and in protein levels in the lungs of rats
(Qin & Meng, 2006a) and caused a further increase in the presence of benzo[a]pyrene. It was hypothesized that this
might explain the co-carcinogenicity of SO2 and benzo[a]pyrene in hamsters, although the EPA
view was that SO2 was not a clear co-carcinogen.
There have also been studies of lung cells in vitro. Human bronchial
epithelial (BEP2D) cells were treated with a range of concentrations (0.0001–1
mM) of the SO2 derivatives sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3) and sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) in a 1:3 ratio for various
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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durations up to 24 hours (Li, Meng & Xie, 2007). Expression of EGF,
EGFR, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and COX-2 mRNA and protein showed a dose-dependent increase
that was greatest at 30 minutes. It was suggested that this would result in
mucin overproduction and inflammation, if occurring in vivo. The same dose
protocol (with the addition of a 2 mM dose of the SO2 derivatives) for 4
hours was applied to the same cell line, leading to mRNA and protein
overexpression of c-fos, c-jun and c-myc at all doses, with other changes in
proto-oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes at 0.1–2.0 mM (Qin & Meng,
Another study, in A549 cells, found significantly reduced cell viability
in an air–liquid interface culture, with concentrations from 10 ppm to 200 ppm
SO2 (Bakand, Winder & Hayes, 2007). In the same cell line, sodium
sulfite (a derivative of SO2) at 1000– 2500 μM was shown to enhance interleukin 8 (IL-8) release.
IL-8 is a chemical signal involved in neutrophil recruitment and activation.
IL-8 release was inhibited by a selection of asthma drugs (Yang et al., 2009).
Sulfite oxidation by a mammalian peroxidase–hydrogen peroxide system, resulting
in the highly reactive sulfate radical (SO4.-), has been shown for the first
time in an experiment using human myeloperoxidase and human neutrophils and
(bi)sulfite anions at 20–100 μM (Ranguelova et al., 2012). Ranguelova et al
noted that healthy individuals have a mean serum concentration of 5 μM, but it
can be raised in disease.
Short-term systemic and cardiovascular effects
A group from China published a series of papers on the systemic effects
of SO2. Meng & Liu, 2007, showed morphological changes in various organs
in mice after inhalation of 10.6 ppm SO2 and above for 4 hours a day for 7 days. Qin & Meng (2006b) showed a
dose-related reduction in activities and mRNA levels of the detoxifying enzymes
CYP2B1/2 and CYP2E1 in the lungs, and CYP2B1/2 (but not CYP2E1) in the livers
of rats treated with 5.3–21.2 ppm SO2 for 6 hours a day for 7 days. Protein oxidative damage and DNA-protein
cross-links were increased in the lungs, liver and heart (in that order) in
mice exposed to 5.3–21.2 ppm SO2 for 6 hours a day for 7 days (Xie, Fan & Meng, 2007).
Unsurprisingly, 21.2 ppm SO2 for 4 hours a day for 10 days led to oxidative stress in the livers and
brains of the mice. This oxidative stress was ameliorated by moderate, but not
high, levels of vitamin C and by salicylic acid (Zhao H et al., 2008).
Other than the study at high doses by Xie, Fan & Meng (2007)
mentioned above, no other animal studies that reported cardiovascular toxicity
were picked up in the search. A review of amino acids as regulators of gaseous
signalling (Li et al., 2009) notes that endogenous SO2 (derived from cysteine) can
activate guanylyl cyclase and thus elicit a variety of responses, including
relaxation of vascular smooth muscle cells. A review on the same subject that
is more specific to SO2 is available (Chen S et al., 2011). In a section of the Chen et al.
review, on older and newer studies of the effects of exogenous SO2, the authors highlighted a study
by Nie & Meng (2007) showing that the SO2 derivatives NaHSO3 and Na2SO3, in a 1:3 ratio at a concentration range of 5–100 μM, inhibited the
sodium/calcium exchanger current in rat myocytes and that SO2 derivative concentrations above
10 μM increased intracellular myocyte free calcium. Nie & Meng
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(2007) also showed that SO2 and its derivatives can lower blood pressure in rats. The Chen et al.
review also mentioned that SO2 and its derivatives can act as vasoconstrictors or vasodilators,
depending on concentration.
The section of the Chen S et al. (2011) review on endogenous SO2 notes that a decrease in SO2 can protect against vascular
structural remodelling in spontaneously hypertensive rats and can protect
against pulmonary hypertension in rats with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. An
increase in endogenous SO2 protected against pulmonary hypertension in monocrotaline-induced
hypertension (by inhibiting smooth muscle cell proliferation), but mediated
myocardial ischaemia reperfusion injury. The concentrations for these studies
are not discussed in the review. The authors concluded that endogenous SO2 is involved in regulation of
cardiovascular function and that disturbances in this regulation can be found
in disease.
Although the chamber study evidence has not changed significantly, a
pooled analysis of previous data suggested a tendency towards a split response
between responders and non-responders that was statistically significant before
(but not after) adjustment for multiple comparisons. This might suggest the
need for a small increase in the safety factor.
Most of the newer toxicological evidence is at high doses, so it does
not have direct implications for the guideline. The new finding of an
association between gestational exposure to low levels of SO2 and histopathological lesions in
heart or skeletal muscle in beef cattle is hard to put into context, as there
are no other studies of this type. It is possible that another unmeasured
pollutant present at higher concentrations is actually responsible.
The review of the time-series evidence is based on studies analysed
according to current practice, but it needs to be acknowledged that there are
many issues that still need further discussion. As many of these issues are
shared across all pollutants, they will not be discussed in detail here. These
issues include statistical model choice (HEI, 2003; Erbas
Hyndman, 2005; Ito, Thurston
& Silverman, 2007) and the challenges of distinguishing the effects of
different pollutants in multipollutant models (Kim et al., 2007; Billionnet,
Sherrill & Annesi-Maesano, 2012). The low average concentrations of SO2, but with sharp peaks, combined
with the fact that, in some studies, SO2 is controlled for PM10 that is measured only once every 6 days means that the presence of
measurement error adds uncertainty to the interpretation of the multipollutant
model results. More generally, exposure misclassification may be a particular
issue for SO2. Sarnat et al. (2007), in a discussion of data from four cities,
concluded that ambient SO2 was not well correlated with personal exposures to SO2 in most subjects. It was noted
that the concentrations of 24-hour average SO2 personal exposure were very low,
leading to the possibility of measurement errors in the personal exposure
obscuring the relationship. In addition, the association between peak personal
exposures and peak ambient concentrations may be what is of most interest. It
is only necessary for these correlations
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to be present in some susceptible individuals, rather than the whole
population, to account for the epidemiological results.
Bearing the above points in mind, the time-series evidence continues to
suggest associations with mortality that are not necessarily stable to
adjustment for other pollutants. The picture for respiratory hospital
admissions is similar, but asthma admissions in children seem to be more stable
to adjustment for other pollutants in most cases. A robust effect on asthma
admissions ties in with the chamber study evidence, although the fact that
associations with asthma admissions are more variable in adults does not.
Associations are also seen with cardiovascular admissions. There are
fewer studies that have tested this in multipollutant models. While there is a
chamber study, a toxicology study at high doses, and a handful of panel studies
on cardiovascular end-points, these recent studies on their own are
insufficient to support the time-series finding one way or the other.
As the 24-hour average guideline is partly based on time-series studies,
a change in the guideline might be required if none of the outcome associations
were stable to adjustment for other pollutants. The present document has not
reviewed multipollutant model results on single-city studies published before
the Anderson et al. (2007) report. Further work would be needed to do this
before coming to overall conclusions as to what outcome associations are stable
to adjustment for other pollutants. Currently, the associations with asthma
admissions in children seem the most robust. The Hong Kong Intervention study,
where SO2 was reduced sharply (but PM10 was not) was also influential in setting the guideline, but more recent
work suggests less confidence in allocating the mortality benefit to SO2.
The 24-hour average guideline was influenced by the concentration ranges
at which results had been shown in the time-series studies. These have not
changed, as the lower end of the ambient concentration range was already very
low in the previous studies. It is noted that this means that even quite marked
changes in the size of the concentration– response function would have no
effect on a guideline set on this basis. An alternative is to specify a small
level of acceptable risk and use a
concentration–response function (assuming it was robust) to derive a
concentration that would minimize risk to this level. This approach should be
considered as an option when it comes to the guideline revision stage.
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Question C8
Are there important interactions
among air pollutants in the induction of adverse health effects that should be
considered in developing air quality policy?
Note. This answer does not consider
interactions with host susceptibility behaviour or other factors, with the
exception of temperature.
Some interactions among air pollutants change the toxicity of the
mixture. These occur as physicochemical interactions in air, as well as
biological interactions. In developing air quality policies, the following
issues can be considered.
There is very little evidence from health studies that the mixture of
air pollutants results in significantly more health effects (synergy) than
would be expected based on the information for single pollutants. However, this
is largely due to a lack of data and methodological limitations.
Very few epidemiologic studies have examined the potential of pollutants
to interact. This is likely due to their moderate to high correlations. The
existence of such pollutant mixtures makes it often difficult, in an
uncontrolled setting, to determine either independent or synergistic effects of
ambient air pollutants.
Synergistic biological effects between ultrafine particles and
transition metals and between particles and volatile organic compounds have
been shown to indicate a larger combined impact on human health than would be
expected from the separate entities.
A reduction of emissions of nitrogen oxides without an accompanying
abatement of volatile organic compounds may result in no change, or even in an
increase of ozone concentrations close to the source.
Airborne particles of any kind can carry aeroallergens or toxic
condensed vapours, such that their impact can be substantially larger than
without particles. There is a trend that the smaller the particles, the
stronger the adjuvant effects. Limited evidence has been published suggesting
that NO2 can enhance allergic responses.
In general, reduction of one component will not result in a significant
increase in the health risks associated with other components. The implications
for reducing PM, on (semi)volatile organic compound formation, are not evident.
There is
some evidence of interactions between pollutants and high temperature.
Changing the air pollution mixture due to changing fuels may, under
certain conditions, lead to more harmful emissions.
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Definitions of interactions
Interactions among air pollutants can be chemical, physical and
biological. A chemical interaction would mean that two or more pollutants
result in new components, based on the chemical composition. A well known
example is nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds that result in the
formation of ozone and other products in the presence of sunlight. In physical
interactions, solid particles act as absorbers for organic compounds, affecting
their transport through air and in the respiratory tract. Biologically,
interactions are distinguished by the mode of action: dose addition (similar
action), effect or response addition (dissimilar action), and complex
interactions (synergistic, potentiating and antagonistic). Dose addition means
that the chemicals in the mixture do not affect the toxicity of one another and
that each component has different effects – for example, one component with
produce lung inflammation, whereas a second component causes rhinitis only.
Each of the chemicals in the mixture contributes to the toxicity of the mixture
in proportion to its dose. In the case of response or effect addition, the
components in a mixture have the same toxicological profile – for example, all
lead to inflammation in the lung. Response addition is determined by summing
the responses of each toxicant in a mixture.
For interactions, compounds may interact with one another, modifying the
magnitude and sometimes the nature of the toxic effect. This modification may
make the composite effect stronger or weaker. An interaction might occur in the
toxicokinetic phase (processes of uptake, distribution, metabolism and
excretion) or in the toxicodynamic phase (effects of chemicals on the receptor,
cellular target or organ). In the case of interaction, one cannot predict the
toxicity based on exposure concentrations, and dose-response relationships are
required to assess whether or not, for example, stronger responses occur than
would be expected based on each of the pollutants alone.
Atmospheric chemistry
Reducing tailpipe soot may lead
in specific cases to an increase NO2 and ultrafine particles
Reducing the emission of soot particles from motor vehicles has in some
cases significantly altered the chemical composition and particle size
distributions in specific urban environments (Keuken et al., 2012; Herner et
al., 2011). When filter traps were applied without catalysts (urea selective
catalytic reduction), NO2 concentrations increased locally at traffic sites, even though a total
reduction in concentrations of nitrogen oxides was observed. The regulatory
relevance of this shift is clear, although the real health impact of this
change in the emission is still under discussion (Keuken et al., 2012). In
these specific cases, mass-related emission of PM was significantly reduced
with the change of the combustion conditions and the use of a particle filter
without urea selective catalytic reduction. The use of particle traps
significantly removed the larger particles and, hence, led to formation of a
nucleation mode with a significantly increased particle number concentration of
about 10 nm at end of the tailpipe (Herner et al., 2011),
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and a shift of the mode led to a particle number concentration of about
10–30 nm at some distance –for example, that of a pedestrian on a street
(Harrison, Beddows & Dall’Osto, 2011; Casati et al., 2007).
Changing reactivity over time or with increasing
distance from the source
Particle reactivity is believed to be an important characteristic with
direct influence on the hazard potential. Particle reactivity is a general term
that includes, for example, the particle intrinsic formation potential of
reactive oxygen species and the ability to catalyse redox reactions. Its
possible importance for health is currently being discussed (Shiraiwa, Selzle
& Pöschl, 2012). Initial studies on spatial and temporal variations of
particle reactivity parameters have been conducted (Boogaard et al., 2012a;
Künzli et al., 2006). Still missing is the link between particle reactivity and
other particle characteristics, the actual mechanisms triggered, and the ageing
and/or changes of particle reactivity during atmospheric transport due to
chemical reactions. Understanding how particle surface properties are altered
during atmospheric transport, physically and chemically, may be one key in
linking particle characteristics and emissions to health effects.
Secondary organic aerosol
Although laboratory experiments have shown that
organic compounds in both gasoline fuel and diesel engine exhaust can form
secondary organic aerosols, the fractional contribution from gasoline and
diesel exhaust emissions to ambient secondary organic aerosols in urban
environments is poorly understood. Recently, Bahreini et al. (2012)
demonstrated that, in Los Angeles, the contribution from diesel emissions to
secondary organic aerosol formation is very low and that gasoline emissions
dominate diesel exhaust emissions in forming secondary organic aerosol mass.
Chamber studies performed in Europe seem to confirm this hypothesis. In a very
recent paper, Gentner et al. (2012) reported that diesel exhaust is seven times
more efficient at forming aerosol than gasoline exhaust, that both sources are
important for air quality and, depending on a region’s fuel use, that diesel is
responsible for 65–90% of the vehicle-derived secondary organic aerosols. These
conflicting results have important implications for air quality policy, but at
present large uncertainties exist.
Verma et al. (2009b) have shown for Los Angeles in summer that both
primary and secondary particles possess high redox activity; however,
photochemical transformations of primary emissions with atmospheric ageing
enhance the toxicological potency of primary particles, by generating oxidative
stress and leading to subsequent cell damage.
Studies by Biswas et al. (2009) – using direct exhaust PM emissions from
heavy duty vehicles, with and without emission abatement technologies
implemented – suggest that the semivolatile fraction of particles are far more
oxidative than solid (carbon) particles. It is also possible, in our opinion,
that the secondary organic aerosols formed from the condensation of previously
volatilized PM are highly oxidative.
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Ozone and organics
Reactions of ozone with certain organic molecules that occur indoors at
certain concentrations can produce short-lived products that are highly
irritating, relative to the reaction precursors, and may also have long-term
health effects. Known products of indoor ozone reactions include such compounds
as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and other organic acids. Some of these compounds
are known to cause ill health in human beings (Weschler, 2006). The EPA
Building Assessment Survey and Evaluation study data was analysed for
associations between ambient ozone concentrations and building-related symptom
prevalence (Apte, Buchanan & Mendell, 2008). Ambient ozone correlated with
indoor concentrations of some aldehydes, a pattern suggesting the occurrence of
indoor ozone chemistry. Apte, Buchanan & Mendell (2008) hypothesized that
ozone-initiated indoor reactions play an important role in indoor air quality
and building occupant health. They also hypothesized that ozone carried along
into buildings from the outdoor air is involved in increasing the frequency and
the range of upper and lower respiratory, mucosal, and neurological symptoms by
as much as a factor of 2 when ambient ozone levels increase from those found in
low-ozone regions to those typical of high-ozone regions.
Secondary inorganic aerosols
In regions with high photochemical activity, the reduction of PM mass
pollution and the possible increase in frequency of droughts may lead to an
increase in midday nucleation episodes with a consequent increase in levels of
secondary nano-size or ultrafine particles. Thus, in highly polluted
atmospheres, the secondary PM mass grows by condensation on pre-existent
particles; however, in cleaner conditions, and especially under high insolation
and low relative humidity, new formation on nanoparticles (nucleation) from
gaseous precursors may dominate the condensation sink in urban areas (Reche et
al., 2011). The nucleation starts from the oxidation of SO2 and the subsequent interaction
with ammonia, and these nanoparticles immediately grow – probably by
condensation of volatile organic compounds on the nucleated particles (Kulmala
& Kerminen, 2008).
Another key atmospheric component is urban ammonia. This is emitted
mostly by traffic and other fugitive sources, such as city waste containers and
sewage, and is also emitted from animal farming. Ammonia is an alkaline gas
and, when emitted in a high NO2 scenario, may enhance the formation of ammonium nitrate (a major
component of PM2.5). Furthermore, the levels of ammonium nitrate may also increase due to
the marked decrease of SO2 emissions that yielded a marked decrease of ammonium sulfate levels
across Europe. This is expected to occur because sulfuric acid is more reactive
with ammonia, and most of ammonia is consumed by sulfuric acid; when sulfuric
acid decreases and more ammonia is available, more ammonium nitrate can be
formed from nitric acid and ammonia.
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Inorganic aerosols and metals
Thus, pure ammonium sulfate particles are rare in the atmosphere, and
they usually occur as a coating on (or are coated by) other substances. They
can be formed from SO2 emissions being converted photochemically into sulfuric acid. This acid
coats the outside of other particles, such as metal oxide particles, which can
come from the same power plant, from brake wear of cars and trucks, from metal
processing, and so on. Alternatively, they may adsorb metal particles on their
surface. By internal mixing, the surface components diffuse towards the core of
the particle, leading to reactions between acidic sulfates and metals,
converting insoluble (and hence weakly toxic) metal oxides into soluble metals.
This is critical because transition metals can catalytically induce the
production of highly reactive oxygenating compounds in the lung and elsewhere
in the body. For example, Ghio et al. (1999) reported that soluble iron
concentrations correlate with sulfate concentrations in particle filters and
that the ability of soluble extracts from the particles to generate damaging
oxidants is directly proportional to the sulfate concentrations. More recently,
Rubasinghege et al. (2010) simulated the transformation of non-bioavailable
iron to dissolved and (hence) bioavailable iron in atmospheric iron particles
in the presence of acids, in both light and dark conditions. The presence of
sulfuric acid on the particles results in a dramatic increase in the
bioavailable iron.
Metals are not the only case where the presence of sulfates can change
the toxicity of other particle components. Popovicheva et al. (2011) showed
that the extent of water uptake and modification of elemental carbon particles
depended on the sulfate content of the particles. Also, Li W et al. (2011)
reported that sulfate aided the ageing of freshly emitted soot particles, which
occurred within 200–400 m of major roads.
Wu et al. (2007) examined the effect of ammonium sulfate aerosol on the
photochemical reactions of toluene (mostly from cars) and nitrogen oxides to
form secondary organic particles. They found that the sulfate particles reduced
the time to reach maximum concentrations of secondary organic aerosols, and
also increased the total aerosol yield from toluene. That is, in the presence
of sulfates, more gaseous emissions from mobile sources will be converted into
Ozone and NO2
It is clear that ozone precursors make an important hemispheric
(external to the EU) contribution, but because the high ozone levels are
recorded mostly in rural areas, policy pressure on PM and nitrogen oxides is
much higher than on ozone. The way of abating ozone levels by local measures
that focus on local ozone precursors is very complex. This is because the
relationship between ozone and volatile organic compounds and between ozone and
NO2 is not linear, so that specific cases of reducing NO2 without compensating for the
decrease of volatile organic compounds, or vice versa, may result in
ineffective results, or even in an increase in ozone. On the other hand,
biogenic volatile organic compounds may also be involved in the process. It is
expected, however, that measures applied to reducing nitrogen oxides and
industrial volatile organic compounds and also climate measures to abate
methane (an ozone precursor) may contribute to abating
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ambient ozone. But it is also true that it is very difficult to quantify
the impact of such abatement.
Interaction due to ultraviolet
and/or changes in volatile organic compound and/or particulate organic carbon
It is well known that photochemical reactions by, for example,
ultraviolet and visible radiation have a significant impact on the gaseous and
particulate chemical composition of the atmosphere. One of the components
currently believed to be relevant to health is organic carbon, either in the
gas phase or the particulate phase. Jimenez et al. (2009) present an overview
of the evolution of organic aerosols in the atmosphere. Studies closer to the
source – for example, investigations of the photo-oxidation of organic
compounds from motor vehicle emissions – also show significant changes
(Miracolo et al., 2010). Any changes in the composition of organic carbon
compounds in the atmosphere are of great importance, since their relevance to
health (independent of gaseous or particle phase) has a huge spectrum, from no
health effects to high toxicity. To understand the changes on a small scales –
for example, near sources and close to the public – as well as the changes
occurring during transport, they have to be monitored more closely.
Already a decade ago, Stone et al. concluded that there was evidence
that synergistic interactions occur between ultrafine particles and transition
metals, between particles and allergens, and between particles and volatile
organic compounds, such that reductions of concentrations of one component will
lead to less health effects related to the other (Stone et al., 2003).
Participants at a 2007 meeting on combustion by-products (Dellinger et al.,
2008) concluded that metals contained in combustion-generated airborne
particles mediate the formation of toxic air pollutants, such as
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and
dibenzofurans and persistent free radicals associated with oxidative stress,
inflammation and other toxic effects.
PM components and ozone
Some evidence suggests that ambient concentrations of ozone can increase
the biological potency of particles. Ozonized diesel exhaust particles may play
a role in inducing lung responses to ambient PM (Madden et al., 2000). Similar
findings have been observed in clinical studies (Bosson et al., 2008). In terms
of vascular and cardiac impairment in rats inhaling ozone and diesel exhaust
particles, Kodavanti et al. (2011) reported that the joint effect of exposure
to ozone (0.803 mg/m3) and diesel exhaust particles (2.2 mg/m3) was less prominent than
exposure to either substance alone. An explanation for this might be found in
the duration of the exposure protocol (1 day a week for 16 weeks) that may have
led to adaptive responses known to occur for ozone. Also, concentrations as low
as 0.423 mg/m3 ozone increased the toxic response of mixtures of carbon and ammonium
sulfate particles in rats – including histopathological markers of lung injury,
bronchoalveolar lung fluid proteins, and measures of the function of the lung's
innate immunological defences – whereas these effects were not observed with
ozone alone (Kleinman et al., 2003).
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PM components and nitrogen oxides
As NO2 can cause nitrative stress (and production of nitric oxide via nitrite)
and PM can cause oxidative stress (and production of superoxide radicals), the
combination of exposure to both might increase production of peroxynitrite over
and above either pollutant alone. Peroxynitrite is recognized as a key
intermediate, with the potential to affect protein function (Gunaydin &
Houk, 2009). It is formed from the reaction of nitric oxide and the superoxide
radical. NO2, as is well known, can lead to increased levels of circulating nitrite
and nitrate. Nitrite can be reduced
back to nitric oxide and the NO2 radical in remote tissues (Lundberg, Weitzberg & Gladwin, 2008).
Overall, co-exposure to PM and NO2 may lead to simple additive effects in the lung, and reduction of
either one of these components may therefore lead to lower effect estimates in
epidemiological studies of the other component. Although the literature on this
is very sparse, it seems unlikely that the reduction of PM has a major effect
on the health impacts of nitrogen oxides.
PM and other gases and/or vapours
Some papers show that the oxidative potential and toxicity of soot
decreases up to 75% after heating and loosing the external organic carbon shell
(Biswas et al., 2009). Also, volatile organic compounds are able to form PM
(Robinson et al., 2007; Jimenez et al., 2009) In addition, studies of human
beings and diesel engine exhaust and clean carbon particles (Mills et al.,
2011) strongly suggest that organic chemical compounds on the surface of the carbon
particles are responsible for immediate cardiovascular responses.
Interestingly, reducing the amount of soot can lead to an increase in NO2, but the net effect is still
reduced adverse effects on health (Lucking et al., 2011).
PM: carbon and iron
Animals exposed to soot particles at a concentration of 250 µg/m3 and to iron alone at a
concentration of 57 µg/m3 had no adverse respiratory effects, but a synergistic interaction
between soot and iron particles, in the combined exposure, was identified with
strong inflammatory responses (Zhou et al., 2003).
Ozone and nitrogen oxides
Very little is known about the effects of co-exposures of ozone and NO2. Decades ago, Mautz et al.
(1988) were able to show synergistic toxic responses in mice exposed to these
pollutants. Since ozone and NO2 will form nitric acid vapour and nitrate radicals, the synergistic
effects were explained by chemical interactions (Mautz et al., 1988). Various
chemical compounds, as well as allergenic proteins, are efficiently oxygenated
and nitrated upon exposure to ozone and NO2, which leads to an enhancement of their toxicity and allergenicity
(Shiraiwa, Selzle & Pöschl, 2012). Oxidative stress has been postulated as
the underlying mechanism for adverse health outcomes, suggesting a rather
unifying and standard response.
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Interactions with aeroallergens
The implications of co-exposures to air pollutants and aeroallergens are
a rather complex issue, with both antagonistic and synergistic effects
observed, depending on the sequence and levels of exposures. Eggleston (2009)
concluded that “the same environmental exposures that may cause increased
symptoms at one point in time may be protective when the exposure occurs
earlier or at high enough levels”.
PM. Co-exposures to aeroallergens (such as grass pollen) and particles
result in synergistic effects that
lead to much stronger allergic responses in experimental animals and human
beings than the sum of the responses to each of these constituents (D’Amato et
al., 2005; Steerenberg et al., 2003; Diaz-Sanchez et al., 1999). However, this
is different from studies in which the effects of particles have been studied
on already allergic subjects. For example, controlled exposures, lasting 2
hours with intermittent exercise, to diluted diesel engine exhaust at a
particle mass concentration of 100 µg/m3 did not evoke clear and consistent lower-airway or systemic
immunological or inflammatory responses in mildly asthmatic subjects, with or
without accompanying challenge with cat allergen (Riedl et al., 2012).
Likewise, these diesel engine exhaust exposures did not significantly increase
nonspecific or allergen-specific bronchial reactivity. A few isolated
statistically significant or near-significant changes were observed during and
after exposure to diesel engine exhaust, including increases in nonspecific
symptoms (such as headache and nausea) suggestive of subtle, rapid-onset
systemic effects. From several inhalation studies with PM2.5 in rat and mice models for
allergic asthma, it was concluded that allergic inflammation and other effects
can be enhanced by PM exposures for all size ranges of PM10 (Kleinman et al., 2007; Li N et
al., 2010; Heidenfelder et al., 2009). However, such an interaction points more
towards an enhancement of an existing disease and not to a synergy due to
In summary, ambient particles can, indeed, act as a carrier and adjuvant
of aeroallergens, and reductions of PM may therefore result in stronger effects
than those based on the concentration–response functions of PM alone, depending
on the nature of the co-exposures.
NO2. Alberg et al (2011) were not able to detect an impact of NO2 on allergy induced by ovalbumin, whereas diesel exhaust
particles were shown to be a potent adjuvant. In contrast, Bevelander et al.
(2007) and Hodgkins et al. (2010) did find a potentiating effect of NO2 within the concentration range
used by Alberg et al. (2011) (5–25 ppm) when NO2 exposure occurred immediately
beforehand and ovalbumin exposure was by inhalation. Recent in vitro findings
suggested that levels of SO2 and NO2 below current EU health based exposure standards can exacerbate pollen
allergy on susceptible subjects (Sousa et al., 2012). Moreover, exposure to NO2 significantly enhanced lung
inflammation and airway reactivity in animals that were treated with ovalbumin
(Layachi et al., 2012). So, there are mixed results in human clinical studies
in which NO2 exposure preceded allergen exposure.
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Changing fuel composition
There is conflicting evidence about the extent to which biodiesel
exhaust emissions present a lower risk to human health when compared with
petroleum diesel emissions (Swanson, Madden & Ghio, 2007). German studies
have shown significantly increased mutagenic effects, by a factor of 10, of
particle extracts from rapeseed oil in comparison with fossil diesel fuel; and
the gaseous phase caused even stronger mutagenicity (Bünger et al., 2007).
Biodiesel (rapeseed oil methyl ester) has been shown to have a four times
higher cytotoxicity than conventional fossil diesel under idling conditions,
while no differences were observed for the transient state (Bünger et al.,
2000). This was particularly evident for mixtures of rapeseed and fossil
diesel, suggesting that a mixture can lead to more harmful particulate
emissions. So far, the opposite was found by others: no differences for
cytotoxicity with vehicle emissions under idling conditions (Jalava et al.,
Results indicate an elevated mortality risk from short-term exposure to
ultrafine particles, highlighting the potential importance of locally produced
particles. In an epidemiological study in Erfurt, Germany, decreases in RRs for
short-term associations of air pollution were calculated as pollution
concentrations decreased and control measures were implemented. However, the
mass concentration changes did not explain the variation in the coefficients
for NO2, carbon monoxide, ultrafine particles, and ozone (Breitner et al.,
2009). The control measures included restructuring of the eastern bloc
industries, a changed car fleet (the number of cars with catalytic converters
increased over time, as did the number of cars in general) and complete fuel
replacement and an exchange from brown coal to natural gas in power plants and
in domestic heating (Acker et al., 1998).
For epidemiological studies, we define a statistical interaction among
air pollutants as a case where the exposure to the two pollutants generates an
effect that is greater than that observed for either individual pollutant.
Generally speaking, epidemiological studies have not extensively examined the
potential for statistical interactions among pollutants. This is likely due to
the moderate to high correlation among pollutants and the existence of
pollutant mixtures, making it often difficult, in a uncontrolled setting, to
determine either independent or synergistic effects of ambient air pollutants.
Of the few studies to date that have been undertaken, there is very
limited evidence of an interaction among pollutants, and most studies that have
tested for interactions have not observed any. For example, in a cohort of 2460
subjects recruited from a pulmonary clinic, researchers analysed the association
between chronic exposure to air pollution and the prevalence of ischaemic heart
disease (Beckerman et al., 2012). While effects from NO2 were observed, there was no
evidence of interactions between it and either ozone or PM2.5. Coogan et al. (2012) examined
the association between air pollution and incidence of hypertension and
diabetes mellitus in African-American women living in Los Angeles. Again, an
effect of NO2 was observed, but there was no evidence of an interaction with PM2.5. In contrast, a study of infant
mortality in Mexico City observed that its association with PM10 was heightened when high
concentrations of ozone were also present
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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(Carbajal-Arroyo et al., 2011). Finally, in a study of 29 European
cities, Katsouyanni et al. (2001) reported that cities with higher long-term
average NO2 demonstrated a greater effect of daily PM10 on mortality than did cities
with low average NO2. Rather than demonstrating an interaction of pollutants, per se, this
observation likely represents a greater contribution of traffic to PM10 in the cities with high levels
of NO2.
Several studies have examined whether air pollutants modify or interact
with the effects of temperature. Most researchers have focused on PM and ozone,
since these pollutants are associated with mortality and are often correlated
with higher temperatures. The results to date are mixed, as some investigators
reported air pollutants modified the temperature effect, while others reported
no interactions, but rather independent effects of pollution and temperature.
For example, ozone and temperature were reported to interact during the 2003
heat wave in nine French cities and in 100 cities studied over several summers
in the United States (Ren et al., 2008a; Filleul et al., 2006b). In addition,
in a new study of nine European cities (Analitis et al., 2013) from the
EuroHEAT project, there is evidence that supports interactive effects between
heat waves and high ozone and PM10 concentrations. This interaction was more evident and significant in
the northern cities, rather than in the Mediterranean ones. In contrast, no
interaction between temperature and ozone was reported for cities in Italy and
for Toronto, Canada, and only modest evidence for an interaction was observed
in a multicity study in Italy (Stafoggia et al., 2008; Rainham &
Smoyer-Tomic, 2003). In addition, studies in cities in the United States that
examined temperature plus PM2.5, PM10, ozone and NO 2 failed to find any interaction (Basu, Feng & Ostro, 2008; Zanobetti
& Schwartz, 2008; Ostro, Rauch & Green, 2011).
Finally, a few epidemiological studies considered the impact of exposure
to both air pollution and aeroallergens. For example, Anderson et al. (1998)
examined the interactive effects of air pollutants and pollen on hospital
admissions for asthma in London. While effects were observed for several air
pollutants, there was no evidence that exposure to pollen exacerbated the
effect of air pollution.
In summary, for policy consideration, based on the limited number of
studies that have examined this issue, there is mixed evidence of potential
interactions among pollutants or pollution and temperature. The one potential
exception may be that related to traffic, where the different mixtures of
various pollutants may have a varied impact on the magnitude of the effect on
health under investigation. However, it is very difficult in these
epidemiological studies to separate the independent effect of individual
pollutants in the mixture and thereby determine whether an interaction exists.
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Questions A7 & C9
Are there critical data gaps to
be filled to help answer A, B and C questions more fully in the future?
For most air pollutants covered under the REVIHAAP
project, several critical data gaps have been identified that prevent a
comprehensive and thorough assessment of health hazards and concentration–response
functions. More epidemiological studies that contribute to updated exposure–response
functions based on meta-analyses for integrated risk assessments will result in
a significant reduction in the outstanding uncertainties in risk quantification
for the hazards currently identified. The coordinated application of atmospheric
science, epidemiological, controlled human exposure and toxicological studies
is needed to advance our understanding of the sources responsible for the most
harmful emissions, physical–chemical composition of the pollution and
biological mechanisms that lead to adverse effects on health. Such studies
should include better characterization of the pollution mix, improved exposure
assessments and better identification of susceptible groups in the general
population. The correlation between many regulated air pollutants is often
high, and large uncertainties exist about the effects on human health of short-
and long-term exposures to non-regulated components of the air pollution mix,
including some size fractions and metrics of PM. The currently regulated pollutants
PM, NO2 and ozone, as well as such important particle metrics as black carbon
and coarse and ultrafine particles, often have been assessed independently;
this is a critical gap. Furthermore, the REVIHAAP review has clearly identified
traffic as one of the major air pollution sources that affect health in Europe;
however, it remains uncertain whether reducing concentrations of currently
regulated pollutants will directly lead to a decrease in the health impacts of
traffic-related air pollution.
Air pollution should therefore be considered to be one complex mix, and
conditions under which this mix has the largest effect on human health need to
be identified. In addition to (or even instead of) studies on single components
or metrics, the one-atmosphere concept
has been put forward as a novel way to investigate the effects on health of complex mixes. Advances in
atmospheric modelling, in conjunction with validation studies that use targeted
monitoring campaigns, will provide a more efficient way forward in research on
health effects, rather than relying on increasing the number of components
measured by routine monitoring networks.
The information and data identified in the following text would have
allowed us to answer more fully the other questions in sections A–C. Even
though some of the text is pollutant-specific, we recommend a comprehensive
approach to studying pollutant mixes and to conducting complementary
atmospheric science, epidemiological, controlled
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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human exposure and toxicological studies that allow assessment of all
causal chains that link pollution emissions to effects on health.
General issues
following general issues are of relevance when addressing critical data gaps.
The amount of literature on the adverse effects on health of air
pollution is very large, making its thorough evaluation time consuming. Given
the need for a systematic evaluation of various types of evidence,
consideration should be given to the development or expansion of resources, to
enable regular critical, systematic and quantitative evaluation of the recent
literature in relation to science-policy issues of particular relevance to
Future studies should consider air pollution as a complex mix, and
conditions need to be identified under which this mix has the largest effect on
human health. A novel way to investigate the health effects of complex mixes is
the one-atmosphere concept.
There is a clear need for more evaluation of the usefulness of
two-pollutant and/or multipollutant statistical models in epidemiological
studies when pollutants are highly correlated.
Collaboration is needed between the health and atmospheric sciences, for
both complex monitoring and modelling, especially for exposure to complex
pollutant mixes with strong spatial and temporal variability.
In coordination with health specialists, more monitoring is needed, both
in a regular way and in projects. The use of supersites to perform simultaneous
studies with a multipollutant approach that uses the same monitoring and health
evaluation approaches across Europe is highly recommended.
Further research is needed on the use of health evidence for risk
assessment and policy analysis. More specifically, it is needed on: (a)
cause-specific PM exposure– response function shape, with a focus on
non-linearities at both the high and low ends; (b) the characterization of
uncertainty therein and, more broadly; (c) cost– benefit assessment and cost–effectiveness
analysis, with recommendations, for example, for further work on the
uncertainties in the exposure estimates from the GAINS model, which could be
included in a unified estimate of uncertainty due to the major inputs for risk
1. Health
This area includes: novel health outcomes; exposure– (concentration–)response
functions; chemical composition and sources; distance from major roads; and the
health benefits of reducing PM.
Novel health outcomes. The literature on the long-term effects of exposure to PM2.5 suggests additional systemic
health effects beyond the respiratory and cardiovascular
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systems – for example, effects on the central nervous system, the
progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, developmental outcomes in
children, and such reproductive health outcomes as low birth weight (Questions
A1 and A2). These other health effects are not yet being considered for health
impact assessment, because of a lack of sufficient evidence. For this reason,
more information on the underlying biological mechanisms should be generated to
support a potential causal – that is, explanatory – pathway for these effects.
Exposure– (concentration–)response
functions. Since additional PM exposure metrics (other than PM10 and PM2.5), such as ultrafine particle
number concentration, black carbon or oxidative potential, have been reported,
concentration–response functions need to be established for these parameters
and for newly identified health outcomes (Questions A2–A6). This will also
require the generation of large data sets on these exposure metrics.
Chemical composition and sources. Although knowledge of the roles of chemical composition and emission sources of particles is accumulating,
work to date gives no clear picture of which of these predict the highest
hazard within the PM mixture (Question A2). Toxicological and controlled human
exposure studies are expected to provide the basic understanding necessary to
resolve this critical issue and to open opportunities for developing target
reduction strategies. This would require confirmation by real world
epidemiological studies based on sufficient chemical composition and
source-related exposure data.
Distance from major roads. A thorough evaluation of the long-term effects of living near major roads is needed to
determine which specific pollutants (including elemental carbon, organic
carbon, trace metals, non-tailpipe emissions and NO2) or mixes of them may be
responsible and whether the toxicity of pollutants is different near or further
away from roads (Question C1). This may include reanalyses of existing
epidemiological studies, looking at the relationship between living near roads
and specific air pollutants. Improvements in land use regression models would
allow a more detailed insight into the spatial variability in health effects
associated with various sources of pollutants. This can be used for planning
activities – for example, in urban areas.
Health benefits of reducing PM. Although very few studies have concluded that strategies for reducing PM may not lead to improved health
associated with other pollutants (Question D2), investigations of the
implications of interactions among components in the air pollution mix and of
the influence of abatement strategies on risk estimates are mostly lacking
(Question C8).
2. PM
A number of PM size fractions and components were identified as relevant
to future air quality policy. In many instances however, evidence was missing
on health effects, especially those associated with long-term exposures.
Comparisons of the hazardousness of the components and an adjustment of their
individual effects due to other components
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 168
have rarely been studied, and (for some components) the spatial
heterogeneity provides a challenge. Of special interest are the following
Coarse particles (PM2.5-10). Several studies available to date have provided evidence for associations between short-term
exposures to coarse particles and health. Data from clinical studies are
scarce; and toxicological studies report that coarse particles can be equally
as toxic as PM2.5 on a mass basis. Studies that assess the long-term health effects of
coarse particles and studies that indicate the relative importance of the
various sources of coarse particles – including road dust, desert dust,
construction dust and volcanic ash, among others– are lacking (QuestionA2).
Also, data that help to reduce exposure misclassification are needed, since
such misclassification could obscure exposure–response relationships for coarse
Ultrafine particles. Critical data gaps include: (a) lack of epidemiological evidence on the effect of ultrafine particles
on health, with only a handful of studies published on this topic; (b)
insufficient understanding of whether the effects of ultrafine
particles are independent of those of PM2.5 and PM10; and (c) evidence of which
ultrafine particle physical or chemical characteristics are most significant to
There is a lack of data on the effects of short-term exposures to
ultrafine particles, and there are no epidemiological studies of long-term
exposure to ultrafine particles (Question A2).
Carbonaceous particles, including
black carbon or elemental carbon, and primary and secondary organic aerosols. This gap in evidence is underscored by soot and elemental carbon having been identified as carriers of
toxic (semi-)volatile compounds (Questions A2 and C8). The role of organic particles
is not well understood, and data are needed on the role of the toxicity of
primary or secondary organic aerosols.
Particles from different sources
and the use of source apportionment tools in epidemiological studies. The main questions about the differences in the health effects of particles originating from
different emission sources, including both natural and anthropogenic ones, is
the relative contribution of these source-associated particles in comparison
with the rest of the pollution mix. Since exposure to particles can also be
from indoor sources or other routes of exposures (such as consumer products),
the combined effects should be assessed, including possible interactions. As
controls for exhaust emissions become more widespread, emissions from
non-combustion sources will make up a larger proportion of vehicle emissions.
Although traffic-related non-combustion PM emissions are not regulated in the
same way as exhaust emissions are, they will need to be considered more closely
in future assessments of the effect of motor vehicles on human health
(Questions A2 and C1). Furthermore, a category of PM, which is poorly studied
in the general environment, is bioaerosols, such as virus particles, bacteria,
fungal spores and plant pollen. Primary biological aerosols can range in size
from 10 nm (small virus particles) to 100 µm (pollen grains), and some have
been associated with infectious diseases, such as Q fever.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 169
Secondary inorganic aerosols. The toxicological hazard of secondary inorganic aerosols is classified as relatively low. Yet, epidemiological
studies continue to report associations between sulfate or nitrate and human
health. It has been suggested that associated metals or adsorbed components,
such as organics, play a significant role in these observations or that they
represent a mix of certain sources. Specifically, data are lacking on causal
constituents or associated toxins that can explain the strong association
between sulfates and adverse effects on health (Question A2). Atmospheric
chemistry might be able to provide some insights about the morphology and
composition of PM.
3. Exposure
assessment and monitoring
Time-resolved measures of size fractions, as well as the chemical
components of PM, are major gaps in exposure (including personal) studies.
Specific gaps include the following.
Exposure monitoring. There is a need to better assess how
– that is, where, how much and when – people are exposed to
health relevant pollutants and, subsequently, to: (a) identify key pollutants;
(b) measure and model, with appropriate instruments, the most relevant temporal
and spatial resolution; (c) measure and model not only ambient concentrations,
but also those in microenvironments; (d) carry out measurements of personal
exposure; and (e) collect data on population time-activity patterns (Questions
A3 and C10).
Monitoring sites. Larger and more specific studies that simultaneously cover a number of cities, regions and long
study periods are needed to yield powerful results. The creation of so-called
supersites or special sites should be considered, but mobile measurement units
may also be employed to complement fixed site measurements in specific
situations, designed in collaboration with health researchers. Additional air
quality parameters and new instrumentation data – for example, from
size-segregated ultrafine particles, online PM speciation measurements with
aerosol mass spectrometers or other online PM speciation instruments – and
surface area or bioreactivity measurements should be considered. The use of
satellite-based estimates should also be increased (Question A2).
Modelling. The use of modelling approaches for spatio-temporal variations should be enhanced. Experimental data should
also be used to validate models – for example, dispersion models or models
using satellite-based or remote sensing data. More needs to be done on
improving modelling and on developing low-cost and reliable methods of personal
monitoring. The high spatial variability of pollutants, such as coarse PM,
should be captured by advances in modelling such pollutants.
Internal doses, deposition
patterns and distribution for various size fractions of PM. Insight into the dose delivered and the rate of delivery would
facilitate the use of in vitro data
for risk assessment and reduce uncertainties about extrapolation from in vivo
studies to human health. Insight into the relationship between external
concentration, exposure, distribution and internal dose would contribute to the
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 170
evidence on the effects of long-term exposure and would provide evidence
to support such novel adverse effects as those on the central nervous system
(Question A2).
Characterization of exposure to
road traffic. Improved techniques on exposure assessment related to traffic are
needed; specifically ones that can help discriminate between engine exhaust and
non-exhaust traffic-derived emissions (Questions A2 and C1).
For ozone, there is a need to better understand: long-term effects;
burden of disease estimates; indoor ozone; the effectiveness of abatement
measures; threshold levels; and the mechanisms behind its effects on birth
Long-term effects. There is a need to better understand the long-term effects (mortality effects and also morbidity
effects related to the respiratory system and other systems) of ozone. There
are very few studies of long-term exposure to ozone with meaningful spatial
contrasts in ozone concentrations, without correlated covariates. Given that
ozone is a powerful oxidant against which the body is protected to some degree
by endogenous antioxidants, a better alignment of toxicological and
epidemiological studies, with emphasis on long-term exposure, is needed
(Question B1).
Burden of disease estimates. The evidence base used in the CAFE Programme to estimate the burden of disease due to the effects of ozone (such
as years of life lost due to ozone mortality) should be reassessed (Questions
Indoor ozone. There is a body of evidence on short-term health effects of ozone indoors due to infiltration from
outdoors (Question B4). It seems that indoor reactions in which infiltrating
outdoor ozone is involved produce by-products that may affect human health.
More studies are needed to support this evidence.
Effectiveness of ozone abatement
measures. Since important adverse effects
on health have been observed, a need
has emerged to evaluate the effectiveness of measures for ozone abatement and
to increase the understanding of mechanisms that lead to ozone formation
related to changes in emission patterns. Regional versus hemispheric ozone
origins need more investigation. Studies on the presence or absence of a
threshold for ozone effects are strongly recommended (Question B2). If there is
a threshold, tackling the peaks in regional ozone is likely to be the most
effective policy. If there is no threshold, reducing the hemispheric background
becomes a major imperative.
Threshold levels. Since no clear threshold level is established for either short-term or long-term effects, the estimated total
burden of disease associated with ozone depends very much on the cut-off value
selected. Different cut-off values (with combinations of concentration and season)
can result in large differences in burden of disease estimates.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 171
Mechanisms behind ozone effects
on birth outcomes. Some recent studies have reported associations between first
trimester ozone and birth outcomes – in particular, preterm birth. Ozone is a
potent oxidant known to cause inflammation, and this has been suggested as a
possible mechanism behind its effects. Maternal vitamin D levels are important
for fetal health, and vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy has been associated
with circulating inflammatory proteins and pre-eclampsia. Also, inflammation in
early pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of preterm delivery, and
the effect of first trimester ozone on risk of preterm birth is larger among
asthmatic mothers. More evidence on these novel outcomes is needed.
This section covers data gaps in relation to: toxicological and
controlled human exposure studies; exposure assessment and monitoring; and
epidemiological studies.
1. Toxicological
and controlled human exposure studies
Direct effects of NO2 or NO 2 as a representative substance of
air pollution from road traffic. It is
needed to verify whether it is plausible that NO2 exerts a direct effect on human health at current
European ambient levels or whether it simply acts as a representative of other
harmful components of the mix that also includes ultrafine particles and other
pollutants (Questions C2 and C8). Such data are particularly relevant in areas
where NO2 levels are rising while PM levels are decreasing, due to effective
emission control strategies. At present, it is not known how this would affect
the toxicity of the total air pollution mix and how this would change the
(slope of the) concentration–response relationships for NO2.
Mechanisms of action. Studies are needed that not only identify biological mechanisms that lead to clinical symptoms and disease, but that
also examine whether the mechanisms apply across all concentrations, or only
above a certain concentration or threshold level that can be identified for NO2 as a component of a complex mix
(Question C2). This data gap would include systemic nitrative stress and
effects on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, as current
guidelines do not consider these types of effects, due to a lack of data from
epidemiological, toxicological and controlled human exposure studies.
Susceptible groups. Previous studies have only considered acute exposure effects in mild asthmatics. With regard to the
studies on biological mechanisms, susceptible subgroups need to be identified,
to be able to protect the most vulnerable part of the general population
(Question C2).
2. Exposure
assessment and monitoring
Improved assessments of exposure
to outdoor versus indoor NO2. Determining separately the effects of indoor and outdoor exposure to NO2 is a major issue. Co-pollutants
that accompany NO2 indoors and outdoors are likely to be different because the sources of
NO2 are different. There has always been a suspicion that co-pollutants
formed alongside NO2 in indoor air may be influential to health, and hence separate evidence
from experimental and epidemiological studies of outdoor NO2
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 172
exposures is required explicitly on the health effects, especially
respiratory effects (Question C10).
3. Epidemiological
Direct effects of NO2. It was noted in Question C2 that there is a need to better understand whether NO2 per se has direct effects on
severe and hyperreactive asthmatics. More studies are therefore needed to
verify whether NO2 exerts a direct effect on human health at current ambient levels, acts
as an indicator of other harmful components of the pollutant mix, and/or is a
combination of these effects (Questions C2 and C8). This should be done by
taking into consideration the variability of the mechanisms between population
groups – for example, susceptible individuals as opposed to healthy volunteers.
Novel approaches. New studies could, for example, take advantage of any changes in the ratio of NO2 to primary PM metrics over time.
Evaluation of recent data from epidemiological studies that use such novel
approaches could allow the assessment of the relative importance of the adverse
effects on health of NO2 and other constituents of the traffic-dominated mix of ambient air
pollutants (Questions C1 and C4), as well as the effect of the changing air
pollution mix on the risk estimates for NO2 of mortality (Question C4).
A workshop that focused specifically on research needs that relate to NO2 and its effects on health was
held in London, United Kingdom, in 2011. The report of the workshop also
included a number of recommendations for future research (HPA, 2011).
The following gaps have been identified for the metals included in
Question C5 (arsenic, cadmium, lead and nickel).
Arsenic. The estimated cancer risk of inhalation of low levels of arsenic in
ambient air is based on
extrapolation from high-level exposure in a few occupational cohorts. While
this is the standard technique, there is a need for further epidemiological
evidence from cohorts at lower exposures, to assess the risk of low levels of
arsenic in air.
Cadmium. Several studies in the last couple of years have indicated the risk to
the general population of
atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease from low levels of exposure to
cadmium. If these reports mirror true causal associations, such effects may be
as important for public health as effects on kidney and bone, so further
epidemiological and experimental studies are needed. The rationale for limiting
cadmium levels in air in the air quality guidelines is to decrease deposition
of cadmium on soil, to avoid oral exposure, which is predominant. The
quantitative association between cadmium in air and human dietary exposure
needs to be elaborated.
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Lead. The causal chain between lead in air and adverse effects on children’s cognition and behaviour needs better
data on the estimated increase of lead in blood per unit increase of lead in
air at current low levels of lead in air in Europe.
Nickel. More epidemiological and experimental studies are needed on the possible association between nickel in ambient
air and cardiovascular disease.
Of the metals not included in Question C5, the following may be
important in terms of human exposure via ambient air.
Hexavalent chromium. Its compounds are carcinogenic. Some studies have suggested that hexavalent chromium in ambient air could contribute
substantially to the risk of lung cancer in the general population. The current
WHO air quality guideline value was extrapolated from occupational exposure.
Further studies are needed to establish whether hexavalent chromium at ambient
levels in Europe poses a cancer risk.
Cobalt, iron, zinc, and possibly manganese. These
have the ability to form reactive oxygen
species. The concentration of these elements in ambient air may contribute to
PM toxicity. There is a need for more information and evaluation of this issue.
Manganese. Exposure to manganese via inhalation is neurotoxic. The present WHO guideline value for ambient air is
derived from occupational exposure data and uncertainty factors. Additional
studies have emerged in the 2000s on occupational exposure, and there is a need
for an evaluation of whether these studies should affect present risk
assessment and guidelines.
Platinum. For this, no specific guideline value was recommended by WHO in the past. Further studies were
recommended, and this is still warranted.
Vanadium. The guideline value was based on respiratory symptoms in occupationally exposed workers, after
applying an uncertainty factor. An evaluation based on more recent data about
effects in the general population would be appropriate.
Considering the effects of metals (copper, zinc, iron and manganese) related to oxidative stress, relative
to the biological potential of metals in different forms and/or states (such as
platinum in catalysts and/or fuel additives; iron and antimony in brake pads),
most of the evidence for toxicity related to environmental concentrations is
indirect. There is a need to describe the health outcomes related to
measurements of oxidative stress.
Atmospheric speciation studies of metals, such as hexavalent chromium
(chromium (VI)) versus chromium (III), should be carried out to evaluate (more
specifically) the health outcomes.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 174
following data gaps have been identified for PAHs.
Exposure–response functions. Further research is needed to develop exposure– response functions that can be used to recommend exposure
guidelines (Question C6).
Relative toxicities. Relative toxicities of different compounds and mixtures (such as those derived from combustion of
fossil fuel and biomass) need to be assessed (Question C6).
Suitability of benzo[a]pyrene as a marker. Further studies to confirm the suitability of benzo[a]pyrene as a
marker of the PAH mixture should be carried out. Occupational studies that are
the basis of estimation of health risks do not provide this information.
Noncancer outcomes. Noncancer outcomes need to be assessed further, based on existing studies that indicate that a
number of noncancer health outcomes (reproductive, cognitive and respiratory)
might be the consequence of airborne PAH exposure (Question C6). The effect of
exposure to PAHs on gene expression and methylation needs further study.
for SO2, the following issues have been
Recent reanalysis of chamber study evidence suggests a non-significant
difference between responders and non-responders at lower concentrations of SO2 as part of a trend, with more
significant differences occurring at higher concentrations. The answer to
Question C7 suggests that further research to confirm whether or not this
difference applies at lower concentrations would have implications for the
10-minute guideline.
Further work is needed to identify the role of SO2 per se at current ambient
concentrations in Europe in triggering acute effects on mortality and morbidity
Further chamber studies are needed to establish the appropriateness of
the current 10-minute air quality guideline of 500 µg/m3 in protecting subjects with
severe asthma.
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Question C10
What is the contribution of
exposure to ambient air pollution to the total exposure of air pollutants
covered by the regulations, considering exposures from indoor environments,
commuting and workplaces?
Tobacco smoke, where permitted indoors, dominates the exposure of the
individuals to at least PM2.5 (and particle metrics black carbon and ultrafine particles), carbon
monoxide, benzene, benzo[a]pyrene and
naphthalene, and contributes also to exposure to NO2. Tobacco smoke exposures and
risks, however, are targeted in specific policies and not in ambient air
policies, and therefore the other answers below refer to conditions free of
tobacco smoke.
In general, all exposures to air pollution of indoor and occupational
origin, as well as exposure from commuting, vary between individuals much more
than exposure to air pollution of ambient origin and depend strongly on the
microenvironments and behaviour of the individual.
Specifically, commuting can increase exposure to PM, NO2, carbon monoxide and benzene,
and it is a major contributor to exposure to ultrafine particles, black carbon
and some metals – most importantly, iron, nickel and copper in underground rail
transport systems.
Individual industrial workday exposure levels may be orders of magnitude
higher than the average population exposure levels, but as they affect only
quite specific and controlled population subgroups and are controlled by
occupational (and not ambient air pollution) policies, they are not covered in
this chapter.
Population exposure to NO2 (where gas appliances are infrequent), PM2.5, black carbon, ozone, carbon
monoxide and SO2 (with more limited evidence also concerning inhaled exposures to benzo[a]pyrene, arsenic, cadmium, nickel and
lead) comes dominantly from ambient air and outdoor sources.
Ambient air, indoor sources and commuting are all important for
population exposure to NO2, and (where gas appliances are frequent) benzene and naphthalene are
also important.
The high end of the individual exposures to PM10-2.5 and naphthalene come from indoor
sources and commuting.
Solid-fuel-fired indoor fireplaces and stoves, where used under
suboptimal conditions, dominate the high end of exposures to PM2.5, black carbon, ultrafine
particles, carbon monoxide, benzene and benzo[a]pyrene of the individuals affected.
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On average, active adult urban populations in Europe spend an average 85–90%
of their time indoors, 7–9% in traffic and only 2–5% outdoors (Hänninen et al.,
2005; Schweizer et al., 2007). The most vulnerable groups, such as infants,
toddlers, the elderly and the chronically ill, spend nearly 100% of their time
indoors. By sheer time allocation, therefore, exposures indoors dominate total
air pollution exposures. In the absence of indoor smoking and the burning of
solid fuel, however, indoor exposures to most of the EU-regulated air
pollutants are primarily due to outdoor sources from which the pollutants
disperse via ambient air and penetrate into indoor spaces by air exchange, or
are carried indoors as dust on shoes and clothes. For some pollutants, indoor
and outdoor sources are of similar importance, and for yet others, the highest
exposures and health risks arise from indoor sources, even though population
average exposures arise mainly from ambient air.
The assessments in the current chapter refer to total exposure via
inhalation to each of the contaminants through a population’s daily activities
and microenvironments, regardless of the source for (or location of) the
exposure. For two reasons, the so-defined total exposure may not always be the
most relevant metric for risk assessment or control:
although PM epidemiology
demonstrates remarkable consistency for very different PM source mixtures and
compositions, the same PM2.5 mass originating from different sources and of different composition is
hardly identical in toxicity; and (b) the role of a pollutant as an indicator
of a complex mixture is likely to be different when it originates from
different sources, such as NO2, indicating outdoor traffic exhaust rather than indoor gas appliances.
Where smoking tobacco occurs indoors, it alone dominates the exposure of
non-smoking individuals to PM2.5, carbon monoxide, benzene, naphthalene and benzo[a]pyrene, and contributes also to their exposure to NO2. Keeping this in mind, all of
the following pollutant-by-pollutant assessments apply only to
tobacco-smoke-free indoor environments.
For each of EU-regulated air pollutant, Table 12 summarizes: (a) the
most important and common non-ambient sources; (b) their significance for high
end individual exposure (and respective risks) and relative population-level
contributions (of); (c) indoor and (non-industrial) occupational sources; (d)
commuting exposure; (e) population exposure to ambient air; (f) the proportion
of population exposure influenced by ambient air regulation; and (g) the
reduction in population exposure due to a given reduction in the amount of
ambient air pollution.
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For ozone, for example, Table 12 shows that its indoor sources are rare (such as
ozonators) or weak (laser printers), and ambient air dominates the population
exposure, of which almost all is, therefore, influenced by ambient air
policies. However, because ozone infiltration from ambient to indoor air is
generally low, a 10 µg/m3 reduction in ambient air ozone concentration reduces the average
population exposure concentration by less, 2–7 µg/m3.
The table generalizes large quantities of often inconsistent data
compiled from all of the articles cited. It does not necessarily apply to all
individual conditions and should, consequently, be interpreted with caution.
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PM2.5 and PM10-2.5
Indoor exposure to PM of ambient origin and commuting exposure (excess
exposure relative to outdoor air while in transit) dominate the population
exposure to PM2.5. On average, outdoor air PM2.5 is responsible for 40–70% of the total population exposure to PM2.5. Ambient air PM2.5 policies affect 60–80% of the
urban population exposure, which consists of exposure to PM2.5 of ambient origin that
penetrates indoors, the part of commuting exposure influenced by ambient air
policies, plus exposure during the time spent in outdoor environments. An
ambient air PM2.5 reduction of 10 µg/m3 reduces the average population exposure concentration by 5–8 µg/m3 – less than the 10 µg/m3 ambient reduction because, on
average, only 40–70% of ambient air PM2.5 penetrates into indoor spaces where people spend an overwhelming
proportion of their time. The average PM2.5 infiltration into buildings decreases steadily as new, sealed and
air-conditioned buildings replace the older building stock (Chen & Zhao 2011;
Hänninen et al., 2004a,b; Koistinen et al., 2004; Lai et al., 2004; Lanki et
al., 2007; Johannesson et al., 2007; Fromme et al., 2008; Wichmann et al.,
2010; Hänninen et al., 2011; Gariazzo et al., 2011; Oeder et al., 2012).
The mean excess PM2.5 exposure levels, while commuting, range from negligible in modern cars,
buses and trams with intake air filtration, up to 20–30 µg/m3 when exposed directly to busy
street air in vehicles with open windows, at bus stops, in metro stations and
tunnels, or when walking or biking. The contribution of commuting to the total
daily exposure therefore depends on the means, time and route. No studies
representative of the population were found that would report commuting
exposures in the context of total exposure and ambient air concentrations
(Adams et al., 2001; Riediker et al., 2003; Seaton et al., 2005; Aarnio et al.,
2005; Fondelli et al., 2008; Asmi et al., 2009; Grass et al., 2009).
On average, about half of ambient air PM10 is PM2.5. Ambient PM10 policies reduce population
exposures mainly via their impacts on the fine PM fraction, but have a smaller
impact on the exposure to the coarse PM fraction, of which a large proportion
originates from indoor sources (Chen & Zhao, 2011; Hänninen et al., 2011;
Gariazzo et al., 2011).
Indoor ozone sources are infrequent (ozonators, old electrostatic air
cleaners) or weak (laser printers). Indoors as well as outdoors, therefore,
ozone of ambient origin is responsible for almost all of the population
exposure, and ambient air ozone policies affect nearly all of the urban
population exposures. Ozone is the most reactive of the EU-regulated air
pollutants and, therefore, much of the ozone is lost in air exchange, in
ventilation systems and in reactions with indoor surfaces and co-pollutants.
Consequently, the average indoor air ozone levels are only 20–50% of the
ambient air levels, and a given ambient air ozone reduction (µg/m3) results in a much smaller
population exposure reduction.
The broader air pollution exposure impact of ozone policies may be more
significant for reducing some irritating and toxic products of atmospheric
ozone chemistry, as well as
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reactions with indoor air co-pollutants and dust on air filters in ventilation
systems (Blondeau et al., 2005; Weschler, 2006; Bekö et al., 2006; Baxter et
al., 2007).
Where present, indoor sources of NO2, most importantly unvented gas appliances, may significantly increase
individual exposures. Indoors, NO2 is a moderately reactive gas and, consequently, the indoor
concentration stays substantially below the ambient air concentration, except
when emissions from gas appliances increase them to (and even above) the
ambient air concentration level. Without indoor sources, the population
exposure to NO2 is dominated primarily by NO2 of ambient origin and secondarily by commuting exposure. Ambient NO2 policies affect from 50% (with
gas appliances) to 100% (no gas appliances) of the NO2 exposures and reduce the
exposure by 50–80% (depending on region and season) of the reduction in the
ambient concentration (Monn, 2001; Kousa et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2002; Lai et
al., 2004; Baxter et al., 2007; Kornartit et al., 2010).
Carbon monoxide
Indoor sources and unvented, faulty and/or incorrectly operated
combustion equipment are responsible for (almost) all high level exposures to
carbon monoxide. Otherwise, almost all of the population exposure to carbon
monoxide originates from commuting – which was much more significant in the
past – and from ambient air. In Milan, Italy, in 1996–1997, the average
exposure concentration of 2.1 mg/m3 was attributed to ambient air (84%), residential indoor sources (4%),
occupational indoor sources (3%), excess concentrations during transport (8%),
and other sources (1%) (Bruinen de Bruin et al., 2004). Current ambient air
carbon monoxide policies affect almost all of the total urban population
exposure and reduce the exposure by 100% of the ambient air concentration
Current urban ambient air carbon monoxide levels are an order of
magnitude below the EU air quality standards. The still frequent and often
lethal carbon monoxide intoxications and the indoor sources and levels of
carbon monoxide that cause them, however, are not related to ambient air carbon
monoxide concentrations or affected by policies. (Alm et al., 2001; Braubach et
al., 2013)
Indoor sources, residential coal burning, unvented paraffin lamps and
heaters still dominate some exposures of some individuals to SO2. In current European urban
environments, however, indoor sources that would significantly influence the
population exposure to SO2 are rare. Consequently, ambient air SO2 policies are effective in
reducing the indoor air concentrations and exposures.
Benzene-containing organic solvents, in interior materials and household
chemicals, are being increasingly restricted by regulations, but still remain
significant for exposures in
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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some European regions. Airborne benzene of indoor – most importantly
from attached garages – and outdoor-origin and commuting exposures are all
relevant for population exposures. Ambient air benzene policies affect from 50%
(with indoor sources) to 90% (no known indoor sources) of the average urban
population exposure and reduce the exposure by almost all of the ambient air
concentration reduction (Cocheo et al., 2000; Edwards & Jantunen; 2001;
Ilacqua & Jantunen, 2003; Lai et al., 2004; Pérez-Ballesta et al., 2006;
Kotzias et al., 2009; Delgado-Saborit et al., 2009; Sarigiannis et al., 2011).
PAHs: naphthalene and benzo[a]pyrene
Most of the naphthalene in air is in the vapour phase, and all benzo[a]pyrene, instead, is in the particle
phase. Solid fuel combustion remains a significant indoor source of both benzo[a]pyrene and naphthalene. Naphthalene
has also other indoor sources, such as naphthalene mothballs and coal tar based
waterproofing. All high-end exposures are caused by indoor sources.
In the absence of indoor solid fuel combustion, all exposure to benzo[a]pyrene is of ambient origin. The
contribution of ambient air to the exposure of the population to naphthalene is
30-60%. Benzo[a]pyrene infiltration
follows the infiltration of PM2.5. Policy impacts should, therefore, also be similar in terms of the
reduction of exposure due to the reduction of ambient air concentration.
Naphthalene infiltration is similar to the infiltration of benzene, and the
impact of policies should also be similar (Jantunen et al., 1999; Gustafson, Ostman
& Sällsten, 2008; Ravindra, Sokhi & Van Grieken, 2008; Delgado-Saborit,
2009; Jia & Batterman, 2010; Sarigiannis et al., 2011; Yazar, Bellander
& Merritt, 2011).
Arsenic, cadmium and lead
In relation to ambient air, there appear to be significant indoor
sources of arsenic, cadmium and lead that contribute to indoor air, because
their indoor levels often exceed the ambient air concentrations. Infiltration
of these elements from ambient to indoor air is likely to follow closely the
infiltration of PM2.5. Policy impacts should, therefore, also be similar in terms of the
reduction of exposure and the reduction of ambient air concentration (Hänninen
et al., 2004a; Lai et al., 2004; Komarnicki, 2005).
These elements enter from the outdoor to the indoor environment not only
in airborne particles, but also with dust, which may be a more significant
exposure pathway – for toddlers, in particular – and it warrants a different
regulatory approach.
Mercury in indoor air is mainly in the vapour phase. The greatest
sources of mercury in indoor air are broken mercury-filled thermometers or
barometers. The common indoor sources are broken fluorescent tubes (short peak
exposures) and amalgam fillings (long-term low-level exposures). The exposure
contribution of these common indoor sources to long-term exposure may be of the
same order as the contribution from ambient air.
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D. General questions
Question D1
What new information from
epidemiological, toxicological and other relevant research on health impacts of
air pollution has become available that may require a revision of the EU air
quality policy and/or WHO air quality guidelines notably for PM, ozone, NO2 and SO2?
Since the publication of the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines, a considerable amount of new scientific information has appeared on
all four pollutants – PM, ozone, NO2 and SO2 – discussed in this part of the report. In many cases, these have shown
associations with adverse health outcomes at pollutant levels lower than those
in the studies on which the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines were based. This is particularly true for PM, ozone and NO2. In light of this, we would
recommend that WHO begins the process of developing revisions to the earlier
guidelines, with a view to completing the review by 2015. We would further
recommend that the EC ensures that the evidence on the health effects of air
pollutants and the implications for air quality policy are reviewed regularly.
The following is a short summary of thoughts about and the needs and
recommendations for the four pollutants.
1. PM
There is a need to revise the current WHO air quality guidelines for PM10 (20 annual
average; and 50 g/m3, 24-hour
average, 99th
percentile) and PM2.5 (10
average; and 25 g/m3, 24-hour
average, 99th
The current state of scientific knowledge, supported by a large body of
new studies, shows a wide range of adverse effects on health associated with
exposure to PM2.5 (see answers to Question A1) and PM10 (see answers to Question A4). The data strongly suggest that these
effects: have no threshold within the ambient range studied; follow a mostly
linear concentration–response function; and are likely to occur at fairly low
levels, close to PM2.5 background concentrations. The scientific
basis for the WHO air quality guidelines for PM2.5 and PM10 and the corresponding interim
targets (all set in the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines)
are therefore now even stronger than 7 years ago. The WHO air quality
guideline values set in 2005 include no margin of safety. In 2005 the WHO air
quality guideline values were set to reflect levels close to the lower end of
the available concentration– response functions at that time; there now exists
more recent information at lower PM
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than existed previously.
In the
same perspective, there is a strong need to re-evaluate and lower at least the
value of the second stage for PM2.5 of 20 g/m3 (annual average, to be met by 2020) set in Section D, Annex XIV of
Ambient Air Quality Directive 2008/50/EC.
At the
moment, there is a considerable gap between the WHO air quality guidelines
for PM2.5 (10 g/m3, annual average), the PM2.5 United States standard set in 2012 (12 g/m3, annual average), the EU limit
value to be met in 2015 (25 g/m3, annual
average) and the EU Stage 2 indicative limit value (20 g/m3). There is a need for an
additional PM2.5 short-term (24-hour) limit value (as suggested in the Answer to
Question A3) and a re-evaluation of the PM10 limit values.
The scientific support for the exposure-reduction approach to managing
PM air quality incorporated in Directive 2008/50/EC (EU, 2008) has been
strengthened, and this approach provides, in principle, a preferable way to
reduce the health impacts of PM2.5. Irrespective of the actual concentration or a specific limit or target
value, enforcing national exposure reduction targets, such as the one found in
Section B, Annex XIV of the Directive, will lead to health benefits at the
population level.
It would be advantageous to develop an additional air quality guideline
to capture the effects of road vehicle PM emissions not well captured by PM2.5, building on the work on black
carbon and/or elemental carbon (Health
effects of black carbon; Janssen et al., 2012) and evidence on other
pollutants in vehicle emissions.
Besides the public health and/or air quality concerns, black carbon is
also an important short-lived climate forcer, which contributes to the warming
of the Earth’s atmosphere. Reducing black carbon emissions and concentrations
is beneficial for population health and, for sources with high black
carbon/organic carbon ratios, helps to mitigate short-term climate change.
Although there is considerable evidence that ultrafine particles can
contribute to the health effects of PM, for ultrafine particles (measured by
the number of particles) the data on concentration–effect functions are too
scarce to evaluate and recommend an air quality guideline. The same evaluation
applies for organic carbon. Current efforts to reduce the numbers of ultrafine
particles in engine emissions should continue, and their effectiveness
assessed, given the potential health effects.
Given the significant short- and long-term adverse effects on health
identified as being caused by exposure to PM2.5, the National Emissions Ceiling Directive should be revised to include
a ceiling for PM2.5. It is of the utmost importance to reduce emissions from vehicles and
from combustion of liquid and solid fuels, including non-road mobile machinery
and biomass burning, in achieving the ceiling in a revised National Emissions Ceiling
Directive and also in achieving limits for PM in the Ambient Air Quality
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Another appropriate goal is to reduce non-tailpipe emissions from road
traffic, given the increasing relative contribution of non-tailpipe emissions
when vehicle exhaust emissions are reduced.
2. Ozone
With regard to ozone, the most important policy-related issues are the
recent emergence of evidence for effects of long-term (months to years)
exposures and the existence (or otherwise) and concentration level of a
threshold below which effects are unlikely in the general population. Long-term
ozone concentrations are determined by hemispheric or global emissions of
precursor pollutants. If a no-effect threshold concentration does not exist, or
is very low, and hypothetically assuming a linear dose–response function
through the origin, total annual health impacts will be proportional to annual
mean ozone concentrations and will be much larger than otherwise, with similar
policy implications for regional versus global hemispheric controls.
In light of the answers to Questions B1–B4, guidelines for long-term
average ozone concentrations should be considered.
Analysis of the extent to which current or foreseen policies within the
EU or the CLRTAP Gothenburg Protocol (which covers a wider geographical area)
are sufficient to reduce long-term average ozone concentrations may help
dictate the appropriate course of action for engaging with other major emitters
in the northern hemisphere. This is needed to consider possible actions to
reduce these longer-term ozone concentrations, possibly using the CLRTAP Task
Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (co-chaired by the EU and the
United States) to guide the discussions. Reductions of methane within and
outside the EU would be beneficial in reducing long-term average ozone
The Answer to Question B2 concluded that evidence for a short-term
threshold is not consistent but, where a threshold is observed, it is likely to
lie below 90 µg/m3 (maximum 1-hour mean). In performing health impact assessments the use
of SOMO35 and SOMO10 has been recommended for short-term effects. For long-term
effects, the Answer to Question B2 recommended a health impact assessment as a
sensitivity scenario.
Given the emerging evidence discussed in the answers to questions B, and
pending the outcome of the health impact assessment, a long-term target value,
possibly as a summer (April to September inclusive) mean for which evidence is
stronger than for an annual mean, could be considered in the future by the EC.
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3. NO2
Since the release of the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
guidelines, new epidemiological studies have emerged, reporting associations
with both short-term and long-term exposures to NO2. Some of these, notably the
short-term studies, report associations that are robust to inclusion of other
Many of these studies were in areas where concentrations were at or
below the current EU limit values.
The results of these new studies
provide support for updating the current WHO air quality guidelines for NO2, to give: (a) an
epidemiologically based short-term guideline; and (b) an annual average
guideline based on the newly accumulated evidence from outdoor studies. In both
instances, this could result in lower guideline values.
There is consistent short-term epidemiological evidence and some
mechanistic support for causality, so that it is reasonable to infer that NO2 has some direct effects.
However, as with the short-term effects, NO2 in the long-term epidemiological studies may represent other
constituents. Despite this, the mechanistic evidence, particularly on
respiratory effects, and the weight of evidence on short-term associations is
suggestive of a causal relationship.
There is no health-based case
for either increasing or removing the NO2 limit values in the EU Directive. Depending on the outcome of any
revision of the WHO air quality guidelines for NO2, there could then also be a case
for the EU to consider revising the Directive limit values.
There is no evidence to suggest changing the averaging time for the
short-term EU limit value, which is currently 1 hour.
4. SO2
There is a need to revisit the evidence base
for setting the WHO air quality guidelines for SO2 (very
short-term and short-term).
Since the 2005 global update of the WHO air
quality guidelines, some new studies on toxicological and health effects of SO2 have
been published. A reanalysis of the previous chamber study literature suggests
a need to consider whether to increase the safety factor for the 10-minute
guideline. For the 24-hour average guideline, the new studies give similar
results to the previous studies. The new studies were conducted at a similar
range of concentrations as the previous studies, so the 24-hour average
guideline does not need to be changed if using the same method (using a
concentration at the low end of the range of concentrations observed in the
studies) to
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Page 186
set the guideline (Answer to Question C7). However, the evidence should
be looked at again.
1. PM
The evidence on airborne PM and public health is consistent in showing
adverse effects on health at exposures experienced by urban populations in
cities throughout the world, in both high-income and middle- and low-income
countries. The range of effects is broad, affecting the respiratory and
cardiovascular systems and extending to children and adults and to a number of
large susceptible groups within the population, not to mention the newer
evidence on intrauterine growth and neurocognitive effects. Overall, the
evidence for adverse effects on health from PM has strengthened since the 2005
global update of the WHO air quality guidelines (WHO Regional Office for
Europe, 2006). The risk for various outcomes has been shown to increase with
exposure, and the available evidence does not suggest a threshold below which
no adverse effects would be anticipated – and there is little possibility of
there ever being such evidence. Indeed, the lower range of concentrations at
which adverse effects have been demonstrated is not greatly above rural
background concentrations, which was estimated at 3–5 g/m3 for PM2.5 in western Europe and the United
States. The epidemiological evidence shows adverse effects of particles after
both short-term and long-term exposures. Given these findings, not only may the
WHO guidelines for PM need to be revised, but the Stage 2 indicative limit
value in EU Directive 2008/50/EC (currently 20 g/m3) may need to be re-evaluated and
Since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines, many new
studies from around the world have been performed and published. These studies
strengthen the evidence of a linear concentration– (exposure–)effect
relationship without a threshold for various health outcomes associated with
exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 (see answers to Questions A1, A4, and A5). The scientific literature
shows also that PM10 is not just a proxy measurement for PM2.5. Coarse and fine particles
deposit mostly at different locations in the respiratory tract. The finer the
particles are the deeper they can penetrate into the lungs. Independent effects
of the coarse fraction are seen in epidemiological
studies. The effects of PMcoarse (10–2.5 µm) and PMfine (2.5 µm) may be related to different mechanisms (see Answer to Question
A4). PMcoarse and PMfine have different sources too, and the dispersion gradient near the source
is different.
In light
of this strengthening of evidence, there are therefore good grounds to revise
current WHO air quality guidelines for PM10 and PM2.5. There is also a need to
re-evaluate and lower the indicative Stage 2 limit value for PM2.5 of 20 µg/m3 annual
average in the EU Directive due to be met in 2020. There is a
considerable gap between this number and the WHO annual average guideline of 10
µg/m3. There is also a gap between the EU limit value and the recently
revised United States National Ambient Air Quality Standards value of 12 µg/m3 annual average, to be attained
by 2020 with a possible extension to 2025 in certain circumstances. There have
been differences in
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Page 187
stringency between the implementation of the United States and EU
so-called headline figures in the past, which make a direct comparison more
challenging. However, some factors that lead to difference between EU and
United States legislation have been removed by the requirement in the United
States that the revised PM2.5 standard (and the recently promulgated hourly NO2 standard) should be assessed
near busy roads. One particular difference remains: the United States annual
and daily standards are averages over 3 years, whereas the EU limit value for
PM2.5 applies to a single year. This is not likely, however, to substantially
change the actual application of the limit values, leaving the significant gap
between the EU limit value and that of the United States National Ambient Air
Quality Standards noted above.
The Ambient Air Quality Directive (2008/50/EC), besides setting PM2.5 target and limit values,
requires Member States to reduce the PM2.5 population exposure by means of non-mandatory national exposure
reduction targets and a mandatory exposure concentration obligation. The
rationale for this was based on the conclusion that any threshold for
adverse effects of PM2.5 was likely to be very low or even zero. The evidence for the adverse
effects of PM and the concept of a very low threshold have strengthened since
the Directive was agreed upon,
and so there is even more scientific support for the exposure-reduction
approach to managing PM air quality. The magnitude of the required reduction
depends on the value of the calculated average exposure indicator, expressed in
g/m3. The indicator is based on PM2.5 measurements in urban background locations and is assessed as a
three-calendar year running annual mean averaged over all stations. The
national PM2.5 exposure reduction target for the protection of human health (Annex
XIV, Section B of Directive 2008/50/EC) relative to the average exposure
indicator in 2010 depends on the
initially calculated
concentration – for example,
if the concentration calculated for 2009, 2010 and
2011 is in between 13 g/m3 and 18 g/m3, the reduction target is 15%. If the initial value is higher, the
required percentage reduction is higher and vice versa. The national exposure
reduction target provides, in principle, a more powerful approach to the
improvement of air pollution-related effects on health and, hence, the authors
recommend that the national exposure reduction strategy be set as mandatory
legislation by 2020. Irrespective of the actual concentration or a specific
limit or target
population health benefits from lower PM average exposure.
It is evident that not all components of the PM mixture are equally
toxic (see Answer to Question A2 as a starting point). It is relatively
straightforward to show differences in toxicity in experimental chamber studies
with individual components of the mixture in isolation. But in a real everyday
situation, the population is exposed to a complex mixture of hundreds of
particle-bound and gaseous components. These components interact, and
additional or synergistic effects of exposure are possible. By means of
epidemiological studies, it is difficult to allocate an observed effect to a
single component of the PM-gas mixture. Many studies, however, show that living
near traffic represents an increased health risk. The health effects observed
were consistent after adjusting for socioeconomic status and for noise (see
Answer to Question C1). These risks are unlikely to be explained by PM2.5 mass alone, since PM 2.5 mass is only slightly elevated
close to roads with a heavy traffic load. In contrast, levels of pollutants –
such as ultrafine particles, elemental carbon and/or black carbon, PAHs, some metals, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide
and NO2
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Page 188
and, to some extent, PM10 and organic carbon – are more elevated near roads. Carbon monoxide, NO2 and PM10 are already regulated by ambient
air quality limit values, but for fine traffic exhaust PM, or other primary
combustion PM, there is no legally binding ambient air quality regulation.
Hence, there is a strong case for regulating primary PM emissions from
combustion sources (particularly traffic) in the ambient atmosphere.
Many studies have suggested that elemental carbon mass (unit: g/m3) and black carbon (measured by
absorption, and elemental carbon scaled by local random sampling) may be useful
in representing traffic PM exhaust. In 2011, the Joint WHO/CLRTAP Task Force on
Health Aspects of Air Pollution made a systematic review of the evidence of the
health effects of black carbon and published, in 2012, the report Health effects of black carbon (Janssen et al., 2012). The
report concluded:
That short-term epidemiological studies provide sufficient evidence of
an association of daily variations in BC [black carbon] concentrations with
short-term changes in health (all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, and
cardiopulmonary hospital admissions). Cohort studies provide sufficient
evidence of associations of all-cause and cardiopulmonary mortality with
long-term average BC exposure. Studies of short-term health effects suggest
that BC is a better indicator of harmful particulate substances from combustion
sources (especially traffic) than undifferentiated PM mass.
The evidence for the relative strength of associations from long-term
studies is inconclusive. The Joint WHO/CLRTAP Task Force on Health Aspects of
Air Pollution review of the results of all available toxicological studies
suggested that: “BC [black carbon] may not be a major directly toxic component
of fine PM, but it may operate as a universal carrier of a wide variety of
chemicals of varying toxicity to the lungs, the body’s major defence cells and
possibly the systemic blood circulation”.
Health effects associated with exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 are usually also associated with
black carbon particles (and vice versa) in studies where all three metrics were
evaluated. Effect estimates (from both short- and long-term studies) are much
higher for black carbon than for PM10 and PM2.5 when the measurements are expressed per unit of mass concentration (
g/m3); they are, however, generally similar per interquartile range in
pollutant levels. In multipollutant models used in these studies, the black
carbon effect estimates are robust to adjustment for PM mass, whereas PM mass
effect estimates decreased considerably after adjustment for black carbon. The
evidence from long-term studies is inconclusive: in one of the two available
cohort studies, using multipollutant models in the analysis, the effect
estimates for black carbon are stronger than those for sulfates, but the
opposite (in the strength of the relationship) is suggested in the other study.
There are not enough clinical or toxicological studies to allow for: an evaluation
of the qualitative differences between the health effects of exposure to black
carbon and PM mass; a quantitative comparison of the strength of the
associations; or identification of any distinctive mechanism of black carbon
The Task Force on Health agreed that a “reduction in exposure to PM2.5 containing BC [black carbon] and
other combustion-related PM material for which BC is an indirect
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indicator should lead to a reduction in the health effects associated
with PM”. The Task Force recommended that PM2.5 should continue to be used as the primary metric in quantifying human
exposure to PM and the health effects of such exposure, and for predicting the
benefits of exposure reduction measures. The use of black carbon may be very
useful in evaluating local action aimed at reducing the population exposure to
combustion PM – for example, from motorized traffic. There is currently no
regulatory pressure relating to primary PM exhaust emissions in the Ambient Air
Quality Directive (2008/50/EC). As it is too early to suggest a target,
indicative or (even) limit value for black carbon in the EU Ambient Air Quality
Directive, the previous work by the Joint WHO/CLRTAP Task Force on Health
Aspects of Air Pollution is a good basis for WHO to consider developing a
guideline for black carbon, or for another component of primary vehicle
emissions. The EU Ambient Air Quality Directive already requires monitoring
elemental carbon and organic carbon at rural background sites. This could be
extended to include urban areas.
In addition to PM10, PM2.5 and black carbon, the effects related to the number of ultrafine
particles have also attracted significant scientific and medical attention.
There is a considerable body of scientific literature that addresses the health
effects related to the number of particles. In short-term studies, some effects
on different health outcomes have been seen, but studies on long-term effects
are virtually absent. The scientific base is too small to work on a guideline
for the number of ultrafine particles and to propose a guideline value. The
measurement techniques for the number of ultrafine particles are not
as advanced and harmonized as those for PM10, PM2.5 or black carbon, and the quality
of the existing data may be variable and not comparable directly.
Nevertheless, it could be useful in the future to have some data for
particle numbers, to look for variations in time and space (which can be very
large), and so have information on possible trends, and to compare the number
of ultrafine particles with the number of black carbon particles – to check if
black carbon is also a good marker for the number of ultrafine particles. In
contrast to ambient air quality monitoring, harmonized methods are available to
check for the number of particles directly in diesel or gasoline exhaust. In
the Euro 5 (diesel passenger cars) and Euro 6 (heavy duty vehicles)
regulations, a particle number norm has been set to complement the existing
mass (PM) standard. Particle number standards allow the efficiency of different
particle filter systems to be checked, as the PM mass in the exhaust is already
very low.
Many studies show that the organic carbon components of the PM mixture
(primary emitted organic carbon and secondary organic aerosols) may also have
large health impacts. Many scientists consider that organic carbon or total
carbon, as well as non-mineral carbon, may be a better air quality parameter
than black carbon, especially for the near future. But techniques to measure
primary organic carbon, secondary organic aerosols and total carbon are not
advanced enough to be used in larger epidemiological studies. While it is
possible to determine elemental carbon with adequate accuracy when using a strict
temperature protocol, good discrimination between elemental carbon and organic
carbon is more difficult and demanding. A more or less reproducible routine
measurement for organic carbon is not available, and organic carbon population
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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cannot be assessed satisfactorily. The published organic carbon
epidemiology is more difficult to interpret than elemental carbon and/or black
carbon epidemiology. Organic carbon dose– and/or concentration–effect functions
are scarce. On the other hand, especially in summer in southern countries,
organic carbon and secondary organic aerosol compounds arise not only
anthropogenically, but also arise from natural biogenic sources, such as from
pine trees (terpenes), and play an important role. Thus, at the moment, we do
not have enough data on which to base a recommendation for an organic carbon
guideline value. Organic carbon components can represent a significant part of
PM2.5 mass, which is already regulated.
Besides black carbon (as a carrier of more toxic substances), evidence
is also emerging for other components of the PM mixture being more toxic than
others. At this stage, however, there is insufficient evidence to allow
guidelines, target values or limit values to be set for other components. There
are already suggestions from Member States that the number of limits and/or
targets even for PM mass is too large and that they should be simplified.
However, enough evidence is emerging to allow some policy advice to be given.
This could be directed at the National Emissions Ceilings Directive
(2001/81/EC) and also at the Ambient Air Quality Directive. The National
Emissions Ceiling Directive could, in the future, incorporate a ceiling for
primary emissions of PM2.5, as has been done in the CLRTAP Gothenburg Protocol.
In achieving the ceilings for PM2.5, reducing emissions from sources
identified in the Answer to Question A2 – namely, from vehicles and the
combustion of liquid and solid fuels, including biomass and their use non-road
mobile machinery – is a priority. Moreover, emissions from tyre and brake wear
are also emerging as being particularly toxic, and there is currently no policy
addressing these. Member States could be required to monitor black carbon
and/or elemental carbon and ultrafine particles (number of particles) at some
urban sites (which is a chicken–egg problem for impact-related studies) and at
traffic-exposed sites as a benchmark for abatement strategies. Similarly, in
measures to achieve the obligations on PM mass (PM10 and PM2.5) in the Ambient Air Quality
Directive, prioritizing the reduction of emissions from potentially more
can be fruitful.
Current scientific evidence implies that guidelines and standards cannot
be proposed that will lead to complete protection against the adverse effects
on health of PM, as thresholds have not been identified and the complete
elimination of anthropogenic PM is not feasible. Rather, the standard setting
process needs to achieve the lowest concentrations possible in the context of
local constraints, abilities and public health priorities. The assessment of
quantitative risk offers one approach to compare alternative scenarios of
control and for estimating the residual risk with achieving any particular
guideline value. Countries are encouraged to consider an increasingly stringent
set of standards, which would include tracking progress through emission
reductions and declining concentrations of PM. To the extent that the health
effects associated with ambient PM have been reported at relatively low ambient
concentrations, and since there is substantial interindividual variability in
exposure and response in a given exposure, it is unlikely that any PM standard
or guideline will provide universal protection for every individual
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all possible PM-related effects.
Black carbon and climate change
In 2011, the United Nations Environment Programme and the World
Meteorological Association published the report Integrated assessment of black carbon and tropospheric ozone: summary for decision makers (UNEP
& WMO, 2011). The main messages of the
report are:
Black carbon and ozone in the
lower atmosphere are harmful air pollutants that have substantial regional and
global climate impacts. They disturb tropical rainfall and regional circulation
patterns, such as the Asian monsoon, affecting the livelihoods of millions of
Black carbon, a component of PM,
and ozone both lead to adverse impacts on human health, leading to premature
deaths worldwide.
Scientific evidence and new
analyses demonstrate that control of black carbon particles and tropospheric
ozone through rapid implementation of proven emission reduction measures would
have immediate and multiple benefits for human well-being.
The measures identified in the report complement, but do not replace,
anticipated carbon dioxide reduction measures. It is worth noting that black
carbon is almost always emitted in conjunction with organic carbon. While black
carbon is considered to have a warming effect in the atmosphere, organic carbon
has the opposite effect (although even organic carbon can have a warming effect
when deposited on snow and ice). Reductions in emissions from sources with relatively
high black carbon/cooling aerosol ratios, as required by the CLRTAP Gothenburg
Protocol, should therefore have beneficial effects on health and on the global
climate. A recent paper (Bond et al., 2013) noted that reducing all emissions
from the use of diesel and possibly residential biofuels would lead to a
cooling effect.
2. Ozone
Averaging time of exposure
Ozone is a unique pollutant, in that concentrations over different
averaging times are determined by different dominant mechanisms and sources,
and hence with correspondingly different policy responses. High short-term peak
hourly and 8-hourly concentrations in so-called smog episodes, lasting
typically for a few days, are determined by regional precursor emissions and
photochemical processes acting over typical scales of 100–1000 km. In the EU,
this means policies to reduce precursor emissions need to be regional, in such
instruments as the National Emissions Ceilings Directive and the CLRTAP
Gothenburg Protocol. Peak hourly concentrations in smog episodes contribute
relatively little to annual or 6-month averages, and these concentrations are
determined in the EU largely by emissions over the northern
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hemisphere or even the globe. Methane is the dominant agent in
determining such longer-term concentrations.
Reducing peak hourly or 8-hourly smog episode concentrations, or
reducing longer-term averages, therefore requires quite different policy
Until now, evidence for the adverse effects of ozone has been for
short-term exposures, either in chamber studies (typically up to 8 hours or so
exposure times) or from time-series epidemiological studies that used various
metrics relating to short-term ozone concentrations, and policy targets have
been set accordingly. To protect human health, the EU Ambient Air Quality
Directive has a target value for ozone expressed in terms of the maximum daily
8-hour mean (120 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 25 times a year). The National Emissions
Ceiling Directive and the Gothenburg Protocol have been successful in reducing
peak ozone concentrations in Europe over the past two decades (Derwent et al.,
Evidence for or against a threshold for short-term effects has been
mixed and inconclusive, and various approaches have been taken in health impact
assessments. Some have performed impact assessments with and without a
threshold (DEFRA, 2007), while others have recommended using a cut-off. For
example, a WHO–CLRTAP report recommended the use of SOMO35, on the basis that
the relationships between ozone and adverse effects, and atmospheric models,
were very uncertain below the 70 µg/m3 (35 ppb) hourly mean.
Evidence has now emerged, since the 2005 global update of the WHO air
quality guidelines, for effects of ozone over longer periods of exposure, which
has implications for policy, as described above. The study by Krewski et al.
(2009), in a follow-up analysis of the American Cancer Society cohort, found
the association between mortality and summer average ozone levels (calculated
from concentrations measured from April to September 1980) was small, but
significant, for deaths from all causes (HR: 1.02; 95% CI: 1.01–1.03) and from
cardiopulmonary disease (HR: 1.03; 95% CI: 1.02–1.04). Using the annual average
ozone concentration for 1980 resulted in non-significant associations with
all-cause mortality and associations with cardiopulmonary mortality that were
just significant (HR: 1.01; 95% CI: 1.00-1.03).
In another study of the American Cancer Society
cohort, Jerrett et al. (2009a) used an ozone metric of the average from April
to September of the daily maximum 1-hour concentrations and found significant
associations with respiratory mortality that were robust to inclusion of PM2.5. This metric, in Europe at
least, will be determined largely by hemispheric and/or global scale emissions,
even though some cities, like Los Angeles in the Jerrett study in 1982, had
annual average ozone levels of about 200 µg/m3 (100 ppb).
Smith KR et al. (2009) do not explicitly quote the exposure metric used
for ozone, but refer to Krewski et al. (2009) and Jerrett et al. (2009b). The
former (see above) used summer and annual average concentrations, while the
latter used annual average ozone
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concentrations. Smith KR et al. (2009) found associations between ozone
and cardiopulmonary mortality to be robust to inclusion of sulfate in a
two-pollutant model.
Zanobetti & Schwartz (2011) used a metric of mean ozone from May to
September, and a mean of “Spring and Autumn”. Their findings suggest that
long-term exposure to ozone elevates the risk of mortality in different
subgroups of susceptible populations (those suffering from congestive heart
failure, myocardial infarction, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary
The majority of the papers that reported associations with mortality
used the American Cancer Society II cohort. Some analyses found associations
with respiratory mortality and some with all-cause and cardiopulmonary
mortality. However, the Zanobetti & Schwartz (2011) study together with
toxicological studies (see Question B1) provide further support for the effects
of long-term exposures to ozone.
An issue that goes beyond the current WHO review, but is nonetheless
relevant to policy responses, is that long-term average ozone concentrations
represent the third most important greenhouse gas. Recent studies (Shindell et
al., 2012; Anenberg et al., 2012) have shown that reductions in global ozone
levels would have important benefits for human health and would also slow the
rate of global temperature increase and improve food security (ozone is a
potent agent for crop and vegetation damage). The study of the impact of ozone
on human health globally used the concentration–response relationship derived
from Jerrett et al. (2009a).
There is, therefore, a case for WHO to consider developing a guideline
for long-term ozone exposures. There is stronger evidence linking health
effects with summer, rather than annual, average ozone concentrations, so that
a guideline could relate to 6-month summer averages.
Similarly, it would be helpful to determine the extent to which current
or foreseen policies within the EU, or the UNECE CLRTAP Gothenburg Protocol
(which covers a wider geographical area), are sufficient to reduce annual or
6-month summer average ozone concentrations. Depending on the outcome of this
analysis, a logical next step would be engagement with other major emitters in
the northern hemisphere, or globally, to consider possible actions to reduce
these longer-term ozone concentrations – in particular, for methane, possibly
using the CLRTAP Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution
(co-chaired by the EU and the United States) to provide scientific evidence and
to guide the discussions.. Some of the relevant countries are already parties
to the CLRTAP, and this may offer some scope for initial discussions, but
others, notably China and India, are not, and a different route may need to be
found. In considering the implications of this analysis for its own policies,
the EU should note that methane reductions – both within and outside the EU –
are likely to be the most important in reducing long-term ozone concentrations.
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Threshold for effects?
The response to this issue, under Question B2, concluded that the
evidence for a threshold for effects from short-term exposures to ozone was
inconsistent and that there was insufficient evidence to make a statement about
a threshold for long-term exposures. For short-term
effects, some evidence suggests a threshold in the range of 20–90 µg/m3 for the hourly average ozone
concentration. The conclusion of the answer to Question B2 was that where a
threshold is observed, it is likely to lie below 90 µg/m3 for the maximum hourly average.
In the context of policy, the existence (or otherwise) of a threshold
determines the health impact of a pollutant. In recommending metrics for health
impact analyses of short-term exposures, this review (in answer to Question B3)
recommends using SOMO35 and SOMO10. The SOMO35 metric was first suggested for
use in health impact assessments by the Joint WHO/CLRTAP Task Force on Health
(Amann et al., 2008). (Note that the definition of SOMO35 in that report
contains a misprint of 35 ppm as opposed to 35 ppb). The SOMO10 metric, since
it aggregates daily maximum 8-hour ozone concentrations above 10 ppb over a
year, or 6 months, will probably be influenced by emissions from outside the
EU, as well as those within the EU; the SOMO35 metric will do so to a lesser
extent. As noted in the previous section, it is useful to clarify the extent to
which currently foreseen policies will reduce SOMO35 and SOMO10 in the EU and
the extent to which further emission reductions within and outside this region
would be needed to reduce the impacts to acceptable levels.
The Answer to Question B3 also recommended carrying out a health impact
assessment on long-term ozone concentrations as a sensitivity study, involving
summer (6-month warm season) averages of daily maximum 1-hour concentrations,
with cut-offs at 35 ppb and 55 ppb.
3. NO2
The two main policy-related issues connected with NO2 are: first, the question of
causality and the potential confounding of the associations found in
epidemiological studies by other pollutants (notably metrics of particle
concentrations), which are often strongly correlated with NO2; and second, the value of the
annual limit value and/or air quality guideline and the strength of the evidence
supporting it.
issues were addressed in the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality
For the
question about causality, the report stated:
... since nitrogen dioxide is an important constituent of
combustion-generated air pollution and is highly correlated with other primary
and secondary combustion products, it is unclear to what extent the health
effects observed in epidemiological studies are attributable to nitrogen
dioxide itself or to other correlated pollutants.
The chamber study exposure results are clearly unequivocal on the
causality question, and these provide much of the evidence in support of the
hourly guideline and limit value.
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Since the earlier report, however, more evidence for associations
between adverse effects on health and NO2 per se has emerged. Quoting the Answer to Question C2,
Many studies, not previously considered or published since 2004, have
documented associations between day-to-day variations in NO2 concentration and variations in
mortality, hospital admissions and respiratory symptoms. Also, more studies
have now been published showing associations between long-term exposure to NO2 and mortality and morbidity. ...
Chamber and toxicological evidence provides some mechanistic support for a
causal interpretation of the respiratory effects.
The Answer goes on to note, regarding short-term effects, that, “As there is consistent short-term
epidemiological evidence and some mechanistic support for causality, ... it is
reasonable to infer that NO2 has some direct effects”.
With regard to the question about long
term effects, Question C2 notes that correlations with other pollutants are
often high, but also notes that, “some epidemiological studies do suggest associations
of long-term NO2 exposures with respiratory and cardiovascular mortality and with
children’s respiratory symptoms and lung function that were independent of PM
mass metrics”. The Answer to Question C2, on long-term effects concludes, “As
with the short-term effects, NO2 in these studies may represent other constituents. Despite this, the
mechanistic evidence, particularly on respiratory effects, and the weight of
evidence on short-term associations are suggestive of a causal relationship.”
Regarding the value of the long-term (annual) guideline on which the EU
limit value is based, the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines
noted that some population studies showed adverse effects “even when the annual
average NO2 concentration complied with the WHO annual guideline”. It also noted
that, “some indoor studies suggest effects on respiratory symptoms among
infants at levels below the guideline”. The report cited these conclusions as
showing support for a lowering of the guideline value. However, it concluded
that there was insufficient evidence to change the guideline limit value of 40
The present review, however, in Question C2, presents further
epidemiological evidence for associations between long-term outdoor exposures
to NO2 and adverse effects. This is a further advance on the evidence on which
the guideline was originally based (indoor studies on respiratory symptoms
using passive samplers for NO2 measurement in some studies or qualitative exposure measures in
others). Furthermore, the discussion in the previous paragraphs has noted the
strength of these epidemiological associations. The Answer to Question C2 notes
that both short- and long-term studies have found these associations at
concentrations that were at or below the current limit values, which for NO2 are equivalent to the WHO air
quality guidelines.
Taken together with the strengthened case for causality of the
epidemiological associations and the existing toxicological evidence, these
conclusions indicate that there is no health-based
case for either increasing or removing the NO2 limit values in the EU
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Ambient Air Quality Directive. There is a case for WHO to revise its
current guidelines and to consider a short-term guideline based on
epidemiological studies and a long-term guideline based on the outdoor, as
opposed to the indoor, epidemiology. Depending on the outcome of this process,
there could then also be a case for the EU to consider revising the Directive limit
4. SO2
Controlled studies with exercising asthmatics indicate that some of them
experience changes in pulmonary function and respiratory symptoms after periods
of exposure as short as 10 minutes. Because exposure to sharp peaks depends on
the nature of local sources and meteorological conditions, no single factor can
be applied to this value to estimate corresponding guideline values over
somewhat longer periods, such as an hour.
Day-to-day changes in mortality, morbidity or lung function related to
24-hour average concentrations of SO2 are necessarily based on epidemiological studies in which people are,
in general, exposed to a mixture of pollutants, with often little basis for
separating the contributions of each to the effects. This is why guideline
values for SO2 were linked in earlier times with corresponding values for PM. Recent
evidence, beginning with the Hong Kong study (Hedley et al., 2002) of a major
reduction in sulfur content in fuels over a very short period of time, shows an
associated substantial reduction in health effects (childhood respiratory
disease and all-age mortality outcomes). More recently, the APHEKOM Project
studied the effects of EU legislation to reduce the sulfur content of fuels in
20 European cities, finding a non-negligible reduction in ambient SO2 levels and the resulting
prevention of some thousand premature deaths. Nevertheless, there is still
considerable uncertainty as to whether SO2 is the pollutant responsible for the observed adverse effects or, rather,
a surrogate for ultrafine particles or some other correlated substance. Based
on several considerations – such as uncertainty of causality, uncertainty about
no-effect levels and assuming that reduction in exposure to a causal and
correlated substance is achieved by reduction of SO2 concentrations – a guideline for
a 24-hour mean was recommended as a prudent precautionary level.
Since the 2005 global update of the WHO air quality guidelines, some new
studies on toxicological and health effects of SO2 have been published. A
reanalysis of the previous chamber study literature suggests a need to consider
whether to increase the safety factor for the 10-minute guideline. For the
24-hour average guideline, the new studies show no obvious change in the size of
the concentration–response function. As the lower end was already very low in
previous studies, even quite marked changes in the size of the concentration
response–function would have no effect on a guideline set on this basis (Answer
to Question C7). However, the evidence should be looked at again.
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Question D2
What evidence is available
directly assessing health benefits from reducing air pollution?
There is reasonably consistent evidence from past and more recent
studies that decreased air pollution levels, following an intervention or
unplanned decrement in pollution, have been associated with improvements in
health. The assessed decrements in pollution were not exclusively associated
with legislation, but may have been due to strikes, German re-unification and
so on. In addition, there is significant and consistent evidence from around
the world that workplace or public space smoking bans have resulted in a
reduction in the cardiovascular health burden of the general population in the
regions where they were introduced.
These findings are supported by a large body of remarkably coherent
evidence from studies of both long- and short-term exposure to air pollution.
The scientific work relies on naturally occurring exposure variability and
provides effect estimates for quantifying health improvements that could be
expected from long- or short-term reductions in air pollution exposures in a
given population.
The text below sets out collated and reviewed scientific evidence,
including (but not limited to) studies published from 2005 onwards.
Intervention/accountability studies
The work presented here provides an overview of the most relevant,
published intervention and/or accountability studies that assessed the health
impact of changes in air quality. Many of these interventions are regulatory
actions at the national, regional or local level that were specifically aimed
at improving air quality; others are not interventions in the pure sense of the
word, but may be unplanned side-effects attributable to political, economic or
other societal changes that have led to substantial air quality changes
(Henschel et al., 2012). These are sometimes called “natural experiments”. However,
in some cases, it is difficult to definitively ascribe the benefits to the
intervention because changes in air quality are multifaceted and may not
exclusively be associated with the intervention under evaluation. This document
includes both studies that have measured actual health outcomes and studies
that estimated possible health outcomes, with an emphasis on the former.
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Regulatory actions to improve air quality
National scale regulations
European air emission policies
Over the past few decades, the EU has implemented a number of
legislative measures designed to improve air quality, by tackling emissions
from various sectors. An assessment of the impact of a number of these
policies, compared with a non-policy scenario, estimated that, with respect to
road transport directives, significant reductions in emissions occurred –
especially for carbon monoxide (-80%), non-methane
volatile organic compounds (-68%), nitrogen oxides (-40%) and PM2.5 (-60%) – while over the same time period
energy consumption in that sector increased by 20% (EEA, 2011). Inconsistent
patterns were observed for ozone concentrations, with decreases in most areas,
but with increases in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Overall,
these policies have been effective in reducing air pollution; based on the
observed pollution reductions, a European Environment Agency report predicted
that the health impact of the road transport sector (in terms of years of life
lost) was 13% and 17% for PM2.5 and ozone,
respectively; this is based on averaging across all European Environment Agency
member countries, compared with the non-policy scenario (EEA, 2011; Henschel et
al., 2012).
Supporting evidence of health benefits associated with general air
quality improvements was reported in Switzerland in the SAPALDIA study (Downs
et al., 2007; Schindler et al., 2009). Between 1991 and 2002 a decrease of 5–6
µg/m3 in annual average PM10 concentrations was observed. Downs et al. (2007) reported a reduction
in the annual rate of decline in lung function in adult participants in 2002,
compared with the change in lung function for 1991. Subsequently, Schindler et
al. (2009) estimated in the same cohort the following health benefits that
could be attributed to the observed PM10 decrease: of 10 000 people, there were 259 fewer people with regular
cough, 179 fewer people with chronic cough or phlegm, and 137 fewer people with
wheezing and breathlessness in 2002 than in 1991. The authors concluded that
reductions in particle levels in Switzerland over the 11-year follow-up period
had a beneficial effect on respiratory symptoms among adults.
United States Clean Air Act and related air
pollution control policies
National air pollution control policies in the United States have
provided opportunities to evaluate the efficacy of these efforts regarding
improved health. As originally designed, the Harvard Six Cities (cohort) Study
(Dockery et al., 1993) was intended to be a prospective study of differential
changes in air pollution across six cities in the United States due to the
implementation of the United States Clean Air Act, its amendments, and related
national ambient air quality standards. Differential changes in air pollution
across the six cities did eventually occur, although it is difficult to
attribute these directly to the Clean Air Act and enforcement of air quality
standards, due to the complexity of implementing multiple regulations targeted
at six key pollutants at the national and state levels and the long time frame
over which the changes took place. Extended analyses of
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the Harvard Six-Cities cohort (Laden et al., 2006; Schwartz et al.,
2008) indicate that reductions in air pollution resulted in substantive
declines in mortality risk.
The United States Clean Air Act, its amendments, and related public
policy efforts to improve air quality also provided opportunities to evaluate
if metropolitan areas with the largest improvements in air quality also had
bigger improvements in health measured by life expectancy. Evaluating the time
period between 1980 and 2000, it has been reported that greater reductions in
air pollution were associated with greater increases in life expectancy, even
after controlling for socioeconomic, demographic, and smoking variables (Pope,
Ezzati & Dockery, 2009). Similar subsequent analysis of life expectancies
for 545 counties in the United States for the period 2000–2007 found that
further reductions in air pollution were associated with continued improvements
in life expectancy (Correia et al., 2013). These studies all provide important
evidence that improved air quality is associated with improved public health,
but it remains difficult to attribute the air quality improvements directly to
specific national-scale regulations.
Similarly, recent research by Lin et al. (2013) on the effect of the NOx Budget Trading Program to
improve regional air quality in the Eastern United States has found that ozone
levels were decreased by 2–9% in New York State during the period 2004–2006.
This resulted in fewer hospital admissions for respiratory disease (up to 11%
lower in some counties, including the New York City metropolitan area),
although some other counties showed an increase of nearly 18%. Ozone reductions
as well as hospital admission reductions were reported to be greatest in late
A recently published study directly evaluated air quality improvements
related to the ability of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 to reduce power
plant emissions of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides. Morgenstern et al. (2012)
tracked emission inventories and regional pollutant levels and used statistical
methods to relate them to each other at different distances from the individual
power generating sources. The study confirmed that there were PM2.5 reductions on the order of 1.07
µg/m3 (annual average) during the study period (1999–2005) that could be
confidently linked to emission reductions under the Clean Air Act Amendments.
The study did not assess health outcomes.
Miscellaneous air quality regulations in other
Additional evidence is provided in a few studies conducted in other
countries. For example, Yorifuji et al. (2011) examined rules to curb diesel
emissions in Tokyo, Japan, during the period 2006–2008. Concentrations of air
pollutants gradually decreased during the study period: NO2 decreased from 36.3 ppb to 32.1
ppb, and PM2.5 decreased from 22.8 μg/m3 to 20.3 μg/m3. These decreases in pollutant concentrations were tentatively
associated with decreased rates of cerebrovascular mortality.
Foster & Kumar (2011) studied the health effects of air quality
regulations in Delhi, which adopted radical measures to improve air quality,
including, for example, the conversion of all commercial vehicles to compressed
natural gas and the closure of polluting industries in residential areas from
2000 to 2002. They reported that the
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interventions were associated with a significant improvement in
respiratory health and that the effects were strongest among individuals
spending a disproportionate share of their time outdoors.
Changes in fuel for domestic heating and transport
The reduction of the sulfur content of fuel in Hong
Kong, 1990
Wong et al. (2012) conducted an extended analysis–assessment of the
reduction of the sulfur content of fuel in Hong Kong in 1990, initially
assessed by Hedley et al. (2002). They evaluated the effects of subsequent
regulations on mortality and life expectancy and conducted an additional
assessment of long-term benefits of improved air quality over a 20-year period
that included NO2, SO2, ozone, PM10 and PM composition. A decrease in NO2, SO2 and several PM components, of which nickel and vanadium were the most
consistent, was observed. However, after the intervention, no consistent change
in PM10 concentration was reported. Associations between NO2, SO 2, PM and PM-associated metals and
mortality were reported (Wong et al., 2012). Although it was not possible to definitively
link changes in specific PM components to changes in mortality (comparing pre-
and post-ban study periods) due to data limitations, the follow-on study did
not, however, appear to rebut the original findings that there was an
association between PM level and mortality and that an improvement was observed
after the ban. An early study of the intervention noted a positive effect on
children’s respiratory health (Peters et al., 1996).
The Irish coal sale bans, 1990–1998
Clancy et al. (2002) reported that the ban on the sale of coal in Dublin
in 1990 led to a 71% drop in black smoke levels and a 34% drop in SO2 levels and that this was
associated with decreases in total (7%), cardiovascular (13%) and respiratory
(8%) mortality. Due to the success of the Dublin coal ban, the ban was extended
in a stepwise manner to other Irish cities during 1995 and 1998 and resulted in
significant reductions in particulate pollution levels; no clear trend,
however, was reported for SO2 (Goodman P et al. 2009). In a recent reanalysis of the data, Dockery et
al. (2013) examined the health effects associated with the initial Dublin ban
and with the various stepwise implementations of the ban in other cities. They
reported that these bans were associated with reductions in cardiovascular
hospital admissions and reductions in respiratory mortality and hospital
admissions, confirming the earlier published analyses for Dublin alone.
However, the improvements in cardiovascular and total mortality originally
reported in Dublin were not in evidence in Dublin or in other Irish cities
after taking into account the general decreasing trend in cardiovascular
mortality due to other factors (Dockery et al., 2013).
Change-out of wood stoves in a rural mountain
community − Libby, Montana
Noonan et al. (2011) evaluated a programme to replace older, polluting
wood stoves used for home heating with newer, more efficient models, to improve
air quality in a rural community. They found that the change-out programme was
effective in reducing ambient PM2.5 concentrations, but there was substantial variability in indoor
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 201
concentrations in the homes where they took detailed measurements before
and after the wood stove replacement. Possible factors for this variability
include stove operation and the presence of other indoor sources of particles.
Children’s respiratory health, as reported in surveys filled out by the
parents, was somewhat improved, although there were no differences among
children from homes where stoves were changed compared with homes with other
types of heating.
Residential wood burning regulations in San Joaquin
Valley, California, 2003
In November 2003 in San Joaquin Valley, California, which was classified
by the EPA as a serious nonattainment area for the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (Hall, Brajer & Lurmann, 2008), a regulation banning residential
wood burning in areas below 914.4 m (3000 ft) with natural gas, when forecasts
predict poor air quality, was implemented to improve the seasonal poor air
quality in wintertime. Lighthall, Nunes & Tyner (2009) conducted
comparative case studies in the Bakersfield and Fresno/Clovis metropolitan
areas. They reported that, in Fresno/Clovis, PM2.5 levels in the four post-rule
winters (28.3–34.6 µg/m3) were reduced compared with three pre-rule winters (41.0– 45.7 µg/m3). Modelling results indicated
similar reductions compared with a non-ban scenario in both locations
(Lighthall, Nunes & Tyner, 2009).
Gilbreath & Yap (2008) reported a 4.8% (95% CI: 1.00–1.09%)
reduction in the risk of mortality due to ischaemic heart disease and a 5.4%
(95% CI: 0.97–1.14) reduction in the risk due to cerebrovascular diseases after
the intervention. In addition, Lighthall, Nunes
Tyner (2009) estimated that mean
annual mortality costs saved by the intervention were in the range of US$ 367.5–430.6
million in Fresno/Clovis and US$189.1–
million in Bakersfield; the range of saved morbidity costs was US$11.0–
million and $5.7–14.1 million, respectively.
Change-out of wood stoves and environmental
regulations in Tasmania, Australia, 2001
Johnston et al. (2013) described a wood heater replacement programme
combined with community education campaigns and enforcement of environmental
regulations, starting in 2001, to reduce ambient pollution from residential
wood stoves in Launceston, Tasmania. They reported a decrease in mean daily
wintertime concentrations of PM10 from 44 μg/m3 during 1994–2000 to 27 μg/m3 during 2001–2007. The period of improved air quality was associated
with small non-significant reductions in annual mortality (males and females
combined). In males, the observed reductions in annual mortality were larger
and significant for all-cause (11.4%), cardiovascular (17.9%), and respiratory
(22.8%) mortality. In wintertime, reductions in cardiovascular (19.6%) and
respiratory (27.9%) mortality were of borderline significance (males and
females combined). There were no significant changes in mortality in the
control city of Hobart.
Switch to natural gas use in transport and heating
in Santiago, Chile, 2003
Mena-Carrasco et al. (2012) estimated reductions in PM2.5 emissions and subsequent health
benefits from increased natural gas use in: (a) transport, replacing the diesel
bus fleet; and (b) heating, replacing wood burning stoves, in Santiago, Chile,
applying two
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scenarios. Estimated annual reductions of PM2.5 of 0.33 μg/m3 and 2.07 μg/m3 were associated with 36 avoided
premature deaths for the transport scenario, and 229 for the natural gas
heating scenario, respectively.
Traffic-related initiatives
In this section, we describe several types of traffic-related
interventions. First, we describe studies of low emission zones, which are now
in effect in many cities in Europe. Second, we describe studies of congestion
charging zones and other interventions, such as reduced speed limits and
traffic bypasses that were not specifically designed to improve air quality,
but may lead to air quality benefits and associated health benefits.
Low emission zones in Rome, Italy, 2006
Cesaroni et al. (2012) examined the effect of the low emission zones,
implemented in two city areas in Rome, on traffic-related PM10 and NO2 concentrations and on mortality
for subjects living near highly trafficked roads from 2001–2005. They reported
improvements of air quality and a positive impact on the public health of
residents living along busy roads, gaining 3.4 days per person (921 years of
life gained per 100 000 population) due to reductions in NO2 associated with the
interventions. The number of years of life gained was higher in higher
socioeconomic groups, compared with lower ones.
Low emission zones in the Netherlands, 2007
In 2007 and 2008, low emission zones went into effect in several cities
in the Netherlands that restricted the access of older trucks to enter the
inner city, based on compliance with increasingly strict European emission
standards. Boogaard et al. (2012b) did not find substantial changes in pollutant
concentrations associated with the low emission zones 2 years after they went
into effect compared with before. One possible reason offered was that old
trucks constitute only a small part of the fleet. Boogaard et al. did find that
street and urban PM2.5 concentrations were reduced more during the study period than in
suburban areas, but factors other than the traffic policies may have
The London congestion charging zone, 2003
On 17 February 2003, the traffic congestion charging zone was launched
in London. Its main objective was to reduce traffic congestion in the city
centre area covering about 22 km2, by charging a fee for four-wheeled vehicles entering the zone Monday
to Friday between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. (TfL, 2007). In addition, further measures
were taken to improve the traffic flow – for example, improvements of the bus
network and of walking and cycling schemes. After one year, 30% less congestion
was successfully achieved (TfL, 2004). The measure was not introduced
specifically to reduce air pollution.
Tonne et al. (2010) investigated if there were any health benefits
associated with the implementation of the congestion charging zone; they
reported associations between changes in nitrogen oxides and cardiorespiratory
hospital admissions from 2001 to 2004. They also reported a significant
association for bronchiolitis admissions, adjusting for
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 203
spatial dependence at the borough level, but with significant spatial
variation. In a separate analysis, in which they modelled the impact of the
congestion charging zone traffic-related pollution on mortality, they estimated
the years of life gained per 100 000 population, according to the modelled
declines in NO2,, to be 26 years for Greater London, 183 years for congestion charging
zone residents (a very small fraction of the London population), and only 18
years for remaining wards. Overall, these findings show a very modest impact of
the congestion charging zone on traffic-related air pollution levels and public
In a separate analysis of actual measurements of background pollutant
concentrations, it was found that introduction of the congestion charging zone
was associated with significant increases in concentrations of nitric oxide and
increases in NO2 and ozone within the congestion charging zone relative to the non
congestion charging zone part of the city. There was also some evidence of a
reduction in PM10 and carbon monoxide (Atkinson et al., 2009; Kelly et al., 2011).
However, causal attribution of these changes to the congestion charging zone
was considered inappropriate because the congestion charging zone had been
introduced concurrently with other traffic interventions, such as traffic light
and lane changes and the introduction of exhaust aftertreatment on diesel
The Stockholm congestion charging trial, 2006
A congestion charging scheme trial was implemented in Stockholm on 3
January 2006, lasting until 31 July 2006 and covering the inner city centre of
approximately 30 km2 (Eliasson, 2008). Charges to enter were staggered and depended on the
time of day, starting from 7:00 a.m. until 6.30 p.m., and they were arranged to
be the highest during the rush hours. It was not introduced specifically to
reduce air pollution. Simultaneously public transport was expanded and
reinforced, allowing higher capacity and frequency (Eliasson et al., 2009). All
primary objectives of the congestion charging scheme trial were met,
particularly the effect on the magnitude of traffic flow across a cordon during
charging hours, which stabilized at about 22% less traffic than in 2005
(Eliasson, 2008).
Johansson et al. (2009) reported reductions in air pollution levels in
the inner city centre after comparing scenarios with and without the congestion
charging scheme trial for 2006. The levels were reduced by 10.0% for nitrogen
oxides, 7.6% for total PM10 and 10% for the PM10 fraction from vehicle exhausts. Taking nitrogen oxides as a marker of
traffic emissions, a public health impact was calculated, assuming that the
decrease of the exposure level persists, and yielded 206 years of life gained
per 100 000 population for the area of Greater Stockholm over a 10-year period.
These results are very similar to estimates of Tonne et al. (2008) for London.
The improvement due to the congestion charging scheme trial was
perceived to be positive among the majority of the public and was affirmed by a
referendum on a proposal to make the system permanent (Eliasson et al., 2009;
Henschel et al., 2012). A recent study by Börjesson et al. (2012) showed that
the air quality improvements have persisted since the scheme was made permanent
in 2007.
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Other evidence of lower traffic exposure and
improved health outcomes
Consistent evidence has been reported that links living near major roads
and/or traffic-related air pollution to adverse effects on health (Hoek et al.,
2002b; WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2005; Salam, Islam & Gilliland,
2008; Gan et al., 2010; HEI Panel on the Health Effects of Traffic-Related Air
Pollution, 2010). In addition, a positive health impact has been observed when
moving from areas with high to areas with lower air pollution and traffic (Avol
et al., 2001). There is ample evidence that certain traffic measures, indeed,
lead to improved air quality; for example, reductions in traffic speed on a
section of a busy highway in the Netherlands have been associated with improved
air quality in areas adjacent to the highway (Keuken et al., 2010). In Wales,
construction of a bypass to relieve nearby congested streets was shown to
improve PM levels by about 28%. The authors reported that, “the bypass reduced
pollutant levels to a degree that probably alleviates rhinitis and
rhinoconjunctivitis but has little effect on lower respiratory symptoms” (Burr
et al., 2004).
Temporary air-quality changes during major athletic
Interventions affecting traffic and pollution sources during major
events provide opportunities to evaluate the short-term health effects of air
pollution. Where it is found that such events are statistically associated with
changes in pollution concentrations and/or health events, any causal
interpretation will need to take into account that these events disturb the
normal equilibrium of city life in a variety of other ways, some of which could
also explain changes in health events, such as emergency hospital admissions.
1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia
During the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, measures to reduce traffic congestion,
while providing a functional transport network, were implemented. Friedman et
al. (2001) reported improvements in air quality (particularly ozone
concentrations) in Atlanta and an associated reduction in asthma emergency room
visits and hospitalizations; however, more recently Peel et al. (2010)
contradicted these findings, stating important potential confounders had not
been addressed in the original study. For example, the ozone reductions were
found to be regional in nature and thus could not be definitively attributed to
the traffic measures; also, the 17-day period of the Olympic Games may have
been too short to observe significant health benefits. It should also be kept
in mind that the traffic measures were not intended to improve air quality, and
it was difficult to show an improvement in traffic flow (Friedman et al., 2001;
Peel et al., 2010).
2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China
In the lead up to the Beijing Olympics, there was growing concern about
the very poor air quality and how it might affect competitors. This led to the
Chinese authorities implementing a number of measures to reduce air pollution
during the games, such as reduced traffic congestion, and measures to curb
significant local sources, such as emissions from major factories and
construction in Beijing and surrounding areas.
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A number of prospective studies were designed to assess the changes in
air quality and the health effects resulting from this. Improvements in air
pollution levels were reported, comparing the pre-Olympic period with the
Olympic period, though weather conditions during the Olympics were estimated to
have contributed about 40% to this improvement (Wang et al., 2009; Wang et al.,
Li Y et al. (2010) reported a significant reduction
in adult outpatient visits for asthma during the Games, while Lin et al. (2011)
found reductions in black carbon and exhaled nitric oxide, a biomarker of acute
respiratory inflammation, in 36 schoolchildren. In addition, Hou et al. (2010)
observed that human exposure to PM10 and associated health economic costs were lowest during the Olympic
period, compared with periods before and after. Huang et al. (2009) reported
improvements of heart rate variability in 43 elderly residents, previously
diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases. Similar results were presented by Wu S
et al. (2010) who assessed heart rate variability in 11 young healthy taxi
In addition, a prospective panel study of healthy young adults and changes
in air pollution associated with the Beijing Olympic Games was conducted. Rich
et al. (2012a) and Zhang et al. (2013) reported that Olympics-related changes
in air pollution in Beijing were associated with acute changes in biomarkers
related to cardiovascular disease pathophysiological pathways (systemic
inflammation and thrombosis, heart rate, and blood pressure). A subsequent
analysis from this Beijing Olympic Games panel study reported that exhaled
breath and urinary biomarkers of pulmonary and systemic oxidative stress and
inflammation were also associated with air pollution (Huang et al., 2012).
However, findings were of uncertain clinical significance. Another study by Jia
et al. (2011) estimated a reduction of 46% in excess PAH-induced
inhalation cancer risk due to improved air quality during the source-control
period of the Olympics, based on-site pollutant measurements and unit risk
estimates of WHO and the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard
Asian Games in Korea, 2002
Lee et al. (2007a) conducted an intervention study of traffic
restrictions during the 2002 Summer Asian Games in Busan, Korea. They reported
that 14 consecutive days of traffic volume control in Busan during the 2002
Summer Asian Games reduced all regulated air pollutants by 1–25%. The estimated
RR of hospitalization for asthma in children younger than 15 years during the
post-Games period, compared with the baseline period, was 0.73 (95% CI: 0.49–1.11).
The reduced RR observed in 2002 was distinctly different to RRs observed during
the same time period in preceding and following years. For example, the
in 2003 was 1.78 (95% CI: 1.27–2.48),
indicating the observation in 2002 was not simply a seasonal effect.
Air quality improvements due to unplanned events
In several well-document cases, natural
experiments, such as strikes, factory closures, and economic recessions
have resulted (temporarily) in significantly improved air quality, combined
with worsened air quality after the intervention ended. Here we describe
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 206
studies that have estimated the health benefits associated with the
unintended air quality changes. These studies provide further important
evidence that improved air quality – however it was accomplished – leads to
improved public health.
The nationwide copper smelter strike in the United
States in the late 1960s
A nationwide copper smelter strike in the United States in 1967/1968 was
associated with a marked drop in regional SO2 and improved visibility (Trijonis, 1979). Pope, Rodermund & Gee
(2007) reported a small, but statistically significant 1.5–4.0% decrease in
mortality associated with the strike.
The Utah Valley steel mill closure, United States,
A local steel mill in Utah Valley – being the largest single source of
local air pollution, accounting for about 82% of industrial PM (PM10) emissions – closed due to a
strike in August 1986 for 13 months. Retrospective studies by Pope (1989, 1996)
reported substantial reductions in concentrations of air pollution, with
corresponding reductions in paediatric respiratory hospital admissions being
associated with the mill closure. In addition, Pope (1996) and Parker, Mendola
& Woodruff (2008) reported air pollution associations with lung function
and respiratory symptoms, school absences, respiratory and cardiovascular
mortality and preterm birth.
German reunification, 1990
The reunification of the former German Democratic Republic (East
Germany) and the former Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) in 1990 was
accompanied by marked changes in the political environment and in the
socioeconomic structures. Air quality improved markedly after the
reunification, with air pollution levels in East
Germany moving towards West German levels over time
(Ebelt et al., 2001; Sugiri et al., 2006).
Peters et al. (2009) assessed the short-term impact of improved air
quality on daily mortality in Erfurt from 1990 to 2000; they reported a delayed
short-term association between daily mortality and NO2, carbon monoxide, ultrafine
particles, and ozone. They found that associations between pollution levels and
mortality remained the same over the study period; given the clear reduction in
pollution after the German reunification, the most likely conclusion is that
the improvements in pollution did lead to some public health benefits overall.
Peters et al. used a new time varying coefficients approach, which was meant to
look at the question whether the change in pollution sources had changed the
toxicity of the pollutant mixture. They were unable to show changes in time
varying coefficients between the beginning and the end of the study period.
This would seem to indicate that the toxicity of the mixture did not change
over time, even though the sources changed from combustion of brown coal to
that of natural gas, combined with a relative increase in the contribution of
traffic sources. The study should be taken as an exploration of methods.
Overall pollution levels went down; given the consistent associations with
mortality, one may conclude (even though not explicitly stated by the authors)
that there
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was likely to be an improvement in public health as well. These results
corroborated the results from a study by Breitner et al. (2009).
In addition, Sugiri et al. (2006) reported that in 1991 6-year-olds in
East Germany had a worse lung function than children in West Germany and that
by 1997 the difference in lung function vanished simultaneously with the
difference in total suspended PM concentrations. A negative effect of exposure
to traffic-related pollution and lung function was noted. These results are
consistent with findings of earlier studies (Krämer et al., 1999; Heinrich et
al., 2000; Frye et al., 2003).
Improved air quality during economic recessions
Some studies have evaluated the effect of economic recessions on air
quality. Early studies of the economic downturns in the 1970s and 1980s showed
significant air pollution reductions during that time, which were estimated to
have led to significant mortality benefits in adults (Brown et al., 1975) and
infants (Chay & Greenstone, 2003). More recently, a study in Europe showed
that a combination of environmental policy and economic recession in the 1990s
led to reductions in the levels of nitrogen oxides (Castellanos & Boersma,
2012); another study, by Davis (2012), also assessed the respective roles of
air quality regulations and economic factors in improving air quality.
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Question D4
The 6th Environment Action Programme
aims to “achieve levels of air quality that do not give rise to significant
negative impacts on and risks to human health and the environment (Article 7
(1) of Decision No. 1600/2002/EC). Is there evidence of a threshold in the
concentration–response curves for PM2.5, ozone and NO2?
Existing studies do not provide evidence of a threshold in the
concentration–response curve between PM2.5 and health outcomes, either for short- or long-term exposures at the
commonly observed ambient levels. On the contrary, for long-term exposures,
there is some evidence that the curve increases more rapidly at lower
concentrations than at higher concentrations. Enhanced methodologies are
proposed to better account for the uncertainty incorporated in epidemiological
designs, especially in the investigation of long-term effects and outside the
range of exposures observed in cohort studies. Similarly, there is lack of
evidence of a threshold for NO2 and ozone, although the evidence base for assessing the existence of a
threshold or the shape of the concentration– response curve is weaker than for
Short-term exposures
Results from the epidemiological studies that investigated the shape of the
concentration– response associations between PM2.5 exposure and short-term health
effects, either on mortality or morbidity, conclude that there is no evidence
for departure from linearity or the presence of a threshold. This conclusion is
derived mainly from multicity studies that have sufficient power for such an
investigation, while only a single-city report indicated the presence of a
threshold at levels of about 20 μg/m3.
Most epidemiological studies that investigated the
concentration–response association between short-term health effects and
particles focused on PM10, and recently on PM2.5, as measurements became available. In accordance with the Answer to
Question A5, multicity studies from 30 European cities (Katsouyanni et al.,
2009) and 4 Asian cities (Wong et al., 2010b) found no evidence for deviation
from linearity or the presence of a threshold for PM10 associations. Results from
multicity analyses that focused on PM 2.5 in 10 metropolitan areas in the European Mediterranean region (Samoli
et al., 2013; Stafoggia et al., 2013) and in 6 cities in the United States
(Schwartz, Laden & Zanobetti, 2002) replicated these findings, either for
associations with mortality (Samoli et al., 2013; Schwartz, Laden &
Zanobetti, 2002) or morbidity (Stafoggia et al., 2013), especially within the
common range of PM2.5 observed between cities included in the analyses, usually between 10 μg/m3 and 35 μg/m3. Due to less information at the
extremes of the PM distribution, the power to sufficiently detect the shape
outside this range is limited. Nevertheless, there is evidence of a logarithmic
shape with steeper slopes in the lower
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ranges – below 30–35 μg/m3 and mostly for mortality outcomes – but there is insufficient power in
the study designs to properly identify it.
Results obtained from single-city analyses are contradictory; for the
association between all-cause mortality and PM2.5, Peters et al. (2009) found no
evidence for a departure from linearity in Erfurt, Germany, while Smith et al.
(2000) reported a possible threshold in Phoenix, Arizona, of about 20 μg/m3. Simulations in the context of
the APHENA study (Katsouyanni et al., 2009), though, have shown the limited
ability of single-city analysis to capture possible thresholds in a
concentration–response investigation. Cause-specific associations or effects in
susceptible groups may present different patterns (exacerbation at certain
levels with subsequent adaptation and flattening of the curve), but these are
not detectable through existing epidemiological designs and applied
methodologies. Since most research has focused on such broad health outcomes of
large population groups as total mortality outcomes or hospital admissions
among the elderly, the associations detected may not represent the curves for
groups of specific interest, such as children; instead, the linear curve may be
seen as a composition of postulated partial
curves among population groups with different sensitivities to PM exposure and
may be used effectively for the protection of the whole population.
The concentration–response function for the association between ozone
exposure and adverse short-term effects on health has been studied less than
that for particles. Results from multicity studies on the shape of the
association between ozone exposure and mortality outcomes do not support the
assumption of a threshold and indicate linear associations – mostly in the
range between 30 μg/m3 and about 120 μg/m3, where there is sufficient information (Bell, Peng & Dominici,
2006; Gryparis et al., 2004; Katsouyanni et al., 2009). There is evidence of
effects even at low levels that seems hard to reconcile with chamber study
results, which nevertheless look at relatively healthy subjects for a short time.
Smith, Xu & Switzer (2009), in a reassessment of the evidence for the
United States, reported larger effects in higher ranges. The curves reported
usually correspond to annual effects, but due to the importance of seasonal
adjustment in the investigation of the short-term effects of ozone, research
should report season-specific curves. Along these lines, Atkinson et al.
(2012b) reported a possible threshold in the relationship of daily ozone with
total mortality for both four urban (including London) and four rural areas in
the United Kingdom during summer months only, although the threshold models did
not have a statistically significant better fit than the ones that assumed a
linear association. Future research needs to replicate such analyses and (furthermore)
– due to the inconsistent evidence (between areas) of confounding of the
short-term effects of ozone by particles (Katsouyanni et al., 2009; Anderson et
al., 2012) – to focus on concentration–response functions after considering
possible confounders.
In accordance with the Answer to Question C4, the concentration–response
association between NO2 and short-term health effects should be optimally derived after
controlling for particles, especially PM2.5, due to the strong correlation between the two pollutants and the
unresolved contribution of each one to the observed adverse effects on health
and the insufficient evidence to date as to the causal role of NO2 for the effects observed.
Concentration–response curves reported so far – mainly from multicity studies,
5.8)} |
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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they did not consider such an adjustment – indicate
no deviation from linearity in the commonly observed concentration ranges.
Evidence on the concentration–response association between NO2 and short-term health effects
has come mainly from multicity studies (Samoli et al., 2003; Chen et al.,
2012b) that found no deviation from linearity for the association with
all-cause mortality – which is in accordance with the sparse results coming
from single-city studies (Peters et al., 2009). A recent review of controlled
exposure studies on the effects of NO2 on asthmatics found no evidence of effects at very high levels, which
may reflect patterns of response different from those considered or may reflect
a logarithmic shape at higher concentrations (Goodman J et al., 2009).
Long-term exposures
The shape of the association between long-term
exposure to ambient PM2.5 and mortality has been examined in a number of cohort and cross-sectional
studies. A singular form of the concentration–response curve has not been
clearly identified, nor has a threshold been clearly observed. Consequently,
the simplest form of curve, linear, has usually been preferred, based on
statistical inference criteria when such an examination has been conducted.
However, some evidence suggests that for cardiovascular mortality, the curve
increases more rapidly at lower that at higher concentrations. Functional forms
that have this characteristic may be better suited to predict PM2.5-related morality risk than a
linear model. RR estimates based on these forms are highly sensitive to the
baseline comparison concentration, and thus a positive counterfactual level
should be used when evaluating
estimates for burden assessment
and cost–benefit analysis – that is, a de facto threshold.
Population epidemiology studies of mortality and long-term exposure to
ambient PM2.5 have not specifically attempted to estimate a concentration below which
there is no evidence of an association. Indirect evidence is available from
studies with low mean concentrations or plots of natural spline curves. An
assessment of these studies is given in Question A5. However, the specific
concordance between the strength of evidence of a threshold and such
assessments is not known. It is likely that these studies suggest that a
threshold, if it exists, is well below the mean study concentrations.
There is some evidence that the shape of the cardiovascular morality
association with long-term exposure to ambient PM2.5 is supralinear (Krewski et al.,
2009; Crouse et al., 2012; Lepeule et al., 2012), with the risk increasing more
rapidly for lower concentrations. A similar supralinear association was
observed by Pope et al. (2011) when comparing PM2.5–cardiovascular mortality risks
between outdoor air, second-hand smoke, and active smoking exposures. However,
such supralinear risk functions are highly dependent on the baseline
concentrations against which the RR is evaluated.
The EPA used RR estimates from a single cohort study (by the American
Cancer Society) in their risk assessment and benefit analysis (EPA, 2010a).
They assumed a threshold of risk at the lowest measured concentration of PM2.5 in the American Cancer Society
5.8 µg/m3. They assumed the risk function was of the form: exp{ (PM 2.5 throughout the concentration range observed in
the United States. They also considered
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
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an |
RRmodelof |
thelogarithm |
ofconcentrationof |
the |
form: |
exp{ |
log(PM 2.5 )}/ exp{ |
log(5.8)} |
PM 2.5 |
which has diminishing |
incremental |
5.8 |
increases in RR as concentration increases, when γ
is less than 1. Estimates of both |
and |
were obtained from Krewski et al.
(2009). The uncertainty in these parameter estimates was based on a single
cohort study and determined by sampling uncertainty. The heterogeneity of risk
among other cohort studies was not incorporated into their uncertainty
There are a few points that need to be made when considering the use of
a linear risk function.
Assuming the concentration–response
function extends down to 0 μg/m3 PM2.5 is an extrapolation beyond the observed data, since no cohort study
used exposure concentrations that low. The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010
(Lim et al., 2012; Burnett et al., under review) took a very strict approach to
evidence that assumed knowledge of the shape of the function for which there
were observations, and the EPA (2010) assumed no health benefits were below 5.8
Reliable estimates of risk from
any study can only be made in the 5th to 95th percentile of exposure, since identifying the shape in the lower and
upper 5th percentiles is almost impossible. The 95th percentile of most United States
cohort studies in below 20 μg/m3. So assuming a linear concentration–response curve above 20 μg/m3 is again making a decision
without direct empirical evidence. For Europe, although most ambient PM2.5 concentrations are below 20 μg/m3, some (particularly in eastern
Europe) are not, and thus extrapolation of the empirical evidence is required.
We do have some indirect evidence from a Chinese cohort (Cao et al., 2011) that
suggests that changes in cardiovascular mortality risk at PM2.5 concentrations ranging from 40 μg/m3 to 160 μg/m3 are much lower than United
States cohort studies suggest. Therefore, it is problematic to assume a linear
concentration–response function throughout the concentration range of interest
in Europe.
There are some challenges in
characterizing uncertainty in the linear risk model. Selecting a single study
and using the sampling uncertainty from that study likely underestimates the
true uncertainty in risk, since the risk estimate from a single study is
unlikely to fully represent the true risk. Estimating uncertainty based on
multiple cohort studies can lead to a highly dispersed uncertainty distribution
with potentially negative support – for example, see the large variation in RR
estimates among eight cohort studies for ischaemic heart disease mortality in
Fig. 1 below. To strengthen their estimates, The Global Burden of Disease Study
2010 (Lim et al., 2012; Burnett et al., under review) borrowed additional
information on PM2.5-related mortality risk from other sources of exposure at much higher
concentrations. The resulting uncertainty intervals did not include zero in the
four causes of death examined (see Fig. 1).
There is some concern that the
risk estimates from cohort studies of ambient air pollution are unrealistically
large compared with other PM2.5-related exposures. For
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 212
example, the hazard ratio for ischaemic heart disease mortality from the
American Cancer Society for a change of 10 μg/m3 is 1.29 (Krewski et al., 2009).
The RR of smoking 1–3 cigarettes a day is 1.61 (Pope et al., 2011). A change in
ambient PM2.5 concentration of 18.7 μg/m3 is associated with a hazard ratio of 1.61. The American Cancer Society
risk estimate is moderate in the distribution of ischaemic heart disease
mortality risk estimates. Such a contrast in pollution is well within the PM2.5 distribution in Europe and makes
a striking statement about the toxicity of fine particle mass. Incorporating
risk information from other PM2.5 sources into an integrated model does provide additional strength to
estimates of risk within the lower part of the distribution of global ambient
concentrations currently observed in Europe.
The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (Lim et al., 2012; Burnett et
al., under review) suggests that a positive counterfactual concentration be
used for burden analysis when supralinear RR functions are employed. Their
counterfactual concentration is bounded by the minimum concentrations observed
in the studies used to estimate risk and by some low percentile of the PM2.5 distribution. There is clearly
no evidence of an association below the levels observed, and it is impractical
to estimate the shape of the curve at the extremes of the exposure
distribution. The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (Lim et al., 2012;
Burnett et al., under review) suggests that the 5th percentile be used and that the
lower and upper bounds on the counterfactual concentration be determined by the
corresponding minimum and 5th percentile, respectively, of the American Cancer Society Cancer
Prevention cohort (Krewski et al., 2009), the largest cohort study of air
pollution. The minimum was 5.8 µg/m3and the 5th percentile was 8.8 µg/m3. The midpoint of this range is 7.3 µg/m3.
Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (Lim et al., 2012; Burnett et al., under
postulated a flexible RR function of the form:
.......... .......... ........., x |
xcf |
. |
(1) |
(x) |
(1 e |
( x xcf ) |
..., x |
xcf |
1 |
This integrated exposure–response RR function is characterized by four
unknown parameters ( , , , xcf ) , with xcf the PM2.5 counterfactual concentration below which no association is assumed. The
parameters ( , , ) are estimated using curve fitting
methods in which observations are drawn from RR estimates of outdoor air
pollution studies, studies of second-hand smoke, studies of the burning of
biomass for household heating and cooking, and studies of active smoking,
represented by RRs associated with specific cigarettes-per-day categories.
Study-specific RR estimates are evaluated at their respective PM2.5 mean concentrations minus the
counterfactual concentration for outdoor air pollution studies. Equivalent
ambient PM2.5 concentrations are assigned to second-hand smoke and active smoking
studies by the methods reported by Pope et al. (2011).
in the RR function is characterized by the uncertainty in each study-specific
RR estimate, using simulation methods. Uncertainty in the counterfactual
concentration is modelled as a uniform distribution between the minimum and 5th percentile. Weighted non-linear
curve fitting methods are used in which each RR estimate is weighted by the
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 213
inverse of the variance of the estimate, thus giving more importance to
studies with greater precision. This approach also borrows strength among
studies of several sources of PM2.5 exposure in estimating the uncertainty in the risk function, since
there are few cohort studies of ambient air pollution.
The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (Lim et al., 2012; Burnett et
al., under review) examined four common causes of death: ischaemic heart
disease, stroke, chronic obstructive lung disease and lung cancer. Summary
results are presented in Fig. 1. The supralinear nature of the curve is clearly
evident for each cause of death.
Fig. 1. RRs for four causes of death examined a
COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
IHD: ischaemic heart disease: LC: lung cancer; solid line:
predicted values of the integrated exposure–response
model; dashed line: 95% CI; OAP: outdoor air
pollution; ActSmok: active
smoking; HAP: household air pollution.
a In Fig. 1, the predicted
values of the integrated exposure–response model are represented by solid lines
and the 95% CIs by dashed lines for ischaemic heart disease (IHD), stroke,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer (LC) mortality.
Source-specific RRs (points) and 95% CIs (error bars) are also presented. The
left-hand insert graph represents the household air pollution (HAP)
concentration range.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 214
The shaded boxes for COPD
and LC mortality represent uncertainty (height) and exposure contrast (width)
of RR HAP estimates. The right-hand insert graph depicts active smoking
concentration range.
There is evidence that ozone is related to respiratory mortality, but
the specific role it plays in contributing to cardiovascular mortality has not
been clearly distinguished from that of PM2.5. A threshold for the effect of ozone on respiratory mortality is
plausible, but the statistical evidence to identify a specific threshold
concentration is limited.
The evidence for an association between long-term exposure to ground
level ozone and mortality is reviewed in Question B1 and that for the existence
of a threshold in Question B2. Although several cohort studies observe a
positive association of ozone with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, they
are often confounded by PM2.5 – so much so that it is difficult to precisely estimate the magnitude
of the association. Consequently, it is difficult to determine either if a
threshold exists or the shape of the concentration–response function. An
independent association between long-term exposure to ozone and respiratory
morality was observed in the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention II
cohort, after controlling for PM2.5 (Jerrett et al., 2009a). Evidence for a threshold was detected (P = 0.06). The estimate of the threshold
was 56 ppb, based on summertime 1-hour daily maximum concentrations with a 95%
CI of 0–60 ppb. The estimate of the linear portion of the threshold model was
0.0039 per ppb, with a standard error of 0.0011 per ppb.
The evidence for an association between long-term
concentrations of NO2 and mortality is reviewed in Question C2. There is a growing body of
evidence to support an independent association between long-term exposure to NO2 and mortality that is not
completely attributable to fine PM. However, enough evidence does not exist to
identify the shape of the mortality–NO2 response function and whether a threshold exists.
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 215
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List of invited experts participating in REVIHAAP
Scientific Advisory Committee
This Committee supervises the implementation of the
project on Review of evidence on health aspects of air pollution (REVIHAAP) and
ensure the highest possible quality and relevance of its outputs. The following
experts are the members of the Committee:
Hugh Ross
Anderson, United Kingdom
Brunekreef, The Netherlands
Cohen, United States
Katsouyanni, Greece
Krewski, Canada
Wolfgang G.
Kreyling, Germany
Künzli, Switzerland
Querol, Spain
Expert authors
The following experts are involved in the review of the evidence on
health aspects of air pollution to draft the evaluation of the evidence and
answers to key questions on particulate matter, ground-level ozone and other
air pollutants and their mixtures, and general questions, as part of the
REVIHAAP project:
Atkinson, United Kingdom
Barregård, Sweden
Bellander, Sweden
Burnett, Canada
Cassee, The Netherlands
de Oliveira Fernandes, Portugal
Forastiere, Italy
Forsberg, Sweden
Henschel, Ireland
Hoek, The Netherlands
Stephen T
Holgate, United Kingdom
Janssen, The Netherlands
Jantunen, Finland
Kelly, United Kingdom
Lanki, Finland
Mills, United Kingdom
Mudway, United Kingdom
Nieuwenhuijsen, Spain
Ostro, United States
Peters, Germany
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 301
Phillips, United Kingdom
C. Arden
Pope III, United States
Rapp, Switzerland
Sällsten, Sweden
Samoli, Greece
Straehl, Switzerland
van Erp, United States
Walton, United Kingdom
Williams, United Kingdom
External reviewers
The following experts have provided comments on the technical content
and clarity of the document, for various sections of the draft material:
Antó, Spain
Bartonova, Norway
Beaulac, Canada
Brauer, Canada
Choi, United States
Fowler, United States
Fuzzi, Italy
Godri, Canada
Goodman, Ireland
Greenbaum, United States
Grigg, United Kingdom
Hänninen, Finland
Roy Harrison,
United Kingdom
Hoet, Belgium
Hoffmann, Germany
Hopke, United States
Hurley, United Kingdom
Jessiman, Canada
Kan, China
Krzyzanowski, Germany
Kuhlbusch, Germany
Lippmann, United States
Maynard, United Kingdom
Medina, France
Morawska, Australia
Mutti, Italy
Nawrot, Belgium
Pekkanen, Finland
Ross, United States
REVIHAAP Project: Technical Report
Page 302
Schneider, Austria
Schwartz, United States
Silverman, Canada
Sunyer, Spain
Observers at WHO Expert Group meetings
individuals participated in at least one of the WHO meetings organized for
in the capacity of observer:
Amann, IIASA
Schoepp, IIASA
Zuber, European Commission
WHO Secretariat
The WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Bonn, WHO Regional
Office for Europe, coordinated the work and the development of this
Héroux (project leader from September 2012)
Krzyzanowski (project leader up to August 2012)